
浙江工业大学食品科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-向 宁


姓 名: 向宁


(简称 Shopping 团队)性 别: 女
Email:xiangn@zjut.edu.cn; xiang_ning@yahoo.com

研究方向:食品纳米技术;替代蛋白;人造肉; 分子动态模拟
学习经历:普渡大学博士;瓦赫宁根大学硕士;湖南农业大学本科学术兼职:Food Hydrocolloids、 Journal of Molecular Modeling、 Frontiers in
Nutrition 等期刊审稿人;美国食品技术学会会员 (IFT,自 2015),美国化学学会会员 (ACS,自 2016)。


1. 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目:熔球态β-乳球蛋白纳米颗粒的泡沫稳定作用机制:从分子尺度到宏观尺度。(2020-2022)
2. 主参(2/13)浙江省重点研发计划:植物蛋白代肉食品关键技术研发,承担子课题项目:大豆蛋白组织化提升技术研究。(2020-2023)代表论文、专利、论著:

1. Xiang, Ning, Sihong Wu, Zhengxun Wei, Ping Shao, and Peilong Sun. "Characterization of iron
reducibility of soy protein amyloid fibrils and their applications in iron fortification." Food
Chemistry (2021): 129420.
2. Wei, Zhengxun, Sihong Wu, Jiujie Xia, Ping Shao, Peilong Sun*, and Ning Xiang*. "Enhanced
Antibacterial Activity of Hen Egg-White Lysozyme against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli
due to Protein Fibrillation." Biomacromolecules (2021): 890-897.
3. Xiang, Ning, Yuan Lyu, Xiao Zhu, and Ganesan Narsimhan. "Investigation of the interaction of
amyloid β peptide (11–42) oligomers with a 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC)
membrane using molecular dynamics simulation." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20, no. 10
(2018): 6817-6829.
4. Xiang, Ning, Yuan Lyu, and Ganesan Narsimhan. "Characterization of fish oil in water emulsion
produced by layer by layer deposition of soy
β-conglycinin and high methoxyl pectin." Food Hydrocolloids 52 (2016): 678-689.
5. Xiang, Ning, Yuan Lyu, Xiao Zhu, Arun K. Bhunia, and Ganesan Narsimhan. "Methodology for
identification of pore forming antimicrobial peptides from soy protein subunits β-conglycinin and
glycinin." Peptides 85 (2016): 27-40.

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