

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-06

Curriculum Vitae
Name: Ying, Sun Gender: female
Ethnic: man
Date of born: 03/10/1980 Place of born: Changchun Resident Card: Beijing
E-mail: sunying1003@yahoo.com.cn

The Northeast Normal University (NENU), Bachelor in English, September 1999 - July 2003
Main courses:
Applied linguistics, English Grammar; Adolescent
Psychology; English Literature Education Psychology; Education Research; Education Methods; Linguistics; English Pedagogy American Literature; Germany
GPA: 86%
University of Bristol, Master in English September 2004 - July 2005

Main Course:
Second Language Acquisition:The unit introduces the cognitive, affective and linguistic processes in second language learning and some of the key theoretical frameworks in the field. It is helpful for English teachers to develop an awareness of the various influences on second language learning and acquisition. (And then, I am encouraged to consider language learning processes from perspective of both teacher and learner, and reflect my own learning experience with existing theory. Therefore, I could assist my learners to develop their skills and strategies in learning course).
Discourse Analysis: The double unit mainly focuses on introducing the nature the goals and methods of discourse analysis at first, the way in which discourse achieves coherence and coherent? And then, the unit focuses on introducing the component of discourse, such as exploring the grammatical, lexical and phonological systems of English in greater detail. (Such knowledge will aid me exploring and explaining the processes of both language use and language teaching).
Pragmatics, the role of social context, coherence, coherent, grammar, lexis and phonology.
Research Method: This unit introduces English teachers some basic methods in research. Research in TESOL always includes both sense-making and problem-solving functions, namely making sense of current teaching context, and then devising novel solutions for recurrent problems.
Evaluation Language Teaching Context: This unit equip English teachers with the knowledge and skills to design and implement evaluations in their own curricular contexts, such as what is the purposes of evaluation;how to apply appropriate ways to gather, analyze and interpret evaluation data,etc.
I could analyze language program evaluation and carry out small scale evaluation appropriate to my own teaching contexts.
Curriculum and Pedagogy: The double unit has the overall aim of providing English teacher with opportunities to explore ideas relating to teaching and researching. In part 1, the unit mainly talks about approaches and methods of language teaching. It takes the classroom as its focus and consider the function of some factors in language teaching, like language instructions, role of teachers, the approaches to teach language skills and language element, etc. In part 2, the unit explores the factors relating to curriculum development, such as course planning, course evaluation, course design and so on. The units should aid English teacher to develop my teaching ability, to reflect their curriculum process and to evaluate their teaching outcome.
Goal, approach, course design, classroom interaction, the role of teachers and learners, need analysis
Continue Professional Development: The course enables me to take a constructive and reflective approach to my continuing professional development as a language teacher. The main aim of this unit is to enable English teacher to be expertise in language teaching through continuous learning in their professional career. This unit underpins the importance of reflections in the professional development of English teacher.
It will benefit me to develop a plan for my professional development in relation to school improvement and the effectiveness of students’ learning.
The role of classroom evaluation in professional development, the role of reflective processes, expertise, training, professional development
Other Qualifications:
TEM4: pass 2001
Oral TEM4: pass 2001
TEM8: good 2003
National Computer Exam2: pass 2001
GRE: 2280 (Verbal 750, Quantitive 800, Analytical 730) 2002
TOEFL: 643 2003
TWE: 5.0 2003
Internship teacher
Jilin Foreign Language High School, , August 2002 -November 2002

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