


姓 名: 葛璟燕

性 别: 女

工作部门: 生物工程学院

技术职称: 教授最高学位: 博士民 族: 汉
籍 贯: 浙江诸暨


Email: gejy@zjut.edu.cn

电 话:15990054161
1. 化学生物学
2. 分子探针
3. 蛋白质机器
1. 基于对渥曼青霉素肿瘤特异性的修饰及靶标研究(Q16B020013, 浙江省青年基金,5 万,2016/01-2018/12),主持
2. 新型靶向线粒体蛋白质活性探针的合成及应用(21708034,国家自然科学青年科学基金项目,25 万,2018/01-2020/12),主持
3. 特异性化学干预 PDI 活性与帕金森病发病机制中的作用研究
(21877100,国家自然科学基金面上项目,67 万,2019/01-2020/12),主持
4. 线粒体组学( 省属高校基本科研业务费, RF-B2019003 , 25 万,
5. 浙江工业大学青年英才支持计划(2017)
6. 浙江高校中青年学科带头人(2017)

1. Ge, Jingyan; Zhang, C.-W.; Ng, X. W.; Peng, B.; Pan, S.; Du, S.; Wang, D.; Li, L.; Lim,
K.-L.; Wohland, T.; Yao, S.Q.* “Puromycin analogs capable of multiplexed imaging and
profiling of protein synthesis and dynamics in live cells and neurons”, Angew. Chem.
Int. Ed., 2016, 55, 4933-4937.
2. Li, L.?; Zhang, C-W.?; Ge, Jingyan?; Qian, L.; Chai, B-H.; Zhu, Q.; Lee, J.-S.; Lim,
K.-L.; Yao, S.Q.* “A small molecule probe for selective profiling and imaging of
monoamine oxidase b activities in models of parkinson’s disease”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,
2015, 54, 10574-10578. (?Equally contributed first author)
3. Du, S.; Wang, D.; Peng, B.; Lee, J-S.; Ge, Jingyan*; Yao, S. Q.* “Cell type-selective
imaging and profiling of newly synthesized proteomes by using puromycin analogues”, Chem. Commun.,
2017, 53, 8443-8446.
4. Lang, W.; Yuan, C.; Zhu, B.; Pan, S.; Liu, J.; Luo, J.; Nie, S.; Zhu, Q.*; Lee, J. S.;
Ge, Jingyan*. Expanding the “minimalist” small molecule tagging approach to different bioactive
compounds. Org. Biomol. Chem., 2019, 17, 3010-3017.
5. Han, L.; Shi. R.; Xin, C.; Ci, Q.; Ge, Jingyan*; Liu, J.; Wu, Q.; Zhang, C.*; Li, L.*;
Huang, W. Mitochondrial specific H2Sn fluorogenic probe for live cell imaging by rational
utilization of a dual-functional-photocage group. ACS Sensors, 2018, 3, 1622-1626.
6. Ge, Jingyan; Yao, S. Q.* “Chemical proteomics of host-pathogen interaction”, Chem.
Biol., 2015,
22, 434-435.
7. Ge, Jingyan; Zhang, C. J.; Li, L.; Chong, L. M.; Wu, X.; Hao, P.; Sze, S. K.; Yao, S.
Q.* “Small molecule probe suitable for in situ profiling and inhibition of protein disulfide
isomerase”, ACS Chem. Biol., 2013, 8, 2577-2585.
8. Ge, Jingyan; Cheng, X.; Tan, L. P.; Yao, S. Q.* “Ugi reaction-assisted
rapid assembly of affinity-based probes against potential protein tyrosine phosphatases”, Chem.
Commun., 2012, 48, 4453-4455.
9. Ge, Jingyan; Li, L.; Yao, S. Q.* “A self-immobilizing and fluorogenic unnatural amino
acid that mimics phosphotyrosine”, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 10939-10941.
10. Ge, Jingyan; Wu, H.; Yao, S. Q.* “An unnatural amino acid that mimics phosphotyrosine”,
Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 2980-2982.
11. Wei, S.?; Ge, Jingyan?; He, S.; Zhang, R.; Zhao, C.; Fan, Y.; Yu, S.; Liu, B.*; Zhu, Q.*
“A novel self-quenching system based on bis-naphthalimide: a dual two-photon-channel GSH
fluorescent probe”, Chem. Asian J., 2017, 12, 1532-1537. (?Equally contributed first author)
12. Xie, Z.?; Ge, Jingyan?; Zhang, H.; Bai, T.; He, S.; Ling, J.; Sun, H.; Zhu, Q.* “A highly
selective two-photon fluorogenic probe for formaldehyde and its bioimaging application in
cells and zebrafish”, Sens. Actuators B: Chem., 2017, 241, 1050-1056. (?Equally contributed first


1. 浙江省第十五届“挑战杯·富阳”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛一等奖(指导老师), 2017

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