本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-01
姓 名
性 别
学 位
职 称
岗 位
2009.11-2011.10,同济大学材料科学与工程博士后流动站, 功能材料与器件,博士后。
2016.3-2017.2,Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southamptonn,UK,Academic Visitor。
1.2018.5,河南省教育厅, 光电功能器件的设计与制备, 河南省教育厅科技成果奖,一等,第一
2.2017.5,河南省教育厅, 光栅器件与物理, 河南省教育厅科技成果奖,二等,第二
9.参与河南省创新型科技团队, 微尺度理论模拟与设计:(CXTD**).
1.L. W.Zhang, R.F. Waters, K.F. MacDonald,N.I. Zheludev, Cellular Automata Dynamics of Nonlinear Optical Processes in a Phase-change Materials, App.Phys.Rev. 8,011404(2021)(IF 17.861)
2.L. W.Zhang, X. L.Cai, Q.Wang, Bandwidth convertible mid-infrared absorption of one-dimensional quasi-periodic system containing Dirac semimetals,Opt. Commun.482, 126603(2021)
3.X. L. Cai, X. T.Jia, Y. J.Liu, L. W.Zhang*, Weiyang Yu, et al,Enhanced Carrier Mobility and Tunable Electronic Property in α-Tellurene monolayer via α-Tellurene and h-BN Heterostructure, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.22, 6434(2020).
4.L. W.Zhang, W. Y.Yu, Q.Wang, et al, Electronic and hyperbolic dielectric properties of ZrS2/HfS2heterostructures, Phys. Rev. B,100, 165304(2019).
5.Q.Wang, L. W.Zhang*,Tunable narrow terahertz absorption of one-dimensional photonic crystals embedded with Dirac semimetal-dielectric defect layers, Appl. Opt.58, 8486(2019).
6.Q.Wang, X.L.Wang, L. W.Zhang*, Y. Q.Wang,et al,Tunable defect modes of one-dimensional photonic crystals containing a Dirac semimetal-based metamaterial defect layer, Appl. Opt. 58, 94(2019).
7.X. T.Jia, P.Wu, L. W.Zhang, H. M.Tang, Basic circuit element for the implementation of base-3 and base-4 algorithms realized by an asymmetric MgO-based double-barrier magnetic tunnel junction, Physical Review B, 99,174413(2019).
8.L. W.Zhang, W. Y.Yu, J. Y.Ou, et al, Midinfrared one-dimensional photonic crystal constructed from two-dimensional electride material, Phys. Rev. B,98, 075434(2018).
9.L. W. Zhang, X. L.Wang, W. T.Qiao, et al, Fano resonance and Rabi splitting in MDM side-coupled cavities systems, Opt. Commun.421, 66(2018).
10.L. W. Zhang, G. D.Wang, X.Han, et al,Transmission property of one-dimensional multilayer graphene–dielectric stack, Optik,127,2030(2016).
11.W.T.Qiao*, D.F.Zhang, L. W. Zhang**, et al,Post-thermal annealing for enhancing photovoltaic performance of CdS/CdSe quantum dot co-sensitized TiO2electrodes, J. Alloy. Compd, 658,697(2016).
12.W.S.Wang, L. W. Zhang*, L.Q.Shang,et al,Experimental study of band-pass filter and slow wave effect in MDM channel based on a magnetic plasmonic analogue of EIT, J. Korean Phys. Soc.67,1544(2015).
13.乔文涛,龚健,张利伟*,等,梳状波导结构中石墨烯表面等离子体的传播性质,物理学报, 64,237301(2015)
14.龚健,张利伟*,陈亮,等,石墨烯基双曲色散特异材料的负折射与体等离子体性质,物理学报, 64,067301(2015).
15.L. W. Zhang, L.Chen, Z. R.Zhang, et al,Extraordinary refraction and self-collimation properties of multilayer metallic-dielectric stratified structures, Physica B457,269(2015)
16.Z. R.Zhang, L. W. Zhang, H. Q.Li, et al, Plasmon induced transparency in a surface plasmon polariton waveguide with a comb line slot and rectangle cavity, Appl. Phys. Lett.104, 231114(2014)
17.L. W. Zhang, Z. R.Zhang, C. Y.Kang, et al, Tunable bulk polaritons of graphene-based hyperbolic metamaterials, Opt. Express.22,14022(2014).
18.Z. R.Zhang, L. W. Zhang, P. F.Yin,et al, Coupled resonator induced transparency in surface plasmon polariton gap waveguide with two side-coupled cavities,Physica B,446,55(2014).
19.W. S.Wang,LiweiZhang*,J. Ran, ExperimentalresearchofmagneticPlasmonpolaritonsin two dimensional metamaterials based on microstrip lines, Physica B,437,24(2014).
20.L. W. Zhang, W. T.Qiao, L.Chen, et al, Double defect modes of one-dimensional dielectric photonic crystals containing a single negative material defect, Optik,125,1354(2014).
21.L. W. Zhang, W. Y.Yu, J.Wang, et al, Self-collimation and slow light in one-dimensional quasi-periodic structures containing single negative materials,Opt. Commun.313,134(2014).
22.L. W. Zhang, Y. W.Zhang, X. D.Chen, et al, Study on the tunneling mode in asub-wavelength open-cavity resonator consisting of single negative materials, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat.,62,504(2014)
23.W. S.Wang,L. W. Zhang*,J.Ran,H.Zhao, Experimental research of the tunable magnetic plasmon polaritons waveguide filter in microwave band, Opt. Commun.311,201(2013)
24.L. W. Zhang, J.Wang, L.He, et al, Tunneling times in a conjugate matched pair consisting of ε-negative and μ-negative materials, Physica B, 431,127(2013)
25.W. S. Wang, L. W. Zhang, K. Fang, et al, Experimental demonstration of EIT effect in the metamaterials surface plasmon-like channel, Opt. Commun.292, 5(2013)
26.L. W. Zhang, G. Q. Du, Y. W. Zhang, Time domain investigation of the tunneling modes in photonic heterostructure containing single negative materials, Appl. phys. A, 109,851(2012)
27.张利伟,赵玉环,王勤,等,各向异性特异材料波导中表面等离子体的共振性质,物理学报, 61, 068401(2012).
28.L. W. Zhang, Y.W.Zhang, L. He, Y. Z. Wang, Experimental study of the tunneling modes in photonic crystal heterostructure consisting of single-negative materials, Chin. Phys. Lett., 29, 064209(2012)
29.L. W. Zhang, Y. W. Zhang, X. D. Chen,et al, Energy transport in a metamaterial subwavelength open-cavity resonator,Opt. Lett.36, 2224(2011)
30.L. W. Zhang, Y. W. Zhang, Y. P. Yang, et al, Experimental study of Rabi-type oscillation induced by tunneling modes in effective near-zero-index metamaterials,Phys .Rev. E, 83,046604(2011)
31.L. W. Zhang, K. Fang,G. Q. Du, et al, Transmission properties of Fibonacci quasi-periodic one-dimensional photonic crystals containing indefinite metamaterials, Opt. Commun. 284, 703(2011)
32.G. Q. Du, L. W. Zhang, H.T.Jiang, Broadband and omnidirectionalabsorption in heterostructures with a highly absorptive metallic film and a dielectric Bragg reflector, J. Appl. Phys.109,063525(2011)
33.L. W. Zhang, Y. W. Zhang, Y. H. Zhao,et al,Rabi splitting induced by a metamaterial plasmon cavity, Opt. Express. 18, 25052(2010).
34.L. W. Zhang, L. L Yan, Y. H. Zhao, et al, The transmission properties of one-dimensional photoniccrystals containing anisotropic metamaterials, Chin. Phys. Lett.27, 064101(2010)
37.L. W. Zhang, G. Q. Du, J. P. Xu, et al, Double-channeled omnidirectional filteringproperties of the sandwich structures composed of single-negative materials,Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys.47,10501(2009)
38.L. W. Zhang, Y. W. Zhang, L. He, et al,Non-Bragg bandgaps of quasi-one-dimensional comb- likestructures composed of positive and negative index materials, Eur. Phys.J. D.55, 155(2009)
39.L. W. Zhang, Y. W. Zhang, L. He, et al,Experimental investigation on zero-Øeffgaps of photonic crystals containing single-negative materials.Eur. Phys.J. B,62,1(2008).
40.L. W. Zhang, Z. G. Wang, H. Chen, et al, Experimental study of quasi-one-dimensionalcomb-likephotonic crystals containing metamaterials. Opt. Commun, 281, 3681(2008)
41.L. W. Zhang, Y. W. Zhang, Y. P. Yang, et al, Experimental observation of Rabi splitting ineffective (near) zero-index media in microwave regime, Phys .Rev. E,78, R035601(2008)
42.L. W. Zhang, Y. W. Zhang, L. He, et al, Zero- gaps of photonic crystals consisting of positive and negative index materials in microstrip transmission lines.J. Phys D: Appl. Phys.40, 2579(2007)
43.L. W. Zhang, Y. W. Zhang, L. He, et al, Experimental study of photonic crystals consisting of ε-negative and μ-negative materials. Phys .Rev. E, 74,056615(2006)
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