

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-24

鲍坚强,特任研究员,博士生导师。2010年获得上海交通大学医学院生殖生物学博士学位,于2011~2018年分别在美国University of Nevada Reno和University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center接受博士后训练。2018年9月始双聘于中国科学技术大学生命科学与医学部和附属第一医院生殖医学中心工作。以第一作者/通讯作者在Nucleic Acids Research, JCI Insight, PLoS Genetics, Development, Cancer Research, Cell Death & Differentiation等主流期刊发表20多篇SCI学术论文。

生殖细胞发育异常引起的人类生殖障碍及出生缺陷是我国面临的严重人口健康挑战。当前,由于人们工作压力的增大,生活/饮食方式的改变,环境污染的存在,据统计我国育龄夫妇中约有10~15%不能正常生育,且在每年出生的新生儿中,约有3~6%存在先天出生缺陷。这些给我国人口健康带来巨大挑战和社会负担。本研究组将通过制作基因修饰的小鼠动物模型,综合利用细胞生物学与分子生物学技术,并结合人类临床病理标本,从遗传和表观遗传角度来探讨哺乳动物生殖细胞发育、分化、受精及环境获得性性状子代传递(Acquired traits)的分子机制。
NCBI: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/myncbi/jianqiang.bao.1/bibliography/**/public/?sort=date&direction=descending
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=M582R4cAAAAJ&hl=en
Bao J, Di Lorenzo A,Lin K,Lu Y,Zhong Y,Sebastian MM,Muller WJ,Yang Y,Bedford MT. Mouse models of overexpression reveal distinct oncogenic roles for different type I protein arginine methyltransferases.Cancer research. 2019. PMID: **. Highlighted in Cover image (2019 Janissue
Bao J, Perez CJ, Kim J, Zhang H, Murphy CJ, Hamidi T, Jaubert J, Platt CD, Chou J, Deng M, Zhou MH, Huang Y, Gaitán-Pe?as H, Guénet JL, Lin K, Lu Y, Chen T,Bedford MT, Dent SY, Richburg JH, EstévezR, Pan HL, Geha RS, Shi Q, Benavides F.Deficient LRRC8A-dependent volume-regulated anion channel activity is associated with male infertility in mice.JCI insight. 2018; 3(16). PMID:**.
Hamidi T, Singh AK, Veland N, Vemulapalli V, Chen J, Hardikar S, Bao J, Fry CJ,Yang V, Lee KA, Guo A, Arrowsmith CH, Bedford MT, Chen T. Identification of Rpl29 as a major substrate of the lysine methyltransferase Set7/9. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2018; 293(33):12770-12780. PMID: **.
Bao J, Rousseaux S, Shen J, Lin K, Lu Y, Bedford MT. The arginine methyltransferase CARM1 represses p300?ACT?CREMτ activity and is required for spermiogenesis. Nucleic acids research. 2018; 46(9):4327-4343. PMID: **. Highlighted as Breakthrough Article in NAR, Recommended by F1000
Bao J, Vitting-Seerup K, Waage J, Tang C, Ge Y, Porse BT, Yan W. UPF2-Dependent Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay Pathway Is Essential for Spermatogenesis by Selectively Eliminating Longer 3'UTR Transcripts. PLoS genetics. 2016;12(5): e**. PMID: **. Highlighted in PLoS Genetics
Bao J, Bedford MT. Epigenetic regulation of the histone-to-protamine transition during spermiogenesis. Reproduction (Cambridge, England). 2016; 151(5): R55-70. PMID: **.
Yuan S, Schuster A, Tang C, Yu T, Ortogero N, Bao J, Zheng H, Yan W. Sperm-borne miRNAs and endo-siRNAs are important for fertilization and preimplantation embryonic development. Development (Cambridge, England). 2016; 143(4):635-47. PMID: **.
Yuan S, Stratton CJ, Bao J, Zheng H, Bhetwal BP, Yanagimachi R, Yan W. Spata6 is required for normal assembly of the sperm connecting piece and tight head-tail conjunction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.2015;112(5): E430-9. PMID: **.
Bao J, Tang C, Yuan S, Porse BT, Yan W. UPF2, a nonsense-mediated mRNA decay factor, is required for prepubertal Sertoli cell development and male fertility by ensuring fidelity of the transcriptome. Development (Cambridge, England). 2015; 142(2):352-62. PMID: **.
Bao J, Tang C, Li J, Zhang Y, Bhetwal BP, Zheng H, Yan W. RAN-binding protein 9 is involved in alternative splicing and is critical for male germ cell development and male fertility. PLoS genetics. 2014; 10(12): e**. PMID: **.
Ortogero N, Schuster AS, Oliver DK, Riordan CR, Hong AS, Hennig GW, Luong D, Bao J, Bhetwal BP, Ro S, McCarrey JR, Yan W. A novel class of somatic small RNAs similar to germ cell pachytene PIWI-interacting small RNAs. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2014; 289(47):32824-34. PMID: **.
Wu J, Bao J, Kim M, Yuan S, Tang C, Zheng H, Mastick GS, Xu C, Yan W. Two miRNA clusters, miR-34b/c and miR-449, are essential for normal brain development,motile ciliogenesis, and spermatogenesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2014; 111(28): E2851-7. PMID: **.
Bao J, Zhang Y, Schuster AS, Ortogero N, Nilsson EE, Skinner MK, Yan W. Conditional inactivation of Miwi2 reveals that MIWI2 is only essential for prospermatogonial development in mice. Cell death and differentiation. 2014;21(5):783-96. PMID: **.
Bao J, Wu J, Schuster AS, Hennig GW, Yan W. Expression profiling reveals developmentally regulated lncRNA repertoire in the mouse male germline. Biology of reproduction. 2013; 89(5):107. PMID: **.
Bao J, Yuan S, Maestas A, Bhetwal BP, Schuster A, Yan W. Stk31 is dispensable for embryonic development and spermatogenesis in mice. Molecular reproduction and development. 2013; 80(10):786. PMID: **.
Bao J, Ma HY, Schuster A, Lin YM, Yan W. Incomplete cre-mediated excision leads to phenotypic differences between Stra8-iCre; Mov10l1lox/lox and Stra8-iCre; Mov10l1lox/Δ mice. Genesis (New York, N.Y: 2000). 2013; 51(7):481-90. PMID: **.
Bao J, Li D, Wang L, Wu J, Hu Y, Wang Z, Chen Y, Cao X, Jiang C, Yan W, Xu C. MicroRNA-449 and microRNA-34b/c function redundantly in murine testes by targeting E2F transcription factor-retinoblastoma protein (E2F-pRb) pathway. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2012; 287(26):21686-98. PMID: **.
Bao J, Yan W. Male germline control of transposable elements. Biology of reproduction. 2012; 86(5):162, 1-14. PMID: **.
Bao J, Wang L, Lei J, Hu Y, Liu Y, Shen H, Yan W, Xu C. STK31(TDRD8) is dynamically regulated throughout mouse spermatogenesis and interacts with MIWI protein. Histochemistry and cell biology. 2012; 137(3):377-89. PMID: **.
Wu J, Bao J, Wang L, Hu Y, Xu C. MicroRNA-184 downregulates nuclear receptor corepressor 2 in mouse spermatogenesis. BMC developmental biology. 2011; 11:64. PMID: **.
Bao J, Wu Q, Song R, Jie Z, Zheng H, Xu C, Yan W. RANBP17 is localized to the XY body of spermatocytes and interacts with SPEM1 on the manchette of elongating spermatids. Molecular and cellular endocrinology. 2011; 333(2):134-42. PMID: **.
Bao J, Zhang J, Zheng H, Xu C, Yan W. UBQLN1 interacts with SPEM1 and participates in spermiogenesis. Molecular and cellular endocrinology. 2010; 327(1-2):89-97. PMID: **.

Email: jqbao@ustc.edu.cn

相关话题/生命科学 中国科技大学