


姓名:徐英杰 性别:男

技术职称:副教授、硕士生导师 最高学位:博士


主要从事低品位热能利用理论与技术、先进空气源热泵技术、节能装备智能监控方面的研究。主持/参与国家自然科学基金、省自然科学基金、省重点研发计划等,主持企业委托项目 10 余项。发表学术论文 70
余篇,第一作者 SCI1 区论文 15 篇,两篇论文入选 ESI 高被引论文;以第一发明人授权国家发明专利 11 项,授权实用新型与软件著作权 10 项,知识产权成果转化 3

先进制冷循环与理论、高效空气源热泵、低品位热驱动制冷、人工智能能量系统监控 教育经历:
本科——浙江大学、博士——浙江大学、香港理工大学联合培养(硕博连读) 主要科研项目:
1.国家自然科学基金:太阳能驱动的高效制冷循环机理研究(24 万元);

2.浙江省重点研发计划:制冷压缩机全生命周期能效优化与评估(230 万元);

3.浙江省自然科学基金:新型环保混合制冷剂 HFC-161+HFC-32+DMF 的相平衡研究(7 万元);

4.企业委托: 物联网制冷与流体设备运行健康智能监控与节能管理算法模型技术开发(50 万元);

5.企业合作:新型除霜控制及回热式小型冷冻机组技术开发(12 万元)

6.企业合作:基于物联网的输电铁塔智能螺栓监测技术开发(20 万元)

7.企业委托:采用 CO2 工质的低温型直热式空气源热泵热水器技术开发(10 万元);

8.企业委托:高效的直热式热泵热水器技术开发(10 万元);

[1] Yingjie Xu, Ning Jiang, Fan Pan, Qin Wang, Zengliang Gao, Guangming Chen. Comparative study on
two low-grade heat driven absorption-compression refrigeration cycles based on energy, exergy,
economic and environmental (4E) analyses. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 133: 535-547.
(ESI 高被引论文)
[2] Yingjie Xu, Qiqi Shi, Ning Chen, Xi Shen, Chunyan Wang, Xiaohong Han. Seasonal energy
performance evaluation with new perspective on partial-coupling ejection-compression solar cooling
system for modern city buildings. Energy Conversion and Management, 2021, 233, 113875.
[3] Yingjie Xu, Chengbin Mao, Yuangong Huang, XiShen*, XiaoxiaoXu, Guangming Chen. Performance
evaluation and multi-objective optimization of a low-temperature CO2 heat pump water heater based
on artificial neural network and new economic analysis. Energy, 2021, 216, 119232.
[4] Yingjie Xu, Yue Mou, Xiaohong Han, Yuebing Li, Liangfeng Xu*, Guangming Chen. Vapor-liquid
equilibria of HFC-161+HFC-32+DMF ternary mixture for low-grade heat driven absorption refrigeration
system. AIChE Journal, 2020, 66(4): e16876.
[5] Liangfeng Xu, Enteng Li, Yingjie Xu*, Ning Mao, Xi Shen, Xinlei Wang. An experimental energy
performance investigation and economic analysis on a cascade heat pump for high-temperature water
in cold region. Renewable Energy 152
[6] Yingjie Xu, Chunyan Wang, Ning Jiang, Mengjie Song, Qin Wang, Guangming Chen. A
solar-heat-driven ejector-assisted combined compression cooling system for multistory building –
Application potential and effects of floor numbers. Energy Conversion and Management. 195, 2019,
[7] Yingjie Xu, Yuangong Huang, Ning Jiang, Mengjie Song, Xiaodong Xie, Xiaoxiao Xu. Experimental
and theoretical study on an air-source heat pump water heater for northern China in cold winter:
Effects of environment temperature and switch of operating modes. Energy and Buildings. 191, 2019,
[8] Yingjie Xu, Fengyuan Guo, Mengjie Song, Ning Jiang, Qin Wang, Guangming Chen. Exergetic and
economic analyses of a novel modified solar-heat-powered ejection-compression
refrigeration cycle comparing with conventional cycle. Energy Conversion and Management. 168, 2018,
[9] Yingjie Xu, Ning Jiang, Xiaohong Han, Wenqiao Han, Ning Mao, Guangming Chen.
Performance evaluation and energy-saving potential comparison of a heat-powered novel

compression-enhanced ejector refrigeration cycle with an economizer. Applied Thermal Engineering,
130, 2018, 1568-1579.
[10] Yingjie Xu, Ning Jiang, Qin Wang, Ning Mao, Guangming Chen, Zengliang Gao. Refrigerant
evaluation and performance comparison for a novel hybrid solar-assisted ejection-compression
refrigeration cycle. Solar Energy, 2018, 160: 344–352.


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