

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-24

周沛,男,安徽砀山人,合肥工业大学土木与水利工程学院建筑环境与技术工程系讲师,硕士生导师,香港城市大学博士,主持及参与安徽省自然科学基金、科技部国家重点研发计划、合肥工业大学博士专项科研资助基金、广东省市基础与应用基础研究、香港健康与医疗研究基金、香港环保局等纵横向科研项目10余项,在Journal of Energy and Buildings,Building and Environment等期刊发表SCI/EI论文20余篇,参编著作1部,已授权专利4项。中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会会员、安徽省土木建筑学会会员,国际期刊Journal of Applied Energy,Journal of Building and Environment审稿人,主要从事中央空调系统节能控制、TRNSYS建模与仿真、CFD数值模拟、室内环境监测、负离子杀菌及污染物控制等方面的研究。

2011/04-2014/08,香港城市大学,建筑与土木工程系,助理研究员,导师:Gongsheng Huang,Alvin C.K. Lai
2014/08-2017/08,香港城市大学,建筑与土木工程系,屋宇设备工程,哲学博士,导师:Gongsheng Huang





[1] 安徽省自然科学基金面上项目,基于数据融合的面向需求侧非均匀热环境MIMO优化控制研究,JZ2019AKZR0222,2019-2022,主持
[2] 合肥工业大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助,JZ2018HGBZ0188,通风管道负离子杀菌技术模拟研究,2018-2020,主持
[3] 贵阳恒大文化旅游城会展中心中庭CFD模拟报告及优化建议,2018-2019年,主持
[4] 罗氏诊断包装车间改造项目制药工艺设备洁净室气流组织模拟优化,W2020JSFW0277,2019-2020年,主持
[5] 空调冷冻水系统二次泵变频控制程序仿真模拟优化,W2021JSFW0026,2020-2021年,主持

参加科研项目[1] 国家重点研发计划项目,2017YFC**,强风-暴雨-危化品泄漏耦合作用实验环境构建,2017-2020
[2] 国家重点研发计划项目,2018YFC**,灾害环境适应性综合评价技术与方法,2018-2021
[3] 广东省基础与应用基础研究专项资金,基于无线测量的大空间变风量空调系统的协调控制与节能研究,2015-2017
[4] 深圳市知识创新计划基础研究项目,基于无线传感器网络的室内环境监测系统的核心技术研究,2014-2016
[5] ECS/UGC, Enhancing the thermal comfort and energy efficiency of air-conditioning systems for large-scale rooms by integrating robust MIMO control and wireless sensor network, No. 124012. 2012-2015
[6] Environment and Conservation Fund ECF, Study the energy saving opportunities and potentials of using wireless sensor network to monitor the indoor climate of large-scale rooms in Hong Kong, No. 40/2011, 2012-2014
[7] Application of Cold Plasma Techniques for Disinfection of Airborne Bacteria in Air Ventilation Systems in Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities, HKSAR Government through the Health and Medical Research Fund Project no. **, 2013-2015


发表科研论文[1]Pei Zhou, Yi Yang, Gongsheng Huang, Alvin C.K. Lai, Numerical and experimental study on airborne disinfection by negative ions in air duct flow,Building and Environment, Volume 127, 2018, Pages 204-210.
[2]Pei Zhou, Yi Yang, Alvin C.K. Lai, Gongsheng Huang, Inactivation of airborne bacteria by cold plasma in air duct flow, Building and Environment, Volume 106, September 2016, Pages 120-130.
[3]Pei Zhou, Gongsheng Huang, Linfeng Zhang, Kim-Fung Tsang, Wireless sensor network based monitoring system for a large-scale indoor space: data process and supply air allocation optimization, Energy and Buildings, Volume 103, 15 September 2015, Pages 365-374.
[4]Pei Zhou, Gongsheng Huang, Zhengwei Li, Demand-based temperature control of large-scale rooms aided by wireless sensor network: Energy saving potential analysis, Energy and Buildings, Volume 68, Part A, January 2014, Pages 532-540.
[5]Pei Zhou, Gongsheng Huang, Experimental Study of Energy Saving Potential in Mixing and Displacement Ventilation with Wireless Sensor Networks, Procedia Engineering, Volume 121, 2015, Pages 1497-1504.
[6]Pei Zhou, Junqi Wang, Gongsheng Huang, An Evaluation of Heat Transfer Coefficient in an Independent Zonal Temperature Controls with CFD, Energy Procedia, Volume 105, May 2017, Pages 2260-2266.
[7]Pei Zhou, Xiaoping Liu, Xiangxiang Lv, Study on the Application of Negative Ionizers for Removing Airborne Pathogens in Ventilated Rooms, The 8th International Conference of SuDBE2017, Chongqing, China; 4-7 November 2017.
[8]Pei Zhou, Junqi Wang, Gongsheng Huang, A coordinated VAV control with integration of heat transfer coefficients for improving energy efficiency and thermal comfort, WES-CUE 2017, 19-21 July 2017, Singapore.
[9]Pei Zhou, Caroline Fong, Alvin C.K. Lai, Numerical simulation for bioaerosol removal of applying negative ionizers in a ventilated room, 12th REHVA world congress CLIMA 2016, Aalborg, Denmark, 22-25 May 2016.
[10]Pei Zhou, Gongsheng Huang, A Case Study of Wireless Sensor Networks for Monitoring Indoor Environment in Large-scale Rooms, The 11th International Conference on Industrial Ventilation, Tongji University, VTT (Technical Research Center of Finland) and Tsinghua University, Shanghai, PRC, 26-28 October 2015.
[13] 杨艺,周沛,赖志强,通风管道内负离子传输的数值模拟及试验验证[J]. 环境科学研究, 2016, 2912:1913-1920.

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