
全球语言教育共同体倡议(北京2021)Global Language Education Community Initiative (Beijing 2021)

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Global Language Education Community Initiative (Beijing 2021)
Language preserves civilizations, bridges the exchanges between them, and fuels their progress. Each day, more than 7 billion people across the world use thousands of languages for exchanges, communication, inheritance and innovation. However, as the world embraces accelerated globalization, digitalization and smart transformation, human languages are facing unprecedented challenges. Some are disappearing due to globalization; some are falling behind in the digital world; and others have ceased evolving in the smart technology era. Language education faces major problems including unequal distribution of resources, imbalance between supply and demand of skilled personnel, and regional disparities worldwide. The new era calls on universities everywhere to adopt the notion of a global community and promote global cooperation on language education.
Our Vision
Language plays a vital role in ensuring national prosperity and strength, world peace, and human well-being. We hereby propose to initiate the Global Language Education Community that serves the purpose of building a community with a shared future for mankind.
Language education extends beyond language learning. Rooted in language teaching and research, language education serves social progress and facilitates mutual learning among civilizations. Continuous innovation is a perpetual driver for language education, and close collaboration is the common commitment within the Global Language Education Community.
Let us join hands, rise to the challenges, and build a better future of global language education with pioneering and innovative spirit.
Our Values
Members of the Global Language Education Community will uphold the following collaboration principles:
--Resource sharing. The Global Language Education Community should pool global resources for foreign language teaching, carry out joint research, and build sharing platforms for the prosperity of global language education.
--Exchanges and mutual learning. Carrying out exchanges is an important way to build the Global Language Education Community. Only through exchanges and interactions can we reap mutual benefits.
--Empowerment through technology. The new generation of information technology featuring artificial intelligence and big data has spurred technological innovation and classroom revolution, opening up infinite space for language education.
--Sustained development. Language education should facilitate sustainable language development, cultural diversity and prosperity, and ensure lasting progress of human civilizations.
Our Commitments
Actions speak louder than words. We will work together to achieve the following:
--We will build a global language resource platform, support ubiquitous language learning, and ensure accessible and affordable learning of any language at any time, in any place, by any means and for everyone. We will actively facilitate the flow of skilled language personnel, the sharing of language resources and the improvement of language services.
--We will embrace artificial intelligence, adopt innovative teaching philosophies, empower teachers and students, and advance the innovative, high-quality and balanced development of global language education.
--We will explore new theories, models, and approaches in the internationalization of education. We will carry out joint training programs, course sharing and faculty exchanges to nurture a high-caliber workforce with global competence.
--We will take collective actions in language education, research, services and preservation, so as to ensure language education progress and prosperity for mankind.

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