本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-24
X.K. DOU(DOU Xiankang,窦贤康)
Hefei National Laboratory for the Physical Sciences at the Microscale,
University of Science and Technology of China,
230026 Hefei, P. R. China
President, Wuhan University
B.S. University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
M.S. Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7
Ph.D. Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7
Post-Doctor in Centre national de la recherche scientifique
Assistant Professor in University of Science and Technology of China
Professor in University of Science and Technology of China
President of Wuhan University
The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars
The funds for Innovative Research Group by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
First Prize of Military Science and Technology Progress
First Prize of Anhui Science and Technology Award
Academician of Chinese Academy of Science
Executive Deputy Director, Space Physics Committee, Council of the Chinese Academy of Space Sciences
Director , Council of Chinese Society of Space Research
Deputy Director, Space Weather Committee, China Geophysical Society
Director of the Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Dynamic coupling in the upper atmosphere based on model and experiment
Study of physical and chemical properties of lower atmosphere
Novel lidar development and application based on single photon detection
Wang, C., H.Y. Xia, Y.B. Wu, J.J. Dong, T.W. Wei, L. Wang, and X.K. Dou, Meter-scale spatial-resolution-coherent Doppler wind lidar based on Golay coding. Optics Letters, 2019. 44(2): p. 311-314.
Qin, Y.S., S.Y. Gu, X.K. Dou, Y. Gong, G. Chen, S.D. Zhang, and Q. Wu, Climatology of the Quasi-6-Day Wave in the Mesopause Region and Its Modulations on Total Electron Content During 2003-2017. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2019. 124(1): p. 573-583.
Gu, S.Y., X.K. Dou, C.Y. Yang, M. Jia, K.M. Huang, C.M. Huang, and S.D. Zhang, Climatology and Anomaly of the Quasi-Two-Day Wave Behaviors During 2003-2018 Austral Summer Periods. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2019. 124(1): p. 544-556.
Zou, Z.C., X.H. Xue, C.L. Shen, W. Yi, J.F. Wu, T.D. Chen, and X.K. Dou, Response of Mesospheric HO2 and O-3 to Large Solar Proton Events. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2018. 123(7): p. 5738-5746.
Yi, W., I.M. Reid, X.H. Xue, D.J. Murphy, C.M. Hall, M. Tsutsumi, B.Q. Ning, G.Z. Li, J.P. Younger, T.D. Chen, and X.K. Dou, High- and Middle-Latitude Neutral Mesospheric Density Response to Geomagnetic Storms. Geophysical Research Letters, 2018. 45(1): p. 436-444.
Yang, C.Y., A.K. Smith, T. Li, and X.K. Dou, The Effect of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on the Mesospheric Migrating Diurnal Tide: A Study Using SD-WACCM. Geophysical Research Letters, 2018. 45(10): p. 5105-5114.
Ren, D.X., J.H. Lei, W.B. Wang, A. Burns, X.L. Luan, and X.K. Dou, Does the Peak Response of the Ionospheric F-2 Region Plasma Lag the Peak of 27-Day Solar Flux Variation by Multiple Days? Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2018. 123(9): p. 7906-7916.
Qiu, S.C., W. Soon, X.H. Xue, T. Li, W.Y. Wang, M.J. Jia, C. Ban, X. Fang, Y.H. Tang, and X.K. Dou, Sudden Sodium Layers: Their Appearance and Disappearance. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2018. 123(6): p. 5102-5118.
Luan, X.L., S. Zhou, and X.K. Dou, Auroral Energy Flux Distribution Over the Nightside Auroral Oval Observed by the DMSP F16/SSUSI: Seasonal, Geomagnetic, and Solar Activity Dependences. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2018. 123(5): p. 4457-4466.
Lei, J.H., F.Q. Huang, X.T. Chen, J.H. Zhong, D.X. Ren, W.B. Wang, X.A. Yue, X.L. Luan, M.J. Jia, X.K. Dou, L.H. Hu, B.Q. Ning, C. Owolabi, J.S. Chen, G.Z. Li, and X.H. Xue, Was Magnetic Storm the Only Driver of the Long-Duration Enhancements of Daytime Total Electron Content in the Asian-Australian Sector Between 7 and 12 September 2017? Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2018. 123(4): p. 3217-3232.
Jia, M.J., X.H. Xue, S.Y. Gu, T.D. Chen, B.Q. Ning, J.F. Wu, X.Y. Zeng, and X.K. Dou, Multiyear Observations of Gravity Wave Momentum Fluxes in the Midlatitude Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Region by Meteor Radar. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2018. 123(7): p. 5684-5703.
Huang, F.Q., J.H. Lei, X.K. Dou, X.L. Luan, and J.H. Zhong, Nighttime Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances From Airglow Imager and Global Navigation Satellite Systems Observations. Geophysical Research Letters, 2018. 45(1): p. 31-38.
Gu, S.Y., H. Ruan, C.Y. Yang, Q. Gan, X.K. Dou, and N.N. Wang, The Morphology of the 6-Day Wave in Both the Neutral Atmosphere and F Region Ionosphere Under Solar Minimum Conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2018. 123(5): p. 4232-4240.
Gu, S.Y., H.L. Liu, X.K. Dou, and M.J. Jia, Ionospheric Variability Due to Tides and Quasi-Two Day Wave Interactions. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2018. 123(2): p. 1554-1565.
Gu, S.Y., X.K. Dou, D. Pancheva, W. Yi, and T.D. Chen, Investigation of the Abnormal Quasi 2-Day Wave Activities During the Sudden Stratospheric Warming Period of January 2006. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2018. 123(7): p. 6031-6041.
Dang, T., B.Z. Zhang, M. Wiltberge, W.B. Wang, R. Varney, X.K. Dou, W.X. Wan, and J.H. Lei, On the Relation Between Soft Electron Precipitations in the Cusp Region and Solar Wind Coupling Functions. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2018. 123(1): p. 211-226.
Dang, T., J.H. Lei, W.B. Wang, B.Z. Zhang, A. Burns, H.J. Le, Q. Wu, H.B. Ruan, X.K. Dou, and W.X. Wan, Global Responses of the Coupled Thermosphere and Ionosphere System to the August 2017 Great American Solar Eclipse. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2018. 123(8): p. 7040-7050.
Shangguan, M.J., H.Y. Xia, C. Wang, J.W. Qiu, S.F. Lin, X.K. Dou, Q. Zhang, and J.W. Pan, Dual-frequency Doppler lidar for wind detection with a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector. Optics Letters, 2017. 42(18): p. 3541-3544.
Ruan, H.B., W.B. Wang, X.K. Dou, J. Yue, J. Du, and J.H. Lei, A simulation study of seasonal variations in the thermospheric upward propagation of migrating terdiurnal tide. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2017. 122(3): p. 3737-3747.
Gu, S.Y., H.L. Liu, N.M. Pedatella, X.K. Dou, and Y. Liu, On the wave number 2 eastward propagating quasi 2day wave at middle and high latitudes. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2017. 122(4): p. 4489-4499.
Zhao, R.C., X.K. Dou, D.S. Sun, X.H. Xue, J. Zheng, Y.L. Han, T.D. Chen, G.C. Wang, and Y.J. Zhou, Gravity waves observation of wind field in stratosphere based on a Rayleigh Doppler lidar. Optics Express, 2016. 24(6): p. A581-A591.
Xia, H.Y., M.J. Shangguan, C. Wang, G.L. Shentu, J.W. Qiu, Q. Zhang, X.K. Dou, and J.W. Pan, Micro-pulse upconversion Doppler lidar for wind and visibility detection in the atmospheric boundary layer. Optics Letters, 2016. 41(22): p. 5218-5221.
Shangguan, M., H.Y. Xia, C. Wang, J.W. Qiu, G.L. Shentu, Q. Zhang, X.K. Dou, and J.W. Pan, All-fiber upconversion high spectral resolution wind lidar using a Fabry-Perot interferometer. Optics Express, 2016. 24(17): p. 19322-19336.
Qiu, S.C., Y.H. Tang, M.J. Jia, X.H. Xue, X.K. Dou, T. Li, and Y.H. Wang, A review of latitudinal characteristics of sporadic sodium layers, including new results from the Chinese Meridian Project. Earth-Science Reviews, 2016. 162: p. 83-106.
Huang, F.Q., X.K. Dou, J.H. Lei, J. Lin, F. Ding, and J.H. Zhong, Statistical analysis of nighttime medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances using airglow images and GPS observations over central China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2016. 121(9): p. 8887-8899.
Gu, S.Y., H.L. Liu, N.M. Pedatella, X.K. Dou, and Z.F. Shu, The quasi-2day wave activities during 2007 boreal summer period as revealed by Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2016. 121(7): p. 7256-7268.
Yang, C.Y., T. Li, X.K. Dou, and X.H. Xue, Signal of central Pacific EI Nino in the Southern Hemispheric stratosphere during austral spring. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2015. 120(22).
Gao, Q., X.Z. Chu, X.H. Xue, X.K. Dou, T.D. Chen, and J.S. Chen, Lidar observations of thermospheric Na layers up to 170km with a descending tidal phase at Lijiang (26.7 degrees N, 100.0 degrees E), China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2015. 120(10): p. 9213-9220.
Dang, T., J.H. Lei, X.K. Dou, and W.X. Wan, Feasibility study on the derivation of the O+-O collision frequency from ionospheric field-aligned observations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2015. 120(7): p. 6029-6035.
Ban, C., T. Li, X. Fang, X.K. Dou, and J.G. Xiong, Sodium lidar-observed gravity wave breaking followed by an upward propagation of sporadic sodium layer over Hefei, China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2015. 120(9): p. 7958-7969.
Tang, Y.H., X.K. Dou, T. Li, T.J. Nakamura, X.H. Xue, C. Huang, A. Manson, C. Meek, D. Thorsen, and S. Avery, Gravity wave characteristics in the mesopause region revealed from OH airglow imager observations over Northern Coloradom. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2014. 119(1): p. 630-645.
Ruan, H.B., J.H. Lei, X.K. Dou, W.X. Wan, and Y.C.M. Liu, Midnight density maximum in the thermosphere from the CHAMP observations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2014. 119(5): p. 3741-3746.
Gu, S.Y., X.K. Dou, J.J. Lei, T. Li, X.L. Luan, W.X. Wan, and J.M. Russell, Ionospheric response to the ultrafast Kelvin wave in the MLT region. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2014. 119(2): p. 1369-1380.
Dou, X.K., Y.L. Han, D.S. Sun, H.Y. Xia, Z.F. Shu, R.C. Zhao, M.J. Shangguan, and J. Guo, Mobile Rayleigh Doppler lidar for wind and temperature measurements in the stratosphere and lower mesosphere. Optics Express, 2014. 22(17): p. A1203-A1221.
Xue, X.H., X.K. Dou, J. Lei, J.S. Chen, Z.H. Ding, T. Li, Q. Gao, W.W. Tang, X.W. Cheng, and K. Wei, Lower thermospheric-enhanced sodium layers observed at low latitude and possible formation: Case studies. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2013. 118(5): p. 2409-2418.
Lei, J.H., X.K. Dou, A. Burns, W.B. Wang, X.L. Luan, Z. Zeng, and J.Y. Xu, Annual asymmetry in thermospheric density: Observations and simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2013. 118(5): p. 2503-2510.
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