

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-26

姓名:吴冰 性别:女 学位: 职称:教授、博导 职位:华裔美国文学研究中心主任

American Fiction, Chinese American Literature
和丁往道、钟美荪、郭栖庆编著英语写作手册(修订本)(1994) ;(中文版)(1997)
和丁往道、钟美荪、郭栖庆编著英语写作基础教程( 高等教育出版社,1998)
和李淑言编选杰克.伦敦研究 (1988)
和钱青、李品伟、郭栖庆、王立礼、李金达、徐克容、唐志红编著美国文学名著精选上、下册 (副主编) (1994)
主编 汉英口译教程(修订本)(1995)
出的黑人作家--詹姆斯?鲍德温(此文被收入美国当代小说家论钱满素编 (1987)
福克纳的《熊给我们的启迪》,外国文学 93年5期
厄内斯特?海明威其人外国文学 94年5期
从〈士兵的家〉看海明威的文体风格外语教学与研究95 年第2期
哎--咿!听听我们的声音!-- 美国亚裔文学初探国外文学 95年第2期
波特和她精湛的小说艺术, target=_blank title=网上书城检索>外国文学>96年4期
Books written and edited
[with Ding Wangdao and others] A College Handbook of Composition (Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research P,1984)
[with Wang Zuoliang and others] Introduction to English Stylistics (Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research P, 1987)
[with Li Shuyan]]Critical Essays on Jack London (Guangxi: Lijiang Publishing House, 1988)
[with Li Xiansheng and others]] A Coursebook in Oral Interpretation (Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research P, 1988)
[with Ding Wandao and others] A Handbook of Writing. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research P, 1994.
[with Qian Qing and others] Highlights of American Literature. 2 vols. Beijing: Commercial P, 1994.
[with Chen Shu and others] Oral Interpretation: A Course Book. Beiing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1995
[with Ding Wandao and others] A Basic Course in Writing. Beiing: Higher Education P, 1998.
[with Gao Qiqing and others] Critical Essays on Winners of Fiction of the American National Book Awards. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2001.
“A Stylistic Approach to ‘Solder"s Home’”, Foreign Language Teaching and Research, No.2, 1995.
“James Baldwin--An Outstanding Black Writer” in Contemporary American Novelists. Beijing: China Social Science Publishing House, 1987.
“William Faulkner and The Bear”, Foreign Literatures(Bimonthly) No.5, 1993.
“Ernest Hemingway and His Works”, Foreign Literatures(Bimonthly)No.5, 1994.
“Katherine Anne Porter and the Art of Her short Fiction”, Foreign Literatures(Bimonthly) No.4, 1996.
“The New York Chinese Community and the Young Male and Female Protagonists in Louis Chu"s Eat a Bowl of Tea”, Foreign Literatures(Bimonthly)No.2, 1997.
“‘Soldiers" Pay’as a Germ of Faulkner"s Great Literary Career" in Faulkner: Achievement and Endurance. Peking UP, 1998.
“Aiiieeeee! Listen to Our Voice--A First Exploration into Asian American Literature”, Foreign Literatures(Quarterly) No.2, 1995.
“Exotic, Truthful or Creative Presentation of Chinese Culture in Works of Three Chinese American Writers” , Aug. 2001
“The Rise of Asian American Literature in the 20th Century”, English American Literary Studies, No. 2, 2001.
“Jack London’s Short Stories about China and the Chinese”, Wenyi Bao (Literary Weekly) Aug. 14, 2001.