



主要研究方向:土动力学、基础工程学、地基处理、防灾减灾联系方式:Email: caiyq@zju.edu.cn
1983 年就读于浙江大学土木系,1990 年和 1998 年分别获得岩
土工程硕士学位和岩土工程博士学位,1998 年 7 月晋升为教授,1999 年博士生导师。1996.5~ 2002.9 兼任浙江大学基本建设处副处长、总工程师,2002.9~2006.5
2006.6~2008.03 任温州大学副校长,2008.03~2015.7 任温州大学校长、党委副书记,2015.7至今任浙江工业大学校长、党委副书记。2001.12~2002.1
到西班牙国家公共建筑研究所高访。2004.4~2004.5 获包氏基金资助到英国 University of Nottingham 高访。
2.国家杰出青年基金 (51025827): 饱和土动力学及其工程应用
1. Yuanqiang Cai, Chuan Gu, Jun Wang, C. Hsein Juang, Changjie Xu,Xiuqing Hu. One-Way Cyc lic
Triaxial Behavior of Saturated Clay: Comparisonbetween Constant and Variable Confining Pres sure.
Journal of Geotechnical andGeoenvironmental Engineering(ASCE), 2013, 139:797-809.
2. Yuanqiang Cai and Xiuqing Hu. Verticalvibrations of a rigid foundation embedded in a poroelas
tic half space, Journalof Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 2010, 13(3): 390-398.
3. Zhigang Cao and Yuanqiang Cai (通讯作
者). Isolation of train-induced ground-bornevibration by trenches on a poroelastic half-space. Journ
al of EngineeringMechanics (ASCE), 2013, 139: 580-593.

4. Zhigang Cao, Yuanqiang Cai(通讯作
者), Anders Bostrom, Jianguo Zheng,Semi-analytical analysis of the isolation to moving-load ind uced
groundvibrations by trenches on a poroelastic half-space, Journal of Sound and Vibration,2012
, 331: 947-961.
5. Yuanqiang Cai, Zhigang Cao, Honglei Sunand Changjie Xu. Effects of the dynamic wheel-rail i
nteraction on the groundvibration generated by a moving train, International Journal of Solids
andSt ructures, 2010, 47: 2246-2259.
6. Yuanqiang Cai, Guangya Ding, ChangjieXu, Peng Wang. Vertical amplitude reduction of Rayle igh
waves by a row of pilesin a poroelastic half-space. International Journal for Numerical and Anal
yticalMethods in Geomechanic, 2009, 33(16): 1799-1821.
7. Yuanqiang Cai, Zhigang Cao, Honglei Sun,Changjie Xu. Dynamic response of pavements on po
roelastic half-space soilmedium to a moving traffic load, Computers and Geotechnics, 2009, 36(1-2
8. Yuanqiang Cai, Honglei Sun and ChangjieXu. Response of railway track system on poroelastic
half-space soil mediumsubjected to a moving train load, International Journal of Solids and
Structur es,2008, 45(18-19): 5015-5034.
9. Y. Q. Cai, Y. M. Cheng, S. K. Alfred Au,C. J. Xu, X. H. Ma, Vertical vibration of an elastic
strip footing on saturatedsoil, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods
inGeomechan ics,2008,32(5):493-508.
10. Yuanqiang Cai, Honglei Sun and ChangjieXu. Steady response of poroelastic half-space soil m
edium to a movingrectangular load. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 44(22-23):7183-
7196, 2007 (SCI, EI)
11. Yuan-Qiang Cai, Xue-Yu Geng andChang-Jie Xu. Solution of one-dimensional finite-strain co
nsolidation of soilwith variable compressibility under cyclic loadings. Computers and Geotechnics,
34(1): 31-40, 2007 (SCI, EI)
12. YuanqiangCai, Gang Chen, Changjie Xu et al. Torsional responseof pile embedded in poroela stic
media. Soil Dynamic and Earthquake Engineering,26(12): 1143-1148, 2006 (SCI, EI)
13. Cai Yuan-qiang, Xu Chang-jie, ZhengZao-feng et al.Vertical vibration analysis of axisymmetri c
saturated soil.Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition), 27(1): 83-89, 2006 (SCI,EI)
14. Cai Yuanqiang, Wu Dazhi, Xu Changjie.Torsional vibrations of a rigid circular plate on saturat
ed stratum overlayingbedrock, Journal of Solid Mechanics, 18(2): 3316-3321, 2005 (SCI, EI)
15. Cai Yuan-qiang, Liang Xu, Wu Shi-ming.One-dimensional consolidation of layered soils with
impeded boundaries undertime-dependent loadings. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English E
dition),25(8): 937-944, 2004 (SCI, EI)

16. CaiY.-Q., Xu C.-J., Yuan H.-M.. One-dimensionalconsolidation of layered and visco-elastic soi
ls under arbitrary loading.Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition), 22(3): 353-360, 2
001 (SCI,EI)
17. Wohua Zhang, Yuanqiang Cai, ContinuumDamage Mechanics and Numerical Applications, S pringer
培养博士 18 名、硕士 40 余名。奖励和荣誉:
2015 年获浙江省特级专家;
2014 年获国家“万人计划”百千万工程领军人才;
2007 年入选国家新世纪百千万人才工程;
2006 年获浙江省新世纪 151 人才工程重点资助;
2003 年获浙江省有突出贡献的中青年专家;
2002 年获教育部第八届霍英东青年教师基金奖;
2001 年获国务院政府特殊津贴;
2000 年入选浙江省 151 人才工程第一层次;
1999 年获第五届浙江省十大杰出青年称号。奖励:
1.长期循环动载下饱和软弱土地基灾变控制技术及应用,国家科学技术进步二等奖,2013 年
2.交通荷载作用下软土地基沉降、振动理论及控制技术,浙江省科学技术奖一等奖,2012 年
3.动荷载下饱和土耦合作用理论及灾变控制技术与工程应用,教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖科学技术进步奖一等奖,2009 年
4.钱塘江强涌潮区桩式丁坝防冲促淤机理研究与应用,浙江省科技进步二等奖,2007 年
5.钱塘江海塘粉砂土地基抗震分析研究,浙江省科技进步二等奖,2004 年

6.粉砂性土地基堤坝液化与稳定分析,浙江省科技进步二等奖,2000 年
7.地基中瑞利波传播特性研究及应用,国家科技进步二等奖,1997 年
8.碎石桩加固粉砂性土地基研究及应用,浙江省科技进步二等奖,1996 年
9.地基中瑞利波传播特性及应用,浙江省科技进步一等奖,1995 年其它:
现为国家一级注册结构工程师、注册土木工程师(岩土工程)、国家杰出青年基金获得者、国家自然科学基金委员会工程与材料学部评审专家;《岩土工程学报》、《岩土力学》、《振动工程学报》、《Journal of
Zhejiang University Science(A)》(SCI)

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