


姓 名: 马毅性 别: 男 职 务:无
技术职称:副研究员、硕士生导师最高学位: 博士
办公电话: 13868173788(微信同号)邮箱地址: may@zjut.edu.cn
? 2014.6—2016.12 浙江工业大学,机械工程学院,讲师
? 2016.12 至今 浙江工业大学,机械工程学院,副研究员
? 近年来,主要研究新结构合金薄膜力学性能;材料尺寸效应;耐高温防护涂层制备;脆性陶瓷塑性变形机制;高熵合金增材制造等。以第一作者(或通讯作者)发表 SCI 论文近 40 篇,多篇论文发表在
Acta. Mater, Scripta. Mater, Mat.Sci.Eng.A, Int.J. Fatigue、Eng. Fract. Mech 等国际优秀期刊。申请发明专利 40
余项,授权多项。多个 SCI 期刊长期审稿人。
? 近年来重点关注脆性陶瓷加工损伤表征和高温合金蠕变-疲劳损伤探测。
? 主持多项浙江省和国家自然科学基金项目,参与国家重点研发计划。
? 指导研究生 4 人获得国家奖学金,2 人获得省优毕业生称号。
主要研究方向:机械强度;微纳米力学;材料力学行为;氧化物薄膜;高熵合金 3D 打印
? 2005.9—2009.6 哈尔滨工业大学 材料学院 学士
? 2009.9—2014.6 浙江大学 材料学院 硕博连读 浙江省优秀毕业生
1. 浙江省高校基本业务费, 增材制造金属玻璃及其结构不均匀性研究, 10 万元,
2. 浙江省自然科学基金面上项目,LY18E010006,非晶合金初始塑性行为的纳米压入研究,
2018/01-2020/12,10 万元,主持,结题。
3. 国家重大科研仪器研制项目,11727803,仪器化微米压入力学检测技术研究及其仪器研制,2018/01-2022/12,555 万元,在研,参与(参与人排名第二)。

4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,11502235,非晶合金变形模式转变尺寸效应的纳米压入实验研究,2016/01-2018/12,26 万元,主持 结题。
5. 浙江省自然科学基金青年项目,LQ15A020004,非晶合金剪切转变区体积变化对变形模式转变临界尺寸影响的研究,2015/01-2017/12,5 万元,结题,主持。
6. 企业横向,ZHJ19-052 焦化塔分析计算合同,张化机(苏州)重装有限公司,3 万,结题,主持。
7. 企业横向,安全完整性登记评估(SIL)验证,北京思创信息系统有限公司,14 万,结题,主持。
8. 企业横向,中广核项目 Vapour Suppression Tank,苏州天沃科技股份有限公司,12 万,结题,主持。
发表一作及通讯作者论文: 2021:
1. Song Y X, Ma Y*, Chen H F, He Z B, Chen H, Zhang T H, Gao Z L*. The effects of tensile and
compressive dwells on creep-fatigue behavior and fracture mechanism in welded joint of P92 steel.
Material Science and Engineering:A, 2021. accept
2. Wang, Huadong, Yi Ma*, Guangjian Peng, Wei Hang, Weifeng Jiang, Heng Chen, Chengwu Wang,
Julong Yuan, and Taihua Zhang. "Evaluation of subsurface damage layer of BK7 glass via
cross-sectional surface nanoindentation." Precision Engineering 2021,67: 293-300.
3. Song, Yuxuan, Furao Qin, Jianan Chen, Zhouxin Pan, Xianwei Huang, Zhenyu Ding, Zengliang Gao,
Taihua Zhang, and Yi Ma*. "On the microstructural evolution and room‐temperature creep behaviour of
9% Cr steel weld joint under prior creep–fatigue interaction." Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering
Materials & Structures 44, no. 2 (2021): 444-460.
4. Y. L. Yu, Y. Ma*, X. W. Huang, T. H. Zhang,C. D. Lu, Annealing effect on the structure
relaxation and mechanical properties of a Polytetrafluoroethylene film by RF-magnetron
sputtering. Surface & Coatings Technology 405 (2021) 126591
5. Song, Yuxuan, Zhouxin Pan, Jianan Chen, Furao Qin, Zengliang Gao, Taihua Zhang, and
Yi Ma*. "The effects of prior creep–fatigue on the strain rate sensitivity of a P92
welded joint." Journal of Materials Science 56, no. 11 (2021): 7111-7128.


6. Ma Y*, Huang X W, Hang W, et al. Nanoindentation size effect on stochastic
behavior of incipient plasticity in a LiTaO3 single crystal. Engineering Fracture
Mechanics, 226, 2020: 106877.
7. Ma Y*, Huang X, Hang W, et al. On the delayed incipient plastic deformation in a LiTaO3
single crystal by nanoindentation. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,

2020, 53(18) 185303.
8. Zengliang Gao, Yuxuan Song, Zhouxin Pan, Yi Ma*. Nanoindentation
investigation on the creep behavior of P92 steel weld joint after creep-fatigue loading.
International Journal of Fatigue, 134, 2020: 105506.
9. Ma Y*, Cao L L, Hang W, et al. Crystallographic orientation effect on the
incipient plasticity and its stochastic behavior of a sapphire single crystal by
spherical nanoindentation, Ceramics International, 2020, 46(10) 15554-15564.
10. Yu, Yue-ling, et al. "Investigation on the microstructural and mechanical
properties of a Polytetrafluoroethylene thin film by radio frequency magnetron
sputtering." Thin Solid Films 712 (2020): 138302.
11. Zhou, S.; Huang, X.; Lu, C.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, T.; Ma, Y*. Revealing the Plastic
Mode of Time-Dependent Deformation of a LiTaO3 Single Crystal by Nanoindentation.
Micromachines 2020, 11, 878.
12. Cao, L.; Zhang, X.; Yuan, J.; Guo, L.; Hong, T.; Hang, W.; Ma, Y*. Study on the Influence of
Sapphire Crystal Orientation on Its Chemical Mechanical Polishing. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8065.
13. Song Y, Huang X, Gao Z, Ma Y*. Nanoindentation creep behavior of RPV’s weld joint at room
temperature. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 2020, 24(3): 253-263
14. Ma Y, Huang X, Song Y, et al. Room-Temperature Creep Behavior and Activation Volume of
Dislocation Nucleation in a LiTaO3 Single Crystal by Nanoindentation. Materials, 2019, 12(10):
15. Z. Y. Ding, Y. X. Song, Y. Ma,*. Nanoindentation Investigation on the
Size-Dependent Creep Behavior in a Zr-Cu-Ag-Al Bulk Metallic Glass. Metals 2019, 9(5), 613
16. Ma Y, Huang X, Song Y, et al. Orientation-Independent Yield Stress and Activation
Volume of Dislocation Nucleation in LiTaO3 Single Crystal by Nanoindentation.
Materials, 2019, 12(17): 2799.
17. Ma Y, Song Y, Zhang T. Revealing Nanoindentation Size-Dependent Creep Behavior in a
La-Based Metallic Glassy Film. Nanomaterials, 2019, 9(12): 1712.
18. Hang W, Huang X W, Liu M and Ma Y*. On the Room-Temperature Creep Behavior and
Its Correlation with Length Scale of a Litao3 Single Crystal by Spherical
Nanoindentation. Materials, Materials 2019, 12(24), 4213
19. Ma, Y.; Song, Y.; Huang, X.; Chen, Z.; Zhang, T. Testing Effects on Shear
Transformation Zone Size of Metallic Glassy Films Under Nanoindentation. Micromachines
2018, 9, 636.

20. Ma Y, Peng G J, Chen H, et al. On the nanoindentation hardness of Cu-Zr-Al/Cu nanolaminates.
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2018, 482: 208-212.
21. Chen H, Song Y X, Zhang T H, et al. Structure relaxation effect on hardness and shear
transformation zone volume of a Ni-Nb metallic glassy film. Journal of Non-Crystalline
Solids, 2018, 499: 257-263.
22. Zhang T H, Ye J H, Feng Y H. On the spherical nanoindentation creep of metallic glassy thin
films at room temperature. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2017, 685: 294–299.
23. Ma Y, Peng G J, Feng Y H, et al. Nanoindentation investigation on creep behavior of
amorphous CuZrAl/nanocrystalline Cu nanolaminates. Journal of Non-Crystalline
Solids, 2017, 465: 8-16.
24. Chen H, Zhang T, Ma Y*. Effect of Applied Stress on the Mechanical Properties of a
Zr-Cu-Ag-Al Bulk Metallic Glass with Two Different Structure States. Materials, 2017,
10(7): 711.
25. Ma Y, Peng G J, Feng Y H, et al. Nanoindentation investigation on the creep
mechanism in metallic glassy films. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2016, 651: 548-555.
26. Ma Y, Feng Y H, Debela T T, et al. Nanoindentation study on the creep
characteristics of high-entropy alloy films: fcc versus bcc structures. International Journal of
Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2016, 54: 395-400.
27. Ma Y, Peng G J, Jiang W F, et al. Nanoindentation study on shear transformation zone in a
Cu Zr Al metallic glassy film with different thickness. Journal of Non-Crystalline
Solids, 2016, 442: 67-72.
28. Ma Y, Peng G J, Wen D H, et al. Nanoindentation creep behavior in a
CoCrFeCuNi high-entropy alloy film with two different structure states. Materials Science and
Engineering: A, 2015, 621: 111-117.
29. Ma Y, Ye J H, Peng G J, et al. Nanoindentation study of size effect on shear
transformation zone size in a Ni–Nb metallic glass. Materials Science and Engineering: A,
2015, 627: 153-160.
30. Ma Y, Peng G J, Debela. Nanoindentation study on the characteristic of shear
transformation zone volume in metallic glassy films. Scripta Materialia, 2015, 108: 52-55.
31. Ma Y, Ye J H, Peng G J, et al. Loading rate effect on the creep behavior of
metallic glassy films and its correlation with the shear transformation zone.

Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2015, 622: 76-81.
32. Cao Q P+, Ma Y+, Wang C, et al. Effect of temperature and strain rate on
deformation behavior in metallic glassy films. Thin Solid Films, 2014, 561: 60-69.
33. Cao Q P, Ma Y, Xu Y, et al. Bending behavior of electrodeposited glassy Pd–P and Pd–Ni–P
thin films. Scripta Materialia, 2013, 68(7): 455-458.
34. Ma Y, Cao Q P, Qu S X, et al. Effect of structural relaxation on plastic flow in a Ni–Nb
metallic glassy film. Acta Materialia, 2012, 60(8): 3667-3676.
35. Ma Y, Cao Q P, Qu S X, et al. Stress-state-dependent deformation behavior in Ni–Nb
metallic glassy film. Acta Materialia, 2012, 60(10): 4136-4143.

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