

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-26

Tianyuan Yang










杨天元, 男, 1987年7月生, 安徽枞阳人, 农学博士, 硕士生导师。2016年6月毕业于南京农业大学植物营养学专业,获博士学位。博士期间主要从事作物钾高效基因的挖掘及功能解析。目前的主要研究方向为茶树养分与品质形成的生理与分子机制。目前主持国家及省部级以上项目6项, 以第一作者和共同作者身份在植物学领域权威期刊Plant Physiology, Plant Communications,The Plant Journal, Plant Biotechnology Journal等发表论文27余篇,其中SCI论文24篇, Google Scholar 引用500余次(截止2021年1月),其中2篇论文被Web of Science评选为“高被引论文”(学术领域中最优秀的1%)。现为《Scientific Reports》等多个期刊审稿人。
2015/02 - 2016/02, HebrewUniversityofJerusalem, 联合培养博士研究生
2010/09 - 2016/06, 南京农业大学, 硕博连读,博士
2006/09 - 2010/06, 安徽科技学院, 本科, 学士
2021/01 - 至今, 安徽农业大学 特任副教授
2016/12 - 2020/12, 安徽农业大学 讲师
2016/09 - 2018/08, 安徽农业大学 园艺学博士后流动站 师资博士后

主讲课程: 茶学 (茶文化与贸易) 专业英语; 茶树生理学

校级教研项目: 建设"茶学世界一流学科背景下"《茶学专业英语》课程教学方法改革与探索

1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金 (**), 2019-2021年, 主持;
2. 中国博士后科学基金 (2017M612054),2016-2018年, 主持;
3. 作物遗传与种质创新国家重点实验室开放基金(ZW201908), 2019-2021年, 主持;
4. 安徽省自然科学基金青年项目(**QC75), 2018-2020年, 主持;
5. 安徽省教育厅重点项目 (KJ2018A0129), 2018-2020年, 主持;
6. 安徽省博士后科学基金 (2017B158), 2018-2020年, 主持;
7. 安徽农业大学稳定与引进人才项目 (yi2017-05), 2017-2019年, 主持;
8. 安徽农业大学校长青年基金重点项目 (自然科学类), 2018-2019年, 主持。

1. 中国植物营养与肥料学会优秀博士论文 (2017)
2. 江苏省优秀博士论文(2017)
3. 南京农业大学优秀博士论文 (2017)
4. 南京农业大学校长奖学金(2014)
5. 国家留学基金委公派留学奖学金(2014)

第一(共一)和通讯作者论文 (注:“†”为第一作者,“*”为通讯作者)
(1)Tianyuan Yang†, Huimin Feng, Song Zhang, Qingdi Hu, Guang Chen, Huojun Xiao, Wei Xuan, Nava Moran, Angus Murphy, Ling Yu* and Guohua Xu*. Potassium transporter OsHAK5 alters rice architecture via ATP-dependent transmembrane auxin fluxes.Plant Communications, 2020, 1: 10052. (Citations#: 5)
(2)Tianyuan Yang†, Song Zhang†, Yibing Hu, Fachi Wu, Qingdi Hu, Guang Chen, Jing Cai, TingWu, Nava Moran, Ling Yu* and Guohua Xu. The role of a potassium transporter OsHAK5 in potassium acquisition and transport from roots to shoots in rice at low potassium supply levels. Plant Physiology, 2014, 166:945-959. (Highly cited, ESI 1% ; Citations#:159)
(3) Tianyuan Yang†, Huiping Li,Yuling Tai, Chunxia Dong , Xunmin Cheng , Enhua Xia, Ziping Chen, Fang Li, Xiaochun Wan*and Zhaoliang Zhang*. Transcriptional regulation of amino acid metabolism in response to nitrogen deficiency and nitrogen forms in tea plant root (Camellia sinensis L.). Scientific Reports, 2020, 10:6868.(Citations#: 6)
(4)Tianyuan Yang†, Xin Lu, Yan Wang, Yunxia Xie, Jingzhen Ma, XunminCheng, Enhua Xia, Xiaochun Wan* and Zhaoliang Zhang*. HAK/KUP/KT family potassium transportergenes are involved in potassium deficiencyand stress responses in tea plants (Camelliasinensis L.): expression and functionalanalysis. BMC Genomics, 2020, 21:556.
(5)Tianyuan Yang† and Xiaosan Huang*. Deep sequencing-based characterization of transcriptome of Pyrus ussuriensis in response to cold stress. Gene, 2018, 661:109-118. (Citations#: 11)
(6) Tianyuan Yang†, Yibing Hu, Lu Chen, Guang Chen, Guohua Xu and Ling Yu*. Expression and function of two potassium transporters OsHAK1 and OsHAK5 in rice. 16th International workshop on plant membrane biology ,2013, 184-185. (Citations#: 0)
(7) Chunxia Dong†, Fang Li†, Tianyuan Yang†, Lin Feng, Shupei Zhang, Fangdong Li, Weihong Li, Guohua Xu, Shilai Bao, Xiaochun Wan*, William J. Lucas* and Zhaoliang Zhang*. Theanine transporters identified in tea plants (Camellia sinensis L.). The Plant Journal, 2020, 101:57-70. (Highly cited, ESI 1%;Citations#: 17)
(8) Yue Liu†, Tianyuan Yang†, Zekun Lin, Bingjie Gu, Caihua Xing, Liangyi Zhao, Huizhen Dong, Junzhi Gao, Zhihua Xie, Shaoling Zhang* and Xiaosan Huang*. A WRKY transcription factor PbrWRKY53 from Pyrus betulaefolia is involved in drought tolerance and AsA accumulation. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2019, 17:1770–1787. (Citations#: 17)
(9) Liangyi Zhao†, Tianyuan Yang†, Caihua Xing†, Huizheng Dong, Kaijie Qi, Junzhi Gao, Shutian Tao, Juyou Wu, Jun Wu, Shaoling Zhang* and Xiaosan Huang*. The β-amylase PbrBAM3 from pear (Pyrus betulaefolia) regulates soluble sugar accumulation and ROS homeostasis in response to cold stress. Plant Science, 2019, 287:110184. (Citations#: 4)
(10) ChunYan Liu, Yujuan Wang, Qiangsheng Wu*, Tianyuan Yang*, Kamil Kuca.Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improve the antioxidant capacity of tea (Camellia sinensis) seedlings under drought stress.Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 2020, 48(4):1993-2005.(Citations#: 0).
(11) Yadong Shao, Xianchun Hua, Qiangsheng Wu*, Tianyuan Yang*, A.K. Srivastava ,
Dejian Zhang, Xiubing Gao, Kamil Kuca. Mycorrhizas promote P acquisition of tea plants through changes in root morphology and P transporter gene expression. South African Journal of Botany, 2021, 137, 455-462.(Citations#: 0).
(1)Ziping Chen*, Huiping Li,Tianyuan Yang, Tingting Chen, Chunxia Dong, Quan Gu and Xunmin Cheng. Transcriptome analysis provides insights into the molecular bases in response to different nitrogen forms-induced oxidative stress in tea plant roots (Camelliasinensis). Functional Plant Biology,2020,47(12),1073-1082.(Citations#: 0)
(2) Fang Li†, Huiping Li, Chunxia Dong, Tianyuan Yang, Shupei Zhang, Shilai Bao, Xiaochun Wan* and Zhaoliang Zhang*. Theanine transporters are involved in nitrogen deficiency response in tea plant (Camellia sinensis L.). Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2020,**. (Citations#: 0)
(3) Fang Li†, Chunxia Dong†, Tianyuan Yang, Jingzhen Ma, Shupei Zhang, Chaoling Wei, Xiaochun Wan* and Zhaoliang Zhang*. Seasonal Theanine Accumulation and Related Gene Expression in the Roots and Leaf Buds of Tea Plants (Camellia Sinensis L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019, 10:1397. (Citations#: 7)
(4) Zhougao Shen†, Yan He†, Yeyun Li, Tianyuan Yang, Xiaoniu Xu* and Changjun Jianga*. Insights into the profiling changes of amino acid content in an albino mutant (Camellia sinensis cv. Huangshanbaicha) during the albinostic stage. Scientia Horticulturae , 2020, 260:108732. (Citations#: 0)
(5) Huizhen Dong†, Chunmeng Wang†, Caihua Xing, Tianyuan Yang, Jinxuan Yan, Junzhi Gao, Dingli Li, Ran Wang, Eduardo Blumwald, Shaoling Zhang* and Xiaosan Huang*. Overexpression of PbrNHX2 gene, a Na+/H+ antiporter gene isolated from Pyrus betulaefolia, confers enhanced tolerance to salt stress via modulating ROS levels. Plant Science, 2019, 285: 14–25. (Citations#: 4)
(6) Shengrui Liu†, Xiaozeng Mi†, Ran Zhang†, Yanlin An, Qiying Zhou, Tianyuan Yang, Xiaobo Xia, Rui Guo, Xuewen Wang and Chaoling Wei*. Integrated analysis of miRNAs and their targets reveals that miR319c/TCP2 regulates apical bud burst in tea plant (Camellia sinensis). Planta, 2019, 250:1111-1129. (Citations#: 12)
(7) Mengqian Lu†, Jieyun Han, Biying Zhu, Huiyan Jia, Tianyuan Yang, Rangjian Wang, Weiwei Deng* and Zhengzhu Zhang*. Significantly increased amino acid accumulation in a novel albino branch of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis). Planta, 2019, 249:363-376. (Citations#: 19)
(8) Lin Feng†, Tianyuan Yang, Zhaoliang Zhang, Fangdong Li, Qi Chen, Jun Sun, Chengying Shi, Weiwei Deng, Mingmin Tao, Yuling Tai, Hua Yang, Qiong Cao and Xiaochun Wan*. Identifcation and characterization of cationic amino acid transporters (CATs) in tea plant (Camellia sinensis). Plant Growth Regulation, 2018, 84:57–69. (Citations#: 14)
(9) Weiwei Deng†, Rongxiu Wang†, Tianyuan Yang, Lina Jiang and ZhengZhu Zhang*. Functional characterization of salicylic Acid carboxyl methyltransferase from camellia sinensis, providing the aroma compound of methyl salicylate during the withering process of white Tea. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017, 65:11036-11045. (Citations#:11)
(10) Noa Wigoda†, Metsada Pasmanik-Chor, Tianyuan Yang, Ling Yu, Menachem Moshelion and Nava Moran*. Differential gene expression and transport functionality in the bundle sheath versus mesophyll – a potential role in leaf mineral homeostasis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2017, 68: 3179–3190. (Citations#: 13)
(11) Xianchen Zhang†, Hongjian Gao†, Tianyuan Yang, Honghong Wu, Yumei Wang, Zhengzhu Zhang and Xiaochun Wan*. Anion Channel Inhibitor NPPB-Inhibited Fluoride Accumulation in Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis) Is Related to the Regulation of Ca2+, CaM and Depolarization of Plasma Membrane Potential. International journal of molecular sciences, 2016, 17:57. (Citations#: 18)
(12) Xianchen Zhang†, Hongjian Gao†, Tianyuan Yang, Honghong Wu, Yumei Wang and Xiaochun Wan*. Al3+-promoted fluoride accumulation in tea plants (Camellia sinensis) was inhibited by an anion channel inhibitor DIDS. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2016, 96: 4224-4230. (Citations#: 16)
(13) Xianchen Zhang†, Hongjian Gao†, Honghong Wu, Tianyuan Yang, Zhengzhu Zhang, Jingdong Mao and Xiaochun Wan *.Ca2þ and CaM are involved in Al3þ pretreatment-promoted fluoride accumulation in tea plants (Camellia sinesis L.). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2015, 96 : 288-295. (Citations#: 28)
(14) Guang Chen†, Qingdi Hu†, Le Luo, Tianyuan Yang, Song Zhang, Yibing Hu, Ling Yu* and Guohua Xu*.Rice potassium transporter OsHAK1 is essential for maintaining potassium-mediated growth and functions in salt tolerance over low and high potassium concentration ranges. Plant, Cell & Environment, 2015, 38:2747–2765. (Citations#: 122)
(15) 张显晨†, 杨天元, 王玉梅, 陈曦, 郜红建*. Ca2+ 信号在DIDS (4,4-二异硫氰-2,2-二磺酸)抑制茶树吸收氟的功能研究[J]. 南京农业大学学报, 2016, 39(3):441-447.(Citations#: 0)
(16) 范晓娟†, 朱红梅, 韩士群*, 周 庆, 杨天元, 王世梅.白腐菌对水葫芦木质纤维素的降解及对厌氧发酵的影响[J]. 江苏农业学报, 2013, 29(5): 1043-1050. (Citations#: 4)
@: Citations from Google scholar

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