SOOPRAMANIEN Didier(英) 博士 副教授
Nationality: England(国籍:英国)
Education background
PhD Economics, Lancaster University(UK)
Career History
Associate Professor at the International Business School of Beijing Foreign Studies University (2012-current)
Visiting Research Fellow (Forecasting Centre) at Lancaster University (2012-current)
Research Consultant at Knowledge Partners (2012)
Lecturer /Assistant Professor Management Science at Lancaster University (2002-11)
Taught courses and Research field
Consumer Behaviour, Marketing Modelling and Analytics, International Marketing, Digital Marketing, Market Research
Qian, L and Soopramanien, D, Daryanto, A (2017) First-Time Buyers’ Subjective Knowledge and the Attribute Preferences of Chinese Car Buyers, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 36, pp. 189-196 (ABS Journal Rank 2)
Qian, L and Soopramanien, D (2015) Incorporating heterogeneity to forecast the demand of new products in emerging markets: green cars in China, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 91, February 2015, pp. 33-46. (ABS Journal Rank 3)
Tao Huang, R Fildes, D Soopramanien (2014) The value of competitive information in forecasting FMCG retail product sales and the variable selection problem, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 237, Issue 2, 1 September 2014,pp.738-748. (ABS Journal Rank 4)
Qian, L and Soopramanien, D (2014) Using diffusion models to forecast market size in emerging markets with applications to the Chinese car market, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 67,6, pp.1226-1232. (ABS Journal Rank 3) Onggo, S. Pidd, M. Soopramanien, D. and Worthington, D. (2012) Behavioural modelling of career progression in the European Commission, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 222, Issue 3, 1 November 2012, pp. 632-641. (ABS Journal Rank 4)
Qian, L and Soopramanien, D (2011) Heterogeneous consumer preferences for alternative fuel cars in China, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol. 16, Issue 8, December 2011, pp. 607-613. (ABS Journal Rank 3)
Soopramanien D, (2011) Conflicting attitudes and scepticism towards online shopping: the mediating role of experience, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Volume 35, Issue 3, May 2011, pp. 338–347. (ABS Journal Rank 2)
Kirkbride C and Soopramanien D, (2010) “Competition online and the preference ordering of offers” (Special Issue) International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, vol. 20, 4, pp. 379-395. (ABS Journal Rank 2)
Soopramanien D and Liu, Hong Juan (2010). The importance of understanding the exchange context when developing a decision support tool to target prospective customers of business insurance, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,Vol. 17, Issue 4, pp. 306-312. (ABS Journal Rank 2)
Onggo, S. Pidd, M. Soopramanien, D. and Worthington, D. (2010) Simulation of Career Development in the European Commission, Interfaces, May-June, pp. 184 – 195. (ABS Journal Rank 2)
Rogers G. and Soopramanien, D. (2009) 'The truth is out there! How external validity can lead to better marketing decisions', International Journal of Market Research, vol. 51(2), pp. 163-180 (Winner of the Market Research Society Award for Collaborative Research. Also short-listed for best paper in the International Journal of Market Research) (ABS Journal Rank 2)
Soopramanien, D and Finlay, S. (2008) “Risk in Credit Granting and Lending Decisions: Credit Scoring” in Encyclopaedia of Quantitative Risk Assessment, Editors Everitt, B. and Melnick, E., Wiley.
Soopramanien, D. and Robertson, A. (2007) “Adoption and usage of Online shopping: An analysis of the characteristics of buyers, browsers and non-internet shoppers”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer services, Vol. 14, pp. 73-82. (ABS Journal Rank 2)
Soopramanien, D., Robertson, A. and Fildes, R. (2007) “Consumer Decision Making, E-commerce and Perceived Risks”, Applied Economics, Vol. 39, issue 17, pp. 2159-2166. (ABS Journal Rank 2)
De Kervenoael, R., Soopramanien, D., Elms, J. and Hallsworth, A. (2006) “Exploring Value through Integrated Service Solutions: The Case of e-Grocery Shopping”, Managing Service Quality, Vol. 16, No.2, pp.185-202. (ABS Journal Rank 2)
Robertson, A. Soopramanien, D., and Fildes, R. (2007) “A Segmentation based analysis of Internet Service Adoption of UK”, Technology in Society, Vol. 29, pp. 339-350.
De Kervenoael, R., Soopramanien, D., Elms, J. and Hallsworth, A. (2007) “Personal Privacy as a positive experience of shopping: An illustration through the case of online grocery shopping” International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, Vol. 35, pp.583-599.
Robertson, A. Soopramanien, D., and Fildes, R. (2007) “Segmental New-Product Diffusion of Residential Broadband Services”, Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 31, pp 265-275.
Minussi, J., Soopramanien, D. and Worthington (2006) “Modelling and Testing the assessment of Risk of defaulting of companies in the context of the Basel accord: A Brazilian case study”, Panorama Socioeconomico, 24, pp. 76-85.
Crone, S. and Soopramanien, D. (2005) “Predicting Consumer Online Shopping Adoption for Market Modelling using Artificial Neural Networks” in: H.Arabnia; R.Joshua; Y.Mun (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN’05, Las Vegas, CSREA
Robertson, A., Fildes, R. and Soopramanien, D. (2004) “Understanding Residential Internet Service Adoption Patterns in the UK”, Telektronikk, Vol. 100, No. 4, pp. 8494.
Johnes, G. and Soopramanien, D. (2001) “A New Look at Gender Effects in Participation and Occupation”, Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, Vol. 15, pp. 415-443.
Research Work in Progress/Conference Papers
The Influences of product-service system and public policies on consumer preferences for electric vehicles in China (with Lixian Qian and Jose M. Grisolía) (Second Round Revision-Transportation Research A)
Mobility preferences and Car Sharing provision (with Lixian Qian and Zhang Pang)
A cross-country comparison of the conceptualization of affordable luxuries by American and Chinese Millennial consumers (with Juan Mundel and Patricia Huddleston)
Place Attachment and Pro-Environment Behaviour; Evidence from Beijing, China (with Song Zening and Anto Daryanto), (paper presented at EIRASS conference Montreal 2015)
Forecasting Retailer Product Sales at the SKU level and Structural Breaks (with Tao Huang and Robert Fildes, paper presented at Marketing Science 2016)
Market dynamics, Institutional theory and the Institutional practices of innovations (EIRASS conference, Edinburgh July 2016)
Consultancy Experience
Astra Zeneca: (1) Events Forecasting, (2) Segmentation modelling and (3) Conjoint Analysis
Shop Direct: (1) Online Demand Modelling and (
北京外国语大学国际商学院导师教师师资介绍简介-SOOPRAMANIEN Didier(英)
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-30
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