本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-18
姓 名 李伟
职 称 副教授(特别研究员)/博导
学 院 机械与车辆学院
专 业 动力机械及工程
邮 编 100081
办公电话 **
邮 箱 lliw@bit.edu.cn
2. 新型结构材料的超长寿命疲劳与断裂;
3. 混合动力/电传动系统可靠性设计及评估。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(**):涡轮增压器转轴渗氮钢的环境-缺陷致裂机理及超长寿命评估,2014/01-2016/12,25万,主持;
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(**):涡轮叶片喷射成形高温合金的环境疲劳行为及超长寿命预测方法,2018/01-2021/12,63万,主持;
3. 国家自然科学联合基金重点项目(U**):基于载荷谱的电动汽车传动构件疲劳寿命与系统可靠性研究,2019/01-2022/12,210万,参加;
4. 基础产品创新科研项目(xxx-xxx):高原环境下xxx结构设计方法研究,2018/01-2020/12,280万,参加。
SCI论文:1. Li W*, Xing X, Gao N, Li M, Sun R, Zhou S, Sakai T. S Subsurface facets-induced crack nucleation behavior and microstructure-based strength evaluation of titanium alloys in ultra-long life regime. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2019, 761: 138055. (IF:4.081)
2. Li W*, Sun R, Gao N, Wang P, Sakai T. Interior induced fatigue of surface-strengthened steel under variable loading: Failure mechanism and damage modelling. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2019, DOI: 10.1111/ffe.13103. (IF: 2.555)
3. Gao N, Li W*, Sun R, Wang P, Sakai T. A fatigue assessment approach involving small crack growth modelling for structural alloy steels with interior fracture behavior. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2018, 204(12): 198-210. (IF: 2.908)
4. Nehila A, Li W*, Zhao H, Gao N, Xing X.Very high cycle fatigue of surface carburized CrNi steel at variable stress ratio: Failure analysis and life prediction. International Journal of Fatigue, 2018, 111(6): 112-123. (IF: 3.673)
5. Nehila A, Li W*, Zhao H. Interior failure mechanism and life prediction of surface-treated 17CrNi steel under high and very high cycle fatigue. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2018, 41(6): 1-12. (IF: 2.555)
6. Li W*, Gao N, Zhao H, Xing X. Crack initiation and early growth behavior of TC4 titanium alloy under high cycle fatigue and very high cycle fatigue. Journal of Materials Research, 2018, 33(4): 935-945. (IF: 1.982)
7. Deng H, Li W*, Zhao H. Multiple fatigue failure behaviors and long-life prediction approach of carburized Cr-Ni steel with variable stress ratio. Materials, 2017, 10(9): 1084-1105 (IF: 2.972)
8. Li W*, Zhao H, Nehila A, Zhang Z, Sakai T. Very high cycle fatigue of TC4 titanium alloy under variable stress ratio: Failure mechanism and life prediction. International Journal of Fatigue, 2017, 104(11): 342-354. (IF:3.673)
9. Li W*, Deng H, Liu P. Interior fracture mechanism analysis and fatigue life prediction of surface-hardened gear steel under axial loading. Materials, 2016, 9(10): 843. (IF:2.972)
10. Liu P, Li W*, Nehila A, Sun Z, Deng H. High cycle fatigue property of carburized 20Cr gear steel under axial loading. Metals, 2016, 6(10): 246. (IF:2.259)
11. Li W*, Sakai T, Deng H. Statistical evaluation of very high cycle fatigue property of high carbon chromium bearing steel under axial loading. Materials Science and Technology, 2016, 32 (11): 1094-1099. (IF:1.938)
12. Sun Z, Li W*, Zhang Z, Deng H. Fisheye failure analysis and life design approach for case-carburized gear steel based on statistical evaluation of defect size. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2016, 59(1): 28-40. (IF:2.203)
13. Deng H, Li W*, Sakai T, Sun Z. Very high cycle fatigue failure analysis and life prediction of Cr-Ni-W gear steel based on crack initiation and growth behaviors. Materials, 2015, 8(12): 8338-8354. (IF:2.972)
14. Li W*, Deng H, Sun Z, Zhang Z, Lu L, Sakai T. Subsurface inclusion-induced crack nucleation and growth behaviors of high strength steels under very high cycle fatigue: Characterization and microstructure-based modeling. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2015, 641(8): 10-20. (IF:4.081)
15. Li W*, Sun Z, Zhang Z. Deng H, Sakai T. Interior crack initiation and growth behaviors and life prediction of a carburized gear steel under high cycle fatigue and very high cycle fatigue. Journal of Materials Research, 2015, 30(14): 2247-2257.(IF:1.982)
16. Li W*, Sun Z, Zhang Z. Deng H, Sakai T. Influence of case-carburizing and micro-defect on competing failure behaviors of Ni-Cr-W steel under gigacycle fatigue. International Journal of Fatigue, 2015, 75(3), pp. 66-74. (IF:3.673)
17. Li W*, Sun Z, Zhang Z. Deng H, Sakai T. Evaluation of crack growth behavior and probabilistic S-Ncharacteristics of carburized Cr-Mn-Si steel with multiple failure modes. Materials & Design, 2014, 64(12): 760-768. (IF:5.770)
18. Li W*, Yuan H, Sun Z, Zhang Z. Surface vs. interior failure behaviors in a structural Steel under gigacycle fatigue: Failure analysis and life prediction. International Journal of Fatigue, 2014, 64(7): 42-53.(IF:3.673)
19. Li W*, Wang P, Lu L, Sakai T. Evaluation of gigacycle fatigue limit and life of high strength steel with interior inclusion-induced failure. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2014, 23(7): 931-948. (IF:2.342)
20. Li W*, Sakai T, Wakita M, Mimura S. Influence of microstructure and surface defect on Very high cycle fatigue properties of clean spring steel. International Journal of Fatigue, 2014, 60(3): 48-56. (IF: 3.673)
21. Li W*, Yuan H, Wang P, Sakai T. Micro-defect effect on gigacycle fatigue S-Nproperty and very slow crack growth of high strength low alloy steel.Materials Science and Technology, 2013, 29(9): 1101-1110. (IF:1.938)
22. Li W*, Sakai T, Wang P. Influence of microstructural inhomogeneity and residual stress on very high cycle fatigue property of clean spring steel. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2013, 22(9): 2594-2601. (IF:1.467)
23. Li W*, Sakai T, Ninomiya N, Wakita M, Mimura S. Effect of surface finishing and loading condition on competing failure mode of clean spring steel in very high cycle fatigue regime. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2012, 552(30): 301-309. (IF:4.081)
24. Li W*, Sakai T, Li Q, Wang P. Reliability evaluation on very high cycle fatigue property of GCr15 bearing steel. International Journal of Fatigue, 2010, 32(7): 1096-1107. (IF:3.673)
25. Li W*, Sakai T, Li Q, Wang P. Statistical analysis of fatigue crack growth behavior for grade B cast steel. Materials & Design, 2011, 32(3): 1262-1272. (IF:5.770)
26. Li W*, Sakai T, Li Q, Wang P. Effect of loading type on fatigue properties of high strength bearing steel in very high cycle regime. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2011, 528(15): 5044-5052. (IF:4.081)
1. 2014年全国百佳优秀基金资助博士后
2. 北理工优秀博士后
3. 北理工机械与车辆学院“三育人”优秀个人
1. 山东省科学院海洋仪器仪表研究所特聘研究员
2. International Journal of Fatigue等SCI期刊审稿人
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