本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-02
刘长松,男,博士,中科院固体物理研究所研究员,博士生导师。先后于1988年、1996年和2000年获安徽师范大学学士、中科院固体物理研究所硕士和博士学位,2001-2003年博士后工作于美国加州州立大学北岭分校Keck计算材料理论中心。1996年7月起至今工作于中科院固体物理研究所,先后任副研究员(2001)、研究员(2004)、所科研项目办公室主任(2009.9-2014.9)、副所长(2014.9-)、中科院材料物理重点实验室主任(2015-)。 2008年获安徽省自然科学二等奖,安徽省青年科技奖。主持科技部国家磁约束核聚变能发展研究专项项目(2011-2014年人才项目、2015-2019年人才团队项目)、基金委重大研究计划“先进核裂变能的燃料增殖与嬗变”课题(2011-2015)、中科院战略先导科技专项“未来先进核裂变能ADS嬗变系统”子课题(2011-2016)、多项基金委面上项目、国际原子能机构(IAEA)聚变堆面向等离子材料国际合作项目(2013-2018)、巴西-中国合作项目“极端环境下材料应用的计算设计”(2016-2018)等。”拟招凝聚态物理和材料物理专业背景的学生。
博士招生计划:          1、专业:凝聚态物理招生方向:计算材料科学学术硕士招生计划:          1、专业:凝聚态物理(硕士)招生方向:计算材料科学专业学位硕士招生计划:          1、专业:材料与化工(专硕)招生方向:计算材料科学工程博士招生计划:          1、专业:材料与化工招生方向:材料与化工博士招生计划:          1、专业:材料物理与化学招生方向:计算材料科学          2、专业:核能科学与工程招生方向:核材料科学与技术学术硕士招生计划:          1、专业:材料物理与化学(硕士)招生方向:计算材料科学          2、专业:核能科学与工程(硕士)招生方向:核材料科学与技术专业学位硕士招生计划:          1、专业:材料与化工(专硕)招生方向:计算材料科学          2、专业:能源动力(专硕)招生方向:核材料科学与技术博士招生计划:          1、专业:材料物理与化学招生方向:计算材料科学          2、专业:核能科学与工程招生方向:核材料科学与技术学术硕士招生计划:          1、专业:凝聚态物理(硕士)招生方向:计算材料科学          2、专业:核能科学与工程(硕士)招生方向:核材料科学与技术专业学位硕士招生计划:          1、专业:材料与化工(专硕)招生方向:等离子体与材料相互作用          2、专业:能源动力(专硕)招生方向:核材料科学与技术
Xiangyan Li, Wei Liu, Yichun Xu*, C.S. Liu*, B.C. Pan, Yunfeng Liang, Q.F. Fang, Jun-Ling Chen, G.-N. Luo, Guang-Hong Lu, Zhiguang Wang, Radiation resistance of nano-crystalline iron: Coupling of the fundamental segregation process and the annihilation of interstitials and vacancies near the grain boundaries, Acta Materialia 109, 115(2016).
Xiangyan Li, Wei Liu, Yichun Xu*, C.S. Liu*, B.C. Pan, Yunfeng Liang, Q.F. Fang, Jun-Ling Chen, G.-N. Luo, Guang-Hong Lu, Zhiguang Wang, Energetic and kinetic dataset on interaction of the vacancy and self-interstitial atom with the grain boundary in ?-iron, Data in Brief 7, 798(2016).
Hongyu Fan, Yuwei You, Weiyuan Ni, Qi Yang, Lu Liu, Gunther Benstetter, Dongping Liu*, C. S. Liu*, Surface degeneration of W crystal irradiated with low-energy hydrogen ions, Scientific Reports 6, 23738 (2016).
Z. M. Xie, R. Liu, S. Miao, X. D. Yang, T. Zhang*, X. P. Wang, Q.F. Fang, C. S. Liu*, X. Liu*, Y. Y. Lian and G. N. Luo, High thermal shock resistance of the hot rolled and swaged bulk W–ZrC alloys, Journal of Nuclear Materials 469, 209(2016).
Xiang-Shan Kong, Xuebang Wu, C.S. Liu*, Q.F. Fang, Q.M. Hu, Jun-Ling Chen and G.-N. Luo, First-principles calculations of transition metal solute interactions with hydrogen in tungsten, Nuclear Fusion 56, 026004(2016).
Dongdong Liu, Y. G. Zhang, H. Y. He, C. S. Liu, B. C. Pan, Dynamic process of H-controlled oxygen concentration in LBE: A first-principles study, Journal of Nuclear Materials 467, 181(2016).
Z. M. Xie, R. Liu, S. Miao, X. D. Yang, T. Zhang*, X. P. Wang*, Q.F. Fang, C. S. Liu*, G. N. Luo, Y. Y. Lian and X. Liu, Extraordinary high ductility/strength of the interface designed bulk W-ZrC alloy plate at relatively low temperature, Scientific Reports 5, 16014(2015).
Qi Yang, Yu-Wei You, Lu Liu, Hongyu Fan, Weiyuan Ni, Dongping Liu*, C. S. Liu*, Gunther Benstetter, and Younian Wang, Nanostructured fuzz growth on tungsten under low-energy and high-flux He irradiation, Scientific Reports 5, 10959(2015).
Wei Liu, Yichun Xu, Xiangyan Li, Xuebang Wu, C. S. Liu*, Yunfeng Liang, Zhiguang Wang, First-principles study on stability of transition metal solutes in aluminum by analyzing the underlying forces, Journal of Applied Physics 117, 175901(2015).
Sheng Wang, Xiang-Shan Kong, Xuebang Wu, Q.F. Fang, Jun-Ling Chen, G.-N. Luo, C.S. Liu*, Effects of nitrogen on hydrogen retention in tungsten: First-principles calculations, Journal of Nuclear Materials 459, 143(2015).
Xiang-Shan Kong, Sheng Wang, Xuebang Wu, Yu-Wei You, C.S. Liu*, Q.F. Fang, Jun-Ling Chen, G.-N. Luo, First-principles calculations of hydrogen solution and diffusion in tungsten: Temperature and defect-trapping effects, Acta Materialia 84, 426(2015).
Yange Zhang, Yu-Wei You, Dong-Dong Li, Yichun Xu*, C. S. Liu*, B. C. Pan, and Zhiguang Wang, Effect of irradiation defects on the corrosion behaviors of steels exposed to lead bismuth eutectic in ADS: a first-principles study, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics17, 12292 (2015).
Yu-Wei You, Xiang-Shan Kong, Xue-Bang Wu*, C. S. Liu*, Q. F. Fang, J. L. Chen and G.-N. Luo, Interaction of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen with vacancies and solutes in tungsten, RSC Advances 5, 23261(2015).
Wei Liu, Xuebang Wu, Xiangyan Li, C. S. Liu*, Q. F. Fang, Jun-Ling Chen, Guangnan Luo, Zhiguang Wang, Arithmetic extraction of elastic constants of cubic crystals from first-principles calculations of stress, Computational Materials Science 96, 117(2015).
Yu-Wei You, Xiang-Shan Kong, Xue-Bang Wu, Wei Liu, C.S. Liu*, Q.F. Fang, J.L. Chen, G.-N. Luo, Interactions of solute (3p, 4p, 5p and 6p) with solute, vacancy and divacancy in bcc Fe, Journal of Nuclear Materials 455, 68 (2014).
Xuebang Wu, Xiang-Shan Kong, Yu-Wei You, C. S. Liu*, Q. F. Fang, Jun-Ling Chen, G.-N. Luo, Zhiguang Wang, First principles study of helium trapping by solute elements in tungsten, Journal of Nuclear Materials 455, 151 (2014).
Yu-Wei You, Dongdong Li, Xiang-Shan Kong, Xuebang Wu, C. S. Liu*, Q.F. Fang, B. C. Pan, J. L. Chen, G.-N. Luo, Clustering of H and He, and their effects on vacancy evolution in tungsten in a fusion environment, Nuclear Fusion 54, 103007 (2014).
Yichun Xu, Chi Song, Yange Zhang, C. S. Liu*, B. C. Pan, Zhiguang Wang, An energetic evaluation of dissolution corrosion capabilities of liquid metals on iron surface, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16, 16837 (2014).
Yu-Wei You, Xiang-Shan Kong, Q.F. Fang, C.S. Liu*, Jun-Ling Chen, G.-N. Luo, Y. Dai, A First-Principles Study on Hydrogen Behavior in Helium-Implanted Tungsten and Molybdenum, Journal of Nuclear Materials 450, 64 (2014).
Xuebang Wu, Lijun Guo, C. S. Liu, Dynamics of Johari-Goldstein β relaxation and its universal relation to α relaxation in bulk metallic glasses by mechanical spectroscopy, Journal of Applied Physics 115, 223506 (2014).
Xiang-Shan Kong, Xuebang Wu, Yu-Wei You, C. S. Liu*, Q. F. Fang, Jun-Ling Chen, G. -N. Luo, Zhiguang Wang, First-principles calculations of transition metal–solute interactions with point defects in tungsten, Acta Materialia 66, 172 (2014).
Huaguang Wang, Xuebang Wu*, Z.G. Zhu, C.S. Liu*, Z.X. Zhang, Revisit to phase diagram of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) microgel suspensions by mechanical spectroscopy, Journal of Chemical Physics 140, 024908 (2014).
Xuebang Wu, C. S. Liu*, K. L. Ngai*, Origin of the crossover in dynamics of the sub-Rouse modes at the same temperature as the structural α-relaxation in polymers, Soft Matter 10, 9324 (2014).
Lichen Chai, Xuebang Wu*, C.S. Liu*, A universal scaling law of grain chain elasticity under pressure revealed by a simple force vibration method, Soft Matter 10, 6614 (2014).
Xiangyan Li, Wei Liu, Yichun Xu, C. S. Liu, Q. F. Fang, B. C. Pan, Zhiguang Wang, Principal Physical Parameters Characterizing the Interactions between Irradiation-Induced Point Defects and Several Tilt Symmetric Grain Boundaries in Fe, Mo and W, Journal of Nuclear Materials 444, 229 (2014).
Xuebang Wu, Huaguang Wang, Zhengang Zhu, and C. S. Liu, Quantifying changes in the low-freuqncy dynamics of amorphous polymers by 2D correlation mechanical spectroscopy, Journal Physical Chemistry B 117, 467 (2013).
Xuebang Wu, Xiang-Shan Kong, Yu-Wei You, C. S. Liu*, Q. F. Fang, Jun-Ling Chen, G. N. Luo, and Zhiguang Wang, Effects of Alloying and Transmutation Impurities on Stability and Mobility of Helium in Tungsten under a Fusion Environment, Nuclear Fusion 53, 073049 (2013).
Xiangyan Li, Wei Liu, Yichun Xu, C. S. Liu*, Q. F. Fang, B. C. Pan, Jun-Ling Chen, G. N. Luo, and Zhiguang Wang, An Energetic and Kinetic Perspective of the Grain-Boundary Role in Healing Radiation Damage in Tungsten, Nuclear Fusion 53, 123014 (2013).
Xiangyan Li, Wei liu, Yichun Xu, C. S. Liu*, Q. F. Fang, B. C. Pan, and Zhiguang Wang, Energetic and Kinetic Behaviors of Small Vacancy Clusters near a Symmetric Σ5(310)/[001] Tilt Grain Boundary in Bcc Fe, Journal of Nuclear Materials 440, 250 (2013).
Xiang-Shan Kong, Yu-Wei You, Q. F. Fang, C. S. Liu*, Jun-Ling Chen, G. N. Luo, B. C. Pan, and Zhiguang Wang, The Role of Impurity Oxygen in Hydrogen Bubble Nucleation in Tungsten, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 433, 357 (2013).
Yu-Wei You, Xiang-Shan Kong, Xue-Bang Wu, Q. F. Fang, Jun-Ling Chen, G. N. Luo, and C. S. Liu*, Effect of Vacancy on the Dissolution and Diffusion Properties of Hydrogen and Helium in Molybdenum, Journal of Nuclear Materials 433, 167-173 (2013).
Yu-Wei You, Xiang-Shan Kong, Xue-Bang Wu, Yi-Chun Xu, Q. F. Fang, J. L. Chen, G. N. Luo, C. S. Liu*, B. C. Pan, and Zhiguang Wang, Dissolving, Trapping and Detrapping Mechanisms of Hydrogen in Bcc and Fcc Transition Metals, AIP Advances 3, 012118 (2013).
Xiang-Shan Kong, Yu-Wei You, Chi Song, Q.F. Fang, Jun-Ling Chen, G.N. Luo, C.S. Liu*, Journal of Nuclear Materials 430, 270–278 (2012).
X. B. Wu, C.S. Liu, Z.G. Zhu, K.L. Ngai, and L.M. Wang, Nature of the sub-Rouse modes in the glass-rubber transition zone of amorphous polymers, Macromolecules 44, 3605 (2011).
X.B. Wu, H.G. Wang, C.S. Liu, and Z.G. Zhu, Longer-scale segmental dynamics of amorphous poly(ethylene oxide)/poly(vinyl acetate) blends in the softening dispersion, Soft Matter 5, 579 (2011).
X.M. Zhou, X.B. Wu, H.G. Wang, C.S. Liu, and Z.G. Zhu, Phase diagram of the Pluronic L64-H2O micellar system from mechanical spectroscopy, Physical Review E 83, 041801 (2011).
Qi-Long Cao, Wei-Lu Wang, Y. D. Li, and C. S. Liu, Correlations among residual multiparticle entropy, local atomic-level pressure, free volume and the phase-ordering rule in several liquids, Journal of Chemical Physics 134, 044508 (2011).
Xiang-Shan Kong, Yu-Wei You, C. S. Liu, Q. F. Fang, Jun-Ling Chen, G.-N. Luo, First principles study of hydrogen behaviors in hexagonal tungsten carbide, Journal of Nuclear Materials 418, 233–238 (2011).
Wei Liu, Wei-Lu Wang, Q. F. Fang, C. S. Liu, Qun-Ying Huang, and Yi-Can Wu, Concise relation of substitution energy to macroscopic deformation in a deformed system, Physical Review B 84, 224101 (2011).
Xiang-Shan Kong, Yu-Wei You, J.H. Xia, C.S. Liu, Q.F. Fang, G.-N. Luo, Qun-Ying Huang, First principles study of intrinsic defects in hexagonal tungsten carbide, Journal of Nuclear Materials 406, 323–329 (2010).
Y. D. Li, Qing-Hai Hao, Qi-Long Cao, and C. S. Liu*, Two-order-parameter description of liquid Al under five different pressures, Physical Review B 78(17), 174202 (2008).
P. J. Wang, Y. D. Li, J. H. Xia, and C. S. Liu*, Characterization of reflection intermittency in a composite granular chain, Physical Review E 77(06), 060301(R)(2008).
X. B. Wu, S. Y. Shang, Q. L. Xu, C. S. Liu, Z. G. Zhu, G. Z. Zhang, Composition-dependent Damping and Relaxation Dynamics in Miscible Polymer Blends above Glass Transition Temperature by Anelastic Spectroscopy, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 011910 (2008).
C. J. Hou, Y. D. Li, P. J. Wang, C. S. Liu*, X. P. Wang, Q. F. Fang, D. Y. Sun, Oxygen-ion arrangements and concerted motion in ?-La2Mo2O9, Physical Review B 76(01), 014104 (2007).
P. J. Wang, J. H. Xia, Y. D. Li, C. S. Liu*, Crossover in the power-law behavior of confined energy in a composite granular chain, Physical Review E 76(04), 041305 (2007).
G. Zhao, C.S. Liu*, Y. N. Wu, E. G. Jia, and Z. G. Zhu, Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations on structural change of liquid eutectic alloy Ge15Te85 from 573 to 1073 K, Physical Review B 74(18), 184202 (2006) .
G. Zhao, C.S. Liu*, and Z.G. Zhu, Ab initio molecular-dynamics simulations of the structural properties of liquid In20Sn80 in the temperature range 798-1193 K, Physical Review B 73(02), 024201 (2006).
K. Wang, C. Fang, J. Zhang, C.S. Liu*, R. I. Boughton, S. Wang, and X. Zhao First-principles study of interstitial oxygen in potassium dihydrogen phosphate crystals, Physical Review B 72(18), 184105 (2005).
C.S. Liu, C.J. Hou, N. Kioussis, S.G. Demos, and H.B. Radousky, Electronic Structure Calculations of an Oxygen Vacancy in KH2PO4, Physical Review B 72(13), 134110 (2005).
G. X. Li, C.S. Liu*, and Z. G. Zhu, Scaling law for diffusion coefficients in simple melts, Physical Review B 71(09), 094209 (2005).
C. S. Liu, G. X. Li, Y. F. Liang, and A. Q. Wu, Quantitative analysis based on the pair distribution function for understanding anomalous liquid-Structure change in In20Sn80, Physical Review B 71(06), 064204 (2005).
C.S. Liu, Q. Zhang, N. Kioussis, S.G. Demos, and H.B. Radousky, Electronic structure of intrinsic and extrinsic hydrogen point defects in KH2PO4, Physical Review B 69(22), 224107 (2003).
C.S. Liu, N. Kioussis, S.G. Demos, and H.B. Radousky, Electron- or hole-assisted reactions of H defects in hydrogen-bonded KDP, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 015505 (2003).
F. Q. Zhu, Z. G. Zhu, L. J. Guo, B. Zhang, J. P. Shui, C. S. Liu, Liquid-liquid phase transition in Pb-Sn melts, Physical Review B 64(18), 180203(R) (2001).
C. S. Liu, Junchao Xia, Z. G. Zhu, D. Y. Sun, The cooling rate dependence of crystallization for liquid copper: a molecular dynamics study, J. Chem. Phys. 114(17), 7506-7512 (2001).
Z. G. Zhu and C. S. Liu, Molecular dynamics simulation of the structure and diffusion properties of liquid silicon, Physical Review B 61(14), 9322-9326 (2000).
C. S. Liu, Z. G. Zhu, Junchao Xia, and D. Y. Sun, Molecular dynamics simulations of the local inherent structures of liquid silicon at different temperatures, Physical Review B 60(5), 3194-3199 (1999).
K. B. Li, X. J. Li, C. S. Liu, Z. G. Zhu, J. J. Du, D. L. Hou, X. F. Nie, J. S. Zhu, Y. H. Zhang, Magnetically correlated internal friction and Young's modulus in La(Y)-Ca-Mn-O perovskites, Physical Review B 56(21), 13662-13665 (1997).
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姓名:高晓明地址:科学岛类型:博导所在科研单元:安徽光机所导师介绍姓名:高晓明出生年月:1965年10月,安徽地址:中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所合肥市蜀山湖路350号电话/传真:+86-电子邮件:xmgao@aiofm.ac.cn学习和工作经历:2002.10~至今中国科学院安徽光机所研究员(2 ...合肥物质科学研究院 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-02中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘东
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姓名:徐亮地址:科学岛类型:博导所在科研单元:安徽光机所导师介绍徐亮,男,1981年11月生,安徽省芜湖县人。博士,研究员,博士研究生导师,安徽光机所环境光学中心激光与红外研究室副主任。2002年毕业于安徽师范大学物理系,获理学学士学位,2007年毕业于中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所,获光学博士学 ...合肥物质科学研究院 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-02中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-李海
姓名:李海地址:科学岛类型:博导所在科研单元:健康所导师介绍李海,男,1981年生,博士,研究员,博士生导师,目前担任中科院合肥物质科学研究院医学物理中心医学影像研究室主任。李海博士分别于2003、2006、2010年在西北工业大学获得工学本科、硕士和博士学位。2007年至2013年在美国康奈尔大学 ...合肥物质科学研究院 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-02中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-孟国文
姓名:孟国文地址:科学岛类型:博导所在科研单元:固体物理所导师介绍孟国文,博士生导师。分别于1984年、87年和96年获西北工业大学学士、硕士和博士学位。1996.9~至今,在中科院固体所纳米材料研究室工作。2002.09~2004.12在美国RensselaerPolytechnicInstitu ...合肥物质科学研究院 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-02中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘甫坤
姓名:刘甫坤地址:科学岛类型:博导所在科研单元:等离子体所导师介绍刘甫坤,男,研究员,博导。华中科技大学电磁场理论与微波技术专业毕业,1989年入职中国科学院等离子体物理研究所微波技术研究室,从事微波工程技术和等离子体物理实验研究Introduction研究领域微波工程、电子技术、电磁波和等离子体相 ...合肥物质科学研究院 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-02