


姓 名:赵嫚

性 别:女

最高学位:博士民 族:汉族
籍 贯:安徽宿州联系方式:
Email: mzhao@zjut.edu.cn

电 话:0571-88320781

1. 高效生物催化剂的开发,手性催化技术和酶学性质研究
2. 植物基因功能进化,植物基因家族的分子进化和功能歧化探究


1.大豆脂肪酸脱氢酶 FAD2 家族酶活性差异的进化与功能研究 国家自然科学基金青年基金 20万 主持 2017.01-2019.12;
2.浙江省科技厅农业重大科技专项子课题 22.5 万 主持 2016.01-2020.12;

3.油料种子中 FAD2 酶活性差异的分子进化机制研究 浙江省自然科学基金青年基金 5 万 主持
4.浙江省择优资助博士后项目 3 万 主持 2016.05-2018.12;

5.氧化还原酶法不对称合成泛酸的探究 企业横向 100 万,主要参与人(2)2016.05-2018.12;

6.典型人工纳米材料干扰拟南芥生长繁殖及其与除草剂的复合毒理 国家自然科学基金面上基金

78 万 主要参与人(3) 2016.01-2019.12;

1.Zhao Man, Gao Liang, Zhang Li, Bai Yanbin, Chen Liang, Yu Meilan, Cheng Feng, Sun Jie, Wang
Zhao, Ying Xiangxian*. Asymmetric reduction of ketopantolactone using a strictly
(R)-stereoselective carbonyl reductase through ef?cient NADPH regeneration and the
substrate constant-feeding strategy, Biotechnology Letters,
2017, doi 10.1007/s10529-017-2415-1.
2.Zhao Man*, Ying Xiangxian, Sun Jie, Wang Zhao*. Molecular evolution of Coq1 gene family in
eukaryotes, Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2017, doi: 10.1111/jse.12250.
3.Zhao Man, Gu Yongzhe, He Lingli, Chen Qingshan, He Chaoying*. Sequence and expression variations
suggest an adaptive role for the DA1-like gene family in the evolution of soybeans, BMC Plant
Biology 2015, 15:120.
4.Zhao Man, He Lingli, Gu Yongzhe, Wang Yan, Chen Qingshan, He Chaoying*. Genome-wide analyses of a
plant-specific LIM-domain gene family implicate its evolutionary role in plant diversification,
Genome Biology and Evolution, 2014, 6(4):1000-1012.
5.Gong Peichang#, Zhao Man#, He Chaoying*. Slow co-evolution of the MAGO and Y14
protein families is required for the maintenance of their obligate heterodimerization mode, PLoS
One, 2014, 9(1): e84842.
6.Sun Jie, Chen Liang, Lou Bo, Bai Yanbing, Yu Xinjun, Zhao Man, Zhao Wang*. Acetylation and
deacetylation for sucralose preparation by a newly isolated Bacillus amyloliquefaciens WZS01.
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2017, 5:576-580.
7.Zhang Jisi#, Li Zhichao#, Zhao Jing, Zhang Shaohua, Quan Hui, Zhao Man, He Chaoying*. Deciphering
the Physalis floridana double-layered-lantern1 mutant provides insights into functional
divergence of the GLOBOSA duplicates within the Solanaceae, Plant Physiology, 2014, 164: 748-764.
8.He Lingli, Zhao Man, Wang Yan, Gai Junyi, He Chaoying*. Phylogeny, structural evolution and
functional diversification of the plant PHOSPHATE1 gene family: a focus on Glycine max, BMC
Evolutionary biology, 2013, 13(103): 1-13. 2013-5-24.
9.Zhao Jing#, Tian Ying#, Zhang Jisi, Zhao Man, Gong Peichang, Riss Simone, Saedler Rainer, He
Chaoying*. The euAP1 protein MPF3 represses MPF2 to specify floral calyx identity

and displays crucial roles in chinese lantern development in Physalis, the Plant Cell, 2013, 25(6):

教材:《生命科学概论》第三版,科学出版社,2017 年 参编


每年培养研究生 1-2 名

2016 年 浙江省高校第九届青年教师教学技能竞赛特等奖
2016 年 浙江工业大学第十届青年教师教学技能比赛十佳青年教师


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