

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-24

周猛 职称:副教授


2021.01-至今 安徽医科大学生命科学院, 校聘副教授
2020.04-2021.01 金斯瑞, 高级科学家
2015.12-2019.11 匹兹堡大学医学院,博士后
2010.09-2015.10 东南大学医学院,博士
2006.09-2010.07 蚌埠医学院,学士

1:异基因造血干细胞移植(Allo-SCT)的治疗高危恶性血液病的选择之一,也是唯一有治愈可能的治疗手段。Allo-SCT其治疗效果主要归功于供体来源同种反应性ab T细胞(Alloreactive T cell, Allo-T)识别并杀伤leukemia,介导移植物抗白血病效应(Graft versus leukemia, GVL)。然而,GVL耐受仍然是Allo-SCT后leukemia复发的主要原因。我们以对GVL 敏感的慢性期CML以及 GVL耐受的急变期CML为研究模型,探讨1:Allo-T介导GVL 的相关机制;
2:决定GVL sensitive或者GVL resistance的leukemia内在因素,并在此基础上,寻找潜在的治疗靶点。

1. Meng Zhou, Faruk Sacirbegovic, Kai Zhao, Sarah Rosenberger, and Warren D Shlomchik*. Mechanisms of GVL-resistance: T cell exhaustion and a failure of antigen cross-presentation. Nature communications; 2020 Aug 24;11(1): 4227
2. Meng Zhou#, Zhifa Wen#, Feng Cheng#, and Li-Xin Wang*. Tumor-released autophagosomes induce IL-10-producing B cells with suppressive activity on T lymphocytes via TLR2-MyD88-NF-κB signal pathway, Oncoimmunology. 2016. PMCID: PMC**
3. Zhou M#, Li W#, Sheng Y#, Ren H, Dong H, Cao M, Hu HM, Wang LX*. Macrophages enhance tumor-derived autophagosomes (DRibbles)- induced B cells activation by TLR4/MyD88 and CD40/CD40L. Exp Cell Res. 2015;331(2):320-330.
4. Li W#, Zhou M#, Ren H#, Hu HM, Lu L, Cao M, Wang LX*. Tumor-derived autophagosomes (DRibbles) induce B cell activation in a TLR2-MyD88 dependent manner, PLoS One. 2013;8(1):e53564. PMCID: PMC** (co- authors)
5. Zhang Y, Pan N, Sheng Y, Zhou M, Wang LX*. Hypoxia enhances IL-10-producing B cell generation through upregulating high-mobility group B1 on tumor cell-released autophagosomes, Immunology Letters. 2019 Sep 27;216:36-42. PMID:**
6. Zhi-Fa Wen, Hongxiang Liu, Rong Gao, Meng Zhou, Wang LX*. Tumor cell-released autophagosomes (TRAPs) promote immunosuppression through induction of M2-like macrophages with increased expression of PD-L1, J Immunother Cancer. 2018; 6: 151. PMCID: PMC**
7. Catherine Matte-Martone, Jinling Liu, Meng Zhou, Maria Chikina, Douglas R. Green, John T. Harty, and Warren D. Shlomchik*. Differential requirements f[or] myeloid leukemia IFN-γ conditioning determine graft-versus-leukemia resistance and sensitivity, The journal of Clinical Investigation. 2017;127(7):2765-2776. PMCID: PMC**
8. Aldarouish M, Wang H, Zhou M, Hu HM, Wang LX*. Ubiquitinated proteins enriched from tumor cells by a ubiquitin binding protein Vx3(A7) as a potent cancer vaccine, J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2015 Apr 16;34:34. doi: 10.1186/s13046-015-0156-3. PMCID: PMC**
9. Ren H, Zhao S, Li W, Dong H, Zhou M, Cao M, Hu HM and Wang LX*. Therapeutic antitumor efficacy of B cells loaded with tumor-derived autophagasomes vaccine (DRibbles). J immunotherapy. 2014; 37(8):383-393. PMCID: PMC**


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