

北京农学院 /2013-10-08

Ren Xiaoming, male, Han nationality, returned oversea doctor, born in Shuangliao, Jilin Province in June, 1958, am the executive and professor of Veterinary Medicine Department, Animal Science College, Beijing University of Agriculture, and concurrently the vice-executive of Agricultural Laboratory Animal Professional Committee, China Laboratory Animal Science Association, the councilor of Pig Husbandry Chapter and Poultry Husbandry Chapter of China Animal Husbandry Association, the commissioner of Beijing Agriculture and Forestry Committee, Jiusan Society, etc.
Obtained bachelor degree in 1982 from Veterinary Medicine Department, Agricultural College, Yanbian University; obtained the master degree in 1985 from Veterinary Medicine College, China Agricultural University. Studied in Japan from 1989 to 1997 as the visiting scholar and oversea student. Successively learned and worked in Japan University, Hokkaido University, Azabu University, Japan Laboratory Animal Centre Institute, and obtained the doctor’s degree.
Before the oversea studying period, had engaged in teaching and researching in the burgeoning field, “laboratory animal”, and established the branch of the china laboratory animal subject, “Laboratory Animal Techniques”, and edit the teaching material “Laboratory Animal Techniques” which is the state-compiled textbook of higher learning.
Used to be the former director assistance of Laboratory Animal Institute of China Medicine Academy of Science, the former executive assistance of Laboratory Animal Department of Peking Union Medical College, the former councilor of Wild Animal Branch Committee of China Laboratory Animal Committee, the former director of technology of Sino-US joint venture, Peking Jiuzhoudadi Corporation Group, the former chief executive officer of Feed and Breeding Pig Department of Sino-US joint venture, Peking Resource Corporation Group, the former general councilor of Beijing Laboratory Animal Society, the former general councilor of Beijing Feed Society before taking office in Beijing University of Agriculture as the high level talents in 2004.
Used to edit more than 10 textbooks and monographs as the chief editor including “Laboratory Animal Technique”, “Hyoiatrics”, “Pigs’ Application In Biomedical Research”, “Laboratory Animal Breeding Science”, “Basic Veterinary Medicine”, “Prevention & Cure Against Common Animal Diseases”, “New Atlas Of Fish Diseases”, “Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Techniques”, “Quick Clinical Diagnosis Guides For Pig Diseases”, “New Methods to Raise Pigs”, “How To Raise Catfish”, “How To Raise Loach”. And published more than 40 papers in academic journal at home and abroad.
Won the second class of “Science And Technology Progress Prize” presented by Ministry Of Agriculture, the second class of “Beijing Higher Education Teaching Achievement Prize” and the first class of “Education And Teaching Achievement Prize”of Beijing University Of Agriculture













     长期从事兽医影响临床实验与科研工作,精通动物X线、 超声、CT和核磁共振等影像诊断技术。目前主要主持综合影像诊断法相关的临床研究X线、超声波、内窥镜、T和核磁共振等综合诊断法的有效性研究;恶性肿瘤的放射线疗法研究—最佳放疗条件研究;动物椎间盘病新激光照射微创疗法研究;高压疗法动物疾病治疗的有效性研究等科研项目,指导博士研究生多人,发表学术论文多篇、专译著多部。







