
北京理工大学法学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王国语 副教授

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1.《空间碎片国际机制发展趋势分析》,载《航天器环境工程》,2015年第 4期,中文科技类核心,独立作者;
10.The “Flaws” of the PPWT: True or false?--THE WAY FORWARD FOR ARMS CONTROL IN OUTER SPACE,Security Index,Russia 2015.12.
11.Space Crisis Management: A Collaborative Approach for Europe and China,Chatham House Research Draft Report, 2014.
17.Who Owns Natural Resources on Asteroid, 2015年第58届国际空间法论坛论文集,第一作者;
18. 外空采矿竞赛的序幕?--美国行星采矿立法的法律政策分析》,载《国际太空》,2016年第5期,独立作者;
21.“Comparison Analysis on Legal Application of Infringements Specified in < Rome Ⅱ> Concurrently Discussing Inspiration on Our Legislation”,欧洲法律与经济评论(外文期刊),2010年6月,独立作者;
24.Analysis of the Applicable Law to a Private Spaceflight Contract under the Latest Chinese Conflict Rules Legislation,2011年第54届国际空间法论坛论文集,独立作者;
27.Comparison of Selected Space Law Terms of Art in Chinese and English Versions of The U.N. Space Treaties , Journal of Space Law, Volume 38, 2012(2).

Ⅰ.Basic Information

Guoyu WANG (1979-), Dcotoral degree in Law and Ecnomics, Associate Professor, Deputy Director, Institute of Space Law, Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT); Legal Counsel in Space Law, CNSA Lunar Exploration and Space Project Center(2016-), Space Security Consultant of United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) (2015), Academy Senior Fellow of Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) , U.K. (2014-); Visiting Scholar, National Center for Remote Sensing, Air and Space Law, Mississippi University, U.S..(2011-2012).
Dr. Wang has been severed as a Chinese delegate, Legal Consultant of the United Nation Committee on the Peaceful use of Outer Space(UNCOPUOS), Inter-governmental Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC), as well as a Chinese expert in the Long-term Sustainability for Outer Space Activities Working Group of UNCOPUOS, has been representing China for international space rules and policies negotiation and drafting.

Ⅱ.Teaching Course

Air and Space Law, Private International Law, Economic Analysis of Law

Ⅲ.Research Direction and Expertise

Dr. Wang’s researches focus on international and national space law, international space politics. Dr. Wang's expertise includes legal and political analysis on space security issues, inter alia, arms control in outer space and space debris mitigation and remediation; the application of NPS in outer space; space natural resources use and exploration, inter alia, lunar project, asteroid mining, deep space exploration; the U.S. And China space legislation.

Ⅳ.Academic Part-time title

Member of International Law Association (ILA)
Member of International Institute of Space Law (IISL)
Member of China Institute of Spacel Law
Member of China Institute of International Law
Member of China Institute of Private International Law

Ⅴ.Main Publications and Research Projects

Ⅰ.Space Environment Security, Space Debris and Space Legislation
1.Analysis of the international consultation mechanism for space debris and its development, SPACECRAFT ENVIRONMENT ENGINEERING, 2015.4.
2.The Jurisdiction of Space Debris and the Legal Basis of Active Space Debris Removal, JOURNAL OF BEIJING INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (SOCIAL SCIENCES EDITION), 2014.12.
3.The Obligation, Responsibility and Principle of Space Debris Active Removal, Aerospace China, 2014.10.
4.The Necessity and Practicability of China’s Legislation on National Space Law, JOURNAL OF BEIJING INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (SOCIAL SCIENCES EDITION), 2012.6.
5.The Origin of American Space Law System, Aerospace China, 2013.9.
6.The legal system of American space management, Aerospace China,2013.10.
7.The National Mechanism on Space Debris Mitigation, Aerospace China, 2011.4.
8.The Establishment of China's National Mechanism on Space Debris Mitigation, Aerospace China, 2010.8.
Ⅱ.Negotiation of International Security Rules in Outer Space
9.Recommendations on expert group negotiations of the UNCOPUOS Long-Term Sustainability for Outer Space Activities Working Group, Submitted to the China National Space Administration, 2016.
10.The “Flaws” of the PPWT: True or false?--THE WAY FORWARD FOR ARMS CONTROL IN OUTER SPACE,Security Index,Russia 2015.12.
11.Space Crisis Management: A Collaborative Approach for Europe and China,Chatham House Research Draft Report, 2014.
12."Long - term Sustainability of Space Activities" issue and China 's Responses, Aerospace China, 2012.6.
13.Transparency in outer space and confidence-building measures and China's position, 2012.9.
14.The First Group of Governmental Experts Meeting of Transparency in outer space and confidence-building measures and China 's Responses, Aerospace China, 2012.9.
Ⅲ. Lunar exploration and deep space exploration area
15.Research on Deep Space Exploration Space Law, Report to CNSA, 2016.
16.Current Situation and Development Analysis of International Rules for Space Nuclear Power Sources Applications, Aerospace China,2016.9.
17.Who Owns Natural Resources on Asteroid, The proceedings of the 58th International Forum on Space Law, 2015.
18.Analysis on the Legislation of U.S. Planetary Mining, Space International, 2016.5.
19.The Analysis and Suggestion on the U.S. "2015 Exploration and Utilization of Outer Space Resources Law", Aerospace China, 2015.12.
Ⅳ. Others
20.Theory and Practice of“Cooperation and Competition”in the
New European Space Policy, Hebei Law Science, 2010.2.
21.“Comparison Analysis on Legal Application of Infringements Specified in < Rome Ⅱ> Concurrently Discussing Inspiration on Our Legislation”,European Journal of Law and Economic Review,2010.6.
22.The Applicable Law in Tort Related to the International Space Station(ISS)—— From the ESA Party States' Perspective, Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics(Social Sciences Edition), 2010.6.
23.Nationality Link’s Contribution to Space Law under the Privatization and Commercialization of Space Activities, JOURNAL OF BEIJING INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (SOCIAL SCIENCES EDITION), 2011.6.
24.Analysis of the Applicable Law to a Private Spaceflight Contract under the Latest Chinese Conflict Rules Legislation, The proceedings of the 54th International Forum on Space Law, 2011.
25.Analysis of the Relationship between Common Heritage, Common Property and Common Wealth——translation or confusion of opinion? Newsletter of Space Law, 2012.1.
26.The Nationality Link in Space Law, Hebei Law Science, 2012.3.
27.Comparison of Selected Space Law Terms of Art in Chinese and English Versions of The U.N. Space Treaties , Journal of Space Law, Volume 38, 2012(2).

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