

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-24


姓 名 陈斌 性 别 男
出生年月 1989年1月 最终学位
毕业学校 都柏林大学(爱尔兰)

从事专业 信号处理,通信与信息系统 职务 硕士生导师
所属院系 计算机与信息学院

所属科室(研究所) 信息与信号处理研究所 职称 讲 师



邮 箱 bin.chen@hfut.edu.cn

通讯地址 安徽省合肥市丹霞路485号合肥工业大学计算机与信息学院,科教楼A座1003
邮编 230601


2011.9-2015.9,爱尔兰都柏林大学, 电气与电子工程学院, 博士,导师,Prof. Mark Flanagan

2016-2019,荷兰埃因霍温理工大学,SPS group和ECO group, 博士后/访问****
合作导师:Prof. Frans M.J. Willems(IEEE Fellow),Prof. Alex AlvaradoProf. ChigoOkonkwo 参与欧盟“地平线2020(Horizon 2020)”项目
- 荷兰埃因霍温理工大学(TUe)个人主页:https://research.tue.nl/en/persons/bin-chen
- Arxiv主页:https://arxiv.org/a/chen_b_4.html
-ORCID ID主页:https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3503-2291


- 光纤通信中的信道建模与新型编码调制技术
- 通信系统中的信息论与纠错码
- 机器学习在通信系统中的应用
- 智能系统中的数字信号处理



4.华为创新研究计划,NLCAP: Multi-dimentionalCodedModulation forMaximizingNonlinearCapacity in theOpticalChannel,2017.10-2019.4,主研
7.欧盟“地平线2020”项目,PARIOT:“PUFs: Anchorsof Trust inResource-ConstrainedEnvironments”,2016-2017,主研
8.爱尔兰科学基金项目,“Signal-SpaceCooperative Relaying Techniques for Future Wireless Networks”, 2014.09-2018.09,参与
9.爱尔兰研究委员会基金项目,“Low-Complexity Relaying Techniques for Future Wireless Networks”, 2013.10-2015.09,参与
10.爱尔兰科学基金项目,“PerformanceCharacterization of Low-density Code Ensembles”, 2011.09-2015.08,参与

2020年 “第十九届全国机器人大赛Robomaster2020机甲大师赛”全国二等奖
2020年 互联网+创新创业大赛校级金奖1项,校级铜奖1项

- 欢迎对科研有兴趣的学生报考研究生或者联系本科毕业设计项目,也欢迎大一、大二的本科同学提前加入实验室申请或参与大创项目、参加学科竞赛等。
- 随时欢迎有兴趣出国留学的同学前来咨询,可提供个人对国外学习和申请的一些经验和建议。
- 预约方式:电子邮件(bin.chen@hfut.edu.cn)


Best Paper Award,Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), 2019
Best Paper Award, Asia CommunicationsandPhotonics Conference, 2018
国家留学基金委公派攻读博士奖学金, 2011-2015

已发表和录用论文40余篇,其中SCI期刊论文20余篇,包括IoTJ 1篇、TCOM 3篇、JLT 4篇、CommLetter 3篇、PTL 3篇;会议包含无线通信和光通信顶级会议( OFC 2篇,ECOC 6篇, OECC, ACP , Globecom,WCNC, PIMRC)。
[1]Alex Alvarado,Yi Lei,Bin Chen, Gabriele Liga, Soft-aided Decoding of Staircase Codes, 2019-7-9, WIPO, PCT/EP2019/068348.(国际PCT专利)


[22] Yi Lei, Bin Chen*, Gabriele Liga, Alexios Balasoukas-Stimming, Kaixuan Sun, Alex Alvarado, A soft-aided staircase decoder using three-level channel reliabilities, submitted toIEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2021.(IF2020: 4.288,中科院1区)(光通信TOP期刊)
[21]BinChen, A. Alvarado,S. van der Heigh, M. van der Hour,H. Hafarmann andC. Okonkwo,Analysis and Experimental Demonstration of Orthant-Symmetric Four-dimensional 7 bit/4D-sym Modulation for Optical Fiber Communication,IEEEJournal of Lightwave Technology,2021(IF2020: 4.288,中科院1区)(光通信TOP期刊)JLT2020_final.pdf

[20]H. Zheng, K. Wu,BinChenet. al., Experimental Demonstration of 9.6 Gbit/s Polar Coded Infrared Light Communication System,IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 32, no. 24, pp. 1539-1542, 15 Dec., 2020.(IF2018: 2.553, 中科院3区)PTL2020_Haotian.pdf
[19]Bin Chen, Yi Lei,Gabriele Liga, Chigo Okonkwo, Alex Alvarado,Hard-Decision Coded Modulation for High-Throughput Short-Reach Optical Interconnect,Entropy, March 2020.(IF2018: 2.419, 中科院3区)entropy-22-00400.pdf

AIRs and operational CM rates vs. SNR for post-SCC BER < 1e-6
[18]G. Liga,BinChen, S. van der Heigh, A. Sheikh, M. van der Hour,C. Okonkwo and A. Alvarado,30% Reach Increase via Low-complexity Hybrid HD/SD FEC and Nonlinearity-tolerant 4D Modulation,IEEEPhotonics Technology Letter,May 2020.(IF2018: 2.553, 中科院3区)PTL2020_Gabriele.pdf
[17]A. Rajaram, D. N. K. Jayakody,Bin Chen, R. Dinis, and S. Affes, Modulation-based Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer,IEEE Communications Letters,Jan.2020. (IF2018: 3.457,中科院3区)CommL2020.pdf

[16]BinChen, C. Okonkwo, H. Hafermannand A. Alvarado,Eight-dimensionalPolarization-ring-switching Modulation Formats,IEEEPhotonics Technology Letter, Nov. 2019.(IF2018: 2.553, 中科院3区)ChenPTL2019.pdf
Optical fiber transmission for 8D-2048PRS modulation
[15] Y. Lei,Bin Chen, G. Liga,X. Deng, Z. Cao, J. Li, K. Xu, andA. Alvarado, Improved Decoding of Staircase Codes: The Soft-aided Bit-marking (SABM) Algorithm,IEEE Transactions on Communications,Dec. 2019. (IF2020: 5.646,中科院1区)(通信TOP期刊)YiLeiTCOM2019.pdf

SCC with SABM decoding
[14]Bin Chen, C. Okonkwo, H. Hafermannand A. Alvarado, Polarization Ring-switching for nonlinearity-tolerant Geometrically-shaped Four-dimensional Formats Maximizing Generalized Mutual Information,IEEEJournal of Lightwave Technology,July2019. (IF2020: 4.288,中科院1区)(光通信TOP期刊)ChenJLT2019.pdf

4D-64PRS modulation in X and Y polarization
[13]H. Zheng, S. A. Hashemi,Bin Chen*,Z. Cao,andT. Koonen, Inter-frame Correlated Polar Coding with Dynamic Frozen bits,IEEE Communications Letters,July2019. (IF2018: 3.457,中科院3区)*通讯作者ChenComLetter2019.pdf

Inter-frame Correlated polar codingand error-correction performance
[12] S. Lin, J. Du, J. Lin,Bin Chen, K. Xu, B. Liu, C. Lu and Z. He, Intelligent 2-dimensional soft decision enabled by k-means clusteting for VCSEL-based 112-Gbps PAM-4 and PAM-8 optical interconnection,IEEEJournal of Lightwave Technology,2019. (IF2020: 4.288,中科院1区)(光通信TOP期刊)
[11] R. Uppu, T. A. W. Wolterink, S. A.Goorden,Bin Chen, B.?kori?, A. P.Mosk,andP. W. H. Pinkse“Asymmetric Cryptography with Physical Unclonable Keys”,Quantum Science and Technology,November2019. (IF2018:3.022,中科院2区)

PUK-Enabled AsymmetricCommunication
[10]T. Stanko,Bin Chen,andB. ?koric, Fingerprint Template Protection Using Minutia-Pair Spectral Representations,EURASIP Journal on Information Security, 2019. (CCF推荐C类期刊)

Two-stage Helper Data System
[9]H. Zheng,Bin Chen, L. F. Abanto-Leon,Z. Cao,andT. Koonen, Complexity-Adjustable SC Decoding of Polar Codes for Energy Consumption Reduction,IET Communications,2019.(IF2018: 1.779,中科院4区)
[8]Bin Chen,F. Willems, Secret Key Generation over Biased Physical Unclonable Functions with Polar Codes,IEEE Internet of Things Journal, February2019. (IF2018: 9.515,中科院1区)

Achievable secret-key rate vs bit error rate forPUF

[7]X. Deng, S. Mardanikorani, Y. Wu,Bin Chen, A. M. Khalid, and J. M. G. Linnartz, Mitigating LED Nonlinearity to Enhance Visible Light Communications,IEEE Transactions on Communications,July2018. (IF2020: 5.646,中科院1)(通信TOP期刊)

Eye diagrams of PAM-4 signal andConstellation diagrams of 64-QAM OFDM signal
[6]A. Alvarado, T. Fehenberger,Bin Chenand F. M. J. Willems, Achievable Information Rates for Fiber Optics: Applications and Computations,IEEEJournal of Lightwave Technology,vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 424-439, Jan.15, 2018. (IF2020: 4.288,中科院1区Invited paper)(光通信TOP期刊)

AIR vs. SNR (AWGN) and AIR vs. transmission distance (optical fiber channel)

[5]A. Rajaram,D. N. K. Javakody, K. Srinivasan,Bin Chen*andV. Sharma, Opportunistic-Harvesting: RF Wireless Power Transfer Scheme for Multiple Access Relays System,IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 16084-16099, 2017. (IF2018: 4.098,中科院2区)*通讯作者
[4]D. N. K. Javakody, V. SkachekandBin Chen, Spatially-Coupled LDPC Coding in Cooperative Wireless Networks,EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, February 2016. (IF2016: 1.961,中科院3区)
[3]Bin Chen, D. N. K. Javakodyand M. F. Flanagan, DistributedLow-DensityLattice Codes,IEEE Communications Letters, January 2016. (IF2018: 3.457,中科院3区)
[2]Bin Chen, D. N. K. Jayakodyand M. F. Flanagan, Low-Density Lattice Coded Relaying with Joint Iterative Decoding,IEEE Transactions on Communications, December 2015. (IF2020: 5.646,中科院1区)(通信TOP期刊)
[1]Bin Chenand M. F. Flanagan, Network-Turbo-Coding based Cooperation with Distributed Space-Time Block Codes,Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, February 2014. (IF2016: 1.535,中科院3区)

[25] Gabriele Liga,Bin Chen,Astrid Barreiro,Alex Alvarado,Modeling of Nonlinear Interference Power for Dual-Polarization 4D Formats,Submitted to2021 Optical Fiber CommunicationConference(OFC).(光通信顶级会议) available onhttps://arxiv.org/abs/2101.11580

[24]Bin Chen, Chigo Okonkwo, Alex Alvarado, Nonlinear Interference Analysis of Probabilistic Shaping vs.4DGeometrically Shaped Formats,2020 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Brussels, Belgium, 6-10, December 2020.(光通信顶级会议)
[23]Bin Chen,Hanzi Huang, Haoshuo Chen, Yi Lei, Nicolas K. Fontaine,Roland Ryf, Qianwu Zhang, Yingxiong Song, Joint Optimization of Phase Retrieval and Forward ErrorCorrecting for Direct Detection Receiver,2020 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Brussels, Belgium, 6-10, December 2020.(光通信顶级会议)
[22]Rene-Jean Essiambre, Roland Ryf, Murali Kodialam,Bin Chen, et. al,Increased Reach of Long-Haul Transmissionusing a Constant-Power 4D Format DesignedUsing Neural Networks,2020 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Brussels, Belgium, 6-10, December 2020.(光通信顶级会议)
[21]Kadir Gümüs, Alex Alvarado,Bin Chen, Christian H?ger, Erik Agrell,End-to-End Learning of Geometrical Shaping Maximizing Generalized Mutual Information,2020 Optical Fiber CommunicationConference(OFC),San Diego, USA,3-7, March 2019.(光通信顶级会议)

[20]S.van der Heide,Bin Chen,M.van den Hout,H.Hafermann,T. Koonen,A.Alvarado, and C.Okonkwo, Experimental Demonstration of Eight-dimensional Modulation Formats for Long-haul Optical Transmission,2019European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Dublin, Ireland, 22-26, September 2019.(光通信顶级会议)
[19]Bin Chen, C. Okonkwo, H.Hafermannand A. Alvarado, Four-Dimensional Polarization-Ring-Switching for Dispersion-Managed Optical Fiber Systems,2019European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Dublin, Ireland, 22-26, September 2019.(光通信顶级会议)

GMI versus launch power after 2400 km optical fiber transmission
[18] S.van der Heide,Bin Chen, M.van den Hout, G.Liga,Ton Koonen, H. Hafermann, A.Alvarado, and C.Okonkwo,11,700 km Transmission at 4.8 bit/4D-symviaFour-dimensional Geometrically-shapedPolarization-Ring-Switching Modulation,2019Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC),Fukuoka, Japan, 7-11 July 2019.(Best paper award).

Experimental setup for multi-span optical fiber system with11 WDM channels
[17]A. Alvarado, G. Liga, Y. Lei,Bin Chen, and A. Balatsoukas-Stimming, Improving HD-FEC decoding via bit marking,2019 Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC),Fukuoka, Japan,7-11 July 2019.(Invited paper)
[16]Bin Chen, Yi Lei, S. van der Heide, J. van Weerdenburg, A. Alvarado, and C. Okonkwo, First Experimental Verification of Improved Decoding of Staircase Codes using Marked Bits,2019 Optical Fiber Communication Conference(OFC), 3-7, March 2019.(光通信顶级会议)

[15]Bin Chen, Yi Lei, C. Okonkwo, D. Lavery,andA. Alvarado, Rate-Adaptive Coded Modulation with Geometrically-shaped Constellations,2018 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), Hangzhou, China, 26-29,October2018(Best paper award).

GMI andPost-FEC BER vs. transmission distance for optical fiber channel
[14]Y. Lei, A. Alvarado,Bin Chen, X. Deng, Z. Cao, J. Li,andK. Xu, Decoding Staircase Codes with Marked Bits,2018 International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Iterative Information Processing,Hong Kong, China, 3 -7 December 2018.
[13]Bin Chen, C. Okonkwo, H. Hafermannand A. Alvarado, Increasing Achievable Information Rates via Geometrical shaping,2018European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Roma, Italy, 23-27,September2018.(光通信顶级会议)
[12]Bin Chen, C. Okonkwo, D. Lavery,andA. Alvarado, Geometrically-shaped 64-point Constellations via Achievable Information Rates,2018International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Bucharest, Romania, 1-5,July2018.(Invited paper)
[11]Y. Lei,Bin Chen,and A. Alvarado, “Improved BER Performance of Hard-decision Staircase Code via Geometric Shaping”,2018 Symposium on Information Theory and Signal Processing in the Benelux,Enschede, The Netherlands, 31 May and 1June2018.
[10]T. Stanko,Bin Chen, B. ?koric, “Fingerprint Template Protection With Spectral Minutia-Pair Representations”,2018 Symposium on Information Theory and Signal Processing in the Benelux,Enschede, The Netherlands, 31 May, and 1June2018.
[9]R. Uppu, T.A.W. Wolterink, S.A.Goorden,Bin Chen, B. ?koric, A.P. Mosk, P.W.H. Pinkse, “PUF-Enabled Asymmetric Cryptography”,2018 Symposium on Information Theory and Signal Processing in the Benelux,Enschede, The Netherlands, 31 May and 1June2018.
[8]R. Khan, D. N. K. Jayakody andBin Chen,Non–Orthogonal Multiple Access: Basic Interference Management Technique,2018 International ConferenceonCommunication, Management and Information Technology (ICCMIT), Madrid, Spain, 2-4,April2018.
[7]T. D. P. Perera1, A. Rajaram, S. Chedupy, D. N. K. Jayakody,andBin Chen,Hybrid RF/Visible Light Communication in Downlink Wireless System”,2018 International ConferenceonCommunication, Management and Information Technology (ICCMIT), Madrid, Spain, 2-4,April2018.

[6]Bin Chen, T. Ignatenko, F. Willems, R. Maes,andE. van der Sluis, G. Selimis, A Robust SRAM-PUF Key Generation Scheme Based on Polar Codes,IEEE Globecom2017,Singapore, 4-8 December 2017.(通信顶级会议)
[5]Bin Chen, T. Ignatenko and F. Willems, Efficient Key Generation Scheme for SRAM-PUFs using Polar Codes,2017 Symposium on Information Theory and Signal Processing in the Benelux, Delft, The Netherlands, 11-12 May 2017.
[4]D. N. K.Jayakody, V. Skachek,Bin Chen, Spatially-Coupled LDPC Coding in Cooperative Wireless Networks,IEEE Wireless CommunicationsandNetworking Conference (WCNC), Doha, Qatar, 3-6 April 2016.
[3]D. N. K. Jayakody, J. Li,Bin ChenandM. F. Flanagan, A Multilevel Soft Quantize-and-Forward Scheme for Multiple Access Relay Systems,25th IEEE Annual Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Conference(PIMRC), Washington DC, USA, 2-5 September 2014.
[2]Bin Chen, D. N. K. Jayakodyand M. F. Flanagan, Cooperative Relaying with Low-Density Lattice Coding and Joint Iterative Decoding,8th International Symposium on Turbo Codes and Iterative Information Processing, Bremen, Germany, 18-22 August 2014.
[1]Bin Chenand M. F. Flanagan, Network-Turbo-Coding based Cooperation with Distributed Space-Time Block Codes,19th European Wireless Conference(EW2013), Guildford, UK, 16-18 April 2013.

[1]Bin Chen,Nonlinearity-tolerantMultidimensionalModulation Format for High-Speed Optical Communications,2019International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN),Huangshan,China,5-8August2019.


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