


姓名:蒋汉阳 技术职称:讲师 最高学位:博士
邮箱地址:hyjiang@zjut.edu.cn / hy-jiang@outlook.com

2020 年 12
月加入浙江工业大学机械工程学院,主要研究兴趣包括非接触、高精度的变形测量方法研究,天然生物材料力学性能测试及变形机理研究等,目前已参与完成国家自然科学基金重点项目/面上项目多项,已发表 SCI、EI
期刊论数 10 篇,担任多个国际学术期刊审稿人(如 Applied Optics, Matter 等)


2014-2020 东南大学 固体力学 博士
2017-2019 美国华盛顿大学 材料科学 访问博士生
2010-2014 浙江理工大学 机械设计制造及其自动化 学士

[1] Jiang H, Ghods S, Weller E, Waddell S, Ossa E, Yang F, Arola D. Contributions of
intermolecular bonding and lubrication to the mechanical behavior of a natural armor [J]. Acta
Biomaterialia 2020, 106:242-55.
[2] Jiang H, Ghods S, Ma Y, Dai X, Yang F, He X. Designed for the enhancement of structure
mechanostability and strength: Suture-serrate margins of bivalve shells [J]. Journal of the
Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2020, 103:103586.
[3] Jiang H, Ma Y, Dai M, Dai X, Yang F, He X. Panoramic dual-directional
shearography assisted by a bi-mirror [J]. Applied Optics, 2020, 59(19): 5812-20.
[4] Jiang H, Ma Y, Su Z, Dai M, Yang F, He X. Speckle-interferometric phase fringe patterns
de-noising by using fringes’ direction and curvature [J]. Optics and Lasers in

Engineering, 2019, 119:30-36.
[5] 蒋汉阳, 戴美玲, 苏志龙, 杨福俊, 何小元. 基于散斑相位条纹方向的自适应正弦/余弦滤波 [J]. 光学学报, 2017, 37(9): 0910001.
[6] Dai M, Jiang H, Dai X, Chen G, Yang F, He X. Investigations of the compressive mechanical
properties of open-cell hollow-sphere structures [J]. Mechanics of materials, 2020,
[7] Dai M, Deng J, Jiang H, Dai X, Yang F, He X. Numerical investigations on the
mechanical properties of metallic hollow spheres structure with perforations under
compression [J]. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 2020, 51(4): 488-99.
[8] Dai M, Deng J, Jiang H, Yang F, He X, Dai X. Researches on compressive mechanical property
of thin-walled hollow spheres structure: Untersuchungenuber die mechanischen
druckeigenschaften von dunnwandigen hohlkugelstrukturen [J]. Materialwissenschaft und
Werkstofftechnik, 2018, 49(11): 1314-24.
[9] Dai X, Yuan T, Jiang H, Shao X, Dai M, Yun H, Yang F, He X. Multi-frequency lateral shear
interferometer system for simultaneous measurement of thickness and three-dimensional shape [J].
Chinese Optics Letters, 2018, 16(3): 031201.
[10] Ghods S, Waddell S, Weller E, Renteria C, Jiang H, Janak J, Mao S, Linley T, Arola
D. On the regeneration of fish scales: Structure and mechanical behavior [J]. Journal of
Experimental Biology, 2020, 223(10)

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