

北京农学院 /2013-10-08

48. Guo Yong, Xia Guoliang, Lei Lei, Bo Shumin, Xie Huirong. Effect of recombinant human luteinizing hormone on the development of murine oocytes fertilization in vitro, Acta Laboratorium Animals Scientia Sinica , 2001,  (4): 227-229,
49. Lei lei, Guo Yong, Yang W, Xie H, Wang H, and Xia GL. Mechanisms of induced ovulation by recombinant human gonadotropins in mice. Progress in Natural Science. 2001, 12(8): 857-860,
50. Wang H, Xia GL, Li M, Guo Yong, and Xie H .  Effects of epidermal growth factor on the follicle development and estradiol secretion of mouse fetal ovary induced by follicle-stimulating hormone in vitro.  Journal of Agricultural  Biotechnology. 2001, 9 (1): 37-40,
51. Wang H, Li M, Xia GL, Lu Z, Guo Y, and Xie H.  Effects of epidermal growth factor on the follicle development and steroidogenesis of mouse fetal ovary in vitro. Journal of China Agricultural University. 2001, 6 (1): 1-6,
52. Wang H, Li M, Xia GL, Lu Z, Guo Y, and Zhang J.  Effects of gonadotrophins on the mouse fetal ovarian follicle development and steroidogenesis in vitro. Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science. 2001, 21 (6): 617-621,
53. Guo Yong, Ni Hemin, Xia Guoliang, Zhu Yuding. Progress in cloning mammals from somatic cells, Progress in Biotechnology (China), 2000, (20): 44-49,
54. Yuding Zhu, Yong Guo, Hemin Ni. Progress in biotechnology of small ruminants in China, Small Ruminant Research,  1999, (34): 203-213,
55. Ni Hemin, Guo Yong, et al. Study on oocyte taken from live cows, Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 1999, (5): 87-95,
56. Guo Yong, Ni Hemin, et al. Improvement of microinjection system for transgenic rabbit embryos. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 1998, (5): 69-74,
57. Guo Yong, Ni Hemin, et al. Progress on producing transgenic mammals by microinjection, Progress in Biotechnology(China), 1997, (1): 42-47,
58. Li J.F, Zhu YD, Yang WS, Guo Y, et al. Role of the introductory MAR for integration frequency in transgenic rabbits, High Technology Letters, 1996, (6): 1-3,
59. Yang WS, Ni HM, Guo Y. Study on Superovulation in female rabbits, Laboratory Animal Science and Administration, 1996, (13): 8-11,
60. Gao LY, Guo Yong, et al.  Study on Effect of collecting embryo and histomorphological change of uterine mucosa in mice. Laboratory Animal Science and   Administration, 1997, (14): 17-21,




1、2011.01-2013.12  国家自然基金   编号: 31072185
项目名称:不同来源植入前期绵羊胚胎IFN tau差异表达及其体外诱导子宫
3、2012.01-2016.12 国家“863”计划项目:“牛羊分子细胞工程育种技术创新与优势性状新品种培育”的任务,子课题“黄淮肉用山羊分子细胞育种技术研究”。课题编号:2011AA100307,任务编号:2011AA100307-4。
4、2009.1-2012.06  国家“十一五转基因生物新品种·培育重大专项”课题
编号: 2009ZX08007-005B
5、2011.01-2013.12  国家自然基金   编号: 31072185
项目名称:不同来源植入前期绵羊胚胎IFN tau差异表达及其体外诱导子宫
6、2009.01-2011.12 (横向)国家“十一五转基因生物新品种·培育重大专项”
课题编号: 008ZX08008-005-04   项目名称:抗关节炎脑炎转基因羊新品种培育研究
7、2011.01-2015.12 国家十二五计划863项目 编号: 2011AA10030
 8、2008.1-2010.12 “863计划重点项目” 编号: 2008AA101003
9、2008.1-2010.12 国家“十一五支撑计划项目”    编号: 2008BADB2B04-4
项目名称: “优质肉用羊新品种选育与产业化开发”项目二级子课题“肉
羊高效育种关键技术的研究与应用” ;
10、2010.1-2010.12 国家自然基金面上项目     编号: 30972228
项目名称:“绵羊体外胚胎妊娠时MUC1, GLYCAM1和ISG15对子宫容受态影响
11、2008.1-2009.12   北京市科委项目     编号: Z08050503260802
12、2008.1-2009.12 农业部重点横向合作项目 
13、2008.1-2010.12  国家“十一五支撑计划项目”    编号: 2008BADB2B09-4
