本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-02
姓名:黄群英老师职称/学历:二级研究员,博导,博士单位/职务:中国科学院核能安全技术研究所副总工,先进核材料研究中心主任,液态重金属回路与材料技术综合实验平台负责人,中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院学术委员会委员,中国科学院核能安全技术研究所学术委员会副主任,中国科学技术大学、西安交通大学兼职教授、博导。学习与工作经历:国内:西安交通大学反应堆工程与安全专业学士和硕士; 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院核能科学与工程专业博士; 1989年至今在中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院工作。国外:曾任日本东京大学客座教授;并先后在英国Culham科学中心、日本国立聚变科学研究所(NIFS)、日本北海道大学从事合作研究工作。主要学术兼职:国际:国际知名核材料期刊《Journal of Nuclear Materials》副主编;国际能源署低活化钢工作组(IEA RAFMs WG)主席;国际能源署聚变核技术执行委员会(NTFR)中国液态包层领域负责人;历届国际聚变堆材料大会(ICFRM)及国际聚变核技术大会(ISFNT)技术委员会委员;历届中日先进能源系统材料及裂变聚变工程研讨会(CJS)组委会委员,CJS-13会议主席,CJS-12会议中方主席;亚太氚科学会议(APSOT)国际顾问委员会委员;中欧聚变合作委员会委员;中韩核能合作委员会委员。《Nuclear Material & Energy》编委,《Fusion Engineering & Design》、《Fusion Science & Technology》等期刊特约评审;2013年被评为《Fusion Engineering & Design》期刊“优秀评审专家”。国内:中国核学会核材料分会 副理事长;中国核学会辐照效应分会 常务理事;中国核学会核工程力学分会 理事;中国机械工程学会材料分会 理事;全国钢标准化技术委员会特殊钢分技术委员会 委员;全国钢标准化技术委员会腐蚀分技术委员会 委员;国家科技奖励办评审专家;合肥市科技专家库专家;多项ITER 973国内配套项目的项目专家;国家自然科学基金、****奖励计划、创新人才推进计划等评审专家;《原子能科学技术》、《稀有金属材料与工程》等期刊评审专家。项目:作为项目或课题负责人,负责过多项国家自然科学基金、中科院先导专项、中科院知识创新工程等项目。代表性论文:[1] Q. Huang, FDS Team, Status and improvement of CLAM for nuclear application, Nucl. Fusion 57 (2017) 086042 (9pp).[2] Q. Huang, N. Baluc, Y. Dai, S. Jitsukawa, A. Kimura, J. Knoys, R. J. Kirtz, R. Lindau, T. Muroga, G. R. Odette, B. Raj, R. E. Stoller, L. Tan, H. Tanigawa, A.-A. F. Tavassoli, T. Yamamoto, F.Wan, Y. Wu, Recent progress of R&D activities on reduced activation ferritic/ martensitic steels, J. Nucl. Mater. 442 (2013) 2-8.[3] Q. Huang, C. Li, Q. Wu, S. Liu, S. Gao, Z. Guo, Z. Yan, B. Huang, Y. Song, Z. Zhu, Y. Song, Z. Zhu, Y. Chen, X. Ling, Y. Wu, Progress in development of CLAM steel and fabrication of small TBM in China, J. Nucl. Mater. 417 (2011) 85-88.[4] Q. Huang, FDS Team, Development status of CLAM steel for fusion application, J. Nucl. Mater. 455 (2014) 649-654.[5] Q. Huang, S. Gao, Z. Zhu, M. Zhang, Y. Song, C. Li, Y. Chen, X. Ling, X. Zhou, Progress in compatibility experiments on lithium-lead with candidate structural materials for fusion in China, Fusion Eng. Des. 84 (2009) 242-246.[6] C. Li, Q. Huang, P. Zhang, Effect of Surface Preparation on CLAM/CLAM Hot Isostatic Pressing diffusion bonding joints. J. Nucl. Mater. 386-388 (2009) 550-552.[7] Q. Wu, S. Zheng, S. Liu, C. Li, Q. Huang, Effect of post-weld heat treatment on the mechanical properties of electron beam welded joints for CLAM steel, J. Nucl. Mater. 442 (2013) 512-517.[8] B. Zhong, B. Huang, C. Li, S. Liu, G. Xu, Y. Zhao, Q. Huang, Creep deformation and rupture behavior of CLAM steel at 823 K and 873 K, J. Nucl. Mater. 455 (2014) 640-644.
Qunying HUANGProfessorDeputy Chief EngineerHead of Research Center for Advanced Nuclear Reactor Technology and Material · FDS TeamResearch Interests:Prof. Huang specializes in advanced reactor design and R&D on reactor material, key technologies and advanced calculation methods for reactor physics and shield etc.. She is the key person responsible for R&D on China Low Activation Martensitic (CLAM) steel, lead-based heavy liquid metal loops for advanced reactors, multi-functional composite coating and tritium analysis etc..She is or was in charge of several projects supported by National Natural Scientific Foundation, the Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and the CAS Strategic Priority Research Program on ADS System etc..She has published more than 200 papers in academic journals. A few of them were selected into “Essential Science Indicators (ESI)” and “Highly Cited Papers (last 10 years)”. She has got more than 100 patents in China.Work Experiences:In domestic, Prof. Huang is working in Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology and ever worked in Institute of Plasma Physics, CAS.At overseas, Prof. Huang ever worked as a guest professor in the University of Tokyo in Japan, a visiting scholar at Culham Science Center in England, a senior scientist at National Institute of Fusion Science (NIFS) and Hokkaido University in Japan.Key Professional Activities:· Associate Editor of “Journal of Nuclear Materials”.· Chair of International Energy Agency RAFM steel Working Group (IEA RAFMs WG).· International Program Committee of the International Fusion Reactor Materials Program Committee (ICFRM).· International Program Committee of the International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT).· Committee Member of the China-Japan Symposium on Materials for Advanced Energy Systems and Fission and Fusion Engineering (CJS),the Chairwoman of CJS-13 and the Co-chairwoman of CJS-12.· International Organizing Committee of the Asia-Pacific Symposium On Tritium science (APSOT).· Committee Member of the China-EU Fusion Cooperation.· Committee Member of the China-Korea Nuclear Energy Cooperation.· International Scientific Committee of the 5th International Conference on Nuclear and Renewable Energy Resources (NURER 2016).· Monte Carlo Method Committee of China Calculation Physics Association.· Committee Member of Nuclear Engineering Mechanics, Chinese Society of Nuclear.· Expert for Liquid Metal Technology of OECD/NEA.· The Subtask Leader for Liquid Breeder Blanket of China under IEA-NTFR (Nuclear Technology of Fusion Reactor).· Editorial Board Members of “Nuclear Material & Energy”.· Reviewer for Materials and Design, Corrosion Science, Fusion Eng. & Des., J Comput. Phys., Fusion Sci. Technol., Nuclear Eng. & Des., Progress in Nuclear Energy, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Ann. Nucl. Energy and Chin. Phys. Lett. etc..Academic Honors and Awards:· The 2nd Prize of Natural and Science awarded by the Nation.· The 3rd Prize of Progress of Science and Technology awarded by the Nation.· The 1st Prize of Progress of Science and Technology awarded by the State Education Commission of China.· The 1st Prizes of Progress of Natural Science awarded by the Science and Technology Department of Anhui Province.· The 2nd Prize of Progress of Science and Technology awarded by Xi'an Jiaotong University etc..· “Zhuliyuehua Outstanding Supervisor Award” of the CAS.· “Excellent Supervisor” by the Hefei Institute of Physical Science of CAS.· “Excellent Researcher” by the Institute of Plasma Physics and Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, Hefei Institute of Physical Science of CAS.· “Excellent Woman” and “Women Pace-setter” by the Government of Anhui Province.· The Deputy to 11th-13th Anhui Provincial People's Congress.· Committee Member of the 12th and 13th Anhui Provincial People's Congress Standing.Cultivation of Talents:· She was awarded as: * “Excellent Researcher” by the Institute of Plasma Physics, CAS. * “Excellent Researcher” by the Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, CAS. * “Zhuliyuehua Outstanding Supervisor Award” by the CAS. * “Excellent Supervisor” by the Hefei Institute of Physical Science of CAS.· More than 60 graduate students under her supervision.· More than 40 students have received the doctorial or master degrees.· More than 10 graduates got the title of professor or associate professor etc..
博士招生计划:          1、专业:核能科学与工程招生方向:核材料科学与技术学术硕士招生计划:          1、专业:核能科学与工程(硕士)招生方向:核材料科学与技术博士招生计划:          1、专业:核能科学与工程招生方向:核材料科学与技术          2、专业:核技术及应用招生方向:核技术学术硕士招生计划:          1、专业:核能科学与工程(硕士)招生方向:核材料科学与技术          2、专业:核技术及应用(硕士)招生方向:核技术专业学位硕士招生计划:          1、专业:能源动力(专硕)招生方向:核材料科学与技术          2、专业:能源动力(专硕)招生方向:核技术及应用工程管理硕士招生计划:          1、专业:工程管理(专硕)招生方向:核能工程管理博士招生计划:          1、专业:核能科学与工程招生方向:核材料科学与技术          2、专业:核技术及应用招生方向:核技术学术硕士招生计划:          1、专业:核能科学与工程(硕士)招生方向:核材料科学与技术          2、专业:核技术及应用(硕士)招生方向:核技术
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