

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-10

2014 - 至今,浙江工业大学,理学院院长,教授
1998 - 2014,浙江大学,物理系教授,光学研究所所长
1994 - 1998,杭州大学,物理系教授,光学教研室主任
1988 –1994,杭州大学,物理系助教、讲师、副教授
2000 –2003,浙江大学,物理系博士研究生
1985 –1988,杭州大学,物理系硕士研究生
1981 –1985,杭州大学,物理系本科生
Qiang Lin, Jian Zheng and Wilhelm Becker, Subcycle Pulsed Focused Vector Beams, Physical Review Letters,97(25), 253902-1-4, (2006).
Q. Lin, S. Li, W. Becker, High-order harmonic generation in a tightly focused laser beam, Optics Letters,31(14), 2163-2165,(2006).
LIN Qiang, CAI Yang-jian, WANG Li-gang, Partially coherent beam and its applications, Front. Phys. China,2(2): 153―165, (2007). Review Article.
Yangjian Cai, Qiang Lin, Yahya Baykal, Halil T. Eyyuboglu, Off-axis Gaussian Schell-model beam and partially coherent laser array beam in a turbulent atmosphere, Opt. Commun., 278 (1): 157-167, (2007).
Jun Chen, Qiang Lin, Partially coherent matter wave and its evolution, Optics Communications, 281, 1300–1305, (2008).
Jun Chen, Qiang Lin, and Yunxian Liu, "The general astigmatic matter wave,"Opt. Express, 16, 3368-3375 (2008).
J. Chen, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, and Q. Lin, "Nonlinear evolution of the interacting Gaussian-shaped Matter Waves," Opt. Express, 16, 16918-16926, (2008).
Xing-Hao Ye and Qiang Lin, A Simple Optical Analysis of Gravitational Lensing,Journal of Modern Optics, 55( 7), 1119–1126, (20080.
Xing-Hao Ye and Qiang Lin, Gravitational lensing analysed by the graded refractive index of a vacuum, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 10, 075001 (6pp), (2008).
Ye Xing-Hao, Lin Qiang, Inhomogeneous Vacuum: An Alternative Interpretation of the Curved Space-time, Chin.Phys.Lett., 25(5), 1571-1574, (2008).
Yangjian Cai, Qiang Lin, Halil T. Eyyubo?lu and Yahya Baykal, Average irradiance and polarization properties of a radially or azimuthally polarized beam in a turbulent atmosphere, Optics Express,16(11), 7665-7673, (2008).
Jing-Ping Xu, Li-Gang Wang,Ya-Ping Yang, and Qiang Lin, Shi-Yao Zhu, Quantum interference between two orthogonal transitions of an atom in one-dimension photonic crystals, Optics Letters, 33( 17), 2005-2007, (2008).
Yangjian Cai, Zhaoying Wang, Qiang Lin, An alternative theoretical model for an anomalous hollow beam, Optics Express,16(19), 15254-15267, (2008).
Yangjian Cai, Qiang Lin, and Olga Korotkova, Ghost imaging with twisted Gaussian Schell-model beam, Opt. Express, 17(4), pp. 2453–2464 (2009) .
HAN Shun-Li, CHENG Bing, ZHANG Jing-Fang, XU Yun-Fei ,WANG Zhao-Ying, LIN Qiang, Stabilization and Shift of the Frequency in External Cavity Diode Laser with a Solenoid-Assisted Saturated Absorption, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 26(6), 063201, (2009)
Shuguang LI, Yunfei XU, Zhaoying WANG, Yunxian LIU, and Qiang LIN, Experimental Investigation on a Highly Sensitive Atomic Magnetometer, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 26(6), 067805, (2009).
Zhang Zhang, Xiaolong Wang, and Qiang Lin, A novel way for wavelength locking with acousto-optic frequency modulation,OPTICS EXPRESS, 17(12), 10372-10377, (2009).
Zhaoying Wang, Zhang Zhang, Qiang Lin, Atom interferometers manipulated through the toroidal trap realized by the interference patterns of Laguerre-Gaussian beams, Eur. Phys. J. D 53, 127–131, (2009)
Zhaoying Wang, Zhang Zhang, Qiang Lin, A novel method to determine the helical phase structure of Laguerre-Gaussian beams, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 11, 085702 (6pp) (2009).
HAN Shun-Li, CHENG Bing, ZHANG Jing-Fang, XU Yun-Fei, WANG Zhao-Ying, LIN Qiang, Polarization Gradient Cooling by Zeeman-Effect-Assisted Saturated Absorption, CHIN. PHYS. LETT, 26(12), 123702-1-4, (2009).
Jing-Ping Xu, Li-Gang Wang, and Qiang Lin, Normal mode splitting of transmission spectrum for Fabry–Pérot cavity containing metamaterials, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 26(12), B51-B54, 2009.
Wang Zhaoying, Wu Zhenjing, Lin Qiang, The relation between the atom interference fringe and the measurement precision of gravity, Acta Optica Sinica, 29(12), 3541-3544, (2009).
Li Shu-Guang, Zhou Xiang, Cao Xiao-Chao, Sheng Ji-Teng, Xu Yun-Fei, Wang Zhao-Ying, Lin Qiang, All-optical high sensitive atomic magnetometer, Acta Physica Sinica, 59(2), 877-882, (2010).
Qiang Lin, Jian Zheng, Jianming Dai, I-Chen Ho, and X.-C. Zhang, Intrinsic chirp of single-cycle pulses, Physical Review A 81, 043821-1-4, (2010)
Min Yao, Yangjian Cai, Olga Korotkova, Qiang Lin and Zhaoying Wang, Spatio-temporal coupling of random electromagnetic pulses interacting with reflecting gratings, Optics Express, 18(21) 22504, (2010).
Wang Xiao-Long, Cheng Bing, Wu Bin, Wang Zhao-Ying, Lin Qiang, A Simplified Cold Atom Source for 3-D MOT Loading, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 28(5), 053701, (2011).
WANG Xiao-Long, TAO Tian-Jiong, CHENG Bing, WU Bin, XU Yun-Fei, WANG Zhao-Ying, LIN Qiang, A Digital Phase Lock Loop for External Cavity Diode Laser, CHIN. PHYS. LETT., 28(8) 084214, (2011).
Jian Zheng, Enming Qiu and Qiang Lin, High harmonic generation with sub-cycle pulse, Journal of Optics, J. Opt. 13, 075206 (5pp), (2011).
Jian Zheng, Enming Qiu, Yingchun Yang, and Qiang Lin, Nonadiabatic atomic ionization by intense sub-cycle laser pulses, Phys. Rev. A 85, 013417 (2012).
Jun Chen, Qiang Lin, and Yangjian Cai, Multisoliton complexes of Bose–Einstein condensates in nonlinear optical lattices, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol. 30, No. 3, 691-699, (2013).
Xunming Cai, Jian Zheng, and Qiang Lin, Optical forces on two-level atoms by subcycle pulsed focused vector fields, Physical Review A, 87, 043401, (2013).
Xunming Cai, Jingyun Zhao, Zhaoying Wang, Qiang Lin, Ultrafast coherent population transfer in two- and three-level quantum systems using sub-cycle and single-cycle pulses, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46 (2013) 175602 (7pp), (2013).
Jing-Fang Zhang, Zhao-Ying Wang, Bing Cheng, Qi-Yu Wang, Bin Wu, Xiao-Xia Shen, Li-Ling Zheng, Yun-Fei Xu, and Qiang Lin, Atom cooling by partially spatially coherent lasers, Physical Review A, 88(2), 023416-1-6, (2013).
Xunming Cai, Qiang Lin, Optical forces on Y-type four-level atoms by a few-cycle pulsed focused vector field, Euro Physics Journal D, 67: 246, (2013).
Guoqing Yang, Yunfei Xu, Qiang Lin and Han Zhang, Modulation-free laser frequency offset locking using buffer gas induced resonance, Chinese Optics Letters, 11(10):100201, (2013).
Ailin Yang, Guoqing Yang, Yunfei Xu and Qiang Lin, A pump-repump laser-pumped atomic magnetometer, Chinese Physics B, 22(12), 120702-1-5, (2013).
Ailin Yang, Guoqing Yang, Yunfei Xu and Qiang Lin, High contrast atomic magnetometer based coherent population trapping, Chinese Physics B, 23(2), 027601-1-4, (2014).
B Wu, Z Y Wang , B Cheng , Q Y Wang , A P Xu and Q Lin, Accurate measurement of the quadratic Zeeman coefficient of 87Rb clock transition based on Ramsey atom interferometer, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 47(1): 015001 (5pp), (2014).
Bin Wu, Zhaoying Wang, Bing Cheng, Qiyu Wang, Aopeng Xu, Delong Kong, and Qiang Lin, Experimental verification of the Breit–Rabi formula in the case of clock transition by using the spectroscopy method, JOSA B, 31(4), 742-747, (2014).
Shang-Qing Liang, Guo-Qing Yang, Yun-Fei Xu, Qiang Lin, Zhi-Heng Liu, and Zheng-Xiang Chen, Simultaneously improving the sensitivity and absolute accuracy of CPT magnetometer, OPTICS EXPRESS, 22(6), 6837-6843, (2014).
Bin Wu, Zhaoying Wang, Bing Cheng, Aopeng Xu, Qiqu Wang, and Qiang Lin, The Investigation of μ-Gal-Level Cold Atom Gravimeter for Field Applications, Metrologia, 51, 452–458, (2014).

Cheng Bing, Wang Zhao-Ying, Wu Bin, Xu Ao-Peng, Wang Qi-Yu, Xu Yun-Fei, Lin Qiang, Laser frequency stabilization and shifting by using modulation transfer spectroscopy, Chin. Phys. B, 23(10): 104222, 2014.
Bing Cheng, Zhaoying Wang, Bin Wu, Aopeng Xu, Qiyu Wang, and Qiang Lin, The effects of the non-uniformity of Raman laser beams on an atom interferometer, Eur. Phys. J. D, 68: 343, 2014.
Xunming Cai, Zhaoying Wang, Jingyun Zhao, Qiang Lin, Subcycle pulses in a two-level medium: the solitary wave propagation, Optics Communications, 342, 90-94, (2015).
Zhang Jing-Fang, Wang Zhao-Ying, Lin Qiang, Exact Evolution of Ultrashort Hollow-Airy Pulses in the Spatiotemporal Domain, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 32(1), 014201, (2015).
Cheng Bing, Wang Zhao-Ying, Xu Ao-Peng, Wang Qi-Yu, and Lin Qiang, Rapid extraction of the phase shift of the cold-atom interferometer via phase demodulation, Chin. Phys. B, 24(11), 113704, (2015).
Qiyu Wang, Zhaoying Wang, Zhijie Fu, Weiyong Liu, Qiang Lin,A compact laser system for the cold atom gravimeter, Opt. Commu. Vol. 358, 82-87 (2016).
Qi-Yu Wang, Zhao-Ying Wang , Zhi-Jie Fu, and Qiang Lin, Investigation of the thermal adaptability for a mobile cold atom gravimeter, Chin. Phys. B, 25(12), 123701, (2016).
Xun-ming Cai, Jing-yun Zhao, Qiang Lin, Jiao-LIan Luo, Electron acceleration by sub-cycle pulsed focused vector beams, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 33(2), 158-164, (2016).
Xunming Cai, Jingyun Zhao, QiangLin, Jiao lian Luo, Yang Yang, Propagation of intrinsic chirped sub-cycle and single-cycle pulses in a silica fiber, Optics Communications, 366, 221–228, (2016).
Leyuan Wu and Qiang Lin,Improved Parker’s method for topographic models using Chebyshev series and low rank approximation, GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, 209, 1296–1325, (2017).
Jun Chen, Xiang-yun Chen, and Qiang Lin, Twisted partially coherent bosonic matter wave and its orbital angular momentum, Eur. Phys. J. D 71: 164, (2017).
何祥, 黄宇翔,李曙光,苏圣然,郑文强,胡正珲,林强, 基于原子磁力仪的人体心磁测量, 中国医学物理学杂志, 34(11), 1167-1171, (2017).
An artificial neural network method for lumen and media-adventitia border detection in IVUS, COMPUTERIZED MEDICAL IMAGING AND GRAPHICS, 57:29-39, (2017).
李飞张桂迎阮乂林强童建平, 基于磁驰豫技术的磁性纳米粒子肿瘤治疗应用研究进展,《药物生物技术》, 25(5):438-442, (2018).
黄圣洁张桂迎胡正珲林强, 利用高灵敏度的无自旋交换弛豫原子磁力仪实现脑磁测量, 中国激光, 45(12), (2018).
王肖隆张肖垒王富丽王子轩林强, 简易的超宽带亚周期微波脉冲产生方法,《微波学报》, 34(3): 92-96, (2018).
Luo Dong-Yun;Cheng Bing;Zhou Yin;Wu Bin;Wang Xiao-Long;Lin Qiang, Ultra-low frequency active vibration control for cold atom gravimeter based on sliding-mode robust algorithm, Acta Physica Sinica, 67(2): 020702, (2018).
Wu Bin, Cheng Bing, Fu Zhi-Jie, Zhu Dong, Zhou Yin, Weng Kan-Xing, Wang Xiao-Long, Lin Qiang, Measurement of absolute gravity based on cold atom gravimeter at large tilt angle, Acta Physica Sinica, 67(19):190302, (2018).
Bin Wu, Yin Zhou, Kanxing Weng, Dong Zhu, Zhijie Fu, Bing Cheng, Xiaolong Wang and Qiang Lin, Modulation Transfer Spectroscopy for D1 transition line of Rubidium, Journal of the Optical Society of America B Optical Physics, 35(11):2705-2710, (2018).
Aopeng Xu, Zhaoying Wang , Delong Kong, Zhijie Fu, & Qiang, Lin, A new ellipse fitting method of the minimum differential-mode noise in the atom interference gravimeter.Chinese Physics B,27(7), 070203, (2018).
Guiying Zhang, Shengjie Huang, Qiang Lin, Magnetoencephalography using a compact multichannel atomic magnetometer with pump-probe configuration, AIP Advances, 8, 125028 (2018).
Guiying Zhang, Shengjie Huang, Feixiang Xu, Zhenghui Hu, Qiang Lin, Multi-channel spin exchange relaxation free magnetometer towards the two-dimensional vector magnetoencephalography, Optics Express, 27(2):597, (2019).?
Guiying Zhang, Shengjie Huang, and Qiang Lin, In Situ Calibration of Magnetic Coil System Using Ellipticity-induced Bell-Bloom Magnetometer, IEEE Photonics Journal, 11(1), **, (2019).
Zhijie Fu, Qiyu Wang, Zhaoying Wang, Bin Wu, Bing Cheng, Qiang Lin, Participation in the absolute gravitycomparisonwith a compact cold atom gravimeter, Chin. Opt. Lett. 17(1), 011204, (2019).

2014 - 至今,浙江工业大学,理学院院长,教授
1998 - 2014,浙江大学,物理系教授,光学研究所所长
1994 - 1998,杭州大学,物理系教授,光学教研室主任
1988 –1994,杭州大学,物理系助教、讲师、副教授
2000 –2003,浙江大学,物理系博士研究生
1985 –1988,杭州大学,物理系硕士研究生
1981 –1985,杭州大学,物理系本科生
Qiang Lin, Jian Zheng and Wilhelm Becker, Subcycle Pulsed Focused Vector Beams, Physical Review Letters,97(25), 253902-1-4, (2006).
Q. Lin, S. Li, W. Becker, High-order harmonic generation in a tightly focused laser beam, Optics Letters,31(14), 2163-2165,(2006).
LIN Qiang, CAI Yang-jian, WANG Li-gang, Partially coherent beam and its applications, Front. Phys. China,2(2): 153―165, (2007). Review Article.
Yangjian Cai, Qiang Lin, Yahya Baykal, Halil T. Eyyuboglu, Off-axis Gaussian Schell-model beam and partially coherent laser array beam in a turbulent atmosphere, Opt. Commun., 278 (1): 157-167, (2007).
Jun Chen, Qiang Lin, Partially coherent matter wave and its evolution, Optics Communications, 281, 1300–1305, (2008).
Jun Chen, Qiang Lin, and Yunxian Liu, "The general astigmatic matter wave,"Opt. Express, 16, 3368-3375 (2008).
J. Chen, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, and Q. Lin, "Nonlinear evolution of the interacting Gaussian-shaped Matter Waves," Opt. Express, 16, 16918-16926, (2008).
Xing-Hao Ye and Qiang Lin, A Simple Optical Analysis of Gravitational Lensing,Journal of Modern Optics, 55( 7), 1119–1126, (20080.
Xing-Hao Ye and Qiang Lin, Gravitational lensing analysed by the graded refractive index of a vacuum, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 10, 075001 (6pp), (2008).
Ye Xing-Hao, Lin Qiang, Inhomogeneous Vacuum: An Alternative Interpretation of the Curved Space-time, Chin.Phys.Lett., 25(5), 1571-1574, (2008).
Yangjian Cai, Qiang Lin, Halil T. Eyyubo?lu and Yahya Baykal, Average irradiance and polarization properties of a radially or azimuthally polarized beam in a turbulent atmosphere, Optics Express,16(11), 7665-7673, (2008).
Jing-Ping Xu, Li-Gang Wang,Ya-Ping Yang, and Qiang Lin, Shi-Yao Zhu, Quantum interference between two orthogonal transitions of an atom in one-dimension photonic crystals, Optics Letters, 33( 17), 2005-2007, (2008).
Yangjian Cai, Zhaoying Wang, Qiang Lin, An alternative theoretical model for an anomalous hollow beam, Optics Express,16(19), 15254-15267, (2008).
Yangjian Cai, Qiang Lin, and Olga Korotkova, Ghost imaging with twisted Gaussian Schell-model beam, Opt. Express, 17(4), pp. 2453–2464 (2009) .
HAN Shun-Li, CHENG Bing, ZHANG Jing-Fang, XU Yun-Fei ,WANG Zhao-Ying, LIN Qiang, Stabilization and Shift of the Frequency in External Cavity Diode Laser with a Solenoid-Assisted Saturated Absorption, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 26(6), 063201, (2009)
Shuguang LI, Yunfei XU, Zhaoying WANG, Yunxian LIU, and Qiang LIN, Experimental Investigation on a Highly Sensitive Atomic Magnetometer, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 26(6), 067805, (2009).
Zhang Zhang, Xiaolong Wang, and Qiang Lin, A novel way for wavelength locking with acousto-optic frequency modulation,OPTICS EXPRESS, 17(12), 10372-10377, (2009).
Zhaoying Wang, Zhang Zhang, Qiang Lin, Atom interferometers manipulated through the toroidal trap realized by the interference patterns of Laguerre-Gaussian beams, Eur. Phys. J. D 53, 127–131, (2009)
Zhaoying Wang, Zhang Zhang, Qiang Lin, A novel method to determine the helical phase structure of Laguerre-Gaussian beams, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 11, 085702 (6pp) (2009).
HAN Shun-Li, CHENG Bing, ZHANG Jing-Fang, XU Yun-Fei, WANG Zhao-Ying, LIN Qiang, Polarization Gradient Cooling by Zeeman-Effect-Assisted Saturated Absorption, CHIN. PHYS. LETT, 26(12), 123702-1-4, (2009).
Jing-Ping Xu, Li-Gang Wang, and Qiang Lin, Normal mode splitting of transmission spectrum for Fabry–Pérot cavity containing metamaterials, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 26(12), B51-B54, 2009.
Wang Zhaoying, Wu Zhenjing, Lin Qiang, The relation between the atom interference fringe and the measurement precision of gravity, Acta Optica Sinica, 29(12), 3541-3544, (2009).
Li Shu-Guang, Zhou Xiang, Cao Xiao-Chao, Sheng Ji-Teng, Xu Yun-Fei, Wang Zhao-Ying, Lin Qiang, All-optical high sensitive atomic magnetometer, Acta Physica Sinica, 59(2), 877-882, (2010).
Qiang Lin, Jian Zheng, Jianming Dai, I-Chen Ho, and X.-C. Zhang, Intrinsic chirp of single-cycle pulses, Physical Review A 81, 043821-1-4, (2010)
Min Yao, Yangjian Cai, Olga Korotkova, Qiang Lin and Zhaoying Wang, Spatio-temporal coupling of random electromagnetic pulses interacting with reflecting gratings, Optics Express, 18(21) 22504, (2010).
Wang Xiao-Long, Cheng Bing, Wu Bin, Wang Zhao-Ying, Lin Qiang, A Simplified Cold Atom Source for 3-D MOT Loading, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 28(5), 053701, (2011).
WANG Xiao-Long, TAO Tian-Jiong, CHENG Bing, WU Bin, XU Yun-Fei, WANG Zhao-Ying, LIN Qiang, A Digital Phase Lock Loop for External Cavity Diode Laser, CHIN. PHYS. LETT., 28(8) 084214, (2011).
Jian Zheng, Enming Qiu and Qiang Lin, High harmonic generation with sub-cycle pulse, Journal of Optics, J. Opt. 13, 075206 (5pp), (2011).
Jian Zheng, Enming Qiu, Yingchun Yang, and Qiang Lin, Nonadiabatic atomic ionization by intense sub-cycle laser pulses, Phys. Rev. A 85, 013417 (2012).
Jun Chen, Qiang Lin, and Yangjian Cai, Multisoliton complexes of Bose–Einstein condensates in nonlinear optical lattices, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol. 30, No. 3, 691-699, (2013).
Xunming Cai, Jian Zheng, and Qiang Lin, Optical forces on two-level atoms by subcycle pulsed focused vector fields, Physical Review A, 87, 043401, (2013).
Xunming Cai, Jingyun Zhao, Zhaoying Wang, Qiang Lin, Ultrafast coherent population transfer in two- and three-level quantum systems using sub-cycle and single-cycle pulses, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46 (2013) 175602 (7pp), (2013).
Jing-Fang Zhang, Zhao-Ying Wang, Bing Cheng, Qi-Yu Wang, Bin Wu, Xiao-Xia Shen, Li-Ling Zheng, Yun-Fei Xu, and Qiang Lin, Atom cooling by partially spatially coherent lasers, Physical Review A, 88(2), 023416-1-6, (2013).
Xunming Cai, Qiang Lin, Optical forces on Y-type four-level atoms by a few-cycle pulsed focused vector field, Euro Physics Journal D, 67: 246, (2013).
Guoqing Yang, Yunfei Xu, Qiang Lin and Han Zhang, Modulation-free laser frequency offset locking using buffer gas induced resonance, Chinese Optics Letters, 11(10):100201, (2013).
Ailin Yang, Guoqing Yang, Yunfei Xu and Qiang Lin, A pump-repump laser-pumped atomic magnetometer, Chinese Physics B, 22(12), 120702-1-5, (2013).
Ailin Yang, Guoqing Yang, Yunfei Xu and Qiang Lin, High contrast atomic magnetometer based coherent population trapping, Chinese Physics B, 23(2), 027601-1-4, (2014).
B Wu, Z Y Wang , B Cheng , Q Y Wang , A P Xu and Q Lin, Accurate measurement of the quadratic Zeeman coefficient of 87Rb clock transition based on Ramsey atom interferometer, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 47(1): 015001 (5pp), (2014).
Bin Wu, Zhaoying Wang, Bing Cheng, Qiyu Wang, Aopeng Xu, Delong Kong, and Qiang Lin, Experimental verification of the Breit–Rabi formula in the case of clock transition by using the spectroscopy method, JOSA B, 31(4), 742-747, (2014).
Shang-Qing Liang, Guo-Qing Yang, Yun-Fei Xu, Qiang Lin, Zhi-Heng Liu, and Zheng-Xiang Chen, Simultaneously improving the sensitivity and absolute accuracy of CPT magnetometer, OPTICS EXPRESS, 22(6), 6837-6843, (2014).
Bin Wu, Zhaoying Wang, Bing Cheng, Aopeng Xu, Qiqu Wang, and Qiang Lin, The Investigation of μ-Gal-Level Cold Atom Gravimeter for Field Applications, Metrologia, 51, 452–458, (2014).

Cheng Bing, Wang Zhao-Ying, Wu Bin, Xu Ao-Peng, Wang Qi-Yu, Xu Yun-Fei, Lin Qiang, Laser frequency stabilization and shifting by using modulation transfer spectroscopy, Chin. Phys. B, 23(10): 104222, 2014.
Bing Cheng, Zhaoying Wang, Bin Wu, Aopeng Xu, Qiyu Wang, and Qiang Lin, The effects of the non-uniformity of Raman laser beams on an atom interferometer, Eur. Phys. J. D, 68: 343, 2014.
Xunming Cai, Zhaoying Wang, Jingyun Zhao, Qiang Lin, Subcycle pulses in a two-level medium: the solitary wave propagation, Optics Communications, 342, 90-94, (2015).
Zhang Jing-Fang, Wang Zhao-Ying, Lin Qiang, Exact Evolution of Ultrashort Hollow-Airy Pulses in the Spatiotemporal Domain, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 32(1), 014201, (2015).
Cheng Bing, Wang Zhao-Ying, Xu Ao-Peng, Wang Qi-Yu, and Lin Qiang, Rapid extraction of the phase shift of the cold-atom interferometer via phase demodulation, Chin. Phys. B, 24(11), 113704, (2015).
Qiyu Wang, Zhaoying Wang, Zhijie Fu, Weiyong Liu, Qiang Lin,A compact laser system for the cold atom gravimeter, Opt. Commu. Vol. 358, 82-87 (2016).
Qi-Yu Wang, Zhao-Ying Wang , Zhi-Jie Fu, and Qiang Lin, Investigation of the thermal adaptability for a mobile cold atom gravimeter, Chin. Phys. B, 25(12), 123701, (2016).
Xun-ming Cai, Jing-yun Zhao, Qiang Lin, Jiao-LIan Luo, Electron acceleration by sub-cycle pulsed focused vector beams, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 33(2), 158-164, (2016).
Xunming Cai, Jingyun Zhao, QiangLin, Jiao lian Luo, Yang Yang, Propagation of intrinsic chirped sub-cycle and single-cycle pulses in a silica fiber, Optics Communications, 366, 221–228, (2016).
Leyuan Wu and Qiang Lin,Improved Parker’s method for topographic models using Chebyshev series and low rank approximation, GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, 209, 1296–1325, (2017).
Jun Chen, Xiang-yun Chen, and Qiang Lin, Twisted partially coherent bosonic matter wave and its orbital angular momentum, Eur. Phys. J. D 71: 164, (2017).
何祥, 黄宇翔,李曙光,苏圣然,郑文强,胡正珲,林强, 基于原子磁力仪的人体心磁测量, 中国医学物理学杂志, 34(11), 1167-1171, (2017).
An artificial neural network method for lumen and media-adventitia border detection in IVUS, COMPUTERIZED MEDICAL IMAGING AND GRAPHICS, 57:29-39, (2017).
李飞张桂迎阮乂林强童建平, 基于磁驰豫技术的磁性纳米粒子肿瘤治疗应用研究进展,《药物生物技术》, 25(5):438-442, (2018).
黄圣洁张桂迎胡正珲林强, 利用高灵敏度的无自旋交换弛豫原子磁力仪实现脑磁测量, 中国激光, 45(12), (2018).
王肖隆张肖垒王富丽王子轩林强, 简易的超宽带亚周期微波脉冲产生方法,《微波学报》, 34(3): 92-96, (2018).
Luo Dong-Yun;Cheng Bing;Zhou Yin;Wu Bin;Wang Xiao-Long;Lin Qiang, Ultra-low frequency active vibration control for cold atom gravimeter based on sliding-mode robust algorithm, Acta Physica Sinica, 67(2): 020702, (2018).
Wu Bin, Cheng Bing, Fu Zhi-Jie, Zhu Dong, Zhou Yin, Weng Kan-Xing, Wang Xiao-Long, Lin Qiang, Measurement of absolute gravity based on cold atom gravimeter at large tilt angle, Acta Physica Sinica, 67(19):190302, (2018).
Bin Wu, Yin Zhou, Kanxing Weng, Dong Zhu, Zhijie Fu, Bing Cheng, Xiaolong Wang and Qiang Lin, Modulation Transfer Spectroscopy for D1 transition line of Rubidium, Journal of the Optical Society of America B Optical Physics, 35(11):2705-2710, (2018).
Aopeng Xu, Zhaoying Wang , Delong Kong, Zhijie Fu, & Qiang, Lin, A new ellipse fitting method of the minimum differential-mode noise in the atom interference gravimeter.Chinese Physics B,27(7), 070203, (2018).
Guiying Zhang, Shengjie Huang, Qiang Lin, Magnetoencephalography using a compact multichannel atomic magnetometer with pump-probe configuration, AIP Advances, 8, 125028 (2018).
Guiying Zhang, Shengjie Huang, Feixiang Xu, Zhenghui Hu, Qiang Lin, Multi-channel spin exchange relaxation free magnetometer towards the two-dimensional vector magnetoencephalography, Optics Express, 27(2):597, (2019).?
Guiying Zhang, Shengjie Huang, and Qiang Lin, In Situ Calibration of Magnetic Coil System Using Ellipticity-induced Bell-Bloom Magnetometer, IEEE Photonics Journal, 11(1), **, (2019).
Zhijie Fu, Qiyu Wang, Zhaoying Wang, Bin Wu, Bing Cheng, Qiang Lin, Participation in the absolute gravitycomparisonwith a compact cold atom gravimeter, Chin. Opt. Lett. 17(1), 011204, (2019).

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