本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-18
[1]. Boru Jia, Zhengxing Zuo, Huihua Feng, Guohong Tian, Anthony Paul Roskilly, “Development Approach of a Spark-Ignited Free-Piston Engine Generator”, SAE Technical Paper, 2014-01-2894.
[2]. Boru Jia, Zhengxing Zuo, Huihua Feng, Guohong Tian, Anthony Paul Roskilly, “Investigation of the Starting Process of Free-piston Engine Generator by Mechanical Resonance”, Energy Procedia, 61, 572-577, 2014.
[3]. Boru Jia, Guohong Tian, Huihua Feng, Zhengxing Zuo, Anthony Paul Roskilly, “An experimental investigation into the starting process of free-piston engine generator”, Applied Energy, 157, 798–804, 2015.
[4]. Boru Jia, Zhengxing Zuo, Guohong Tian, Huihua Feng, Anthony Paul Roskilly, “Development and validation of a free-piston engine generator numerical model”, Energy Conversion and Management, 91, 333-341, 2015.
[5]. Yanxiao Li, Zhengxing Zuo, Huihua Feng, Boru Jia, "Parameters matching requirements for diesel free piston linear alternator start-up", Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 7(3), **74408, 2015.
[6]. Huihua Feng, Chendong Guo, Chenheng Yuan, Yuyao Guo, Zhengxing Zuo, Anthony Paul Roskilly, Boru Jia, “Research on combustion process of a free piston diesel linear generator”, Applied Energy, 161, 395-403, 2016.
[7]. Boru Jia, Andrew Smallbone, Huihua Feng, Guohong Tian, Zhengxing Zuo, Anthony Paul Roskilly, “A fast response free-piston engine generator numerical model for control applications”, Applied Energy, 162, 321-329 , 2016.
[8]. Boru Jia, Zhengxing Zuo, Huihua Feng, Guohong Tian, Andrew Smallbone, Anthony Paul Roskilly, “Effect of closed-loop controlled resonance based mechanism to start free piston engine generator: simulation and test results”, Applied Energy, 164, 532-539. 2016.
[9]. Boru Jia, Andrew Smallbone, Zhengxing Zuo, Huihua Feng, Anthony Paul Roskilly, “Design and simulation of a two- or four-stroke free-piston engine generator for range extender applications”, Energy Conversion and Management, 111, 289-298, 2016.
[10]. Huihua Feng, Chendong Guo, Boru Jia, Zhengxing Zuo, Yuyao Guo, Anthony Paul Roskilly, "Research on the intermediate process of a free-piston linear generator from cold start-up to stable operation: Numerical model and experimental results", Energy Conversion and Management, 122, 153-64, 2016.
[11]. Boru Jia, Rikard Mikalsen, Andrew Smallbone, Huihua Feng, Zhengxing Zuo, Anthony Paul Roskilly, “Stable operation control of a spark ignition free-piston engine generator: a new approach”, Applied Energy, 2016.
[12]. Chendong Guo, Huihua Feng, Boru Jia, Zhengxing Zuo, Yuyao Guo, Anthony Paul Roskilly. Research on the operation characteristics of a free-piston linear generator: Numerical model and experimental results. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017.
[13]. Boru Jia, Andrew Smallbone, Rikard Mikalsen, Huihua Feng, Zhengxing Zuo, Anthony Paul Roskilly. Disturbance analysis of a free-piston engine generator using a validated fast-response numerical model. Applied Energy, 2016.
[14]. Yuxi Miao, Zhengxing Zuo, Huihua Feng, Chendong Guo, Yu Song, Boru Jia, Yuyao Guo. Research on the Combustion Characteristics of a Free-Piston Gasoline Engine Linear Generator during the Stable Generating Process. Energies, 9, 655, 2016.
[15]. SK Nanda, B Jia*, A Smallbone, AP Roskilly. "Fundamental Analysis of Thermal Overload in Diesel Engines: Hypothesis and Validation", Energies, 2017.
[16]. Y Wang, L Chen, B Jia*, AP Roskilly. "Experimental study of the operation characteristics of an air-driven free-piston linear expander", Applied Energy, 2017.
[17]. Boru Jia, Zhengxing Zuo, Andrew Smallbone, Huihua Feng, AP Roskilly. “A Decoupled Design Parameter Analysis for Free-Piston Engine Generators”, Energies, 2017.
[18]. SK Nanda, B Jia*, A Smallbone, AP Roskilly. “Investigation on the effect of the gas exchange process on the diesel engine thermal overload with experimental results”, Energies, 2017.
[19]. SK Nanda, B Jia*, A Smallbone, AP Roskilly. "Development of a diesel engine thermal overload monitoring system with applications and test results", Energies, 2017.
[20]. B Jia, Y Wang, A Smallbone, AP Roskilly. "Analysis of the scavenging process of a two stroke free-piston engine based on the selection of scavenging ports or valves", Energies, 2018.
[21]. C Guo, Y Song, H Feng, Z Zuo, B Jia, Z Zhang, T Roskilly. “Effect of fuel injection characteristics on the performance of a free-piston diesel engine linear generator: CFD simulation and experimental results”, Energy Conversion and Management, 160, 302-312, 2018.
[22]. B Jia, D Wu, A Smallbone, C Lawrence, AP Roskilly. “Design, modelling and validation of a linear Joule Engine generator designed for renewable energy sources”, Energy Conversion and Management, 165, 25-34, 2018.
[23]. B Jia*, R Mikalsen, A Smallbone, AP Roskilly. "A study and comparison of frictional losses in free-piston engine and crankshaft engines", Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018.
[24]. Ziwei Zhang, Chendong Guo, Yu Song, Huihua Feng, Zhengxing Zuo, Boru Jia, and A. P. Roskilly. "Research on the engine combustion characteristics of a free-piston diesel engine linear generator." Energy Conversion and Management, 168 (2018): 629-638.
[25]. B. Jia, Wu, D., Smallbone, A., Ngwaka, U. C., Roskilly, A. P. “Dynamic and thermodynamic characteristics of a linear Joule engine generator with different operating conditions”. Energy Conversion and Management, (2018): 173, 375-382.
[26]. Chengqian Li, Yaodong Wang, Boru Jia*, Anthony Paul Roskilly. “Application of Miller cycle with turbocharger and ethanol to reduce NOx and particulates emissions from diesel engine - A numerical approach with model validations”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 150 (2019): 904–911.
[27]. Ugochukwu Ngwaka, Boru Jia, Christopher Lawrence, Dawei Wu, Andrew Smallbone, Anthony Paul Roskilly. “The characteristics of a Linear Joule Engine Generator operating on a dry friction principle”, Applied Energy, 237( 2019): 49-59.
[1]. 一种磁力传动发动机能量传递系统
[2]. 一种高速自由活塞直线发电机
[3]. 一种液压式高速自由活塞直线发电机
[4]. 一种恒压气源式自由活塞内燃发电机扫气系统
[5]. 一种止点可控的自由活塞内燃直线发电机
[6]. 一种高压气源式自由活塞内燃发电机启动系统
[7]. 一种自由活塞内燃发电动力系统活塞组件相位锁定装置
[8]. 一种带脱离机构的自由活塞内燃发电动力系统起动装置
[9]. 一种自由活塞直线电机的工作模式切换装置
[10]. 一种自由活塞内燃发电机双燃烧室椭圆气缸内燃模块
(1) A Zero-Emission Closed-loop linear-Joule CYcle (ZECCY) engine generator, 英国EPSRC, 59.2万英镑, Researcher Co-Investigator
(2) APC- feasibility study, EPSRC, 1.4万英镑, Co-Investigator
(3) A Compact Hydrogen Powered Range Extender, 英国交通部, 3.0万英镑, Co-Investigator
(4) ETALON: Energy Harvesting for Signalling and Communication Systems, European Commission, 1700万欧元, 参与
(5) Unlocking the potential of a Free Piston Engine range-extender, Innovate UK, 20.2 万英镑, 参与
(6) Demonstration of a zero emission high-efficiency argon-hydrogen reactor for hybrid electric heavy-duty vehicles, Innovate UK, 42.1 万英镑, 参与
(7) EPSRC IAA Phase 2-Siemens feasibility investigation of a Free Piston Engine - Gas Turbine System for power generation applications, 英国EPSRC, 1.8万英镑, 参与
(8) Low Grade Heat Driven Adsorption-linear-expander Cycle for Cogeneration of Power and Refrigeration, 英国EPSRC, 10.2万英磅, 参与
(1) 国防科技进步三等奖(排名第五)
(2) 北京理工大学徐特立奖学金一等奖
(3) 北京市优秀毕业生
(4) 北京理工大学优秀毕业生
(5) 北京理工大学优秀研究生
(7) 纽卡斯尔大学研究生会议第一名
(8)期刊《Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews》杰出审稿贡献奖
(9)期刊《Applied Energy》杰出审稿贡献奖
(10)期刊《Energy Conversion and Management》杰出审稿贡献奖(两次)
[1]. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews
[2]. Energy Conversion and Management
[3]. Applied Energy
[4]. Energy
[5]. International Journal of Refrigeration
[6]. Applied Thermal Engineering
[7]. International Journal of Energy Research
[8]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
[9]. Sustainability
[10]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research
[11]. Energies
[12]. Applied Science
[13]. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
[14]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering
[15]. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A
[16]. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal
[17]. Renewable Energy Focus
[18]. Sensors
[19]. Drones (ISSN 2504-446X)
[20]. Mechanical Sciences
[21]. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
[22]. SAE International
[23]. Journal of Electrical Engineering & Electronic Technology
[24]. International Conference on Physics, Mathematics and Statistics (ICPMS 2018)
[25]. Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. October 21-23, 2018, Washington DC, USA. (IECON 2018)
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