
中国科学技术大学生命学院导师教师师资介绍简介-朱 书

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-24

朱 书,男,1984年出生,博士,中国科学技术大学生命科学学院教授、博士生导师;入选国家创新人才计划(2017);微尺度国家研究中心以及中科院分子细胞卓越中心(2017);科技部重大研发计划青年项目首席科学家(2018),基金委优秀青年基金获得者(2018)。

朱书教授2006年获中国科学技术大学生物学学士学位,郭沫若奖学金获选者。2012年获中国科学院上海生命科学研究院博士学位,吴瑞奖学金获得者,两获中科院院长奖学金,论文入选中科院百篇优秀博士生论文。同年进入美国耶鲁大学免疫学系,师从美国科学院院士,HHMI,系主任Richard Flavell进行博士后研究,2013年获Helen Hay Whitney基金会及HHMI联合资助。目前主要以小鼠模型研究肠道免疫系统与微生物的互作对健康和疾病的影响。现已发表学术论文48篇,并以(共)通讯作者或者第一作者身份在国际知名期刊Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology (2021), PNAS(2020), Nature Immunology (2019), Nature (2017a), Nature (2017b), Science (2015), Nature Communication(2015), Nature Medicine(2012), 以及J Exp Med(2010)上发表研究及综述论文。多次被Nature, Nature reviews Immunology, Nature Medicine和Nature Immunology点评以及被Faculty 1000收录和推荐。总影响因子超过700,总引用3600余次,H index 25 (Google Scholar)。
肠道作为人体最大的粘膜免疫器官,聚集了远超过人体细胞数目的微生物和全身一半以上的免疫细胞。我们的工作发现肠道先天免疫系统(NLRs)如何识别肠道病原微生物 (PNAS, 2020; Nature, 2017; Science, 2015), 以及共生微生物(Nature Immunology, 2019); 同时发现肠道辅助型T细胞及其分泌的细胞因子如何介导针对肠道微生物的免疫反应(Nature, 2017; Nature Medicine, 2012; J Exp Med, 2010)。并综述了肠道免疫系统对于肠道病原以及共生微生物的识别及应对(Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 2021; Mol Aspect Med, 2020; Cell Mol Immunol, 2019)。我们将进一步利用多种小鼠模型(KI/KO, reporter, 疾病模型, 无菌小鼠,人源化),微生物及代谢物筛选和新一代测序来深入研究肠道免疫细胞和微生物如何相互影响和调节。以期通过靶向宿主免疫反应,或者直接靶向微生态,来实现对于人类疾病特别是消化道感染,炎症和肿瘤的干预。
2017年 至今,中国科学技术大学生命科学学院,教授博导
2006年 郭沫若奖学金
2011年 中科院院长优秀奖
2011年 强生亚洲优秀研究生论文奖
2012年 中科院院长特别奖
2012年 吴瑞奖学金
2012年 中科院百篇优博论文
2014年 Helen-Hay Whitney-HHMI Fellowship
2017年 中组部****计划
2018年 MIT Technology Review 35 Innovators Under 35(MIT TR35 China)
2018年 求是********
2018年 基金委优青


48. Y Wang*, K He*, B Sheng*, X Lei, W Tao, X Zhu, Z Wei, R Fu, A Wang, S Bai, Z Zhang, N Hong, C Ye, Y Tian, J Wang, K Zhang, HYang, L Li#, H Li#, R Flavell#,S Zhu#. The RNA helicase Dhx15 mediates Wnt-induced anti-microbial protein expression in Paneth cells. PNAS. 10.1073/pnas.(IF=9.4)
47. M Guo*,WTao*,R Flavell#, and S Zhu#. Potential intestinal infection and fecal–oral transmission of SARS-CoV-2.Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology. Accepted(IF=30)
46. Y Chen, S Zhao, J Hu, C Han, X Lv, G Wang, S Wang, P Bo, J Zhang, W Wu, W Gui, Q Tang#, Q Liu#, S Zhu#, F Yu#. Increased accumulation of α-Synuclein in inflamed appendix of Parkinson’s disease patients. Movement Disorders.Accepted(IF=8.7)
45. X Zheng, L Liu, G Meng, S Zhu, R Zhou#, W Jiang#.IL-18 maintains the homeostasis of mucosal immune system via inflammasome-independent butmicrobiota-dependent manner. Science Bulletin. Accepted(IF=9.5)

44. WTao*, X Wang*, GZhang*, M Guo, HMa,D Zhao, LLiu,KZhang, JWeng, YWang, X Ma#, T Jin#and S Zhu#. Re-detectable positive SARS-CoV-2 RNA testsin patients who recovered from COVID-19 withintestinalinfection.Protein & Cell.10.1007/s13238-020-00778-8 (IF=10.2)
43. R Li, S Zhu#. 2019. NLRP6 Inflammasome. Mol Aspect Med. doi.org/10.1016/j.mam.2020.
100859 (IF=9.6)
42. WTao*, G Zhang*,X Wang*, X Ma, T Jin, LLiu#, J Weng#, and S Zhu#. Analysis of the intestinal microbiota in COVID-19 patients and its correlation with the inflammatory factor IL-18 and SARS-CoV-2-specific IgA. MedicineinMicroecology.10.1016/j.medmic.2020.100023
41. W Wen*, G Zhang*, S Luo*, Z Bai, WTao, MGuo,S Jia, W Liu, KZhang,J Weng#, SZhu#.Next-generation sequencing revealed influenza and Chlamydia infection in recurrent pneumonia in a recovered COVID-19 patient.Precision Clinical Medicine. 10.1093/pcmedi/pbaa033
40. L Yang*, T Geng*, G Yang*, J Ma, L Wang, H Ketkhar, D Yang, T Lin, J Hwang, S Zhu, Y Wang, J Dai, F You, G Cheng, A Vella, R Flavell#, E Fikrig#, P Wang#.Macrophage scavenger receptor 1 controls Chikungunya virus 2 infection through autophagy in mice. Communications Biology. 3,556. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-020-01285-6 (IF=4.2)

39. LLiu*,TGong*,W Tao*, B Lin, C Li, X Zheng, SZhu#,W Jiang#, R Zhou#.2019. Commensal viruses maintain the homeostasis of intestinalintraepithelial lymphocytes via non-canonicalRIG-Isignaling. NatImmunol.s41590-019-0513-z (IF=21)
38. H Ma*, W Tao*, and S Zhu#. 2019. T Lymphocytes in Intestinal Mucosa: Defense and Tolerance. Cell Mol Immunol. (2019) 16:216–224. (Invited review)(IF=9)
37. A Wang and S Zhu#. 2019. Gut Viruses Firm the “Great Wall”. Precision Clinical Medicine.doi.org/10.1093/pcmedi/pbz027.
36. W Zhang and S Zhu#. 2019. Gut metabolites: make orphans adopted. Precision Clinical Medicine.doi:10.1093/pcmedi/pbz012.
35. A Wang*,GZhang*,W Tao*,S Zhu#. 2019. The immune response towards enteric virus in inflammatory bowel disease. 2019. Chin J Inflamm Bowel Dis.January 2019, Vol.3,No.1 (Invited review)
34. W Tao,S Zhu#. 2019. Gut virome in health and disease. Journal of Biology, 2019, 36(6): 1-. (Invited review)
33. J Wang, MF. Sanmamed, I Datar, T Su, L Ji, J Sun, L Chen, Y Chen, G Zhu, L Zheng, T Zhou, T Badri, S Yao, S Zhu, A Boto, M Sznol, I Melero, DA. Vignali, K Schalper and L Chen#. 2018. Fibrinogen-like protein 1 is a major ligand of LAG-3 for T-cell suppression and the evasion of tumor immunity. Cell. 176, 1–14.doi:org/10.1016/j.cell.2018.11.010. (IF=32)

32. S Ding, S Zhu, L Ren, N Feng, X Ge, B Li, RA Flavell, HB Greenberg#. 2018. Rotavirus VP3 targets MAVS for degradation to inhibit type III interferon expression in intestinal epithelial cells. Elife. 2018 Nov 21;7. pii: e39494. doi: 10.7554/eLife.39494.(IF=8)
31. L Wu, J Cao, WL Cai, SM Lang, JR Horton, DJ Jansen, ZZ Liu, JF Chen, M Zhang, BT Mott, K Pohida, G Rai, SC Kales, MJ Henderson, X Hu, A Jadhav, DJ Maloney, A Simeonov, S Zhu, A Iwasaki, MD Hall, X Cheng, GS. Shadel, Q Yan#. 2018. KDM5 histone demethylases repress immune response via suppression of STING. Plos Biology. 2018 Aug 6;16(8):e**. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.**.(IF=9)
30. J Tong,G Cao,T Zhang,E Sefik,M Amezcua Vesely,J Broughton,S Zhu,H Li,B Li,Lei Chen,H Chang,B Su,R Flavell#&HB Li#. 2018. m6A mRNA methylation sustains Treg suppressive functions. Cell Research. doi:10.1038/cr.2018.7(IF=15)


29. Zhu S*, Ding S*, Wang P, Wang G, Lei X, Palm N, Pan W, Zheng Y, Feng N, Lu J, Shan L, Abraham C, Fikrig E, Greenberg H#, Flavell R#. Nlrp9b recognizes and restricts rotavirus infection in intestinal epithelial cells. 2017. Nature. doi:10.1038/nature22967. (Comment in Nature, doi:10.1038/nature23090, Comment in Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. doi: 10.1038/nrgastro.2017.94. Research highlight in Cell Research, doi: 10.1038/cr.2017.93, Evaluated by Faculty of 1000 Biology, *co-first author).(IF=42)
28. Li,H.*, J. Tong*, S. Zhu*, P. Batista, J.Zhao, W. Bailis, Y. Yang, G. Wang, Y.Chen, Y. Kluger, Howard Y. Chang, Zhinan Yin#, Richard A. Flavell#. 2017. m6A mRNA methylation controls T cell homeostasis by targeting IL-7/STAT5/SOCS pathway. Nature. doi:10.1038/nature23450. (Comment in Immunol Cell Biol. 2017.*co-first author)(IF=42)
27. Pan W, Zhu S, K Qu, K Meeth, J Cheng, K He, H Ma, Y Liao, X Wen, C Roden, Z Tobiasova, Z Wei, J Zhao, J Liu, J Zheng, B Guo, M Bosenberg, R Flavell, J Lu#. 2017. Tet2 sustains the immunosuppressive function of myeloid cells and promotes melanoma growth. Immunity. 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2017.07.020.(IF=24)
26. Yu H, Borsotti C, Schickel JN, Zhu S, Strowig T, Eynon EE, Frleta D, Gurer C, Murphy AJ, Yancopoulos GD, Meffre E, Manz MG, Flavell RA#. 2017. A novel humanized mouse model with significant improvement of class- switched, antigen-specific antibody production. Blood.doi: 10.1182/blood-2016-04-709584.(IF=12)
25. H Yu, N Gagliani, H Ishigame, S Huber, S Zhu, E Esplugues, K Herold, L Wen, R Flavell#. 2017. Intestinal type 1 regulatory T cells migrate to periphery to suppress diabetogenic T cells and prevent diabetes development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, doi: 10.1073/pnas.. (IF=10)


24. Hu B, Jin C, Li HB, Tong J, Ouyang X, Cetinbas NM, Zhu S, Strowig T, Lam FC, Zhao C, Henao-Mejia J, Yilmaz O, Fitzgerald KA, Eisenbarth SC, Elinav E, Flavell RA#. 2016. The DNA Sensing Aim2 Inflammasome Controls Radiation Induced Cell death and Tissue Injury. Science. 2016 Nov 11;354(6313):765-768.(IF=41)
23. Shu Zhu, Geng Wang, Xuqiu Lei, Richard A. Flavell#. 2016. Mex3B, a coreceptor to present dsRNA to TLR3. Cell Research. 26(4):391-2. doi: 10.1038/cr.2016.29.(IF=15)
22. Cheng J, Roden CA, Pan W, Zhu S, Baccei A, Pan X, Jiang T, Kluger Y, Weissman SM, Guo S, Flavell RA, Ding Y, Lu J#. 2016. A Molecular Chipper Technology for CRISPR sgRNA Library Generation and Functional Mapping of Noncoding Regions. Nature Communication. 7:11178. doi: 10.1038/ncomms11178.(IF=12)


21. Wang P*, Zhu S*, Yang L, Cui S, Pan W, Jackson CelR, Zheng Y, Rongvaux A, Sun Q, Yang G, Gao S, Lin R, You F, Flavell R#, Fikrig E#. 2015. Nlrp6 regulates intestinal antiviral innate immunity. Science. 10.1126/science.aab3145. (Comment in Science Signaling (2015) DOI: 10.1126/scisignal.aad8628, *co-first author, #co-corresponding author)(IF=41)
20. Pan W*, Zhu S*, Dai D, Liu Z, Li D, Li B, Gagliani N, Zheng Y,.. Qian Y, Chen Y, Fang J, Herbst R, Richman L, Jallal B, Harley J, Flavell R, Yao Y#and Shen N#. 2015. MiR-125a targets effector programs to stabilize Treg mediated immune homeostasis and controls autoimmunity. Nature Communication. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms8096. (*co-first author)(IF=12)
19. Song X, Dai D, He X, Zhu S, Yao Y, Gao H, Wang J, Qu F, Qiu J, Wang H, Li X, Shen N, Qian Y#. 2015. Growth Factor FGF2 Cooperates with Interleukin-17 to Repair Intestinal Epithelial Damage. Immunity. doi:10.1016/j.immuni.2015.06.024. (IF=24)
18. W Pan, S Zhu, D Dai, J Harley, N Shen#. 2015. T cell transfer Model of Colitis. Bio-protocol. 10.21769/BioProtoc.1862
17. Zhu S, Li HB, Flavell RA#. 2014. Resemble and Inhibit: when RLR meets TGF-b. Molecular Cell. Dec 18;56(6):719-20. doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2014.12.010. (IF=14)
16. Zhu S, Jackson R, Flavell RA#. 2014. The lock-washer: a reconciliation of the RIG-I activation models. Cell Research.10.1038/cr.2014.5. (IF=15)
15. Marcel R. de Zoete*, Noah W. Palm*, Shu Zhu*, Richard A. Flavell#. 2014. Inflammasomes. Cold Spring Haber Perspectives in Biology. Oct 16;6(12):a016287. doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a016287 (*co-first author)(IF=12)
14. Song X, Gao H, Lin Y, Yao Y, Zhu S, Wang J, Liu Y, Yao X, Meng G, Shen N, Shi Y, Iwakura Y, Qian Y#. 2014. Alterations in the Microbiota Drive Interleukin-17C Production from Intestinal Epithelial Cells to Promote Tumorigenesis. Immunity. 40 (1), 140-152. (IF=24)
13. W Pan, S Zhu, D Dai, J Harley, N Shen#. 2014. Mir-125a Is Critical Regulator for Controlling Autoimmunity in Multiple Autoimmune Diseases through Stabilizing Treg Mediated Immune Homeostasis.Arthritis & Rheumatology.66():S1245, OCT 2014. (IF=8)

12. Zhu S#, Pan W, Qian Y#. 2013. MicroRNA in immunity and autoimmunity. J Mol Med. Sep;91(9):1039-50. doi: 10.1007/s00109-013-1043-z. (#co-corresponding author; Invited review)(IF=5)
11. Cao J, Zhu S, Zhou W, Li J, Liu C, Xuan H, Yan J, Zheng L, Zhou L, Yu J, Chen G, Huang Y, Yu Z, Feng L#. 2013. PLZF Mediates the PTEN/AKT/FOXO3a Signaling in Suppression of Prostate Tumorigenesis. PLoS One. 8 (12), e77922. (IF=4)

10. Zhu, S.*, W. Pan*, X. Song, Y. Liu, Y. Tang, H. Wang, W. Liu, Y. Shi, D. He, J.B. Harley, N. Shen and Y. Qian#. 2012. The microRNA miR-23b suppresses IL-17-associated autoimmune inflammation by targeting TAB2, TAB3 and IKK-α. Nature Medicine. 18: 1077-1086. DOI 10.1038/nm.2815. (Comment in Nature Reviews Immunology (2012) 474-475; Comment in Nature Medicine (2012) 18, 1009–1010; Evaluated by Faculty of 1000 Biology. *co-first author).(IF=33)
9. Zhu, S. & Qian, Y#. 2012. IL-17/IL-17 receptor system in autoimmune disease: mechanisms and therapeutic potential. Clin Sci (Lond)122, 487-511. (Invited review)(IF=5)
8. Yao Y., Y. Wang, F. Chen, Y. Huang, S. Zhu, Q. Leng, H. Wang, Y. Shi, Y. Qian#. 2012. NLRC5 regulates MHC class I antigen presentation in host defense against intracellular pathogen. Cell Research. 04/2012;(IF=15)
7. Qu F, Gao H, Zhu S, Shi P, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Jallal B, Yao Y, Shi Y, Qian Y#. 2012. TRAF6-Dependent Act1 Phosphorylation by the I kappa B Kinase-Related Kinases Suppresses Interleukin-17-Induced NF-kappa B Activation. Mol Cell Biol32: 3925-3937.(IF=4)

6. Song, X., S. Zhu, P. Shi, Y. Liu, Y. Shi, S.D. Levin, and Y. Qian#. 2011. IL-17RE is the functional receptor for IL-17C and mediates mucosal immunity to infection with intestinal pathogens. Nature Immunology. 12:1151-8.(IF=22)
5. Shi, P., S. Zhu, Y. Lin, Y. Liu, Z. Chen, Y. Shi, and Y. Qian#. 2011. Persistent stimulation with interleukin-17 desensitizes cells through SCFbeta-TrCP-mediated degradation of Act1. Science Signaling. 4:ra73.(IF=7)
4. Shi P, Zhu Sand Y Qian#. 2011. IL-17 mediated signaling and function. Chin J Cell Bio. 2011, 33(4): 345-357. (Invited review)

3. Zhu, S., W. Pan, P. Shi, H. Gao, F. Zhao, X. Song, Y. Liu, L. Zhao, X. Li, Y. Shi, and Y. Qian#. 2010. Modulation of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis through TRAF3-mediated suppression of interleukin 17 receptor signaling. J Exp Med. 207:2647-2662. (Research highlight in Nature Medicine (2011) 17:52; Research highlight in Nature Immunology (2011) 12:19; Evaluated by Faculty of 1000 Biology).(IF=15)
2. Pan, W*, S. Zhu*, M. Yuan, H. Cui, L. Wang, X. Luo, J. Li, H. Zhou, Y. Tang, and N. Shen#. 2010. MicroRNA-21 and microRNA-148a contribute to DNA hypomethylation in lupus CD4+ T cells by directly and indirectly targeting DNA methyltransferase 1. J Immunol. 184:6773-6781. (*co-first author; 331 citations)(IF=5)

1. Yu, Z., P. Ji, J. Cao, S. Zhu, Y. Li, L. Zheng, X. Chen, and L. Feng#. 2009. Dazl promotes germ cell differentiation from embryonic stem cells. J Mol Cell Biol. 1:93-103.(IF=6)


联系方式:zhushu@@ustc.edu.cn (请去掉一个@)
Researcher ID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/P-6163-2018
OCRIDID: 0000-0002-8163-0869

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