吴石金 教授 介绍
浙江工业大学生物工程学院 副院长,博士,教授,博士生导师,入选浙江省高校中青年学科带头人培养计划和浙江省高校优秀青年教师资助计划。
1. 应用生化与分子生物学;2. 组学(Omics)技术及应用(生物标记物在人类健康领域的应用);3. 污染物的生态毒理与健康效应(安全性分子评价)。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:适用于土壤 POPs 污染风险预测和诊断生物标记物的筛选和评价模型的建立;
2. 国家 863 计划重大项目:大气挥发性有机物排放控制技术与应用示范——工业源 VOCs 生物降解技术研究;;
3. 国家 863 计划项目:空气净化器与示范应用(净化用菌种和关键酶研究与应用);
4. 国家自然科学基金:MTBE 微生物降解的机理与活性增强;
5. 浙江省自然科学基金项目:基于 AHLs 调控的新型脱氮电生物膜及其可视化研究;
6. 浙江省自然科学基金项目:利用蛋白质组学技术筛选 POPs 污染土壤生物标记物研究;
7. 浙江省自然科学基金项目:光伏产业区土壤微生物多样性环境安全研究;
8. 浙江省科技计划公益项目:钱塘江上游各水系(衢州段)持久性有毒物质的调查与风险评估;代表性论文:
1. Shijin Wu,Yuan Li,Penghua Wang, Li Zhong, Lequan Qiu, Jian-meng Chen. Shifts of microbial
community structu re in soils of a photovoltaic plant observed using tag-encoded pyrosequencing
of 16S rRNA. Applied Microbiology a nd Biotechnology.2016,100:3735-3745.(SCI,EI)IF=3.425
2. Qiaozhen Feng, Li Zhong, Shibo Xu, Lequan Qiu, and Shijin Wu#. Biomarker Response of the
Earthworm (Eisenia fetida)Exposed to Three Phthalic Acid Esters Environmental Engineering
Science.2016,2(33):105-111 (SCI)IF=1.425
3. Shijin Wu,Huaxing Zhang,Xiang Yu, and Lequan Qiu. Toxicological response of a green alga
Chlorella vulgaris to dichloromethane and dichloroethane. Environmental Engineering Science.
4. Shijin Wu,Shiliang Zhao,Feichao Shen,Lequan Qiu,andJian-meng Chen. Evaluation of phenanthrene
toxicity on eart hworm(Eisenia fetida): An ecotoxico proteomics approach. Chemosphere.
2013,93:963-971 (SCI,EI)IF=3.296
5. ShijinWu,Yan Wang,Yan Hu,and Weihong Zhong. Single and Binary Toxic Effects of
Copper,Lead,and1,2,4-Trichl orobenzene on Eisenia fetida in Microcosms. Environmental
Engineering Science.2013,30:365-373.(SCI)IF=1.425
6. Shijin Wu,Lili Zhang,Jian-meng Chen. Paracetamol in the environment and its degradation by
microorganisms. Ap plied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2012,96:875-884.(SCI,EI)IF=3.425
7. Shijin Wu,Huaxing Zhang,Junliang Wang,Yan Hu,andJian-meng Chen.Biomarker responses of the
earthworm Eise nia fetida to exposure of phenanthrene and pyrene both single and in a mixture
in artificial soil.Chemosphere.2012,87
8. Shijin Wu,Huaxing Zhang,Yan HU,Hui-long LI,and Jian-meng Chen.Effects of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene
on the enzym e activities and ultrastructure of earthworm Eisenia fetida. Ecotoxicology and
Environmental Safety.2012,76:175-18 1(SCI)IF=2.340
9. Shijin Wu,Er-miao Wu,Le-quan Qu,Wei-hong Zhong,and Jian-meng Chen.Effects of phenanthrene on the
mortality, growth,and anti-oxidant system of earthworms (Eisenia fetida) under laboratory
conditions. Chemosphere.2011,83:429
10. Shijin Wu,Zhihang Hu, Lili Zhang, Xiang Yu and Jianmeng Chen. A novel dichloromethane
degrading Lysini ba cillus sphaericus strain wh22 and its degradative plasmid. Applied
Microbiology and Biotechnology.2009,82:731/74 0.(SCI,EI)IF=3.425
11. Shijin Wu, Lili Zhang,Jiade Wang and Jianmeng Chen.Bacillus circulans WZ-12 a newly discovered
aerobic dichlo romethane-degrading methylotrophic bacterium. Applied Microbiologyand
Biotechnology. 2007,76(6):1289/1296.(SC I,EI)IF=3.425
12. ShijinWu,Shen Jia-jia, Zhou Xiao-yun,Chen. A novel enantioselective epoxidehydrolase for
(R)-phenylglycidyleth er to generate(R)-3-phenoxy-1,2-propanediol.Applied Microbiology and
Biotechnology.2007,76(6):1281/1287.(SCI,EI) IF=3.425
13. Shijin Wu,Huaxing Zhuang,Xiang Yu and Jianmeng Chen.Identification and cloning of a gene
encoding dichloro methane dehalogenase fromamethylotrophic bacterium——Bacillus circulans WZ-12
CCTCCM207006. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering.2009,32:845-852,(SCI)IF=1.83
14. WUShijin,YU Xiang,ZHANG Lili,CHEN Jianmeng.Optimising aerobic biodegradation of
dichloromethane(DCM) using response surface methodology.Journal of Environmental
15. Shijin Wu,Jianmeng Chen,Yuren,Wang.field treatment of complex odorous gases containing reduced
sulfur compo unds and benzene in apilot-scale biofilter, 231st ACS National Meetingin
16. Lequan Qiu, Weijian Wang,Weihong Zhong*,Li Zhong, Jianjun Fang, Xuanzhen Li,Shijin Wu,Jianmeng
Chen, Co enzyme Q10 production by Sphingomonassp. ZUTE03 with novel precursors isolated from
tobacco waste in a two-phas e conversion system, Journal of Microbiology and Biotecholgy
1.环状芽孢杆菌 WZ-12 及其在微生物分解处理二氯甲烷中的应用(授权:ZL200710067510.0)
2.链霉菌 S1-5 及其应用(授权,专利号:ZL200710156460.3)
3. 降解三苯VOCs 废气的复合微生物菌剂的制备方法(授权,专利号:ZL200810063737.2)
4. 降解尼古丁新菌株—假单胞菌 ZUTSKD 及其应用(授权,专利号:ZL200710070805.3)
5. 一种用于蛋白质组学分析的动物蛋白质样品的制备方法(授权:ZL2011102075104843.X)主讲课程:
国家自然科学基金同行评议专家、中国畜牧兽医学会会员、浙江省微生物学会会员。top 期刊《Proteomics》\
《Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology》\《Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering》特约审稿专家。个人荣誉:
2.获国家教育部 2010 年度高等学校科学研究自然科学二等奖(排名第 6).
3.获 2006 年度江西省自然科学三等奖(排名第 3).
4.获 2011 年度浙江省科学技术一等奖(排名第 8).
1.《简明免疫学原理》(ISBN:978-7-122-02304-9),化学工业出版社 2008 年 5 月,主编
2.《生物化学实验指导》(ISBN:978-7-122-03118-1),化学工业出版社 2008 年 8 月,主编
3.《饲料添加剂》(ISBN:7-5025-6010-6/TQ2054),化学工业出版社 2004 年 11 月,主编
4.《生物化学学习指导》(ISBN:978-7-5019-9/Q049),轻工业出版社 2008 年 1 月,主编联系地址:
浙江工业大学 生物工程学院,邮政编码:310032;电子邮箱:wujan28@zjut.edu.cn办公室:新教楼 909-2 号(行政办公);生物楼四楼 420 室(科研办公)