

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-05

Christine Amongi Acup
Doctor of Philosophy, the University of Edinburgh (s**)
Thesis title:The epidemiology and control of human African trypanosomiasis in Uganda.
Supervisors: Professor Sue Welburn and Dr Kim Picozzi (UoE); Professor Charles Waiswa (Coordinating Office for Control of Trypanosomiasis in Uganda), Professor JD Kabasa (Makerere University) and Dr Abbas L. Kakembo (Ministry of Health, Uganda).
Thesis submitted: 22ndAugust 2013
Examiners: Professor Geoff Hide and Professor James Smith
Viva date: 14thNovember 2013
Graduation: 28thJune 2014
MSc in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Makerere University (2005\/HD17\/1942U)
Title of Dissertation:Molecular Epidemiology of Rhodesian and Gambian Human African Trypanosomiasis in Kaberamaido District, Uganda.
Supervisors: Professor Sue Welburn, Dr. Kim Picozzi, Professor Charles Waiswa, Professor Enock Matovu.
Bachelor Science of Biomedical Laboratory Technology (Hons),Makerere University (99\/U\/9385\/EVE)
Title of Dissertation:Extension of goat semen in room temperature
Supervisors: Professor David Owiny, Dr. Maria Goretti and Dr. Kanyima Benson.

Employment History
Post-doctoral researcher (Research associate).Division of Infection and Pathway Medicine School of Biomedical Sciences, College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, The University of Edinburgh. EH16 4SB. From 02\/02\/2015 to 30\/03\/2016. Plan, execute, oversee and report field activities in 17 HAT affected districts and 83 randomly selected villages within those districts in Uganda that were chosen to provide baseline data, as part of the Monitoring and Evaluation arm for the Development Impact BOND stamp out sleeping sickness project. secured government authorisation to carry out the work in the country (and specifically in the target districts and villages); encouraged community participation for maximal engagement; I setup and managed field team (s); maintained information\/data flow and reporting channel between UoE and Ugandan data collection; and maintained village-level qualitative data to support the project activities in the selected villages. The data was crucial in informing the Impact BOND work. During my work in the field, I purchased drugs and treatment aid for emergency veterinary treatment for animals that needed them during field activities. Supervised a MSc student from UoE who was on a field experience for the first time outside of Europe and in Africa, and in (remote) Uganda in particular. For Development Impact BOND Project, major contributions were towards developing sampling frame for cattle trypanosomiasis in districts reporting with human trypanosomiasis in Uganda, and, generating ethical clearance for carrying out the project work in Uganda and exporting biological materials to the UK. In the field, I led a field team in executing project activities in 12 districts in Uganda (8 of which were new to SOS interventions); the findings from which have led to extension of the original BOND work.
Research Associate, for Stamp Out of Sleeping sickness project, Welburn Research Group, Division of Pathway and Infection Medicine University of Edinburgh. For SOS project, my responsibility was to detect trypanosome DNA in dried blood on FTA cards previously collected from cattle in Eastern Uganda, by amplifying the internal transcribed spacer regions of trypanosomes. ITS regions are relatively small, show variability among related species and are flanked by highly conserved segments to which PCR primers can be designed, making it a useful marker for differentiating species of trypanosomes of great economic importance in eastern Uganda.
Registered for PhD University of Edinburgh 2009-2013 Doctor of Philosophy, the University of Edinburgh (s**) The epidemiology and control of human African trypanosomiasis in Uganda, and teaching fellow Department of Veterinary Physiological Sciences, Department of Bio-molecular Resources College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Bio-security, Makerere University. PhD Major duties and responsibilities included all duties assigned for a technician including setting up and conducting practical classes for the BVM, BBLT & BAPT course programs. Actively participate in the assessment (and examination) of students from field\/laboratory internship placement and reports. Lecturing under graduate and MSc students. Supervising BBLT 1\/2 students assigned to me, through their field and laboratory attachment courses. Supervision and examination final year special research projects and dissertations.
Research Associate, Welburn Research Group, Centre for Tropical Veterinary Medicine, University of Edinburgh, for collaboration research work with Makerere University, which supported the monitoring and evaluation arm of the Stamp Out Sleeping sickness, DFID Research into Use Program.
Bachelor of Biomedical Laboratory Technology Programme Assistant coordinator. This post involved assisting the programme coordinator with the co-ordination, planning and implementation and the execution of the course curriculum. This job was considered as part of responsibilities of employment as Technician II.

MSc in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Makerere University (2005\/HD17\/1942U).

2003 - 2004
Scientific compliance officer, Uganda National Council for Science and Technology. This position involved coordinating ethical approval processes for research protocols entering the council. In effect, responsibilities involved were those for science secretary for council’s department of Research and Industrial Development. I was paid seventy pounds a calendar month.

MembershipMember of the National Committee for Biosafety. From 23rd June 2016.
Member of Science, AAAS Number: **, from 2009 to 2013
Member of British Society for Parasitology, membership number 5781, from 2009 to 2016.
Applications in process for membership in the British Ecological Society and World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP) African Foundation.

2018-06-21 11:28:08

2021-01-22 18:02:59
Doctor of Philosophy, the University of Edinburgh (s**)
Thesis title:The epidemiology and control of human African trypanosomiasis in Uganda.
Supervisors: Professor Sue Welburn and Dr Kim Picozzi (UoE); Professor Charles Waiswa (Coordinating Office for Control of Trypanosomiasis in Uganda), Professor JD Kabasa (Makerere University) and Dr Abbas L. Kakembo (Ministry of Health, Uganda).
Thesis submitted: 22ndAugust 2013
Examiners: Professor Geoff Hide and Professor James Smith
Viva date: 14thNovember 2013
Graduation: 28thJune 2014
MSc in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Makerere University (2005\/HD17\/1942U)
Title of Dissertation:Molecular Epidemiology of Rhodesian and Gambian Human African Trypanosomiasis in Kaberamaido District, Uganda.
Supervisors: Professor Sue Welburn, Dr. Kim Picozzi, Professor Charles Waiswa, Professor Enock Matovu.
Bachelor Science of Biomedical Laboratory Technology (Hons),Makerere University (99\/U\/9385\/EVE)
Title of Dissertation:Extension of goat semen in room temperature
Supervisors: Professor David Owiny, Dr. Maria Goretti and Dr. Kanyima Benson.

Employment History
Post-doctoral researcher (Research associate).Division of Infection and Pathway Medicine School of Biomedical Sciences, College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, The University of Edinburgh. EH16 4SB. From 02\/02\/2015 to 30\/03\/2016. Plan, execute, oversee and report field activities in 17 HAT affected districts and 83 randomly selected villages within those districts in Uganda that were chosen to provide baseline data, as part of the Monitoring and Evaluation arm for the Development Impact BOND stamp out sleeping sickness project. secured government authorisation to carry out the work in the country (and specifically in the target districts and villages); encouraged community participation for maximal engagement; I setup and managed field team (s); maintained information\/data flow and reporting channel between UoE and Ugandan data collection; and maintained village-level qualitative data to support the project activities in the selected villages. The data was crucial in informing the Impact BOND work. During my work in the field, I purchased drugs and treatment aid for emergency veterinary treatment for animals that needed them during field activities. Supervised a MSc student from UoE who was on a field experience for the first time outside of Europe and in Africa, and in (remote) Uganda in particular. For Development Impact BOND Project, major contributions were towards developing sampling frame for cattle trypanosomiasis in districts reporting with human trypanosomiasis in Uganda, and, generating ethical clearance for carrying out the project work in Uganda and exporting biological materials to the UK. In the field, I led a field team in executing project activities in 12 districts in Uganda (8 of which were new to SOS interventions); the findings from which have led to extension of the original BOND work.
Research Associate, for Stamp Out of Sleeping sickness project, Welburn Research Group, Division of Pathway and Infection Medicine University of Edinburgh. For SOS project, my responsibility was to detect trypanosome DNA in dried blood on FTA cards previously collected from cattle in Eastern Uganda, by amplifying the internal transcribed spacer regions of trypanosomes. ITS regions are relatively small, show variability among related species and are flanked by highly conserved segments to which PCR primers can be designed, making it a useful marker for differentiating species of trypanosomes of great economic importance in eastern Uganda.
Registered for PhD University of Edinburgh 2009-2013 Doctor of Philosophy, the University of Edinburgh (s**) The epidemiology and control of human African trypanosomiasis in Uganda, and teaching fellow Department of Veterinary Physiological Sciences, Department of Bio-molecular Resources College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Bio-security, Makerere University. PhD Major duties and responsibilities included all duties assigned for a technician including setting up and conducting practical classes for the BVM, BBLT & BAPT course programs. Actively participate in the assessment (and examination) of students from field\/laboratory internship placement and reports. Lecturing under graduate and MSc students. Supervising BBLT 1\/2 students assigned to me, through their field and laboratory attachment courses. Supervision and examination final year special research projects and dissertations.
Research Associate, Welburn Research Group, Centre for Tropical Veterinary Medicine, University of Edinburgh, for collaboration research work with Makerere University, which supported the monitoring and evaluation arm of the Stamp Out Sleeping sickness, DFID Research into Use Program.
Bachelor of Biomedical Laboratory Technology Programme Assistant coordinator. This post involved assisting the programme coordinator with the co-ordination, planning and implementation and the execution of the course curriculum. This job was considered as part of responsibilities of employment as Technician II.

MSc in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Makerere University (2005\/HD17\/1942U).

2003 - 2004
Scientific compliance officer, Uganda National Council for Science and Technology. This position involved coordinating ethical approval processes for research protocols entering the council. In effect, responsibilities involved were those for science secretary for council’s department of Research and Industrial Development. I was paid seventy pounds a calendar month.

MembershipMember of the National Committee for Biosafety. From 23rd June 2016.
Member of Science, AAAS Number: **, from 2009 to 2013
Member of British Society for Parasitology, membership number 5781, from 2009 to 2016.
Applications in process for membership in the British Ecological Society and World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP) African Foundation.

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