汪凯,男,1977年1月出生,安徽泾县人,中共党员。现为安徽财经大学统计与应用数学学院教授、数量经济学硕士生导师、安徽省数学会理事、安徽财经大学学术和技术带头人后备人选。美国数学评论《Mathematical Reviews》,德国数学文摘论《Zentralblatt MATH》特邀评论员。
[1] Yanling Zhu, Kai Wang*, Yong Ren*. Dynamics of a mean-reverting stochastic volatility model with regime switching, Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat2020, 83. (SCI一区, Top期刊)
[2] M. Fatini,I. Sekkak,A. Laaribi,R. Pettersson, Kai Wang. A stochastic threshold of a delayed epidemic model incorporating Levy processes with harmonic mean and vaccination, International Journal of Biomathematics2020, 13(7). (SCI)
[3] A. Settati, A. Lahrouza, A. Assadouq,M. Fatini,M. Jarroudi,Kai Wang. The impact of nonlinear relapse and reinfection to derive a stochastic threshold for SIRI epidemic model, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals2020,137. (SCI一区, Top期刊)
[4] A. Settati, A. Lahrouz, M. Jarroudi, M. Fatini*, Kai Wang. On the threshold dynamics of the stochastic SIRS epidemic model using adequate stopping times, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B 2020, 25(5). (SCI三区)
[5] Yanling Zhu, Kai Wang*, Yong Ren*, Yingdong Zhuang. Stochastic Nicholson's blowflies delay differential equation with regime switching, Applied Mathematics Letters2019, 94. (SCI一区, Top期刊)
[6] Kai Wang, Yanling Zhu*. Asymptotic properties of a stochastic Gilpin-Ayala model under regime switching, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems2019, 32. (SCI一区, Top期刊)
[7] Yong Ren*, Kai Wang*, Huijin Yang. Stability analysis of stochastic pantograph multi-group models with dispersal driven by G-Brownian motion, Applied Mathematics and Computation2019, 355. (SCI一区, Top期刊)
[8] Fanchao Kong,Quanxin Zhu,Kai Wang,Juan J. Nietoe.Stability analysis of almost periodic solutions of discontinuous BAM neural networks with hybrid time-varying delays andDoperator, Journal of the Franklin Institute2019, 356(18). (SCI一区, Top期刊)
[9] Kai Wang, Yanling Zhu*. M-estimation in high-dimensional linear model, Journal of Inequalities and Applications2018, 225. (SCI)
[10] Zhen Chao, Kai Wang, Chao Zhu, Yanling Zhu. Almost sure and moment exponential stability of regime-switching jump diffusions, SIAM Journal onControland Optimization2017, 55(6). (SCI二区)
[11] Kai Wang, Yanling Zhu*, Hailong Zhu. New results on the stochastic Gilpin- Ayala model with delays, Filomat 2016, 30(6). (SCI)
[12] Kai Wang, Yanling Zhu*, Global attractivity of positive periodic solution for a predator-prey model with modified Leslie-Gower Holling-type II schemes and a deviating argument, International Journal of Biomathematics2014, 7(6). (SCI)
[13] Kai Wang, Yanling Zhu*, Dynamics of a stochastic predator-prey model with mutual interference, International Journal of Biomathematics2014, 7(3). (SCI)
[14] Kai Wang*, Yanling Zhu. Periodic solutions, permanence and global attractivity of a delayed impulsive prey-predator system with mutual interference, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications2013, 14(2). (SCI)
[15] Kai Wang*, Yanling Zhu. Permanence and global asymptotic stability of a delayed predator-prey model with Hassell-Varley type functional response, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 2011, 37(3). (SCI)
[16] Kai Wang*. Global attractivity of periodic solution for neutral functional differential system with multiple deviating arguments, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences2011, 34(11). (SCI)
[17] Kai Wang*. Permanence and global asymptotical stability of a predator-prey model with mutual interference, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications2011, 12(2). (SCI)
[18] Kai Wang*. Periodic solutions to a delayed predator-prey model with Hassell- Varley type functional response, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications2011, 12(1). (SCI)
[19] Yanling Zhu, Kai Wang*. Existence and global attractivity of positive periodic solutions for a predator-prey model with modified Leslie-Gower Holling-type II schemes, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications2011, 384(2). (SCI)
[20] Kai Wang*, Yanling Zhu. Stability of almost periodic solution for a generalized neutral-type neural networks with delays, Neurocomputing2010, 73(16-18). (SCI)
[21] Kai Wang*, Yanling Zhu. Periodic solutions for a fourth-order p-laplacian neutral functional differential equation,Journal of the Franklin Institute2010, 347(7). (SCI)
[22] Kai Wang*. Existence and global asymptotic stability of positive periodic solution for a Predator-Prey system with mutual interference,Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications2009, 10(5). (SCI)
[23] Kai Wang*, Yanling Zhu. Periodic solutions for a higher order p-Laplacian neutral functional differential equation with a deviating argument, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory Methods and Application2009, 71(9). (SCI)
[24] 汪凯. 一类高阶中立型泛函微分方程周期解的存在性, 数学物理学报(A辑)2009, 29(3).
[25] Kai Wang*. New results on the existence of periodic solutions to Lienard equation, Annals of Differential Equations2009, 25(4).
[26] Kai Wang*, Yanling Zhu. Global attractivity of positive periodic solution for a Volterra model, Applied Mathematics and Computation 2008, 203(2). (SCI)
[27] Kai Wang*, Shiping Lu. The existence, uniqueness and global attractivity of periodic solution for a type of neutral functional differential system with delays, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications2007, 335(2). (SCI)
[28] Kai Wang*, Shiping Lu. On the existence of periodic solutions for a kind higher- order neutral functional differential equation, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications2007, 326(2). (SCI)
6. 安徽省高校自然科学基金项目:中立型时滞微分方程概周期解及其应用,KJ2011B003,2011.1-2012.12,已结项。
7. 安徽省高校自然科学基金项目:中立型泛函微分方程周期解的存在性与全局吸引性,KJ2009B103Z,2009.1-2010.12,已结项。
1. 汪凯,New results on the stochastic Gilpin-Ayala model with delays,安徽财经大学2016年度优秀科研成果三等奖(排名第一),2018年。
2. 汪凯,Dynamics of a stochastic predator-prey model with mutual interference,安徽财经大学“十二五”期间优秀科研成果二等奖(排名第一),2016年。
3. 汪凯,Dynamics of a stochastic predator-prey model with mutual interference,第十届全国微分方程稳定性会议优秀论文奖(排名第一),2015年。
4. 汪凯,Periodic solutions for a fourth-order p-Laplacian neutral functional differential equation,安徽省第七届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖(排名第一),2013年。
5. 汪凯,On the existence of solutions of p-Laplacian m-point boundary value problem at resonance,安徽省第七届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖(排名第二),2013年。
6. 汪凯,首届博士研究生国家奖学金,2013年。
7. 汪凯,安徽财经大学澳华奖教金,2012年。
8. 汪凯,安徽财经大学首届十大科研标兵,2009年。
9. 汪凯,中立型泛函微分方程周期解的存在性与全局吸引性,安徽省首届百篇优秀硕士学位论文,2008年。
10. 汪凯,泛函微分方程中偏差量与周期解存在性关系的研究,安徽省科学技术三等奖(排名第四),2008年。
1. 2018年美国大学生数学建模竞赛Honorable Mention(2项)
2. 2017年全国大学生数学建模竞赛全国二等奖(1项)
3. 2017年全国大学生数学建模竞赛安徽赛区二等奖(1项)
4. 2017年美国大学生数学建模竞赛Meritorious Winner(1项)
5. 2015年全国大学生建模竞赛全国二等奖(1项)
6. 2015年美国大学生数学建模竞赛Honorable Mention(2项)
7. 2014年全国大学生数学建模竞赛安徽赛区一等奖(1项)
8. 2014年美国大学生数学建模竞赛Honorable Mention(2项)
9. 2013年全国大学生数学建模竞赛全国二等奖(1项)
10. 2012年全国大学生数学建模竞赛安徽赛区一等奖(1项)
11. 2011年全国大学生数学建模竞赛安徽赛区一等奖(1项)
12. 2007年全国大学生数学建模竞赛全国二等奖(1项)