However, selecting a single model may lose the information contained in other models. Also, the model selected on the basis of finite samples may be poor. An approach to overcoming the shortcomings is model averaging, which, serving as a smoothed extension of model selection from the aspects of estimation and forecast, has received considerable attention in recent years. Model averaging combines all of candidate models by certain weights, and so it avoids the risk of ‘‘putting all eggs in one basket’’. The key problem with the model averaging approach is the choice of weights.
In this paper, a generalized Mallows model averaging (GMMA) criterion for choosing weights is developed in the context of an infinite order autoregressive (AR(∞)) process. The GMMA method adapts to the circumstances in which the dimensions of candidate models can be large and increase with the sample size. The GMMA method is shown to be asymptotically optimal in the sense of achieving the lowest out-of-sample mean squared prediction error (MSPE) for both the independent-realization and the same-realization predictions, which, as a byproduct, solves a conjecture put forward by Hansen (2008) that the well-known Mallows model averaging criterion from Hansen (2007) is asymptotically optimal for predicting the future of a time series. The rate of the GMMA-based weight estimator tending to the optimal weight vector minimizing the independent-realization MSPE is derived as well. Both simulation experiment and real data analysis illustrate the merits of the GMMA method in the prediction of an AR(∞) process.
-Journal of Econometrics, 223, 1, 190-221 (2021).
-Jun Liao (Renmin University of China)
-Guohua Zou (Capital Normal University)
-Yan Gao (Minzu University of China)
-Xinyu Zhang (Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
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