
沈俊亮 博士:Cohomology of the moduli of Higgs bundles via positive characteristic

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-26

Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS
Colloquia & Seminars

Speaker: 沈俊亮 博士,Yale University
Cohomology of the moduli of Higgs bundles via positive characteristic
Time & Venue:
2021.09.29 09:00-11:00 Zoom会议:466 356 2952 密码:mcm1234
In this talk, I will explain how the techniques arising from the non-abelian Hodge theory; in positive characteristic provides "consistency checks" of the P=W conjecture, where the latter concerns the non-abelian Hodge theory over the complex numbers. We will focus on two aspects: (1) the Galois conjugation, and (2) the Hodge-Tate decomposition. Based on joint work with Mark de Cataldo, Davesh Maulik, and Siqing Zhang

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