
北京理工大学法学院导师教师师资介绍简介-安京焕 客座教授

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-18

Kyong-Whan Ahn (安京煥)
Kyong-Whan Ahn is currently aprofessor emeritusof the Seoul National University Law School. He served until July, 2009 as Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission of Korea, appointed by the President of the Republic of Korea in October, 2006. From March 2007 until his retirement from NHRCK, he was deputy Chair of the International Co-ordinating Committee of National Human Rights Institutes(ICC)- an association of national human rights institutes worldwide.
Kyong-Whan Ahn taught at the Seoul National University College of Law and was the dean (2002-2004) and the founding director of its Public Interests and Human Rights Law Center(1997-2002). He also was a Chevening scholar to the London School of Economics and Political Science. Ahn taught (or lectured) at some 30 universities abroad, including Harvard Law School, Stanford Law School, China University of Political Science and Law, National Taiwan University, National University of Singapore and the University of Philippines. In particular, he taught at the Southern Illinois University Law School as Visiting Professor of Law (1996-1997) and as Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law at Santa Clara University Law School in 2005. As legal scholar, he worked as the President of the Korean Constitutional Law Association(1999-2001) and a founding member of the Directors of the Asian Law Institute(2003-2004). Ahn served many advisory roles for the Korean government, such as Chairperson of the Legal Policy Committee of the Ministry of Justice (2003-2004) and Chairperson of the University Reformation Committee (2004-2005).
Ahn has also actively engaged with the civil society. He was founding Chairpersons of the Steering Committee of People's Solidarity (PSPD,參與連帶, 1994-2000), a leading NGO in Korea. Following retirement from university in 2013, Ahn worked as President of Gongam(共感), a non- profit, human rights legal foundation in Korea until 2016. In August, 2014, Ahn was elected to a commissioner of the International Commission of Jurists(國際(權)法律家協會), a renowned international human rights NGO composed of senior jurists.
Through his long career, Ahn has published extensively, mainly in Korean and substantially in English, in the fields of Anglo-American Law, Constitutional Law, Human Rights Law, Law and Literature, and Modern Intellectual History of Korea, authoring fifty-plus books. Included are ten volumes of essay collections of political and literary critics.
Since 2015, Ahn teaches, on regular terms, at the Beijing Institute of Technology College of Law (北京理工大學 法學院), and in May, 2017, was awarded with the title ofProfessor Emeritus(榮譽敎授) from the school.
Ahn holds a Juris Doctor from Santa Clara University Law School(1985), an LL.M. from the University of Pennsylvania(1982) and LL.B. from Seoul National University. He was admitted to the bas of the District of Columbia and the State of California.

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