Leni Sun
合肥市长江西路130号 安徽农业大学生科院
孙乐妮,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。中国微生物学会会员,安徽省微生物学会会员。1980年生。山东省威海文登人。2004年起于南京农业大学微生物学专业学习,2009年获南京农业大学微生物学博士学位;2010年7月进入安徽农业大学生命科学学院工作。长期从事微生物学教学与科研工作,主要研究方向为从事微生物与植物互作、农田污染土壤的微生物-植物联合修复机理、微生物资源与多样性、植物真菌性病害生物防治的微生物调控机理等研究工作;主持国家自然基金青年基金项目、安徽省自然基金、安徽农业大学青年科学基金项目、安徽农业大学稳定和引进人才科研资助项目等,参与国家级及省级课题多项。发表论文30余篇,其中SCI收录18篇,以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文累计10篇,包括Bioresource Technology(IF:5.744,被引210余次)等高水平论文。曾指导学生获第四届全国植物生产类大学生实践创新论坛活动二等奖,第四届全国大学生生命科学竞赛三等奖,第三届安徽省大学生生命科学竞赛二等奖获,获“兴农杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛三等奖。
国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,尖孢镰刀菌及根系分泌物诱导的枯萎病对西瓜根际细菌菌群的影响研究 (**),2015/01-2017/12,主持
安徽省自然科学基金面上项目,镉抗性促生细菌协同磷肥强化小麦消减镉积累的效应及机制 (**MD120),2020/07-2023/06,主持
安徽省自然科学基金青年基金项目,基于植物促生效应与诱导系统抗性潜能的菌株资源与功能研究 (**QC62),2012/06-2014/07,主持
稳定和引进人才科研资助项目,基于植物促生和诱导系统抗性潜能的菌株资源与遗传物种多样性研究(yj2011-25), 2011-2013,主持
安徽省自然科学基金青年基金项目,云芝-F21a高效降解蓝藻的作用机制 (**QC70),(2012.7-2014.6),参与(第三)
Leni Sun, Yan Chen, Wei Tian, Lunguang Yao, Zhaojin Chen*, Wenkai Ouyang. Bacillus acidinfaciens sp. nov., isolated from farmland soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2019, 69: 1075–1080.
Zhaojin Chen*, Wenkai Ouyang, Yan Chen, Wei Tian, Sun Leni*. Paenibacillus zeisoli sp. nov., isolated from maize-cultivated soil artificially contaminated with cadmium. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2019, 69: 1149-1154.
Leni Sun†, Dandan Pan†, Xiangwei Wu*, Endong Yang, Rimao Hua, Qingx Li. Leucobacter triazinivorans sp. nov., a s-triazine herbicide prometryn-degrading bacterium isolated from sludge. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2018, 68: 204-210.
Leni Sun†, Endong Yang†, Danxi Cui, Yewen Ni, Yubo Wang, Dongdong Sun, Weiyun Wang*. Massilia buxea sp. nov., isolated from a rock surface. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2017, 67(11): 4390-4396.
Jiechao Wei†, Leni Sun†*, Zhuoxin Yuan, Xueting Hou, Endong Yang, Yuanyuan Cao. Mucilaginibacter rubeus sp. nov., isolated from rhizosphere soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2017, 67(8): 3099-3104.
Leni Sun†*, Endong Yang†, Xueting Hou, Jiechao Wei, Zhuoxin Yuan, Weiyun Wang*. Caulobacter rhizosphaerae sp. nov., a stalked bacterium isolated from rhizosphere soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology.2017, 67(6):1771-1776.
Leni Sun, Daosheng Wang, Endong Yang, Liancheng Fang, Yifei Chen, Xinyun Tang*, Rimao Hua*. Cupriavidus nantongensis sp. nov., a novel chlorpyrifos-degrading bacterium isolated from sludge. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2016, 66:2335-2341.
Leni Sun*, Xiaohan Wang, Ya Li. Increased plant growth and copper uptake of host and non-host plants by metal-resistant and plant growth-promoting endophytic bacteria. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2016, 18(5):494-501.
Leni Sun*, Endong Yang, Jiechao Wei, Xinyun Tang*, Yuanyuan Cao, Guomin Han. Caulobacter flavus sp. nov., a stalked bacterium isolated from rhizosphere soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2015, 65:4374-4380.
Leni Sun, Yanfeng Zhang, Linyan He, Zhaojin Chen, Qingya Wang, Meng Qian, Xiafang Sheng*. Genetic diversity and characterization of heavy metal-resistant endophytic bacteria from two copper-tolerant plant species on copper mine wasteland. Bioresource Technology, 2010, 101: 501-509.
Xiafang Sheng*, Leni Sun, Zhi Huang, Linyan He, Wenhui Zhang, Zhaojin Chen. Promotion of growth and Cu accumulation of bio-energy crop (Zea mays) by bacteria: Implications for energy plant biomass production and phytoremediation. Journal of Environmental Management, 2012, 103:58-64.
Endong Yang, Leni Sun, Xiaoyuan Ding, Dongdong Sun, Jing Liu, Weiyun Wang*. Complete genome sequence of Caulobacter flavus RHGG3T, a type species of the genus Caulobacter with plant growth-promoting traits and heavy metal resistance. 3 Biotech. 2019, 9:42.
Endong Yang, Meiyi Zhao, Shanshan Li, Yanxiang Wang, Leni Sun, Jing Liu*, Weiyun Wang*. Massilia atriviolacea sp. nov., a dark purple-pigmented bacterium isolated from soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2019, 69: 2135-2141.
Linyan He, Yanfeng Zhang, Haiyan Ma, Leni Sun, Zhaojin Chen, Qingya Wang, Meng Qian, Xiafang Sheng*. Characterization of copper-resistant bacteria and assessment of bacterial communities in rhizosphere soils of copper-tolerant plants in copper mining wasteland. Applied Soil Ecology, 2010, 44: 49-55.
Yuanyuan Cao, Ruiqi Xia, Xiaolin Chen, Leni Sun, Xinyun Tang*. Breeding and characterization of amino acid-analogue-resistant mutants of Arthrospira platensis. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 2014, 30(2): 423-428.
Jian Zhang, Liyuan Meng, Yuanyuan Cao*, Huiping Chang, Zhongyou Ma, Leni Sun, Ming Zhang and Xinyun Tang*. The role of wheat germ agglutinin in attachment of Pseudomonas sp. WS32 to wheat root. Journal of Microbiology, 2014, 52(12): 1020-1024.
Jian Zhang, Jingyang Liu, Liyuan Meng, Zhongyou Ma, Xinyun Tang, Yuanyuan Cao, Leni Sun. (2012). Isolation and characterization of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria from wheat roots by wheat germ agglutinin labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate. The Journal of Microbiology, 50(2), 191-198.
Beibei Zhu, Yuanyuan Cao*, Daosheng Wang, Xinyun Tang, Rimao Hua*, Taozhong Shi, Leni Sun. Survival and Chlorpyrifos-degradation of Strain Cupriavidus taiwanensis Lux-X1 in different type soils. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 2013, 11 (2): 873-876.
赵烨, 杨恩东, 牛晓伟, 孙乐妮*, 曹媛媛, 唐欣昀*. 西瓜枯萎病内生拮抗细菌YGRE24的分离鉴定及其特性研究. 安徽农业大学学报, 2013, 40(5): 765-770.
孙乐妮,何琳燕,张艳峰,张文辉,王琪,盛下放*. 海州香薷根际铜抗性细菌的筛选及生物多样性. 微生物学报,2009,49(10):1360-1366.