


姓 名:燕云峰

性 别:男

最高学位:博士民 族:汉族
籍 贯:安徽安庆联系方式:
Email: yfyan@zjut.edu.cn

电 话:13588095990


燕云峰博士 2007 年从中国科学技术大学化学物理系博士毕业,2007-2009 年在复旦大学高分子科学系江明院士课题组做博士后。2011 年 3 月至 2017 年 1
月,先后在美国麻省大学(University of Massachusetts, Amherst)和德克萨斯大学西南医学中心(University of Texas Southwestern
Medical Center)做博士后和研究员(Research Scientist)。主要研究领域包括纳米生物医药、生物高分子材料和蛋白质科学。近 5 年来发表 SCI
论文二十多篇,包括在国际顶级期刊PNAS 和一流期刊J. Am. Chem. Soc., Adv. Mater.和 Biomaterials 等杂志发表论文 5
在西南医学中心工作期间,燕云峰博士及其研究团队将材料化学与生物医学相结合,成功制备了具有癌症细胞选择性的高分子-RNA 纳米粒子。这种纳米粒子的癌症选择性仅仅

依靠高分子纳米粒子自身的物理化学性质,而不需要修饰额外的靶向基团。这一发现为传统的癌症靶向治疗提供了新的思路,具有重要的科学意义和潜在的医学应用价值。该工作在国际顶级期刊 PNAS 发表后,被
Chemical Research in Toxicology、Oncology Times 和 ScienceDaily 作为研究亮点报道和评论。
此外,燕云峰博士长期担任 Polymer Chemistry, Langmuir, Chemical Communications,
Journal of Materials Chemistry B, Soft Matter 和 Food Hydrocolloids 等主流杂志审稿人。

1. Meng Li, Yisheng Xu*, Jinli Sun, Mingwei Wang, Dahai Yang, Xuhong Guo, Haiyun Song, Song
Cao*, and Yunfeng Yan* “Fabrication of Charge-Conversion Nanoparticles for
Cancer Imaging by Flash Nanoprecipitation” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018 in
press. (一区,IF: 7.5)
2. Yunfeng Yan*, Hu Xiong, Xinyi Zhang, Qiang Chen, and Daniel J. Siegwart* “Systemic mRNA
Delivery to the Lungs by Functional Polyester-based Carriers” Biomacromolecules 2017, 18,
4307-4315. (二区,IF: 5.2)
3. Hu Xiong, Hao Zuo, Yunfeng Yan, Gino Occhialini, Kejin Zhou, Yihong Wan, and
Daniel J. Siegwart “High-contrast fluorescence detection of metastatic breast cancer including
bone and liver micrometastases via size-controlled pH-activatable water-soluble probes” Advanced
Materials 2017, 29, 1700131. (一区,IF:19.8)
4. Yunfeng Yan, Kejin Zhou, Hu Xiong, Jason B. Miller, Edward A. Motea, David A. Boothman,
Li Liu, and Daniel J. Siegwart “Aerosol Delivery of Stabilized Polyester-siRNA Nanoparticles to
Silence Gene Expression in Orthotopic Lung Tumors” Biomaterials 2017, 118, 84-93. (一区,IF: 8.4)
5. Yunfeng Yan, Li Liu, Hu Xiong, Jason B. Miller, Kejin Zhou, Petra Kos, Kenneth
E. Huffman, Sussana Elkassih, John W. Norman, Ryan Carstens, James Kim, John D. Minna,
and Daniel J. Siegwart “Functional Polyesters Enable Selective siRNA Delivery to Lung Cancer
over Matched Normal Cells” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United
States of America 2016, 113, E5702-E5710. (Highlighted by Chemical Research in Toxicology,
Oncology Times, and ScienceDaily) (一区,IF: 9.7)
6. Kejin Zhou, Liem H. Nguyen, Jason B Miller, Yunfeng Yan, Petra Kos, Lin Li, Jing Hao,
Jonathan T Minnig, Hu Xiong, Hao Zhu, and Daniel J Siegwart “Modular Degradable Dendrimers
Enable Small RNAs to Extend Survival in an Aggressive Liver Cancer Model” Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2016, 113, 520-525. (一区,IF: 9.7)
7. Kejin Zhou, Petra Kos, Yunfeng Yan, Hu Xiong, Yi-Li Min, Karina A. Kinghorn, Jonathan T.
Minnig, Jason B. Miller, and Daniel J. Siegwart “Intercalation-mediated Nucleic Acid
Nanoparticles for siRNA Delivery” Chemical Communications 2016, 52, 12155-12158. (一区,IF: 6.3)
8. Hu Xiong, Petra Kos, Yunfeng Yan, Kejin Zhou, Jason B. Miller, Sussana Elkassih, and Daniel
J. Siegwart “Activatable Water Soluble Probes Enhance Tumor Imaging by Responding to Dysregulated
pH and Exhibiting High Tumor-to-liver Fluorescence Emission Contrast” Bioconjugate Chemistry 2016,
27, 1737-1744. (二区,IF:


9. Jing Hao, Petra Kos, Kejin Zhou, Jason B Miller, Lian Xue, Yunfeng Yan, Hu Xiong, Sussana
Elkassih, Daniel J Siegwart “Rapid Synthesis of a Lipocationic Polyester Library via Ring-opening
Polymerization of Functional Valerolactones for Efficacious siRNA Delivery” Journal of
the American Chemical Society 2015, 137, 9206–9209. (一区,IF: 13.9)
10. Yunfeng Yan, Lian Xue, Jason B Miller, Kejin Zhou, Petra Kos, Sussana Elkassih, Li Liu,
Atsushi Nagai, Hu Xiong, Daniel J Siegwart “One-pot Synthesis of Functional Poly(aminoester
sulfide)s and Utility in Delivering pDNA and siRNA” Polymer, 2015, 72, 271-280. (二区,IF: 3.7)
11. Ebru Kizilay, Daniel Seeman, Yunfeng Yan, Xiaosong Du, Paul L. Dubin, Laurence
Donato-Capel, Lionel Bovetto and Christophe Schmitt “Structure of Bovine
β-Lactoglobulin/Lactoferrin Coacervates” Soft Matter 2014, 10, 7262-7268. (二区,IF: 3.9)
12. Yunfeng Yan and Daniel Siegwart “Scalable Synthesis and Derivation of Functional Polyesters
Bearing Ene and Epoxide Side Chains” Polymer Chemistry 2014, 5, 1362-1371. (二区,IF: 5.4)
13. Yunfeng Yan, Ebru Kizilay, Daniel Seeman, Sean Flanagan, Paul L. Dubin, Lionel Bovetto,
Laurence Donato and Christophe Schmitt “Heteroprotein Complex Coacervation: Bovine
β-Lactoglobulin and Lactoferrin” Langmuir 2013, 29, 15614-15623. (二区,IF: 3.8)
12. Yisheng Xu, Yoni Engel, Yunfeng Yan, Kaimin Chen, Daniel F. Moyano, Paul L. Dubin, Vincent M.
Rotello “Enhanced Electrostatic Discrimination of Proteins on Nanoparticle-coated Surfaces”
Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2013, 1, 5230-5234. (一区,IF: 4.5)
13. Yunfeng Yan, Daniel Seeman, Bingqian Zheng, Ebru Kizilay, Yisheng Xu, and Paul L. Dubin
“pH-Dependent Aggregation and Disaggregation of Native β-Lactoglobulin in Low Salt” Langmuir
2013, 29, 4584-4593. (二区,IF: 3.8)
14. Yunfeng Yan, Hongwei Hou, Tianrui Ren, Yisheng Xu, Quanxi Wang, and Wenping Xu
“Utilization of Environmental Waste Cyanobacteria as a Pesticide Carrier: Studies on Controlled
release and photostability of Avermectin” Colloids and Surfaces B 2013, 102, 341-347. (二区,IF: 3.9)





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