

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-24


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E- Mail:han@ustc.edu.cn





( 1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“可扩展多线程处理器中的资源共享技术”
( 2) 国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题“超并行计算机体系结构上的多核并行编程模型和环境研究”
( 3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“众核处理器结构上的并行程序执行模型”
( 4) 国家973项目子课题“可重构片上并行体系结构”
( 5) 国家973项目子课题“面向高通量应用的高效能片上资源配置和管理机制”
( 6) 国家科技重大专项项目子课题“龙芯多核平台上的可视化并行程序性能调优技术与工具”
( 7) 国家科技重大专项项目子课题“超高性能万亿次CPU的运行时系统研究”
( 8) 国家863重大项目子课题“高效能千万亿次级系统上软硬件协同支持的程序并行化方法”
( 9) 国家863项目“软硬件协同支持的可扩展多核事务存储体系结构”
(10) 国家863项目子课题“并行程序性能优化技术与程序正确性验证方法”



[01] Weihao Liang, Hong An, Feng Li, and Yichao Cheng,Optimization of Binomial Option Pricing on Intel MIC Heterogeneous System,Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2015), LNCS v9528, Zhangjiajie, China,Nov.18-20, 2015, p17-29
[02] Junrui Zhou, Hong An, Yunyun Wang, and Junshi Chen,Local State Reusing for Efficient Model Checking of Multithreaded Programs,Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2015), LNCS v9528, Zhangjiajie, China,Nov.18-20, 2015,p521-538
[03] Yaobin Wang, Hong An, Zhiqin Liu, Lei Zhang, Qingfeng Wang, Parallelizing Block Cryptography Algorithms on Speculative Multicores. Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2015), LNCS v9528, Zhangjiajie, China,Nov.18-20, 2015, p3-15
[04] Feng Li, Hong An, Weihao Liang,A Compiler translate Directive-based Language to Optimized CUDA,Proceedings of 16th IEEE International Conference on High Performance and Communications (HPCC), Paris, France, August 20-22, 2014,982-989
[05] Yichao Cheng, Hong An, Zhitao Chen, Feng Li,Understanding the SIMD Efficiency of Graph Traversal on GPU,Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2014), 8630 LNCS PART 1,pp 42-56, DaLian, China, August 24-27, 2014
[06] Wang, Tao; An, Hong; Sun, Tao; Gao, Xiao-Chuan; Zhang, Hai-Bo; Cheng, Yi-Chao; Peng, Yi, Fair scheduling on dynamic heterogeneous chip multiprocessor, Journal of Software, Vol.25, No.1, p 80-89, December, 2014
[07] Gongming Li, Hong An, Qi Li, Bobin Deng,Wenbo Dai, Efficient Execution of Speculative Threads and Transactions with Hardware Transactional Memory, Journal of Future Generation Computer System (FGCS), Elsevier Press, v 30, n 1, p 242-253, 2014
[08] Xulong Tang, Hong An, Gongjin Sun, Dongrui Fan,VC-Bench: A Video Coding Benchmark Suite for Evaluation of Processor Capability,Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing Studies in Computational Intelligence,Springer, Volume 492, 2013, pp 101-116
[09] Zhang, Haibo; Han, Wenting; Li, Feng; He, Songtao; Cheng, Yichao; An, Hong; Chen, Zhitao,A criticality-aware DVFS runtime utility for optimizing power efficiency of multithreaded applications, Proceedings of the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS, Phoenix, AZ, p 841-848, November 27, 2014
[10] Gongming Li,Hong An, Qi Li,Bobin Deng,Wenbo Dai, Efficient Execution of Speculative Threads and Transactions with Hardware Transactional Memory, Journal of Future Generation Computer System (FGCS), Elsevier Press, June 2013
[11] Gongming Li, Hong An: Phase-Priority based Directory Coherence for Multicore Processor, International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology. CoRR abs/1305-3038 (2013)
[12] Xulong Tang, Hong An, Gongjin Sun, Dongrui Fan,VC-Bench: A Video Coding Benchmark Suite for Evaluation of Processor Capability,Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing Studies in Computational Intelligence,Volume 492, 2013, pp 101-116
[13] Gongming Li,Hong An, Qi Li, Bobin Deng,Wenbo Dai, SeTM: Efficient Execution of Speculative Threads with Hardware Transactional Memory,In: Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPDS'12), Singapore, December 17 - 19, 2012
[14] Qi Li, Hong An, Wenbo Dai, Gongming Li, Bobin Deng, Yu Liu, Xiaomei Li and Shilei Wu, Priority-based Squash Reducing Methods in Thread Level Speculation, International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence (IJITCC). Volume 2, Number 2/2012,pp138-154, August 13, 2012
[15] Li, Xiaoqiang, Han, Wenting; Liu, Gu; An, Hong; Xu, Mu; Zhou, Wei; Li, Qi, A speculative HMMER search implementation on GPU In: Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops( IPDPSW 2012), p 735-741,May 21, 2012 - May 25, 2012
[16] Liu, Yu; An, Hong; Li, Xiaomei; Leng, Peng; Sun, Sun; Chen, Junshi, VSCP: A cache controlling method for improving single thread performance in multicore system,In: Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, HPCC-2012,Liverpool, UK , ICESS-2012, p 161-168, Jun25-27, 2012
[17] Sun, Tao; An, Hong; Wang, Tao; Zhang, Haibo; Sui, Xiufeng, CRQ-based fair scheduling on composable multicore architectures,In: Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGARCH International Conference on Supercomputing(ICS’12) , p 173-183, Venice, Italy,Jun25-29. 2012
[18] Mao, Mengjie; An, Hong; Deng, Bobin; Sun, Tao; Wei, Xuechao; Zhou, Wei; Han, Wenting, Distributed replay protocol for distributed uniprocessors, In: Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGARCH International Conference on Supercomputing(ICS’12) , p 3-13, Venice, Italy,Jun25-29. 2012
[19] Deng, Bobin; An, Hong; Li, Qi; Li, Gongming; Mao, Mengjie, Value predicted LogSPoTM: Improve the parallesim of thread level system by using a value predictor, In Proceeding of 11th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science(ICIS'12), p 130-135, Shanghai, China,May 30-June 1,2012
[20] Mao, Mengjie; An, Hong; Sun, Tao; Li, Qi; Deng, Bobin; Wei, Xuechao; Zhou, Junrui, Distributed control independence for composable multi-processors, In: Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE/ACIS 11th International Conference on Computer and Information Science(ICIS'12), p 124-129, Shanghai, China,May 30-June 1,2012
[21] Gu Liu,Hong An,Wenting Han, Xiaoqiang Li,Tao Sun,Wei Zhou,Xuechao Wei,Xulong Tang, FlexBFS: A Parallelism-aware Implementation of Breadth-First Search on GPU, Poster in the proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming(PPoPP'12), February 25-29, 2012, New Orleans, USA,pp279
[22] Tao Sun, Hong An, Tao Wang, Haibo Zhang, Gu Liu, and Mengjie Mao. CRQ-based Fair Scheduling on Composable Multicore Architectures. In proceedings of The 7th International Workshop on Unique Chips and Systems (UCAS), held in conjunction with the IEEE 18th International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-18), New Orleans, USA, February 26, 2012
[23] Wei Zhou, Hong An, Hongping Yang, Gu Liu, Mu Xu and Xiaoqiang Li, Fast clustering of radar reflectivity data on GPUs,Proceedings of the sixth International Conference on Embedded and Multimedia Computing(EMC 2011), Enshi,China, August 11-13,2011
[24] Xiaoqiang Li, Hong An, Gu Liu, Wenting Han, Mu Xu, Wei Zhou, Qi Li,A Non-blocking Programming Framework for Pipeline Application on Multi-core Platform,In: Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA 2011), IEEE Computer Society Press, Busan, Korea, 26-28 May 2011
[25] Wenbo Dai, Hong An, Qi Li, Gongming Li, Bobin Deng, Shilei Wu, Xiaomei Li, Yu Liu, A Priority-aware NoC to Reduce Squashes in Thread Level Speculation for Chip Multiprocessors, In: Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA 2011), IEEE Computer Society Press, Busan, Korea, 26-28 May 2011
[26] Tao Sun, Hong An, Yongqing Ren, Mengjie Mao, Yang Liu, Mu Xu, Qi Li, FACRA: Flexible-core Architecture Chip Resource Abstractor,In:Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies(PDCAT-10) , IEEE Computer Society Press, Wuhan, China, December 8-11, 2010
[27] Qian Zhang , Hong An, Gu Liu, Wenting Han , Ping Yao, Mu Xu, Xiaoqiang Li, The Optimization of Parallel Smith-Waterman Sequence Alignment Using On-chip Memory of GPGPU, In:Proceedings of the IEEE Fifth International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications (BIC-TA 2010),IEEE Computer Society Press, Changsha,China,September23-26,2010
[28] Ping Yao, Hong An, Mu Xu, Gu Liu, Xiaoqiang Li, Yaobin Wang,Wengting Han, CuHMMer: A Load-Balanced CPU-GPU Cooperative Bioinformatics Application,In:Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2010),IEEE Computer Society Press, Caen, France, June 28 - July 2, 2010
[29] Yongqing Ren, Hong An, Ming Cong, Tao Sun, Yaobin Wang,Dynamic Resource Tuning for Flexible Core Chip Multiprocessors,In:Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing(ICA3PP 2010), LNCS 6082,Springer,Busan, Korea, May21-23,2010. pp32-41
[30] CONG Ming, AN Hong, CAO Lu, LIU Yuan, LI Peng, WANG Tao, YU Zhi-hong, LIU Dong, Pattern-Unit based Regular Expression Matching with Reconfigurable Function Unit,In:Proceedings of The 2010 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Applications (ICCSA 2010),Lecture Notes in Computer Science,Springer, Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka, Japan,March 23-26, 2010
[31] Gu Liu, Hong An, Wenting Han, Guang Xu, Ping Yao, Mu Xu, Xiurui Hao,A Program Behavior Study of Block Cryptography Algorithms on GPGPU,In:Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology(FCST 2009),Shanghai,China,December 17-19,2009
[32] Yaobin Wang, Hong An, Jie Yan, Qi Li, Wenting Han, Li Wang, Investigation of Factors Impacting Thread-level Parallelism from Desktop, Multimedia and HPC Applications, In:Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology(FCST 2009),Shanghai,China,December 17-19,2009
[33] Mu Xu, Hong An, Gu Liu, Yaobin Wang, Guang Xu, Ping Yao, Xiurui Hao, Wenting Han, The Mapping Framework and Optimizing Strategies for Block Cryptography Algorithms on Cell Broadband Engine,In:Proceedings of the Tenth IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies(PDCAT’09), IEEE Computer Society Press, Hiroshima, Japan, December 8-11, 2009
[34] Guang Xu, Hong An, Mu Xu, Gu Liu, Ping Yao, XiuRui Hao, XiaoQiang Li, Qian Zhang. Heterogeneous Explicit Data Graph Execution Architecture, Accepted by 1st Workshop on New Directions in Computer Architecture (NDCA), held in conjunction with the 42nd 2009 International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-42), New York, New York, December 13, 2009
[35] Guang Xu, Hong An, Gu Liu, Ping Yao, Mu Xu, Wenting Han, Xiaoqiang Li, Xiurui Hao,Performance and Power Efficiency Analysis of the Symmetric Cryptograph on Two Stream Processor Architectures,In:Proceedings of The Fifth IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, IEEE Computer Society Press, Kyoto, Japan, September 12 - 14, 2009
[36] Yongqing Ren, Hong An, Ming Cong, Guang Xu, Li Wang,Scaling the Performance of Tiled Processor Architectures with On-Chip Network Topology,In:Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization (IEEE CSO 2009),IEEE Computer Society Press, Sanya, Hainan Island, China, April 24-26, 2009.
[37] Ruiling Dou, Hong An, Rui Guo, Wenting Han, Ming Cong, Yongqing Ren, Localizing Loads Execution in a Data Cache Distributed Processor Architecture, In:Proceedings of the 2009 IACSIT Spring Conference(IACSIT SC2009),IEEE Computer Society Press, Singapore, April 17-20, 2009.
[38] Ming Cong, Hong An, Yongqing Ren, Canming Zhao, Jun Zhang,A feasibility study on hyperblock-based aggressive speculative execution model,In:Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology(ICCET 2009), IEEE Computer Society Press, Singapore, January 22 - 24, 2009.
[39] Rui Guo, Hong An, Ruiling Dou, Ming Cong, Yaobin Wang, Qi Li, LogSPoTM: a Scalable Thread Level Speculation Model Based on Transactional Memory,In: Proceedings of the thirteenth IEEE Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference (ACSAC 2008), IEEE Computer Society Press, Hsinchu,Taiwan, Aug.4-6, 2008.
[40] Li Wang, Hong An, Yongqing Ren,Yaobin Wang, Profile Guided Optimization for Dataflow Predication,In:Proceedings of the thirteenth IEEE Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference (ACSAC 2008), IEEE Computer Society Press, Hsinchu,Taiwan, Aug.4-6, 2008.
[41] Guang Xu, Hong An, Ming Cong , Fang Wang, Yongqing Ren, A Wire Delay Scalable Stream Processor Architecture,In:Proceedings of the thirteenth IEEE Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference (ACSAC 2008), IEEE Computer Society Press, Hsinchu,Taiwan, Aug.4-6, 2008.
[42] Yaobin Wang, Hong An, Bo Liang, Li Wang, Rui Guo, OpenPro : A Dynamic Profiling Tool Set for Exploring Thread-Level Speculation Parallelism, In:Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Electrical Enginerring (ICCEE 2008), Phuket Island, Thailand,December 20 - December 22, 2008 IEEE Computer Society Press, Phuket, Thailand, December 20-22, 2008.

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