
北京理工大学计算机学院研究生导师简介- 戴林

北京理工大学 /2013-07-20

戴林, 男,重庆人,工学博士学历,北京理工大学计算机学院副教授。


研究方向:  信息检索、信息安全、自然语言处理。


主持和参与国家级项目超过20项。近期研究项目包括国家自然科学基金项目“跨语言文本分类关键技术研究”和某部级项目“多媒体信息检索”、“民族语言信息检索”,以及北京理工大学基础研究基金“语义资源库建设理论研究”项目。参与国家自然科学基金“基于本体的多策略民汉机器翻译研究”(重点项目)。863子项目“民汉跨语言信息检索”。发表学术论文50余篇,其中EI检索22余篇,SCI检索6篇。以第一作者申请专利4项,已授权2项。担任国家自然科学基金项目评阅人,IEEE会员,IEEE计算机学会会员,IEICE会员,中国计算机学会会员,国际WordNet协会(GWA)会员。2009-2010年以公派留学赴美国Purdue大学计算机系进修12月,研究方向为信息检索。期间参与美国国家自然科学基金,美国DARPA等课题的研究工作。任国际期刊International Journal of Computer Mathematics(SCI)评阅人,国际期刊IPL(SCI)评阅人,国际期刊AICIT评阅人。另外为多个国际学术会议评阅人。



邮件地址:dailiu@bit.edu.cn, dailiuling@gmail.com




· 中国计算机学会会员

· IEEE Membership

· IEEE Computer Society Membership

· 国家自然科学基金项目评阅人

· 国际期刊International Journal of Computer Mathematics评阅人(SCI)

· 国际期刊IPL评阅人(SCI)

· 国际期刊AICIT评阅人(SCI)

· 北京基因组研究所, 客座研究员

· Dear GPB Editorial Board Members

· 国际会议ICONIP,评阅人(EI)

· 计算机研究与发展,评阅人(EI)




· 2009.11-2010.11   美国普渡大学西拉法叶主校区    计算机系              访问教授

· 2009-今         北京理工大学                 计算机科学与技术学院   副教授



· 本科生课程《软件工程基础》

· 硕士研究生课程《信息检索导论》

· 博士研究生课程《信息检索进展》





· 民汉跨语言信息检索,2013-2015,863子课题(校企合作),120万,项目负责人。

· 数据库安全加固平台,2012-1015,某部、中关村产学研联合项目(校企合作),600万,总负责人。

· 基于本体的多策略民汉机器翻译研究,2012-2016,国家自然科学基金委,国家自然科学基金重点项目,280万。排名第5。

· 语义资源库建设理论研究,2010-2011北京理工大学基础研究基金项目。

· 跨语言文本自动分类关键技术研究,2009-2011,国家自然科学基金,项目负责人。

· 维文网络内容管理系统研究,2009-2010,某部委涉密项目,项目负责人,40万。

· 视频中特定物体和特定场景的检测,2009-2010,某部委涉密项目,项目负责人,25万。

· 敏感信息获取分类与检索的研究,2008年,某部委涉密项目,项目负责人。

· 类别特征高度重合环境下文本分类方法研究,2008年,北京理工大学基础研究基金,项目负责人。

· 国防行业数据库标准的研究,2008年,国防科工委,主要研究人员;

· 基于密码学的数据库安全增强系统的研究,2007-2008,国防科工委技术基础项目,项目负责人。

· 国防行业纵向搜索与资源服务系统,2007-2008,国防科工委十五项目,主要研究人员

· 面向汉语自由文本的领域本题学习的理论和方法研究,国家自然科学基金(60705022/F030502),2008-2001,主要研究人员;

· 统计数据库安全防护策略与实现,某部技术基础项目,2006-2007,项目负责人;



· 一种支持密文索引的数据库透明加密方法, 戴林等.  专利号:ZL200910080857.8

· 一种基于代理方式的数据库安全增强方法,戴林等,专利号:200910080856

· 一种基于双视图主动学习技术的跨语言文本分类算法,戴林,201110453251.1(修改中)

· 一种针对主题漂移问题的跨语言文本分类方法,戴林,201110453236(修改中)





Lin Dai, Chao Xu,Ming Tian,Jian Sang, Dong Zou, Ang Li, Guocheng Liu, Fei Chen, Jiayan Wu, Jingfa Xiao, Xumin Wang, Jun Yu, Zhang Zhang. Community Intelligence in Knowledge Curation: An Application to Managing Scientific Nomenclature.  PLOS ONE.  February 25, 2013.  (SCI 4.092 ) http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0056961

Lin Dai, Xin Gao, Yan Guo, Jingfa Xiao and Zhang Zhang, Bioinformatics clouds for big data manipulation, Biology Direct. (in publishing)  (SCI 4.02)

Zhang Zhang, Jingfa Xiao, Jiayan Wu, Haiyan Zhang, Guiming Liu, Xumin Wang, *Lin Dai. ParaAT: A parallel tool for constructing multiple protein-coding DNA alignments. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. In Press. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbrc.(SCI 2.5)

Liuling Dai. An Aggressive Algorithm for Multiple String Matching. Information Processing Letters. Volume 109, Issue 11, 16 May 2009, Pages 553-559. SCI: 10.1016/j.ipl.2009.01.022. IF0.612  (SCI 0.6)

Dai, L.L., Li, H.X., Ren, Y.P. Thermodynamic calculation on the miscibility gap of fcc-Al based solid solution in the Al–Zn–Cu system. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. Volume 478, Issues 1-2, 10 June 2009, Pages 144-146. SCI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2008.11.076 (SCI)

Zhang Xiaofei, Chen Zhaoxiong, Huang Heyan, Dai Liuling. Translation Transforming Algorithm of Query Sentence in Cross Language Information Retrieval.  Computer Engineering, 2007,(11). (in Chinese)

Li Xuemei, Dai Liuling, Tong Xinhai, Wang Xiong. An Improved Quick Search Algorithm For String Matching, Computer Applications and Software , 2006,(03). (in Chinese)

Dai Liuling, Huang He-Yan, Chen Zhao-Xiong. An Improved Multi-Pattern String Matching Algorithm. Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. 2006.4. Vol.19(1), 47-51. (in Chinese)

Dai Liu-Ling, Huang He-Yan, Chen Zhao-Xiong. Ternary Sequential Analytic Optimization Algorithm for SVM Classifier Design. Asian Journal of Information Technology. 2005.

Dai Liu-Ling, Huang He-Yan, Chen Zhao-Xiong. An Online SVM Learning Algorithm for Text Categorization. Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2005.5, 11-15. (in Chinese)

Li Xuemei, Dai Liuling, Tong Xinhai, Li Li. Quick Boyer-Moore Algorithm for String Matching. Application Research Of Computer, 2005,(09). (in Chinese)

Zhang Xiaofei, Chen Zhaoxiong, Huang Heyan, Dai Liuling. Retrieval Approach of Candidate Translation Examples in Interactive Hybrid Strategies Machine Translation System IHSMTS, Journal of Chinese Computer Systems, 2005. 26. 3. 330-334. (in Chinese)

Meng Xiajia, Li Xuemei, Dai Liuling, Liu Yinsheng. Object Oriented Knowledge System Design and Its Application in Die-Casting Die CAD System. Special Casting & Nonferrous Alloys. 2005.(z1). (in Chinese)

Dai Liuling, Huang Heyan, Chen Zhaoxiong. Comparative Study on Feature Selection Methods in Chinese Text Categorization, Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2004.1,Vol.18(1), 26-32. (in Chinese)

Dai Liuling, Li Xuemei, Huang Heyan, Chen Zhaoxiong. Online Text Categorization Algorithm Based on Knowledge Fusion: Semantic SVM, Journal of South China University of Technology(Natural Science Edition),2004.11, Vol.32, 67-72. (in Chinese)

Meng Xiajia, Liu Yinsheng, Wang Chengzhi, Deng Ziyu, Li Xuemei, Dai Liuling. Solid Modeling for Die-Casting Die Based on Characteristic Parameterization. Special Casting & Nonferrous Alloys. 2004. (03). (in Chinese)

Dai Liuling, Huang He-Yan, Chen Zhao-Xiong. The Semantic SVM Algorithm for Text Categorization and its On-line Learning Algorithm. Computer Engineering and Applications. 2004. v40(36). (in Chinese)

Dai Liuling, Meng Xianjia. Intellgent CAD System for the Design of Triangular Belt-wheel Die-Casting Die. Special Casting & Nonferrous Alloys. 2002.(01). (in Chinese)


Conference Proceedings



Ying Zhang, Luo Si, Xiaojun Quan, Yi Fang, Lin Dai, Xiaojie Yuan. Emotion Tagging for Comments of News by Meta Classification with Heterogeneous Information Sources, ACM SIGIR 2012.

Yue Liu, *Lin Dai,  Heyan Huang. Active Learning for Cross Language Text Categorization, PAKDD. Malaysia.

LIN DAI, Weitao Zhou, HEYAN HUANG. A Computer Aided Approach for Enriching WordNet with Semantic Definition. Global WordNet Conference (gwc2012).  2012.1.9-13, Japan.

LIN DAI, HEYAN HUANG. An English-Chinese Cross-lingual Word Semantic Similarity Measure Exploring Attributes and Relations. PACLIC 25.2011

Lin Dai, An Integrated Probabilistic Text Clustering Model with Segment-based and Word Order Evidence. 11.29. 2011-12.1.2012, ICIPM2011.

Lin Dai, Hechun Chen, Xuemei Li. A Method for Improving Sentiment Classification Using Feature Highlighting and Bagging. ICDM SENTIRE workshop. 2011.


Yumin Zhao, Zhendong Niu, Lin Dai. Evaluation Algorithm about Digital library Collections based on Data Mining Technology,the annual International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2010) (EI Compendex).

Yumin Zhao, Zhendong Niu, Kun Zhao, Lin Dai, Guixian Xu, and Weiqiang Wang. What and Why about Divarication in Research of Digital Library Evaluation, The 2nd International Conference on Electronic Computer Technology. 2010. (EI Compendex).

Yumin Zhao, Zhendong Niu, Kun Zhao, Lin Dai, Guixian Xu, and Weiqiang Wang. A Natural-integration Model of Digital Library Evaluation, The 2nd International Conference on Electronic Computer Technology.  2010. (EI Compendex).

Yumin Zhao, Zhendong Niu, Yujuan Cao, and Lin Dai. Research on Evaluation of Digital Library,The 2010 International Conference on Data  Storage and Data Engineering (EI Compendex).

Yun-Qing Xia, Bo-Yi Hao, Liu-Ling Dai. Term extraction from Web reviews with opinion heuristics.  In proceedings of the 2009 Eighth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC), p 3516-21, 2009.

Lin Dai, Ji-Liang Tang; Yun-Qing Xia. Subtopic-based multi-document summarization. In proceedings of the 2009 Eighth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC), p3505-10, Baoding, 2009.

Liuling DAI, ShuMei WANG, JinWu HU, WanChun LIU. A HowNet Based Algorithm for Cross-Language Keyword Extraction from Multiple Documents, In proceedings of the 2008 International Pre-Olympic Conference on Computing Science. 2008. Nanjing. p1-7.

Liuling DAI, Jinwu HU, ShiKun WU. Fine Text Categorization: Using Very Aggressive Feature Selection to Cope with Mass Duplicated Features. In proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation (ICICTA2008). 2008. Changsha. p984-988.

Liuling DAI, Jinwu HU, WanChun Liu. Using Modified CHI Square and Rough Set for Text Categorization with Many Redundant Features, International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design 2008. 2008. Wuhan. p182-185.

Liu-Ling Dai, Fang-Fang Gu, Wan-Chun Liu. Using Lifting Wavelet to segment Moving Objects from videos. International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition 2008, 2008. Hong Kong. p705-10

Liuling DAI, Bin LIU, Yunqing XIA, ShiKun WU. Measuring Semantic Similarity between Words Using HowNet. International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology 2008(ICCSIT 2008). 2008. Singapore. p601-5.

Liuling DAI, Yunqing XIA. A Lightweight Multiple String Matching Algorithm. International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology 2008(ICCSIT 2008). 2008. Singapore. p 611-15.

Yujuan Cao, Zhendong Niu, Liuling Dai, YuMing Zhao. Extraction of Informative Blocks from Web Pages. 2008 International Conference on Advanced Language Processing and Web Information Technology. 2008 pp.544-549.

Jinwu HU, Liuling DAI*, Bin LIU. Measure Semantic Similarity between English Words. The 9th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists. Zhang Jia Jie, Hunan, China - November 18-21, 2008. (corresponding author).

Liuling Dai, Bing Huang, Dongxiao Yang. A Connection Degree-Based Rough Set Model and its Application to Knowledge Reduction. In proceedings of the Eighth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing. 2007.7.

Duan Hong, Dai Liuling. An Overview of Context Security Oriented to Internet. 4th Symposium of Search Engine and Web Mining (SEWM2006). 2006. (in Chinese)

Dai Liu-Ling, Zhang Xiaofei, Huang He-Yan, Chen Zhao-Xiong. On-line Text Categorization with Support Vector Machines. In proceedings of the 10th Joint International Computer Conference. Kunming. 2004.11.



· 周伟涛,硕士,2012年,Redhat

· 刘越,硕士,2011年,Micosoft

· 梁涛,硕士,2010年,百度

· 陈合春,硕士,2010年,百度

· 汤继良,硕士,2010年,美国Arizona State University,PHD

· 李奇,硕士,2010年,美国Newyork City University,PHD

· 张国喜,硕士,2010年,航天科技

· 王乾,硕士,2010年,航天科技

· 黄志涛,硕士,2010年,Arraynetworks

· 孙宇,硕士,2010年,阿里集团

· 崔华,硕士,2010年,新浪网

· 马俊杰,硕士,2010年,中国银行

· 余夏雷,硕士,2009年,工商银行

· 闫龙,硕士,2009年,工商银行

· 谷芳芳,硕士,2009年,工商银行

· 李晓琴,硕士,2009年,中兴通信

· 梁俊亮,本科,2008年,华为




Cooking, Ping-Pong, Fishing.


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