

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-24

周湘辉 (Xianghui Zhou),工学博士、副教授、硕士生导师(学术型、专业型),研究方向:数据挖掘与数据分析,随机系统动力学分析与控制,神经网络及其控制等。
Email: zhouxh8762@163.com

1. 学习经历
1999.9-2003.6 长江大学信息与数学学院读本科,获理学学士学位;
2008.9-2011.1 武汉理工大学理学院读硕士,获理学硕士学位;
2013.9-2016.6 东华大学信息学院读博士,获工学博士学位。
2003.07--2008.8 长江大学信息与数学学院,助教;
2008.09--2015.8 长江大学信息与数学学院,讲师;
2015.09--2019.12 长江大学信息与数学学院,副教授;
2020.01至今 安徽师范大学数学与统计学院,副教授;
3. 学术兼职
多个期刊审稿人,如 IEEE Trans., Neurocomputing, Nonlinear Dynamics等.
1. 长江大学创新创业教育课程建设项目:手机App开发与自动控制(已完成);
2. 长江大学应用数学研究所项目:Levy噪声驱动下的随机神经网络稳定性及其同步控制(已经完成);
3.国家自然科学基金面上项目:有限维空间中二次不等式(组)相关问题及其应用研究,项目批准号:**,2019-2022, 54万.(第二参与人);
4.国家自然科学基金面上项目:Levy噪声驱动的随机神经网络稳定性同步与最优控制,项目批准号:**, 2016-2019,64万.已结题(第四参与人).
Xianghui Zhou, Zizong Yan. An Application of Forward Difference Method inRobust Stability of Discrete Uncertainty Systemwith Delays.Advances in Difference Equations, 2019, 194:1-11.(SCI)
周湘辉, 高攀. 逆向思维在高等数学例解中的应用研究. 课程教育研究, 2019, 35:111-113.(教研论文)
Wuneng Zhou, Xianghui Zhou, Jun Yang, Jun Zhou, Dongbing Tong. Stability analysis and application for delayed neural networks driven by fractional Brownian noise. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2018,29(5):1491-1502. (通讯作者) (SCI一区)
Xianghui Zhou, Jun Yang, Wuneng Zhou.Pth Moment Synchronization of Markov Switched Neural Networks Driven by Fractional Brownian Noise.Neural Computing and Applications, 2018,29(10):823-836. (SCI)
Xianghui Zhou, Jun Yang, Zhi Li, Wuneng Zhou, Dongbing Tong.Stability Analysis Based on Partition Trajectory Approach for Switched Neural Networks with Fractional Brown Noise Disturbance. International Journal of Control, 2017, 90(10): 2165-2177.(SCI)
Wuneng Zhou, Xianghui Zhou, Jun Yang, Xiaolu Zhang, Xiangwu Ding.Exponential synchronization for stochastic neural networks driven byfractional Brownian motion. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2016, 353: 1689-1712.(通讯作者) (SCI二区)
周湘辉, 黎雄, 周武能, 高攀. 具有随机扰动和多重变时滞的神经网络稳定性分析.2016, 46(3): 246-253. (中文核心CSCD)
Xianghui Zhou, Wuneng Zhou,Jun Yang, Xiantao Hu.Stochastic synchronization of neural networks with multiple time-varying delays and Markovian jump. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2015, 352(3): 1265~1283. (SCI二区)
Xianghui Zhou, Wuneng Zhou,Jun Yang, Jie Hu.A novel scheme for synchronization control of stochastic neural networks with multiple time-varying delays.Neurocomputing, 2015, 159:50–57.(SCI二区)
Xianghui Zhou, Wuneng Zhou, Anding Dai, Jun Yang, Lili Xie. Asymptotical stability of stochastic neural networks with multiple time-varyingdelays.International Journal of Control, 2014, 88 (3) : 613-621.(SCI)
Dongbing Tong, Wuneng Zhou, Xianghui Zhou, Jun Yang, Exponential synchronization for stochastic neural networks with multi-delayed andMarkovian switching via adaptive feedback control, Communications inNonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2015, 29(1): 359-371.(SCI )
Jun Yang, Wuneng Zhou, Peng Shi, Xueqing Yang, Xianghui Zhou,Hongye Su, Adaptive synchronization of delayed Markovian switching neural networks with Levy noise, Neurocomputing, 2015,156: 231-238. (SCI)
Jun Yang, Wuneng Zhou, Peng Shi, Xueqing Yang, Xianghui Zhou,Hongye Su, Synchronization of delayed neural networks with L′evy noiseand Markovian switching via sampled data, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015, 81 (3):1179-1189. (SCI)
Dongbing Tong, Wuneng Zhou, Han Wang, Jun Zhou, Xianghui Zhou,Yuhua Xu, Adaptive estimation for delayed neural networks with Markovianjumping parameters, Optik-International Journal for Light and ElectronOptics, 2015,126 (21) : 2960-2964. (SCI)

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