

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-16

  5、广西自然科学杰出青年基金项目:机械系统监测、诊断与维护 (主持完成)(2016GXNSFFA380008)
  6、广西自然科学基金(青年)资助项目:极端工况下大型机电装备轴承服役性能与损伤定量评估研究 (主持完成)
  Yanxue Wang, Fang Liu, Aihua Zhu. Bearing fault diagnosis based on a hybrid classifier ensemble approach and the improved Dempster-Shafer theory. Sensors. (2019) 19, 2097, 1-21
  Chaofan Hu, Yanxue Wang*, Tangbo Bai. A tensor-based approach for identification of multi-channel bearing compound faults. IEEE Access , (2019), 7:38213-38223
  Taoyuan Chen, Yanxue Wang*. A novel distribution model of multiple teeth pits for evaluating time-varying mesh stiffness of external spur gears. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 129 (2019) 479-501.
  Chaofan Hu, Yanxue Wang*. Multidimensional denoising of rotating machine based on tensor factorization. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. (2019), Vol. 122, 273-289
  Yanxue Wang*, Huaxin Li, Jianwei Yang and Dechen Yao. Sparse coding based RUL prediction and its application on roller bearing prognostics. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 34 (2018) 3719-3733.
  Yanxue Wang*, Zexian Wei, Jianwei Yang. Feature trend extraction and adaptive density peaks search for intelligent fault diagnosis of machine. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics , 2019, Vol.15(1) 105-115.
  Chaofan Hu, Yanxue Wang*, Jianwei Yang, Suofeng Zhang. Fault Detection in a Multistage Gearbox Based on a Hybrid Demodulation Method Using Modulation Intensity Distribution and Variational Mode Decomposition. Applied Sciences-Basel. 2018, 8(5), 696
  Yanxue Wang*, Lin Yang, Jiawei Xiang, Shuilong He, Jianwei Yang. A hybrid approach to fault diagnosis of roller bearings under variable speed conditions. Measurement Science and Technology. Vol. 28, No.12, 2017
  Yanxue Wang*, Xuefeng Chen, Yanyang Zi. Time-Frequency Demodulation Analysis Based on LMD and Its Applications. Structural Health Monitoring , pp. 321-345 Part of the Smart Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation book series (SSMI, volume 26)
  Zexian Wei, Yanxue Wang*, Shuilong He, Jiading Bao, A novel intelligent method for bearing fault diagnosis based on affinity propagation clustering and adaptive feature selection, Knowledge-based Systems . Vol.112, 1-12, 2017 (SCI&EI源)
  Yanxue Wang*, Fuyun Liu, Zhansi Jiang, Complex variational mode decomposition for signal processing applications. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing , Vol.86, 75-85, 2017 (SCI&EI)
  Suofeng Zhang, Yanxue Wang *, Shuilong He, Zhansi Jiang, Bearing fault diagnosis base on variational mode decomposition and total variation denoising, Measurement Science and Technology , 27 (2016) 075101 (10 pp). (SCI&EI)
  Yongbin Ding, Yanxue Wang*, Jiawei Xiang. An online debris sensor system with vibration resistance for lubrication analysis. Review of Scientific Instruments , 2016, Vol. 87: 025109-1: 025109-9. (SCI&EI)
  Shuilong He, Jinglong Chen*, Yanyang Zi, Yanxue Wang, Xiaodong Wang. Multifractal entropy based adaptive multiwavelet construction and its application for mechanical compound-fault diagnosis[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing , 2016, 76: 742-758. (SCI&EI)
  Yanxue Wang*, Richard Markert, Jiawei Xiang, Weiguang Zheng. Research on variational mode decomposition and its application in detecting rub-impact fault of the rotor system [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 2015, Vol. 60-61: 243-251. (SCI&EI) (ESI高被引论文)
  Yanxue Wang*, Jiawei Xiang, Qiuyun Mo, Shuilong He. Compressed sparse time-frequency feature representation via compressive sensing and its applications in fault diagnosis [J]. Measurement 2015, Vol.68: 70-81. (SCI&EI)
  Yanxue Wang*, Jiawei Xiang, Richard Markert, Ming Liang. Spectral kurtosis for fault detection, diagnosis and prognostics of rotating machines: A review with applications [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing , 2016, Vol. 66-67, 679-698. (SCI&EI) (ESI高被引论文)
  Yanxue Wang*, Richard Markert. Filter Bank Property of Variational mode decomposition and its applications [J]. Signal Processing , March 2016, Vol. 120, 509-521. (SCI&EI)
  Yanxue Wang*, Zhengjia He, Jiawei Xiang etc. Application of local mean decomposition to the surveillance and diagnostics of low-speed helical gearbox [J]. Mechanism and Machine Theory , 2012, Vol. 47(1), pp. 62-73. (SCI&EI)
  Jiawei Xiang, Toshiro Matsumoto, Yanxue Wang, Zhansi Jiang. Detect damages in conical shells using curvature mode shape and wavelet finite element method [J]. International Journal of Mechanical science , (2013) Vol. 66, 83-93. (SCI&EI)
  Jiawei Xiang, YanxueWang, Zhansi Jiang, Jiangqi Long and Guang Ma. Numerical simulation of plane crack using hermite cubic spline wavelet [J]. CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences . 2012. Vol. 88 No. 1, 1-15. (SCI&EI)
  Yanxue Wang*, Zhengjia He, Yanyang Zi. A demodulation method based on local mean decomposition and its application in rub-impact fault diagnosis [J]. Measurement Science and Technology 2009, 20(2): 025704-1~025704-10 (SCI&EI)
  Yanxue Wang*, Zhengjia He, Yanyang Zi. Enhancement of signal denoising and multiple fault signatures detecting in rotating machinery using dual-tree complex wavelet transform [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 2010, 24(1) 119-137 (SCI&EI)
  Yanxue Wang*, Zhengjia He, Yanyang Zi. A comparative study of the local mean decomposition and empirical mode decomposition Application to rotating machinery health monitoring [J]. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics - Transactions of The ASME 2010, 132(2) 021010-1~021010-10 (SCI&EI)
  Yanxue Wang, Ming Liang. An adaptive SK technique and its application for fault detection of rolling element bearings [J]. Mechanical System and Signal Processing , 2011, Vol. 25 (5) pp.1750-1764. (SCI&EI)
  Yanxue Wang, Zhengjia He, Jiawei Xiang. Application of extended time-frequency domain average in ultrasonic detecting [J]. Journal of Vibroengineering . 2011, Vol.13 (2) pp.144-156 (SCI&EI)
  Yanxue Wang, Liang Ming*. Identification of multiple transient faults based on the adaptive spectral kurtosis method [J] Journal of Sound and Vibration . 2012. Vol.313 (2) pp. 470-486. (SCI&EI)
  Yanxue Wang*, Jiawei Xiang, Jiang Zhansi, Yang Lianfa. On the performance of superposition window [J]. Journal of Vibroengineering . 2012 Vol.13 (4), pp. 719-729 (SCI)
  Yanxue Wang*, Jiawei Xiang, Jiang Zhansi, Yang Lianfa. Vibration signals denoising using minimum description length principle for detecting impulsive signatures. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science , 2014, 228, 1818-1828. (SCI&EI)
  胡超凡,王衍学,基于张量分解的滚动轴承复合故障多通道信号降噪方法研究. 机械工程学报. 2019.6, 55(12), 50-57
  李华新,王衍学,基于分层稀疏编码的轴承剩余寿命预测方法,现代制造工程,2019(5) 7-12
  刘 放,王衍学. 基于多域特征与改进D-S证据理论的齿轮故障智能诊断方法. 机械传动,2019,43(9)159-164
  杨琳, 王衍学, 何水龙. 基于变分模态分解和广义Warblet变换的齿轮故障诊断. 机械传动. 2018,42(7) 157-161
  张锁峰, 王衍学, 何水龙, 胡超凡, 蒋占四. 基于VMD的调制谱强度分布在齿轮故障诊断中的应用研究. 机械强度. 2019,Vol. 41(2) 267-274
  [1] 王衍学,向家伟,蒋占四等. 一种超声波抗噪检测方法和系统 [P](国家发明专利,授权日期:2013.12.25,授权号:ZL201210315283.X)
  [2] 王衍学,向家伟,蒋占四等. 一种齿轮箱复合故障诊断方法及系统 [P](国家发明专利,授权日期:2015.1.21,授权号:ZL201210315311.8)
  [3] 王衍学,向家伟,蒋占四等. 大型风力机组轴承故障诊断方法及系统 [P](国家发明专利,授权日期:2015.3.25,授权号:ZL201210315317.5),
  [4] 王衍学,丁永彬,孟令杰等. 机械装备监测振动信号的时频图处理方法及系统 [P](国家发明专利,授权日期:2017.1.11,授权号:ZL201410624434.9)
  [5] 王衍学,丁永彬,张应红,何水龙,蒋占四. 一种油液磨粒检测传感器的设计方法及油液磨粒检测装置 [P](国家发明专利,授权日期:2017.4.5,授权号:ZL201510124960.3)
  [6] 王衍学,丁永彬,何水龙,蒋占四. 输出振动信号的油液磨粒检测传感器及油液在线监测系统[P](国家发明专利,授权日期:2018.2.16,授权号:ZL201510633743.2)
  [7] 王衍学,韦泽贤,一种基于聚类分析的复杂旋转机械滚动轴承智能诊断方法(国家发明专利,授权日期:2018.12.21,授权号:ZL201710169963.8)
  [8] 张应红,方贵明,王衍学等. 油液金属磨粒在线监测系统 [P] 国家发明专利,授权日期:2015.4.22,授权号:ZL201310228772.6)
  [9] 张应红,方贵明,王衍学等. 用于在线监测油液金属磨粒的传感器及其应用方法 [P](国家发明专利,授权日期:2015.6.3,授权号:ZL201310219608.9)
  [10]王衍学,胡超凡等. 一种基于张量分解的机械信号大数据处理方法[P](国家发明专利,申请号:201810061289.6)
  [11] 王衍学,李华新等. 一种基于稀疏编码的滚动轴承剩余寿命预测方法(国家发明专利,申请号:201810061309.X)
  [12] 王衍学,韦泽贤等. 一种基于快速搜索算法的地铁列车轴承智能诊断方法(国家发明专利,授权日期:2019.9.23,授权号:ZL201711426157.0)
  [13] 王衍学,杨琳等. 一种列车走行部轴承非平稳运维的时频阶比跟踪方法(国家发明专利,授权日期:2019.8.6,授权号:ZL201711426158.5)
  [14] 王衍学,刘放等.一种基于模糊偏好关系与D-S证据理论的故障诊断方法(国家发明专利,申请号:201810308638.X)

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