2004年9月-2008年6月:本科,洛阳师范学院化学化工学院院 2008年9月-2011年6月:硕士,安徽大学化学化工学院
本课题组以配位化学为基础,致力于先进多孔材料(Metal-Organic Frameworks)的设计、合成与功能应用研究,主要研究方向包括:
(1) 先进多孔材料的功能化设计、合成及应用;
(2) 多孔纳米复合材料的构筑及多相催化和光催化的应用研究;
(3) 核-壳结构纳米材料的制备及其在环境和生物医学等领域应用。
1. Fei Ke*, Yizhi Li, Chunyan Zhang, Jing Zhu, Peirong Chen, Huanxin Ju, Qian Xu, Junfa Zhu*. MOG-derived porous FeCo/C nanocomposites as a potential platform for enhanced catalytic activity and lithium-ion batteries performance, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2018, 522, 283–290.
2. Kei Ke, Chuanyi Peng, Tian Zhang, Mengran Zhang, Chengyan Zhou, Huimei Cai, Junfa Zhu & Xiaochun Wan*. Fumarate-based metal-organic frameworks as a new platform for highly selective removal of fluoride from brick tea, Scientific Reports, 2018, 8, 939.
3. Fei Ke*, Jing Jiang, Yizhi Li, Jing Liang, Xiaochun Wan, Sanghoon Ko*. Highly selective removal of Hg2+ and Pb2+ by thiol-functionalized Fe3O4@metal-organic framework core-shell magnetic microspheres, Applied Surface Science, 2017, 413, 266–274.
4. FeiKe, FengGuo, JieYu, YunqiuYang, YingHe, LizhenChang, XiaochunWan*. Highly site-selective epoxidation ofpolyene catalyzed by metal-organic frameworks assisted bypolyoxometalate, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 2017, 27, 843–849.
5. Aiqing Ma, Fei Ke*, Jing Jiang, Qiaoyu Yuan, Zhidong Luo, Jianqiang Liu*, Abhinav Kumar. Two lanthanide-based metal-organic frameworks for highly efficient adsorption and removal of fluoride ions from water, CrystEngComm, 2017, 19, 2172–2177. (Selected as a Outside Back Cover)
6. FeiKe, Gang Luo, Peirong Chen, Jing Jiang, Qiaoyu Yuan, Huimei Cai,Chuanyi Peng, Xiaochun Wan.Porous metal–organic frameworks adsorbents as a potential platform for de?uoridation of water,J. Pouous. Mater.2016,23,1065–1073.
7. FeiKe,LuhuanWang,JunfaZhu.FacilefabricationofCdS–metal-organicframeworknanocompositeswithenhancedvisible-lightphotocatalyticactivityfororganictransformation,NanoRes.2015,8,1834–1846.
8. FeiKe,LuhuanWang,JunfaZhu.Anefficientroomtemperaturecore–shellAgPd@MOFcatalystforhydrogenproductionfromformicacid,Nanoscale,2015,7,8321–8325.
9. FeiKe,LuhuanWang,JunfaZhu*.MultifunctionalAu-Fe3O4@MOFcore-shellnanocompositecatalystswithcontrollablereactivityandmagneticrecyclability,Nanoscale,2015,7,1201–1208.
10. Fei Ke, Ling-Guang Qiu, Junfa Zhu. Fe3O4@MOF core-shell magnetic microspheres as excellent catalysts for the Claisen-Schmidt condensation reaction, Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 1596–1601.
11. Fei Ke, Junfa Zhu, Ling-Guang Qiu, Xia Jiang. Controlled synthesis of novel Au@MIL-100(Fe) core-shell nanoparticles with enhanced catalytic performance, Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 1267–1269. Selected as Back Cover.
12. Fei Ke, Ling-Guang Qiu, Yu-Peng Yuan, Xia Jiang, Jun-Fa Zhu. Fe3O4@MOF core-shell magnetic microspheres with a designable metal-organic framework shell, J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 9497–9500. Top 10 most-read Journal of Materials Chemistry articles (April,2012).
13. Fei Ke, Yu-Peng Yuan, Ling-Guang Qiu, Yu-Hua Shen, An-Jian Xie, Jun-Fa Zhu, Xing-You Tian, Li-De Zhang. Facile fabrication of magnetic metal-organic framework nanocomposites for potential targeted drug delivery, J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 3843–3848.
14. Fei Ke, Ling-Guang Qiu, Yu-Peng Yuan, Fu-Min Peng, Xia Jiang, An-Jian Xie, Yu-Hua Shen, Jun-Fa Zhu. Thiol-functionalization of metal-organic framework by a facile coordination-based postsynthetic strategy and enhanced removal of Hg2+ from water, J. Hazard. Mater. 2011, 196, 36–43.
10. Wen-Tao Xu, Lin Ma, Fei Ke, et al. Metal-organic frameworks MIL-88A hexagonal microrods as a new photocatalyst for efficient decolorization of methylene blue dye, Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 3792–3798.
15. Ai-Ling Li, Fei Ke, Ling-Guang Qiu, et al. Controllable synthesis of metal-organic framework hollow nanospheres by a versatile step-by-step assembly strategy, CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 3554–3559.
16. Fang Wu, Ling-Guang Qiu, Fei Ke, et al. Copper nanoparticles embedded in metal-organic framework MIL-101(Cr) as a high performance catalyst for reduction of aromatic nitro compounds, Inorg. Chem. Commun. 2013, 32, 5–8.
17. Juan-Ding Xiao, Ling-Guang Qiu, Fei Ke, et al. Rapid synthesis of nanoscale terbium-based metal-organic frameworks by a combined ultrasound-vapour phase diffusion method for highly selective sensing of picric acid, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1, 8745–8752.
18. Chao-Feng Zhang, Ling-Guang Qiu, Fei Ke, et al. A novel magnetic recyclable photocatalyst based on a core–shell metal-organic framework Fe3O4@MIL-100(Fe) for the decolorization of methylene blue dye, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1, 14329–14334.
19. 柯飞,徐涛,袁玉鹏,裘灵光.超分子模板合成微-介孔多级孔道金属-有机骨架及其催化动力学研究.第十五届全国分子筛大会.2009,731–732.
1. Encapsulated Catalysts, Chapter 7: Novel Core-Shell Nanoparticle@Metal-Organic Framework Composite Materials as Heterogeneous Catalysts, Elsevier, 2017, 229-248. ISBN:69
1)柯飞, 彭传燚, 宛晓春, 蔡荟梅. 一种高效选择性降低高氟食品中氟离子的方法. 中国发明专利, CN0.1
2)柯飞, 李一智, 张春艳, 陈培荣, 彭传燚, 蔡荟梅, 宛晓春. 一种基于金属有机凝胶制备过渡金属合金的方法和应用. 中国发明专利, CN4.4 已授权