
北京理工大学生命学院研究生导师简介-李玉娟 副教授

北京理工大学 /2013-07-14

李玉娟 副教授 

1  姓名:李玉娟 学位:药学博士  职称:副教授


2  联系方式





电子邮件: liyujuan@bit.edu.cn


3  个人简历

2005,4-至今:   北京理工大学 生命学院 现代生物与医药工程研究中心

2003,7-2005,3: 日本新泻药科大学生命科学部博士后

2000,7-2003,6: 沈阳药科大学,药物分析学博士

1998,9-2000,7: 沈阳药科大学,药物分析学硕士

1994,9-1998,7: 沈阳药科大学药学系,理学学士


4  社会兼职  中国药学会高级会员。任国际刊物Journal of pharmaceutical and bioanalytical ananlysis、Biomedical Chromatography、Chromatographia等杂志审稿专家。


5  研究领域/方向

1) 复方中药配伍机制、药效物质基础研究。

2) 中药药物动力学研究。

3) 航天特因条件下中医药防护研究。


6  招生专业




7 学术成果



国家重大科学研究计划(973) (2012CB910603,课题负责人,进行中)








2) 近5年代表性论文

1 Yujuan Li, Yushi Zhang, Zhimin Wang, Jingjing Zhu. Quantitative analysis of atractylenoide I in rat plasma by LC-MS method and its application to pharmacokinetic study. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2012, 58, 172-176 (SCI)

2 Yu-Shi Zhang, Zhi-Min Wang, Jing-Jing Zhu, Bo Chen, Yu-Juan Li (corresponding author). Determination of atractylodin in rat Plasma by HPLC-UV method and its application to a pharmacokinetic Study. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 2012,35:778-787 (SCI)

3  Zhong Qiu Teng, Yu Juan Li (co-first author, Rong Ji Dai, Hao Gu, Hui Qing Fu, Yan Chen, Wei Wei Meng, Yu Ling Deng. Determination and pharmacokinetics of 2-O-Rhamnosyl swertisin in rat plasma by RP-LC. Asian Journal of chemistry, 2012, 24(4):1145-1148 (SCI)

4  Nian Xin, Yu Juan Li (co-first author), Xu Li, Xiao Wang, Yan Li, Xiao Zhang, Rong Ji Dai,Wei Wei Meng, Hai Long Wang, Michael Schläppic, Yu Lin Deng. Dragon’s blood may have radioprotective effects in radiation-induced neuro-injury in rat. Radiation Research,2012, 178,75-85( SCI)

5  Yongqian Zhang, Yujuan Li (co-first author), Zhensong Zhang, Chengjun Lai and Yulin Deng. Determination of endogenous salsolinol and N-methlysalsolinol in rat brain by LC-ESI-

QQQ. Analytical Methods, 2012,4,2027-2030 (SCI)

6  Deng Y, Zhang Y, Li Y, Xiao S, Song D, Qing H, Li Q, Rajput AH. Occurrence and distribution of salsolinol-like compound, 1-acetyl-6,7-dihydroxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline (ADTIQ) in Parkinsonian brains. Journal Neural Transm.,2012,119(4):435-41(SCI)

7 Yushi Zhang, Yongzhi Li, Bo Chen, Yulin Deng, Yujuan Li (corresponding author). Simultaneous quantification of loureirin A and loureirin B in rat urine, feces and bile by  HPLC-MS/MS method and its application to excretion study. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2011,400(4):1181-1187 (SCI)

8 Li Yu-juan, Yang Zhe-zhe, Li Yong-zhi, Zhang Yu-shi,Chen Bo. Tissue Distribution and Excretion in Rat Urine and Feces of Swertisin after Intravenous Administration to Rats, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2011, 20(4):123-129 (EI)

9 Nian Xin, Yu-Juan Li, Yan Li, Rong-Ji Dai, Wei-Wei Meng, Yan Chen, Michael Schlappi, Yu-Lin Deng. Dragon’s Blood extract has antithrombotic properties, affecting platelet aggregation functions and anticoagulation activities. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 135 (2011) 510-514(SCI)


11 Huimin Gao, Zhimin Wang, Yujuan Li, Zhongzhi Qian. Overview of the quality standard research of traditional Chinese medicine. Frontier Medicine, 2011, 5(2): 195-202.

12 Nian Xin, Wei Li, Yu-Juan Li, Xiao-Ke Ma, Zhen-Ping Fu, Yan Li. Study of antivirus, antibacterial and immune functions of Gaoreqing freeze-dried powder The Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 2011,5(22):510-514(SCI)

13 Yujuan Li, Yongzhi Li, Zhezhe Yang, Nian Xin, Yulin Deng  LC-MS method for determination of lourin B in rat plasma and its application in pharmacokinetic study. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis,2009, 50(5): 983-986(SCI)

14 Yu-Juan Li, Nian Xin, Li-Li Li, Wei-Wei Meng, Yu-Lin Deng.. Development and Validation of an HPLC Method for Determination of Swertisin in Rat Plasma, Chromatographia, 2009, 68(7-8):795-797 (SCI)

15 LI Yu-juan, SUI Ying-jie, Xin Nian. Pharmacokinetic Study and Tissue Distribution of Single Mangiferin after Intravenous Administration in Rats. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2009, 18(1):89-93(EI)

16 Yujuan Li, Meicun Yao, Shan Cheng. Quantitative determination of spinosin in rat plasma by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method,Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis,2008,48(4):1169-1173(SCI)

17 Yu-Juan Li, Ying-Jie Sui, Yue-Han Dai and Yu-Lin Deng LC Determination and Pharmacokinetics Study of Mangiferin in Rat Plasma and Tissues. Chromatographia,2008, 67(11-12):957-960(SCI)

18 Yu-Juan Li, Muxin Gong and Tetsuya Konishi Antioxidant Synergism Among Component Herbs of Traditional Chinese Medicine Formula, ShengMai San Studied in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Health Science, 2007, 53(6):692-699(SCI)

19 Yu-Juan Li, Yue-Han Dai, Ye-Ling Yu, Yan Li, Yu-Lin Deng .Pharmacokinetics and Tissue Distribution of Spinosin after Intravenous Administration in Rats. YakugakuZasshi, 2007, 127(8):1231-1235(SCI)

20 Yu-Juan Li, Yue-Han Dai,Ying-Jie Sui. Simultaneous LC Determination of Spinosin, Danshensu and Protocatechuic Aldehyde in a Traditional Chinese Zaoren-An-Shen Capsule. Chromatographia, 2008, 67(3-4): 335-337(SCI)
