
浙江工业大学食品科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-蔡 铭


姓 名:蔡铭 博士/副教授
联系方式:caiming@zjut.edu.cn; 13588379123

1. 2007 年 9 月-2011 年 10 月,香港理工大学,应用生物与化学科技系,博士
2. 2003 年 9 月-2006 年 7 月,浙江大学,药学院中药科学与工程学系,硕士
3. 1999 年 9 月-2003 年 7 月,华东理工大学,化工学院化学工程系,学士

1. 2011 年 12 月至今,浙江工业大学,食品科学系,讲师、副教授
2. 2016 年 9 月-2017 年 8 月,中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院,访问学者
3. 2011 年 2 月-8 月,香港理工大学,应用物理系,研究助理
4. 2010 年 6 月-9 月,加拿大 McMaster University,化学工程系,访问学者
5. 2006 年 9 月-2007 年 9 月,香港理工大学,应用生物与化学科技系,研究助理
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:果蔬汁中酚类物质的纳滤过程膜污染机制研究
2. 浙江省重点研发计划项目:灵芝、铁皮石斛功能因子挖掘、药理药效及临床功效评价
3. 浙江省自然科学基金面上项目:超声强化膜分离系统的优化及强化机理研究
4. 浙江省科技厅产业联盟项目:食药用菌有效成分的高效分离提取纯化研究与中试示范
5. 食品非热加工北京市重点实验室开放基金:基于正渗透膜的高浓度/高粘性流体食品非热浓缩过程研究
6. 企业横向:天然香料关键成分感官因子分析研究

1. M. Cai, C.F. Xie, H.Z. Zhong, K. Yang, P.L. Sun. Insights into changes of
anthocyanins-rich blueberry extracts concentrated by different nanofiltrations and
their storage stability.

LWT-Food Science and Technology, available online 1 March 2021, 111196
2. M. Cai, H. Mu, H.Y. Xing, Z.H. Li, J. Xu, W. Liu, K. Yang, P.L. Sun. In vitro gastrointestinal
digestion and fermentation properties of Ganoderma lucidum spore powders and their extracts,
LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2021, 135: 110235
3. 蔡铭, 谢春芳, 王龑, 邹仙果, 杨开. 直接膜法与顺序膜法处理蓝莓汁的工艺比较, 食品
与发酵工业, 2020, 46(20): 148-153
4. M. Cai*, C.F. Xie, Y.Q. Lv, K. Yang*, P.L. Sun. Changes in physicochemical
profiles and quality of apple juice treated by ultrafiltration and during its storage, Food
Science & Nutrition, 2020, 8(6): 2913-2919
5. 蔡铭, 陈思, 骆少磊, 杨开, 孙培龙. 膜分离与醇沉技术纯化猴头菇粗多糖的比较, 食品
科学, 2019, 40(09): 83-90
6. M. Cai, S. Chen, Q.H. Ma, K. Yang, P.L. Sun. Isolation of crude oligosaccharides
from Hericium erinaceus by integrated membrane technology and its proliferative activity,
Food Hydrocolloids, 2019, 95: 426-431
7. Z.H. Li, M. Cai*, K. Yang, P.L. Sun*. Kinetic study of d-limonene release from finger citron
essential oil loaded nanoemulsions during simulated digestion in vitro, Journal of Functional
Foods, 2019, 58: 67-73
8. Z.H. Li, M. Cai*, Y.S. Liu, P.L. Sun*. Development of Finger Citron (Citrus medica
L. var. sarcodactylis) essential oil loaded nanoemulsion and its antimicrobial activity, Food
Control, 2018, 94: 317-323
9. M. Cai, Y.Q. Lv, S.L. Luo, Y.S. Liu, P.L. Sun*, Fouling behavior of polyphenols during model
juice ultrafiltration: Effect of membrane properties, Food and Bioprocess Technology,
2018, 11(9): 1787-1793
10. 蔡铭, 吕雨晴, 侯文忠, 骆少磊, 杨开, 孙培龙. 苹果汁纳滤过程的膜污染机制及多酚截
留特性, 中国食品学报, 2018, 18(1): 104-112
11. M. Cai, W.Z. Hou, Z.H. Li, Y.Q. Lv, P.L. Sun, Understanding nanofiltration fouling
of phenolic compounds in model juice solution with two membranes, Food and Bioprocess
Technology, 2017, 10: 2123-2131
12. M. Cai, W.Z. Hou, Y.Q. Lv, P.L. Sun, Behavior and rejection mechanisms of fruit
juice phenolic compounds in model solution during nanofiltration, Journal of Food
Engineering, 2017, 195: 97-104
13. M. Cai, Y. Lin, Y.L. Luo, H.H. Liang, P.L. Sun, Extraction, Antimicrobial and
Antioxidant Activities of Crude Polysaccharides from Wood Ear Medicinal Mushroom
Auricularia auricula-judae (Higher Basidiomycetes), International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms,
2015, 17(6): 591-600

14. M. Cai, W. Li, H.H. Liang, Effects of ultrasound parameters on
ultrasound-assisted ultrafiltration using cross-flow hollow fiber membrane for Radix astragalus
extracts, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2014, 86: 30-35
15. M. Cai, Y.L. Luo, J. Chen, H.H. Liang, P.L. Sun, Optimization and
comparison of ultrasound-assisted extraction and microwave-assisted extraction of
shikimic acid from Chinese star anise, Separation and Purification Technology, 2014, 133:
16. M. Cai, X.Y. Guo, P.L. Sun, Microwave assisted extraction and antioxidant activity
of star anise oil from Illicium verum Hook.f., International Journal of Food Science and
Technology, 2013, 48(11): 2324-2330
17. M. Cai, S.J. Wang, H.H. Liang, Modeling and fouling mechanisms for ultrafiltration of Radix
astragalus extracts, Food Science and Biotechnology, 2013, 22: 407-412
18. M. Cai, S.J. Wang, H.H. Liang, Optimization of ultrasound-assisted ultrafiltration
of Radix astragalus Extracts with hollow fiber membrane using response surface
methodology, Separation and Purification Technology, 2012, 100: 74-81
19. M. Cai, S.N. Zhao, H.H. Liang, Mechanisms for the enhancement of ultrafiltration
and membrane cleaning by different ultrasonic frequencies, 2010, Desalination, 263: 133-138
20. M. Cai, S.J. Wang, H.H. Liang, Effect of ultrasound on ultrafiltration of Radix
astragalus extracts and fouled membrane cleaning, Separation and Purification Technology,
2009, 68: 351-356

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