北京理工大学法学院导师教师师资介绍简介-John Anthony·Carty 教授
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-18
2015-2017 清华大学
2009-2015 香港大学
2006-2009 英国阿伯丁大学
2003-2005 英国威斯敏斯特大学
1994-2002 英国德比大学
1977-1994 英国格拉斯哥大学
Representative Papers
1. Carty, Law as a Science (The Place of Doctrine in the History of its Sources),
Indian Yearbook of World Affairs, Part II (1980), pp. 128-160.
2.Carty, The Law of Nature and Nations in Stair, in D. Walker, editor,
Stair Centennial Studies, pp. 127-136. Edinburgh, (1981)
3.Carty, Une Sociologie du Droit International du Developpement, in M.
Flory, editor, Droit-International du Developement, C.N.R.S. (1984), pp.95-103.
4.Carty, The Decay of International Law?, Manchester University Press,(1986) pp.viii, 138.
5.Carty, Liberal Economic Rhetoric and the World Economy, Vol.98,(1988), Ethics pp. 742-756.
6.Carty, Critical Theory and General Customary Law, Marine Policy, Vol. X(1988), pp. 211-218.
7.Carty, as coeditor (principal editor, A-J.Arnaud), Dictionnaire encyclopédie de théorie et de sociologie du droit, Paris, 1988, L.G.D.J., pp. 487.
8.Carty, editor, Post-Modern Law, Edinburgh University Press, 1990, pp.161, in which chapters by myself, pp.1-39, 71-89; in French Carty, editor, Dossier Lumieres, Revolution,
Post-Modernisme Vol.13, 1989, Droit et Société, pp. 314-414.
9.Carty and G. Danilenko, eds., Perestroika and International Law: Current Anglo-Soviet Conceptions
of International Law, Edinburgh University Press, 1990, pp. 161, in which a chapter by myself on judicial settlement of disputes in British state practice, at pp. 129-146.
10.Carty and J. Mair, Some Post-Modern Perspectives on Law and Society,
Journal of Law and Society, Vol. 17, no.4 (1990) pp. 1-16.
11.Carty, English Constitutional Law from a Post-Modern Perspective, in P. Fitzpatrick, ed., Dangerous Supplements, 1991, Pluto Press (and Duke University Press), pp.178-203.
12.Carty, Critical International Law: Recent Trends in the Theory of International Law,
European Journal of International Law, 1991. Vol. 2, No.1, 1991. pp. 66-96.(Review Article)
13.Carty, Review of Four Doctoral Dissertations on the Law of the Sea, Modern Law Review, September, 1991, pp.758-767.
14.Carty, Liberalism's Dangerous Supplements: Medieval Ghosts of International Law,
Michigan Journal of International Law, Vol. 13, 1991, pp.601-611.(Review Article)
Ⅰ.Basic Information
John Anthony·Carty,PhD,
Present-Professor at Beijing Institute of Technology
2015-2017 Tsinghua University
2009-2015 Hong Kong University
2006-2009 University of Aberdeen
2003-2005 University of Westminster
1977-1994 University of Glasgow
Ⅱ.Teaching Course
Public International Law
Ⅲ.Research Direction and Expertise
Mainly engaged in the study of international law
Ⅳ. Main Publications and Research Projects
Representative Papers
1. Carty, Law as a Science (The Place of Doctrine in the History of its Sources),
Indian Yearbook of World Affairs, Part II (1980), pp. 128-160.
2.Carty, The Law of Nature and Nations in Stair, in D. Walker, editor,
Stair Centennial Studies, pp. 127-136. Edinburgh, (1981)
3.Carty, Une Sociologie du Droit International du Developpement, in M.
Flory, editor, Droit-International du Developement, C.N.R.S. (1984), pp.95-103.
4.Carty, The Decay of International Law?, Manchester University Press,(1986) pp.viii, 138.
5.Carty, Liberal Economic Rhetoric and the World Economy, Vol.98,(1988), Ethics pp. 742-756.
6.Carty, Critical Theory and General Customary Law, Marine Policy, Vol. X(1988), pp. 211-218.
7.Carty, as coeditor (principal editor, A-J.Arnaud), Dictionnaire encyclopédie de théorie et de sociologie du droit, Paris, 1988, L.G.D.J., pp. 487.
8.Carty, editor, Post-Modern Law, Edinburgh University Press, 1990, pp.161, in which chapters by myself, pp.1-39, 71-89; in French Carty, editor, Dossier Lumieres, Revolution,
Post-Modernisme Vol.13, 1989, Droit et Société, pp. 314-414.
9.Carty and G. Danilenko, eds., Perestroika and International Law: Current Anglo-Soviet Conceptions
of International Law, Edinburgh University Press, 1990, pp. 161, in which a chapter by myself on judicial settlement of disputes in British state practice, at pp. 129-146.
10.Carty and J. Mair, Some Post-Modern Perspectives on Law and Society,
Journal of Law and Society, Vol. 17, no.4 (1990) pp. 1-16.
11.Carty, English Constitutional Law from a Post-Modern Perspective, in P. Fitzpatrick, ed., Dangerous Supplements, 1991, Pluto Press (and Duke University Press), pp.178-203.
12.Carty, Critical International Law: Recent Trends in the Theory of International Law,
European Journal of International Law, 1991. Vol. 2, No.1, 1991. pp. 66-96.(Review Article)
13.Carty, Review of Four Doctoral Dissertations on the Law of the Sea, Modern Law Review, September, 1991, pp.758-767.
14.Carty, Liberalism's Dangerous Supplements: Medieval Ghosts of International Law,
Michigan Journal of International Law, Vol. 13, 1991, pp.601-611.(Review Article)
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