

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-24

2020年3月加入中国科学技术大学生命科学学院,组建玉米种子生物学实验室;综合利用遗传学、分子与细胞生物学、组学和生物信息学等手段研究玉米籽粒发育进程中的重要生物学事件,侧重于阐明籽粒灌浆发育的分子机理以及种质资源的创新利用;长期致力于玉米胚乳灌浆期储存物质-醇溶蛋白和淀粉合成的调控机理的研究,完善了醇溶蛋白家族基因的调控网络,鉴定了调控淀粉合成的重要转录因子ZmNAC128和ZmNAC130;研究成果以第一作者和通讯作者的身份发表在PNASThe Plant CellPlant Biotechnology Journal等国际主流学术期刊,相关成果获得F1000Prime、Science Daily和Seed Today等的推荐和报道。
1. 玉米籽粒灌浆发育以及调控机理的研究
2. 玉米籽粒中有育种价值的基因和种质资源的挖掘
3. 玉米胚乳作为生物反应器的生物技术应用研究
1.Deng Y, Wang J, Zhang Z, Wu Y*. Transactivation of Sus1 and Sus2 by Opaque2 is an essential supplement to sucrose synthase-mediated endosperm filling in maize. Plant BiotechnologyJournal,2020,doi: 10.1111/pbi.13349.
2.Zhang Z*, Deng Y, Zhang W, Wu Y, Messing J. Towards celiac-safe bread. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2020,18: 1056-1065.
3.ZhangZ, Dong J, Ji C, Wu Y, Messing J*. NAC-type transcription factors regulate accumulation of starch and protein in maize seeds. PNAS, 2019, 116: 11223-11228.
4.Zhou Y, Zhao Z, Zhang Z, Fu M, Wu Y, Wang W*. Isoform sequencing provides insight into natural genetic diversity in maize. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2019, 17: 1473-1475.
5.Li Q, Wang J, Ye J, Zheng X, Xiang X, Li C, Fu M, Wang Q, Zhang Z, Wu Y*. The Maize Imprinted Gene Floury3 Encodes a PLATZ Protein Required for tRNA and 5S rRNA Transcription through Interaction with RNA Polymerase III. The Plant Cell, 2017, 29:2661-2675.
6.Zhang Z, Zheng X, Yang J, Messing J*,andWu Y*. Maize endosperm-specific transcription factors O2 and PBF network the regulation of protein and starch synthesis. PNAS, 2016,113:10842-10847.
-Recommended by F1000Prime
7.Liu H, Shi J, Sun C, Gong H, Fan X, Qiu F, Huang X, Feng Q, Zheng X, Yuan N, Li C, Zhang Z, Deng Y, Wang J, Pan G, Han B, Lai J, Wu Y*. Gene duplication confers enhanced expression of 27-kDa γ-zein for endosperm modification in quality protein maize. PNAS, 2016, 113: 4964-4969.
8.Zhang Z, Yang J, Wu Y*. Transcriptional Regulation of Zein Gene Expression in Maize through the Additive and Synergistic Action of opaque2, Prolamine-Box Binding Factor, and O2 Heterodimerizing Proteins. The Plant Cell, 2015, 27: 1162-1172.
联系方式: 中科大西校区科技实验楼

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