

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-05

\r1982.8-1985.7: 兰州大学植物生理学专业,硕士;
\r1987.9-1990.6: 兰州大学生态学专业,博士;
\r1992.2-1994.9:河南大学生物系, 副教授; 省优秀中青年骨干教师;
\r1994.10-1996.1: 欧共体资助:Postdoctor in Deaprtment of Botany, Trinity College, University of Dublin.
\r1996.2-1998.7: 兰州大学干旱农业生态国家重点实验,教授;其中,1997年3-4月在以色列Weizmann科学院学术访问。
\r2003.1-至今: 浙江大学 生命学院教授,博士生导师。
\r 《植物生态学报》编委
\r\r\r \r \r 项 目 来 源 \r 项目名称 \r 经费 \r 起止年月 \r
\r \r 1 国家自然科学基金重点项目(**) \r 植物代谢生态随有效水分变化的物理生理生化定量规律研究。 \r 290万 \r 2014.1-2018.12 \r
\r \r 2 浙江省自然科学基金重点项目(LZ13C030001) \r 体型适应驱动植被碳代谢响应气候温湿度变化的定量规律研究 \r 30万 \r 2013.1-2016.12 \r
\r \r 3 国家十二五863高技术计划课题(2011AA100503) \r 气孔免疫蒸腾抑制节水剂的研究与产品开发 \r 80万 \r 2011.1-2015.12 \r
\r \r\r
\r1 国家自然科学基金**:生态场综合定量法优化农林间作植物群落的研究
\r2 国家自然科学基金**: 干旱CO2和温度升高对黄土高原几种作物的生态效应。
\r3. 国家自然科学基金**: 调控气孔开合振荡阈值提高作物水分利用效率的研究。
\r4. 教育部-基金委-省科委:西北作物抗旱基因库的建立及转基因育种。
\r5. 教育部-基金委-省科委:植物气孔开合振荡的调控和新型抗旱剂的研制。
\r6. 教育部资助优秀年轻教师项目:气孔振荡抗旱的调控机理和应用研究。
\r7. 国家教委回国留学人员项目: 作物干旱分子生态研究
\r8. 甘肃省重点科技攻关项目:农作物抗逆抗病育种的基因工程技术研究。
\r10. 国家重大基础研究发展规划项目(G):作物抗逆性与水分、养分高效利用的生理及分子基础。
\r11、高等学校骨干教师资助计划》项目: 提高作物水分利用效率的气孔调控阈值研究
\r14 国家自然科学基金项目(**):干旱植物群落的能量规律与最适结构研究。
\r15 甘肃省自然基金:甘草药用成分的分子基础与悬浮培养技术研究
\r16 国家科技部中国希腊合作项目(2003DFB00034):CO2升高、干旱和土壤酸化对主要经济作物的生态效应
\r17 教育部2003博士点基金:作物气孔振荡的Ca2+振荡调控规律研究
\r18 浙江省重点科技攻关项目2005C23082:新型光合高效雨水收集储存、净化和保质系统的研究与示范
\r21 国家自然科学基金National Natural Science Foundation of China项目(**): 作物气孔集群免疫闭开振荡及其蒸腾效率和产量效应研究
\r\r22 国家十二五科技计划项目(2011AA100503): 气孔免疫蒸腾抑制节水剂的研究与产品开发。
\r 2006年度英国生态学会生态学奖;通讯联系人;
\r 2001.12.大气干旱条件下气孔开合振荡及其调控机理。教育部提名国家科技进步二等奖,第一完成人。
\r 1998.11. 害虫抗药性基因抑制剂及其在20%高效消抗辛氯乳油中的应用,获甘肃省科技进步二等奖,第一完成人。
\r 1998.10. 20%高效消抗辛氯乳油,获甘肃省高校科技进步一等奖, 第一完成人。
\rSelected Publications:
\rOu X, Gan Y, Chen P, Qiu M, Jiang K, et al. (2014) Stomata Prioritize Their Responses to Multiple Biotic and Abiotic Signal Inputs. PLoS ONE 9(7): e101587.
\rXu SS, Li Y, Wang GX (2014) Scaling relationships between leaf mass and total plant mass across Chinese forests. PloS One 9(4): e95938.
\r\rLi Y, Xu S-S, Gao J, Pan S and Wang G-X (2014) Chlorella triggers stomatal closure mediated by NADPH oxidase and improves instantaneous water use efficiency in Vicia faba. Plant Signaling & Behavior 9:e29078
\rLi Y, Xu S-S, Gao J, Pan S and Wang G-X. Chlorella induces stomatal closure via NADPH oxidase- dependent ROS production and its effects on instantaneous water use efficiency in Vicia faba. PloS ONE 2014; 9:e93290.
\rPan S, Liu C, Zhang W, Xu S, Wang N, et al. (2013) The Scaling Relationships between Leaf Mass and Leaf Area of Vascular Plant Species Change with Altitude. PLoS ONE 8(10): e76872.
\rSibomana C.,Jia X.,Qiu YP, Wang GX, 2013. Self-thinning in a space-limited rocky intertidal barnacle system. Ann. Zool. Fennici. 50:64-70
\rGao Jing, Wang Nan, Wang GX* 2013. Saccharomyces cerevisiae-induced stomatal closure mainly mediated by salicylhydroxamic acid-sensitive peroxidases in Vicia faba. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 65:27-31
\rGao J. WangN, Xu SS, Li Y, Wang Y, Wang GX*.2013. Exogenous application of trehalose induced H2O2 production and stomatal closure in Vicia faba L.,Biologia Plantarum 57(2): 380-384
\rWang N, S. Xu S, Jia X, Gao J, Zhang WP., Qiu YP,Wang GX*. 2013. Variations in foliar stable carbon isotopes among functional groups and along environmental gradients in China – a meta-analysis. Plant Biology 15(1):144-151.
\rZhang WP, Xin Jia, Christian Damgaard, E. Charles Morris, Yan-Yuan Bai, Sha Pan and Gen-Xuan Wang* 2013. The interplay between above- and below-ground plant–plant interactions along an environmental gradient: insights from two-layer zone-of-influence models. Oikos 122:1147-1156
\rDeng JM, Ran JZ, Wang ZQ, Fan ZX, Wang GX, Ji MF, Liu J, Wang Y, Liu JQ, 2012, Brown JH. Models and tests of optimal density and maximal yield for crop plants. PNAS,109(39):15823-15828.
\rDeng JM, Zuo WY, Wang ZQ, Fan ZX, Ji MF, Wang GX, Ran JZ, Zhao CM, Liu JQ, Niklas KJ.2012, Hammond ST., Brown JH. Insights into plant size-density relationships from models and agricultural crops. PNAS, 109(22)8600-8605.
\rZhang WP, Jia XE. Morris C, Bai YY Wang GX*,2012.Stem, branch and leaf biomass-density relationships in forest communities. Ecol Res, 2012,27, 819-825.
\rBai Yanyuan , Weiping Zhang, Xin Jia, Nan Wang, Shanshan Xu, Genxuan Wang*.2011. How lateral dimension of roots determines aboveground self-thinning. Ecological Complexity 8: 310–312.
\rJia Xin, Xin-Feng Dai, Zhu-Xia Shen, Jun-Yan Zhang and Gen-Xuan Wang.*2011 Facilitation can maintain clustered spatial pattern of plant populations during density-dependent mortality: insights from a zone-of-influence model. Oikos 120: 472–480. .
\rZhang Wei-Ping, Jia Xin, Bai Yan-Yuan Gen-Xuan Wang*.The difference between above- and below-ground self-thinning lines in forest communities. Ecol Res, 26: 819–825. 2011.
\rZhang H, Shen ZX, Wang GX, Dai XF, HuangQ. 2010. semnsitivity acid modulates positive interactions between Arabidopsis thanliana individuals. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 52(3): 340-346.
\rBai Yanyuan, Weiping Zhang, Xin Jia, Nan Wang, Lei Zhou, Shanshan Xu, Genxuan Wang*2010. Variation in root:shoot ratios induced the differences between above and Below ground massedensity relationships along an aridity gradient. Acta Oecologica 36: 393-395. .
\rWu FJ, Yu ZL, Wei XP, Deng JM, Li T,Zhao CM, Wang GX*.2010. Relationship between groundwater depth and pattern of net primary production on oasis-desert ecotone. Polish J of Ecology, 58(4): 681-691.
\rGan Y, Zhou L., Shen ZX, Zhang YQ, Wang GX*2010. Stomatal slustering , a new marker for environmental perception and adaptatoin in terrestrial plants. Botanical Studies 51:325-336. .
\rCheng DL, Li T, Zhong QL, Wang GX. 2010. Scaling relationship between tree respiration rates and biomass. Biology letter 6(5): 1744-9561.
\rWang Y, Lin JS, Wang GX.*2010.. Role of Cacium in nitric oxide-induced programmed cell death in tobacco protoplasts. Giologia plantarum, 54(3): 471-476
\rZhang H, Wang GX, Zheng KF, Zhang WP.. Mass-density relationship changes along salinity gradient in Suaeda salsa L. Acta Physiol Plant, 32(6): 1031-1037 2010.
\rHuang QQ, Chen Q, Wang Y, Jia X, Dai XF, Zhang H, He F, Peng SL, Wang GX*.2010. Determinants of the geographical extent of invasive plants in China: effects of biogeographical origin, life cycle and time since introduction. Biodivers Conserv, 19(5): 1251-1259.
\rDai Xinfeng, Xin Jia, Weiping Zhang, Yanyuan Bai, Junyan Zhang, Yu Wang and Genxuan Wang*2009. Plant heightcrown radius and canopy coveragedensity relationship in stressful environments relationships determine above-ground biomass density. Biology letter, 5: 571–573.
\rLi T, Deng JM, Wang GX*, Cheng DL, Yu ZL. 2009.Isometric scaling relationship between leaf number and size within current-year shoots of woody species across contrasting habitats. Polish J of Ecology, 57(4): 659-667..
\rBao-Ming Chen Gen-Xuan Wang* Shao-Lin Peng. 2009. Role of desert annuals in nutrient flow in arid area of Northwestern China: a nutrient reservoir and provider. Plant Ecol (2009) 201:401–409.
\rQiao Q. Huang AE Jian M. Wu AE Yan Y. Bai AE L. Zhou AE, Wang GX*. 2009. Identifying the most noxious invasive plants in China: role of geographical origin, life form and means of introduction. Biodivers Conserv 18: 305-316
\rDeng J-M, Li T, Wang G-X, Liu J, Yu Z-L, et al. 2008. Trade-Offs between the Metabolic Rate and Population Density of Plants. PLoS ONE 3(3): e1799.north-westChina. J. of Ecology, 94: 953-958
\rGao XW, Nagawa S, Wang GX, Yang ZB. Cell Polarity Signaling: Focus on polar auxin transport. Molecular Plant. 1(6): 899-909. 2008.
\rWang Yun , Jian-ming Deng, Tao Li, Zhong-Kui Xie, Ruo-yu Wang and Gen-xuan Wang, 2008. Spatial Distribution of Leaf form and the Self-thinning Exponent are Affected by the Sensitivity of the Response to Abscisic acid in an Arabidopsis thaliana Population. Journal of plant biology 51 (1), 64-73.
\rLiu J., Wang G. X., Wei L. and Wang C. M., 2008, Reproductive Allocation Patterns in Different Density Populations of Spring Wheat. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,50 (2): 141–146
\rHao Zhang ,Jian-Na Li , Gen-Xuan Wang ,Xin-Feng Dai , Mu-Qing Qiu,Ke-Feng Zheng. 2008. Plants interactions between Suaeda salsa individuals are mediatedby salinity stress. Acta Physiol Plant (2008) 30:99–104
\rBao-Ming Chen Gen-Xuan Wang Shao-Lin Peng 2008 Role of desert annuals in nutrient flow in arid areaof Northwestern China: a nutrient reservoir and provider. Plant EcolDOI 10.1007\/s11258-008-9526-7
\rYuan Wang, Jiu-Sheng Lin and Gen-Xuan Wang 2006。 Calcium-Mediated Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Involved in Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Apoptosis in Tobacco Protoplasts Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, Volume 48, Issue 4, Page 433-439
\rDong-Liang Cheng, Gen-Xuan Wang, Tao Li, Qing-Long Tang and Chun-Mei Gong 2007。Relationships among the Stem, Aboveground and Total Biomass across Chinese Forests Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 49( 11):1573-1579
\rLiu J., Wang G. X., Wei L. and Wang C. M. 2007. Reproductive Allocation Patterns in Different Density Populations of Spring Wheat. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2007, 49 (12): 1–6
\rChen B.M., Wang G.X.*, Cheng D.L., Deng J.M., Peng S.L. and An F.B. 2007, Vegetation change and soil nutrient distribution along an oasis-desert transitoinal zone in northwestern china. J. of Integrative Plant Biology, 49(11): 1537-1547
\rHui-Min Yang, Xiao-Yan Zhang1, Gen-Xuan Wang2 and Jian-Hua Zhang. 2006. Water Channels Are Involved in Stomatal Oscillations Encoded by Parameter-Specific Cytosolic Calcium Oscillations. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2006, 48 (7): 790−799
\r\rDeng JM, Wang GX*, E. Morris C., Wei XP, Li DX, Chen BM, Zhao CM, Liu J and WangY.2006. Plant mass-density relationship along a moisture gradient innorth-westChina. J. of Ecology, 84: 953-958
\rLiu Jing, Wei Liang, Wang Chun-Ming, Wang Gen-Xuan and Xiao-Ping Wei 2006. Effect of Water Deficit on Self-thinning Line in Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) population. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 48 (4): 1−5
\rCheng Dong-Liang, Wang Gen-Xuan, Chen Bao-Ming, Wei Xiao-Ping. Positive interactions: crucial organizers in a plant community. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2006, 48 (2): 128−136.
\rLiao JX, Chang Jie, Wand GX*.2005. Stomatal density and gas exchange in six wheat cultivars. CEREAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 33 (4): 719-726
\rZhan Hao, Wang Genxuan, Liu Zhiqiang, Shen Zhuxia, Zhao Xingzheng. 2005, Sensitivity of response to abscisic acid affects the power of self-thinning in Arabidopsis thaliana. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica, 46:347-353
\rQiu Mu-Qing, Xiong Shui-Ying, Zhang Wei-Ming and Wang Gen-Xuan. 2005, A comparison of bioleaching of chalcopyrite using pure culture or a mixed culture. Minernals Engineering, 18:987-990
\rQiu Mu-Qing, Wang Gen-Xuan and Shen Zhu-Xia. 2005, Bacterial leaching of discarded copper ores from Yongping, China. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, 12:294-297
\rLin, JS; Wang, Y; Wang, GX. 2005. Salt stress-induced programmed cell death via Ca2+-supercript stop-mediated mitochondrial permeability transition in tobacco protoplasts. PLANT GROWTH REGULATION 45 (3): 243-250
\rLi Chao-Zhou, Wang Di and Wang Gen-Xuan 2005. The protective effects of cobalt on potato seeding leaves during osmotic stress. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 46:119-125
\rLi CZ, Wei XP, Li W, Wang GX. 2004. Relationship between Ethylene and Spermidine in the leaves of Glycyrrhiza uralensis seedings under root osmotic stress. RJ of Plant Physiology. 51(3): 372-378.
\rYang HM, Zhang XY, Wang GX 2004. Cytosolic calcium oscillation signaling in guard cell. PLANT SCI 166 (3): 549-556 MAR 2004
\r3、Li CZ, WangGX*. 2004. Interactions between reactive oxygen species, ethylene and polyamines in leaves of Glycyrrhiza seedlings under root osmotic stress. Plant Growth Regulation, 42: 5-60
\rLi CZ, Jiao J, Wang GX., 2004. The important roles of reactive oxygen species in the relationship between ethylene and polyamines in leaves of spring wheat seedings under root osmotic stress. Plant Science, 166:303-315
\rLi Y, Wang GX*, Xin M, Yang HM, Wu XJ, Li T, 2004. The parameters of guard cell calcium oscillation encodes stomatal oscillation and closure in Vicia faba. Plant Science, 166:415-421
\rZhang J, Xing GM, Liao JX, Zongdong Hou, Gen-Xuan Wang* and Ya-Fu Wang, 2003. Effects of different atmospheric CO2 concentrations and soil moistures on the populations of bird cherry-oat aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi) feeding on spring wheat. EUR J ENTOMOL 100 (4): 521-530 2003
\rPan X.Y., Wang GX*. Chen JK. Wei XP. 2003. Elevated growth redundancy and size inequality in spring wheat populations mulched . J. of Agricultural Science 140:193-204.
\rHui-Min Yang, Xiao-Yan Zhang, Gen-Xuan Wang*, Yan Li, Xiao-Ping Wei. 2003. Cytosolic calcium oscillation may induce stomatal oscillation in Vicia faba. Plant Scinece, 165: 1117-1122
\rXiao-Yun Pan, Gen-Xuan Wang*, Hui-Min Yang, Xiao-Ping Wei,2003 Effect of water deficits on within-plot variability in growth and grain yield of spring wheat in northwest China. Field Crops research 80:195-205.
\rXiao-Yun Pan, G-X Wang*, J-K Chen, X-P Wei, 2003. Low temperature induced oxidative stress in almond leaves and it use in selection of cold hardiness cultivars. Journal of Agricultural Science,140: 193-204
\rMing Li, Gen-Xuan Wang*, and Jiou-Sheng Lin,2003, Application of external calcium in improving the PEG induced water stress tolerance in liquorice cells. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica. vol. 44:275-284
\rJianXiong Liao,GenXuan Wang*, 2002. Effects of elevated CO2 and drought on chemical composition and decomposition of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum), Funct. Plant Biol. 29:1-7
\rJiu-Sheng Lin, Gen-Xuan Wang.2002,Doubled CO2 could improve the drought tolerance better in sensitive cultivars than in tolerant one in spring wheat, Plant Science, 163( 3): 627-637
\rChang-Ming Zhao, Gen-Xuan Wang*, 2002,Effects of Photoprotection in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus(Maxim.)cheng f. Leaves to Drought Stress*,Acta Botanica Cinica. 44(11): 1309-1313.
\rWang Gen-Xuan*, Zhang J, Liao JX, Wang JL, 2001. Hydropassive evidence and effective factors in stomatal oscillations of Glycyrrhiza inflata under desert conditions. Plant Science, 160(5): 1007-1013
\r\r\r \r \r \r 申请(专利)号
\r \r \r 主分类号
\r \r \r 名称
\r \r
\r \r \r CN0.X
\r \r \r A01N43\/16(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 基于寡聚半乳糖醛酸的植物抗蒸腾抑制剂
\r \r
\r \r \r CN5.8
\r \r \r A01N63\/02(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 基于气孔感应小球藻闭合的免疫蒸腾抑制剂的制备方法
\r \r
\r \r \r CN1.4
\r \r \r A01N63\/04(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 一种复合型抗蒸腾剂及其制备方法和应用
\r \r
\r \r \r CN2.5
\r \r \r A01G31\/00
\r \r \r 一种用于植物生态栽培的营养基及其制备方法
\r \r
\r \r \r CN2.4
\r \r \r B01D36\/02(2006.01)
\r \r \r 潜流-平流交替式净水装置
\r \r
\r \r \r CN7.3
\r \r \r C12N1\/00(2006.01)
\r \r \r 处理印染废水的微生物菌群的制备方法
\r \r
\r \r \r CN0.3
\r \r \r C12N1\/16(2006.01)
\r \r \r 基于酿酒酵母菌的植物抗蒸腾剂的制备方法
\r \r
\r \r \r CN9.4
\r \r \r C12N1\/20(2006.01)
\r \r \r 一种基于大肠杆菌的植物抗蒸腾剂的制备方法
\r \r
\r \r \r CN0.3
\r \r \r A01G25\/16(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 植物叶片膨压感应节水灌溉自动控制方法
\r \r
\r \r \r CN6.0
\r \r \r C02F1\/32(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 一种磁助-光解复合水净化装置及应用
\r \r
\r \r \r CN8.8
\r \r \r A01G1\/00(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 一种干旱和半干旱地区条带绿化法
\r \r
\r \r \r CN2.8
\r \r \r A01N63\/02(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 一种奶基气孔免疫抗蒸腾剂及其制备方法
\r \r
\r \r \r CN2.3
\r \r \r A01K67\/033(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 一种菌藻溞生态采收方法
\r \r
\r \r \r CN5.4
\r \r \r A01G25\/16(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 一种感应节水灌溉自动控制装置
\r \r
\r \r\r
\r 《生态场论》(1993);
\r 《作物干旱生理生态方法与进展》(1997)

1植物生理生态学:以代谢生态学的生理生化定量规律的建立与完善为主攻方向。在代谢、细胞和分子水平上探讨气孔发育和分布格局对光合、蒸腾等生态系统最重要的初级生产力的调控、逆境信号响应,全球气候变化(或水分温度梯度变化的生理生态响应等。目标是深化或发现植物与环境间相互作用规律,提高水分、CO2和养分利用效率。应用领域是农林业和环境保护。\r2 种群和群落生态学:含群体自调控和自组织,邻体相互作用及其环境(梯度)和基因调控,群落物种和空间结构与植被恢复过程等。应用领域是农业、林业、渔业和植被修复,赤潮与入侵植物防控等 \r\r博士、硕士研究生招生方向:\r植物生态学, 农业生态学
2009-03-04 13:53:50
\r1982.8-1985.7: 兰州大学植物生理学专业,硕士;
\r1987.9-1990.6: 兰州大学生态学专业,博士;
\r1992.2-1994.9:河南大学生物系, 副教授; 省优秀中青年骨干教师;
\r1994.10-1996.1: 欧共体资助:Postdoctor in Deaprtment of Botany, Trinity College, University of Dublin.
\r1996.2-1998.7: 兰州大学干旱农业生态国家重点实验,教授;其中,1997年3-4月在以色列Weizmann科学院学术访问。
\r2003.1-至今: 浙江大学 生命学院教授,博士生导师。
\r 《植物生态学报》编委
\r\r\r \r \r 项 目 来 源 \r 项目名称 \r 经费 \r 起止年月 \r
\r \r 1 国家自然科学基金重点项目(**) \r 植物代谢生态随有效水分变化的物理生理生化定量规律研究。 \r 290万 \r 2014.1-2018.12 \r
\r \r 2 浙江省自然科学基金重点项目(LZ13C030001) \r 体型适应驱动植被碳代谢响应气候温湿度变化的定量规律研究 \r 30万 \r 2013.1-2016.12 \r
\r \r 3 国家十二五863高技术计划课题(2011AA100503) \r 气孔免疫蒸腾抑制节水剂的研究与产品开发 \r 80万 \r 2011.1-2015.12 \r
\r \r\r
\r1 国家自然科学基金**:生态场综合定量法优化农林间作植物群落的研究
\r2 国家自然科学基金**: 干旱CO2和温度升高对黄土高原几种作物的生态效应。
\r3. 国家自然科学基金**: 调控气孔开合振荡阈值提高作物水分利用效率的研究。
\r4. 教育部-基金委-省科委:西北作物抗旱基因库的建立及转基因育种。
\r5. 教育部-基金委-省科委:植物气孔开合振荡的调控和新型抗旱剂的研制。
\r6. 教育部资助优秀年轻教师项目:气孔振荡抗旱的调控机理和应用研究。
\r7. 国家教委回国留学人员项目: 作物干旱分子生态研究
\r8. 甘肃省重点科技攻关项目:农作物抗逆抗病育种的基因工程技术研究。
\r10. 国家重大基础研究发展规划项目(G):作物抗逆性与水分、养分高效利用的生理及分子基础。
\r11、高等学校骨干教师资助计划》项目: 提高作物水分利用效率的气孔调控阈值研究
\r14 国家自然科学基金项目(**):干旱植物群落的能量规律与最适结构研究。
\r15 甘肃省自然基金:甘草药用成分的分子基础与悬浮培养技术研究
\r16 国家科技部中国希腊合作项目(2003DFB00034):CO2升高、干旱和土壤酸化对主要经济作物的生态效应
\r17 教育部2003博士点基金:作物气孔振荡的Ca2+振荡调控规律研究
\r18 浙江省重点科技攻关项目2005C23082:新型光合高效雨水收集储存、净化和保质系统的研究与示范
\r21 国家自然科学基金National Natural Science Foundation of China项目(**): 作物气孔集群免疫闭开振荡及其蒸腾效率和产量效应研究
\r\r22 国家十二五科技计划项目(2011AA100503): 气孔免疫蒸腾抑制节水剂的研究与产品开发。
\r 2006年度英国生态学会生态学奖;通讯联系人;
\r 2001.12.大气干旱条件下气孔开合振荡及其调控机理。教育部提名国家科技进步二等奖,第一完成人。
\r 1998.11. 害虫抗药性基因抑制剂及其在20%高效消抗辛氯乳油中的应用,获甘肃省科技进步二等奖,第一完成人。
\r 1998.10. 20%高效消抗辛氯乳油,获甘肃省高校科技进步一等奖, 第一完成人。
\rSelected Publications:
\rOu X, Gan Y, Chen P, Qiu M, Jiang K, et al. (2014) Stomata Prioritize Their Responses to Multiple Biotic and Abiotic Signal Inputs. PLoS ONE 9(7): e101587.
\rXu SS, Li Y, Wang GX (2014) Scaling relationships between leaf mass and total plant mass across Chinese forests. PloS One 9(4): e95938.
\r\rLi Y, Xu S-S, Gao J, Pan S and Wang G-X (2014) Chlorella triggers stomatal closure mediated by NADPH oxidase and improves instantaneous water use efficiency in Vicia faba. Plant Signaling & Behavior 9:e29078
\rLi Y, Xu S-S, Gao J, Pan S and Wang G-X. Chlorella induces stomatal closure via NADPH oxidase- dependent ROS production and its effects on instantaneous water use efficiency in Vicia faba. PloS ONE 2014; 9:e93290.
\rPan S, Liu C, Zhang W, Xu S, Wang N, et al. (2013) The Scaling Relationships between Leaf Mass and Leaf Area of Vascular Plant Species Change with Altitude. PLoS ONE 8(10): e76872.
\rSibomana C.,Jia X.,Qiu YP, Wang GX, 2013. Self-thinning in a space-limited rocky intertidal barnacle system. Ann. Zool. Fennici. 50:64-70
\rGao Jing, Wang Nan, Wang GX* 2013. Saccharomyces cerevisiae-induced stomatal closure mainly mediated by salicylhydroxamic acid-sensitive peroxidases in Vicia faba. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 65:27-31
\rGao J. WangN, Xu SS, Li Y, Wang Y, Wang GX*.2013. Exogenous application of trehalose induced H2O2 production and stomatal closure in Vicia faba L.,Biologia Plantarum 57(2): 380-384
\rWang N, S. Xu S, Jia X, Gao J, Zhang WP., Qiu YP,Wang GX*. 2013. Variations in foliar stable carbon isotopes among functional groups and along environmental gradients in China – a meta-analysis. Plant Biology 15(1):144-151.
\rZhang WP, Xin Jia, Christian Damgaard, E. Charles Morris, Yan-Yuan Bai, Sha Pan and Gen-Xuan Wang* 2013. The interplay between above- and below-ground plant–plant interactions along an environmental gradient: insights from two-layer zone-of-influence models. Oikos 122:1147-1156
\rDeng JM, Ran JZ, Wang ZQ, Fan ZX, Wang GX, Ji MF, Liu J, Wang Y, Liu JQ, 2012, Brown JH. Models and tests of optimal density and maximal yield for crop plants. PNAS,109(39):15823-15828.
\rDeng JM, Zuo WY, Wang ZQ, Fan ZX, Ji MF, Wang GX, Ran JZ, Zhao CM, Liu JQ, Niklas KJ.2012, Hammond ST., Brown JH. Insights into plant size-density relationships from models and agricultural crops. PNAS, 109(22)8600-8605.
\rZhang WP, Jia XE. Morris C, Bai YY Wang GX*,2012.Stem, branch and leaf biomass-density relationships in forest communities. Ecol Res, 2012,27, 819-825.
\rBai Yanyuan , Weiping Zhang, Xin Jia, Nan Wang, Shanshan Xu, Genxuan Wang*.2011. How lateral dimension of roots determines aboveground self-thinning. Ecological Complexity 8: 310–312.
\rJia Xin, Xin-Feng Dai, Zhu-Xia Shen, Jun-Yan Zhang and Gen-Xuan Wang.*2011 Facilitation can maintain clustered spatial pattern of plant populations during density-dependent mortality: insights from a zone-of-influence model. Oikos 120: 472–480. .
\rZhang Wei-Ping, Jia Xin, Bai Yan-Yuan Gen-Xuan Wang*.The difference between above- and below-ground self-thinning lines in forest communities. Ecol Res, 26: 819–825. 2011.
\rZhang H, Shen ZX, Wang GX, Dai XF, HuangQ. 2010. semnsitivity acid modulates positive interactions between Arabidopsis thanliana individuals. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 52(3): 340-346.
\rBai Yanyuan, Weiping Zhang, Xin Jia, Nan Wang, Lei Zhou, Shanshan Xu, Genxuan Wang*2010. Variation in root:shoot ratios induced the differences between above and Below ground massedensity relationships along an aridity gradient. Acta Oecologica 36: 393-395. .
\rWu FJ, Yu ZL, Wei XP, Deng JM, Li T,Zhao CM, Wang GX*.2010. Relationship between groundwater depth and pattern of net primary production on oasis-desert ecotone. Polish J of Ecology, 58(4): 681-691.
\rGan Y, Zhou L., Shen ZX, Zhang YQ, Wang GX*2010. Stomatal slustering , a new marker for environmental perception and adaptatoin in terrestrial plants. Botanical Studies 51:325-336. .
\rCheng DL, Li T, Zhong QL, Wang GX. 2010. Scaling relationship between tree respiration rates and biomass. Biology letter 6(5): 1744-9561.
\rWang Y, Lin JS, Wang GX.*2010.. Role of Cacium in nitric oxide-induced programmed cell death in tobacco protoplasts. Giologia plantarum, 54(3): 471-476
\rZhang H, Wang GX, Zheng KF, Zhang WP.. Mass-density relationship changes along salinity gradient in Suaeda salsa L. Acta Physiol Plant, 32(6): 1031-1037 2010.
\rHuang QQ, Chen Q, Wang Y, Jia X, Dai XF, Zhang H, He F, Peng SL, Wang GX*.2010. Determinants of the geographical extent of invasive plants in China: effects of biogeographical origin, life cycle and time since introduction. Biodivers Conserv, 19(5): 1251-1259.
\rDai Xinfeng, Xin Jia, Weiping Zhang, Yanyuan Bai, Junyan Zhang, Yu Wang and Genxuan Wang*2009. Plant heightcrown radius and canopy coveragedensity relationship in stressful environments relationships determine above-ground biomass density. Biology letter, 5: 571–573.
\rLi T, Deng JM, Wang GX*, Cheng DL, Yu ZL. 2009.Isometric scaling relationship between leaf number and size within current-year shoots of woody species across contrasting habitats. Polish J of Ecology, 57(4): 659-667..
\rBao-Ming Chen Gen-Xuan Wang* Shao-Lin Peng. 2009. Role of desert annuals in nutrient flow in arid area of Northwestern China: a nutrient reservoir and provider. Plant Ecol (2009) 201:401–409.
\rQiao Q. Huang AE Jian M. Wu AE Yan Y. Bai AE L. Zhou AE, Wang GX*. 2009. Identifying the most noxious invasive plants in China: role of geographical origin, life form and means of introduction. Biodivers Conserv 18: 305-316
\rDeng J-M, Li T, Wang G-X, Liu J, Yu Z-L, et al. 2008. Trade-Offs between the Metabolic Rate and Population Density of Plants. PLoS ONE 3(3): e1799.north-westChina. J. of Ecology, 94: 953-958
\rGao XW, Nagawa S, Wang GX, Yang ZB. Cell Polarity Signaling: Focus on polar auxin transport. Molecular Plant. 1(6): 899-909. 2008.
\rWang Yun , Jian-ming Deng, Tao Li, Zhong-Kui Xie, Ruo-yu Wang and Gen-xuan Wang, 2008. Spatial Distribution of Leaf form and the Self-thinning Exponent are Affected by the Sensitivity of the Response to Abscisic acid in an Arabidopsis thaliana Population. Journal of plant biology 51 (1), 64-73.
\rLiu J., Wang G. X., Wei L. and Wang C. M., 2008, Reproductive Allocation Patterns in Different Density Populations of Spring Wheat. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,50 (2): 141–146
\rHao Zhang ,Jian-Na Li , Gen-Xuan Wang ,Xin-Feng Dai , Mu-Qing Qiu,Ke-Feng Zheng. 2008. Plants interactions between Suaeda salsa individuals are mediatedby salinity stress. Acta Physiol Plant (2008) 30:99–104
\rBao-Ming Chen Gen-Xuan Wang Shao-Lin Peng 2008 Role of desert annuals in nutrient flow in arid areaof Northwestern China: a nutrient reservoir and provider. Plant EcolDOI 10.1007\/s11258-008-9526-7
\rYuan Wang, Jiu-Sheng Lin and Gen-Xuan Wang 2006。 Calcium-Mediated Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Involved in Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Apoptosis in Tobacco Protoplasts Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, Volume 48, Issue 4, Page 433-439
\rDong-Liang Cheng, Gen-Xuan Wang, Tao Li, Qing-Long Tang and Chun-Mei Gong 2007。Relationships among the Stem, Aboveground and Total Biomass across Chinese Forests Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 49( 11):1573-1579
\rLiu J., Wang G. X., Wei L. and Wang C. M. 2007. Reproductive Allocation Patterns in Different Density Populations of Spring Wheat. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2007, 49 (12): 1–6
\rChen B.M., Wang G.X.*, Cheng D.L., Deng J.M., Peng S.L. and An F.B. 2007, Vegetation change and soil nutrient distribution along an oasis-desert transitoinal zone in northwestern china. J. of Integrative Plant Biology, 49(11): 1537-1547
\rHui-Min Yang, Xiao-Yan Zhang1, Gen-Xuan Wang2 and Jian-Hua Zhang. 2006. Water Channels Are Involved in Stomatal Oscillations Encoded by Parameter-Specific Cytosolic Calcium Oscillations. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2006, 48 (7): 790−799
\r\rDeng JM, Wang GX*, E. Morris C., Wei XP, Li DX, Chen BM, Zhao CM, Liu J and WangY.2006. Plant mass-density relationship along a moisture gradient innorth-westChina. J. of Ecology, 84: 953-958
\rLiu Jing, Wei Liang, Wang Chun-Ming, Wang Gen-Xuan and Xiao-Ping Wei 2006. Effect of Water Deficit on Self-thinning Line in Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) population. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 48 (4): 1−5
\rCheng Dong-Liang, Wang Gen-Xuan, Chen Bao-Ming, Wei Xiao-Ping. Positive interactions: crucial organizers in a plant community. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2006, 48 (2): 128−136.
\rLiao JX, Chang Jie, Wand GX*.2005. Stomatal density and gas exchange in six wheat cultivars. CEREAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 33 (4): 719-726
\rZhan Hao, Wang Genxuan, Liu Zhiqiang, Shen Zhuxia, Zhao Xingzheng. 2005, Sensitivity of response to abscisic acid affects the power of self-thinning in Arabidopsis thaliana. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica, 46:347-353
\rQiu Mu-Qing, Xiong Shui-Ying, Zhang Wei-Ming and Wang Gen-Xuan. 2005, A comparison of bioleaching of chalcopyrite using pure culture or a mixed culture. Minernals Engineering, 18:987-990
\rQiu Mu-Qing, Wang Gen-Xuan and Shen Zhu-Xia. 2005, Bacterial leaching of discarded copper ores from Yongping, China. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, 12:294-297
\rLin, JS; Wang, Y; Wang, GX. 2005. Salt stress-induced programmed cell death via Ca2+-supercript stop-mediated mitochondrial permeability transition in tobacco protoplasts. PLANT GROWTH REGULATION 45 (3): 243-250
\rLi Chao-Zhou, Wang Di and Wang Gen-Xuan 2005. The protective effects of cobalt on potato seeding leaves during osmotic stress. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 46:119-125
\rLi CZ, Wei XP, Li W, Wang GX. 2004. Relationship between Ethylene and Spermidine in the leaves of Glycyrrhiza uralensis seedings under root osmotic stress. RJ of Plant Physiology. 51(3): 372-378.
\rYang HM, Zhang XY, Wang GX 2004. Cytosolic calcium oscillation signaling in guard cell. PLANT SCI 166 (3): 549-556 MAR 2004
\r3、Li CZ, WangGX*. 2004. Interactions between reactive oxygen species, ethylene and polyamines in leaves of Glycyrrhiza seedlings under root osmotic stress. Plant Growth Regulation, 42: 5-60
\rLi CZ, Jiao J, Wang GX., 2004. The important roles of reactive oxygen species in the relationship between ethylene and polyamines in leaves of spring wheat seedings under root osmotic stress. Plant Science, 166:303-315
\rLi Y, Wang GX*, Xin M, Yang HM, Wu XJ, Li T, 2004. The parameters of guard cell calcium oscillation encodes stomatal oscillation and closure in Vicia faba. Plant Science, 166:415-421
\rZhang J, Xing GM, Liao JX, Zongdong Hou, Gen-Xuan Wang* and Ya-Fu Wang, 2003. Effects of different atmospheric CO2 concentrations and soil moistures on the populations of bird cherry-oat aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi) feeding on spring wheat. EUR J ENTOMOL 100 (4): 521-530 2003
\rPan X.Y., Wang GX*. Chen JK. Wei XP. 2003. Elevated growth redundancy and size inequality in spring wheat populations mulched . J. of Agricultural Science 140:193-204.
\rHui-Min Yang, Xiao-Yan Zhang, Gen-Xuan Wang*, Yan Li, Xiao-Ping Wei. 2003. Cytosolic calcium oscillation may induce stomatal oscillation in Vicia faba. Plant Scinece, 165: 1117-1122
\rXiao-Yun Pan, Gen-Xuan Wang*, Hui-Min Yang, Xiao-Ping Wei,2003 Effect of water deficits on within-plot variability in growth and grain yield of spring wheat in northwest China. Field Crops research 80:195-205.
\rXiao-Yun Pan, G-X Wang*, J-K Chen, X-P Wei, 2003. Low temperature induced oxidative stress in almond leaves and it use in selection of cold hardiness cultivars. Journal of Agricultural Science,140: 193-204
\rMing Li, Gen-Xuan Wang*, and Jiou-Sheng Lin,2003, Application of external calcium in improving the PEG induced water stress tolerance in liquorice cells. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica. vol. 44:275-284
\rJianXiong Liao,GenXuan Wang*, 2002. Effects of elevated CO2 and drought on chemical composition and decomposition of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum), Funct. Plant Biol. 29:1-7
\rJiu-Sheng Lin, Gen-Xuan Wang.2002,Doubled CO2 could improve the drought tolerance better in sensitive cultivars than in tolerant one in spring wheat, Plant Science, 163( 3): 627-637
\rChang-Ming Zhao, Gen-Xuan Wang*, 2002,Effects of Photoprotection in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus(Maxim.)cheng f. Leaves to Drought Stress*,Acta Botanica Cinica. 44(11): 1309-1313.
\rWang Gen-Xuan*, Zhang J, Liao JX, Wang JL, 2001. Hydropassive evidence and effective factors in stomatal oscillations of Glycyrrhiza inflata under desert conditions. Plant Science, 160(5): 1007-1013
\r\r\r \r \r \r 申请(专利)号
\r \r \r 主分类号
\r \r \r 名称
\r \r
\r \r \r CN0.X
\r \r \r A01N43\/16(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 基于寡聚半乳糖醛酸的植物抗蒸腾抑制剂
\r \r
\r \r \r CN5.8
\r \r \r A01N63\/02(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 基于气孔感应小球藻闭合的免疫蒸腾抑制剂的制备方法
\r \r
\r \r \r CN1.4
\r \r \r A01N63\/04(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 一种复合型抗蒸腾剂及其制备方法和应用
\r \r
\r \r \r CN2.5
\r \r \r A01G31\/00
\r \r \r 一种用于植物生态栽培的营养基及其制备方法
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\r \r \r CN2.4
\r \r \r B01D36\/02(2006.01)
\r \r \r 潜流-平流交替式净水装置
\r \r
\r \r \r CN7.3
\r \r \r C12N1\/00(2006.01)
\r \r \r 处理印染废水的微生物菌群的制备方法
\r \r
\r \r \r CN0.3
\r \r \r C12N1\/16(2006.01)
\r \r \r 基于酿酒酵母菌的植物抗蒸腾剂的制备方法
\r \r
\r \r \r CN9.4
\r \r \r C12N1\/20(2006.01)
\r \r \r 一种基于大肠杆菌的植物抗蒸腾剂的制备方法
\r \r
\r \r \r CN0.3
\r \r \r A01G25\/16(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 植物叶片膨压感应节水灌溉自动控制方法
\r \r
\r \r \r CN6.0
\r \r \r C02F1\/32(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 一种磁助-光解复合水净化装置及应用
\r \r
\r \r \r CN8.8
\r \r \r A01G1\/00(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 一种干旱和半干旱地区条带绿化法
\r \r
\r \r \r CN2.8
\r \r \r A01N63\/02(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 一种奶基气孔免疫抗蒸腾剂及其制备方法
\r \r
\r \r \r CN2.3
\r \r \r A01K67\/033(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 一种菌藻溞生态采收方法
\r \r
\r \r \r CN5.4
\r \r \r A01G25\/16(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 一种感应节水灌溉自动控制装置
\r \r
\r \r\r
\r 《生态场论》(1993);
\r 《作物干旱生理生态方法与进展》(1997)



2021-01-24 22:40:33
\r1982.8-1985.7: 兰州大学植物生理学专业,硕士;
\r1987.9-1990.6: 兰州大学生态学专业,博士;
\r1992.2-1994.9:河南大学生物系, 副教授; 省优秀中青年骨干教师;
\r1994.10-1996.1: 欧共体资助:Postdoctor in Deaprtment of Botany, Trinity College, University of Dublin.
\r1996.2-1998.7: 兰州大学干旱农业生态国家重点实验,教授;其中,1997年3-4月在以色列Weizmann科学院学术访问。
\r2003.1-至今: 浙江大学 生命学院教授,博士生导师。
\r 《植物生态学报》编委
\r\r\r \r \r 项 目 来 源 \r 项目名称 \r 经费 \r 起止年月 \r
\r \r 1 国家自然科学基金重点项目(**) \r 植物代谢生态随有效水分变化的物理生理生化定量规律研究。 \r 290万 \r 2014.1-2018.12 \r
\r \r 2 浙江省自然科学基金重点项目(LZ13C030001) \r 体型适应驱动植被碳代谢响应气候温湿度变化的定量规律研究 \r 30万 \r 2013.1-2016.12 \r
\r \r 3 国家十二五863高技术计划课题(2011AA100503) \r 气孔免疫蒸腾抑制节水剂的研究与产品开发 \r 80万 \r 2011.1-2015.12 \r
\r \r\r
\r1 国家自然科学基金**:生态场综合定量法优化农林间作植物群落的研究
\r2 国家自然科学基金**: 干旱CO2和温度升高对黄土高原几种作物的生态效应。
\r3. 国家自然科学基金**: 调控气孔开合振荡阈值提高作物水分利用效率的研究。
\r4. 教育部-基金委-省科委:西北作物抗旱基因库的建立及转基因育种。
\r5. 教育部-基金委-省科委:植物气孔开合振荡的调控和新型抗旱剂的研制。
\r6. 教育部资助优秀年轻教师项目:气孔振荡抗旱的调控机理和应用研究。
\r7. 国家教委回国留学人员项目: 作物干旱分子生态研究
\r8. 甘肃省重点科技攻关项目:农作物抗逆抗病育种的基因工程技术研究。
\r10. 国家重大基础研究发展规划项目(G):作物抗逆性与水分、养分高效利用的生理及分子基础。
\r11、高等学校骨干教师资助计划》项目: 提高作物水分利用效率的气孔调控阈值研究
\r14 国家自然科学基金项目(**):干旱植物群落的能量规律与最适结构研究。
\r15 甘肃省自然基金:甘草药用成分的分子基础与悬浮培养技术研究
\r16 国家科技部中国希腊合作项目(2003DFB00034):CO2升高、干旱和土壤酸化对主要经济作物的生态效应
\r17 教育部2003博士点基金:作物气孔振荡的Ca2+振荡调控规律研究
\r18 浙江省重点科技攻关项目2005C23082:新型光合高效雨水收集储存、净化和保质系统的研究与示范
\r21 国家自然科学基金National Natural Science Foundation of China项目(**): 作物气孔集群免疫闭开振荡及其蒸腾效率和产量效应研究
\r\r22 国家十二五科技计划项目(2011AA100503): 气孔免疫蒸腾抑制节水剂的研究与产品开发。
\r 2006年度英国生态学会生态学奖;通讯联系人;
\r 2001.12.大气干旱条件下气孔开合振荡及其调控机理。教育部提名国家科技进步二等奖,第一完成人。
\r 1998.11. 害虫抗药性基因抑制剂及其在20%高效消抗辛氯乳油中的应用,获甘肃省科技进步二等奖,第一完成人。
\r 1998.10. 20%高效消抗辛氯乳油,获甘肃省高校科技进步一等奖, 第一完成人。
\rSelected Publications:
\rOu X, Gan Y, Chen P, Qiu M, Jiang K, et al. (2014) Stomata Prioritize Their Responses to Multiple Biotic and Abiotic Signal Inputs. PLoS ONE 9(7): e101587.
\rXu SS, Li Y, Wang GX (2014) Scaling relationships between leaf mass and total plant mass across Chinese forests. PloS One 9(4): e95938.
\r\rLi Y, Xu S-S, Gao J, Pan S and Wang G-X (2014) Chlorella triggers stomatal closure mediated by NADPH oxidase and improves instantaneous water use efficiency in Vicia faba. Plant Signaling & Behavior 9:e29078
\rLi Y, Xu S-S, Gao J, Pan S and Wang G-X. Chlorella induces stomatal closure via NADPH oxidase- dependent ROS production and its effects on instantaneous water use efficiency in Vicia faba. PloS ONE 2014; 9:e93290.
\rPan S, Liu C, Zhang W, Xu S, Wang N, et al. (2013) The Scaling Relationships between Leaf Mass and Leaf Area of Vascular Plant Species Change with Altitude. PLoS ONE 8(10): e76872.
\rSibomana C.,Jia X.,Qiu YP, Wang GX, 2013. Self-thinning in a space-limited rocky intertidal barnacle system. Ann. Zool. Fennici. 50:64-70
\rGao Jing, Wang Nan, Wang GX* 2013. Saccharomyces cerevisiae-induced stomatal closure mainly mediated by salicylhydroxamic acid-sensitive peroxidases in Vicia faba. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 65:27-31
\rGao J. WangN, Xu SS, Li Y, Wang Y, Wang GX*.2013. Exogenous application of trehalose induced H2O2 production and stomatal closure in Vicia faba L.,Biologia Plantarum 57(2): 380-384
\rWang N, S. Xu S, Jia X, Gao J, Zhang WP., Qiu YP,Wang GX*. 2013. Variations in foliar stable carbon isotopes among functional groups and along environmental gradients in China – a meta-analysis. Plant Biology 15(1):144-151.
\rZhang WP, Xin Jia, Christian Damgaard, E. Charles Morris, Yan-Yuan Bai, Sha Pan and Gen-Xuan Wang* 2013. The interplay between above- and below-ground plant–plant interactions along an environmental gradient: insights from two-layer zone-of-influence models. Oikos 122:1147-1156
\rDeng JM, Ran JZ, Wang ZQ, Fan ZX, Wang GX, Ji MF, Liu J, Wang Y, Liu JQ, 2012, Brown JH. Models and tests of optimal density and maximal yield for crop plants. PNAS,109(39):15823-15828.
\rDeng JM, Zuo WY, Wang ZQ, Fan ZX, Ji MF, Wang GX, Ran JZ, Zhao CM, Liu JQ, Niklas KJ.2012, Hammond ST., Brown JH. Insights into plant size-density relationships from models and agricultural crops. PNAS, 109(22)8600-8605.
\rZhang WP, Jia XE. Morris C, Bai YY Wang GX*,2012.Stem, branch and leaf biomass-density relationships in forest communities. Ecol Res, 2012,27, 819-825.
\rBai Yanyuan , Weiping Zhang, Xin Jia, Nan Wang, Shanshan Xu, Genxuan Wang*.2011. How lateral dimension of roots determines aboveground self-thinning. Ecological Complexity 8: 310–312.
\rJia Xin, Xin-Feng Dai, Zhu-Xia Shen, Jun-Yan Zhang and Gen-Xuan Wang.*2011 Facilitation can maintain clustered spatial pattern of plant populations during density-dependent mortality: insights from a zone-of-influence model. Oikos 120: 472–480. .
\rZhang Wei-Ping, Jia Xin, Bai Yan-Yuan Gen-Xuan Wang*.The difference between above- and below-ground self-thinning lines in forest communities. Ecol Res, 26: 819–825. 2011.
\rZhang H, Shen ZX, Wang GX, Dai XF, HuangQ. 2010. semnsitivity acid modulates positive interactions between Arabidopsis thanliana individuals. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 52(3): 340-346.
\rBai Yanyuan, Weiping Zhang, Xin Jia, Nan Wang, Lei Zhou, Shanshan Xu, Genxuan Wang*2010. Variation in root:shoot ratios induced the differences between above and Below ground massedensity relationships along an aridity gradient. Acta Oecologica 36: 393-395. .
\rWu FJ, Yu ZL, Wei XP, Deng JM, Li T,Zhao CM, Wang GX*.2010. Relationship between groundwater depth and pattern of net primary production on oasis-desert ecotone. Polish J of Ecology, 58(4): 681-691.
\rGan Y, Zhou L., Shen ZX, Zhang YQ, Wang GX*2010. Stomatal slustering , a new marker for environmental perception and adaptatoin in terrestrial plants. Botanical Studies 51:325-336. .
\rCheng DL, Li T, Zhong QL, Wang GX. 2010. Scaling relationship between tree respiration rates and biomass. Biology letter 6(5): 1744-9561.
\rWang Y, Lin JS, Wang GX.*2010.. Role of Cacium in nitric oxide-induced programmed cell death in tobacco protoplasts. Giologia plantarum, 54(3): 471-476
\rZhang H, Wang GX, Zheng KF, Zhang WP.. Mass-density relationship changes along salinity gradient in Suaeda salsa L. Acta Physiol Plant, 32(6): 1031-1037 2010.
\rHuang QQ, Chen Q, Wang Y, Jia X, Dai XF, Zhang H, He F, Peng SL, Wang GX*.2010. Determinants of the geographical extent of invasive plants in China: effects of biogeographical origin, life cycle and time since introduction. Biodivers Conserv, 19(5): 1251-1259.
\rDai Xinfeng, Xin Jia, Weiping Zhang, Yanyuan Bai, Junyan Zhang, Yu Wang and Genxuan Wang*2009. Plant heightcrown radius and canopy coveragedensity relationship in stressful environments relationships determine above-ground biomass density. Biology letter, 5: 571–573.
\rLi T, Deng JM, Wang GX*, Cheng DL, Yu ZL. 2009.Isometric scaling relationship between leaf number and size within current-year shoots of woody species across contrasting habitats. Polish J of Ecology, 57(4): 659-667..
\rBao-Ming Chen Gen-Xuan Wang* Shao-Lin Peng. 2009. Role of desert annuals in nutrient flow in arid area of Northwestern China: a nutrient reservoir and provider. Plant Ecol (2009) 201:401–409.
\rQiao Q. Huang AE Jian M. Wu AE Yan Y. Bai AE L. Zhou AE, Wang GX*. 2009. Identifying the most noxious invasive plants in China: role of geographical origin, life form and means of introduction. Biodivers Conserv 18: 305-316
\rDeng J-M, Li T, Wang G-X, Liu J, Yu Z-L, et al. 2008. Trade-Offs between the Metabolic Rate and Population Density of Plants. PLoS ONE 3(3): e1799.north-westChina. J. of Ecology, 94: 953-958
\rGao XW, Nagawa S, Wang GX, Yang ZB. Cell Polarity Signaling: Focus on polar auxin transport. Molecular Plant. 1(6): 899-909. 2008.
\rWang Yun , Jian-ming Deng, Tao Li, Zhong-Kui Xie, Ruo-yu Wang and Gen-xuan Wang, 2008. Spatial Distribution of Leaf form and the Self-thinning Exponent are Affected by the Sensitivity of the Response to Abscisic acid in an Arabidopsis thaliana Population. Journal of plant biology 51 (1), 64-73.
\rLiu J., Wang G. X., Wei L. and Wang C. M., 2008, Reproductive Allocation Patterns in Different Density Populations of Spring Wheat. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,50 (2): 141–146
\rHao Zhang ,Jian-Na Li , Gen-Xuan Wang ,Xin-Feng Dai , Mu-Qing Qiu,Ke-Feng Zheng. 2008. Plants interactions between Suaeda salsa individuals are mediatedby salinity stress. Acta Physiol Plant (2008) 30:99–104
\rBao-Ming Chen Gen-Xuan Wang Shao-Lin Peng 2008 Role of desert annuals in nutrient flow in arid areaof Northwestern China: a nutrient reservoir and provider. Plant EcolDOI 10.1007\/s11258-008-9526-7
\rYuan Wang, Jiu-Sheng Lin and Gen-Xuan Wang 2006。 Calcium-Mediated Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Involved in Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Apoptosis in Tobacco Protoplasts Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, Volume 48, Issue 4, Page 433-439
\rDong-Liang Cheng, Gen-Xuan Wang, Tao Li, Qing-Long Tang and Chun-Mei Gong 2007。Relationships among the Stem, Aboveground and Total Biomass across Chinese Forests Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 49( 11):1573-1579
\rLiu J., Wang G. X., Wei L. and Wang C. M. 2007. Reproductive Allocation Patterns in Different Density Populations of Spring Wheat. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2007, 49 (12): 1–6
\rChen B.M., Wang G.X.*, Cheng D.L., Deng J.M., Peng S.L. and An F.B. 2007, Vegetation change and soil nutrient distribution along an oasis-desert transitoinal zone in northwestern china. J. of Integrative Plant Biology, 49(11): 1537-1547
\rHui-Min Yang, Xiao-Yan Zhang1, Gen-Xuan Wang2 and Jian-Hua Zhang. 2006. Water Channels Are Involved in Stomatal Oscillations Encoded by Parameter-Specific Cytosolic Calcium Oscillations. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2006, 48 (7): 790−799
\r\rDeng JM, Wang GX*, E. Morris C., Wei XP, Li DX, Chen BM, Zhao CM, Liu J and WangY.2006. Plant mass-density relationship along a moisture gradient innorth-westChina. J. of Ecology, 84: 953-958
\rLiu Jing, Wei Liang, Wang Chun-Ming, Wang Gen-Xuan and Xiao-Ping Wei 2006. Effect of Water Deficit on Self-thinning Line in Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) population. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 48 (4): 1−5
\rCheng Dong-Liang, Wang Gen-Xuan, Chen Bao-Ming, Wei Xiao-Ping. Positive interactions: crucial organizers in a plant community. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2006, 48 (2): 128−136.
\rLiao JX, Chang Jie, Wand GX*.2005. Stomatal density and gas exchange in six wheat cultivars. CEREAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 33 (4): 719-726
\rZhan Hao, Wang Genxuan, Liu Zhiqiang, Shen Zhuxia, Zhao Xingzheng. 2005, Sensitivity of response to abscisic acid affects the power of self-thinning in Arabidopsis thaliana. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica, 46:347-353
\rQiu Mu-Qing, Xiong Shui-Ying, Zhang Wei-Ming and Wang Gen-Xuan. 2005, A comparison of bioleaching of chalcopyrite using pure culture or a mixed culture. Minernals Engineering, 18:987-990
\rQiu Mu-Qing, Wang Gen-Xuan and Shen Zhu-Xia. 2005, Bacterial leaching of discarded copper ores from Yongping, China. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, 12:294-297
\rLin, JS; Wang, Y; Wang, GX. 2005. Salt stress-induced programmed cell death via Ca2+-supercript stop-mediated mitochondrial permeability transition in tobacco protoplasts. PLANT GROWTH REGULATION 45 (3): 243-250
\rLi Chao-Zhou, Wang Di and Wang Gen-Xuan 2005. The protective effects of cobalt on potato seeding leaves during osmotic stress. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 46:119-125
\rLi CZ, Wei XP, Li W, Wang GX. 2004. Relationship between Ethylene and Spermidine in the leaves of Glycyrrhiza uralensis seedings under root osmotic stress. RJ of Plant Physiology. 51(3): 372-378.
\rYang HM, Zhang XY, Wang GX 2004. Cytosolic calcium oscillation signaling in guard cell. PLANT SCI 166 (3): 549-556 MAR 2004
\r3、Li CZ, WangGX*. 2004. Interactions between reactive oxygen species, ethylene and polyamines in leaves of Glycyrrhiza seedlings under root osmotic stress. Plant Growth Regulation, 42: 5-60
\rLi CZ, Jiao J, Wang GX., 2004. The important roles of reactive oxygen species in the relationship between ethylene and polyamines in leaves of spring wheat seedings under root osmotic stress. Plant Science, 166:303-315
\rLi Y, Wang GX*, Xin M, Yang HM, Wu XJ, Li T, 2004. The parameters of guard cell calcium oscillation encodes stomatal oscillation and closure in Vicia faba. Plant Science, 166:415-421
\rZhang J, Xing GM, Liao JX, Zongdong Hou, Gen-Xuan Wang* and Ya-Fu Wang, 2003. Effects of different atmospheric CO2 concentrations and soil moistures on the populations of bird cherry-oat aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi) feeding on spring wheat. EUR J ENTOMOL 100 (4): 521-530 2003
\rPan X.Y., Wang GX*. Chen JK. Wei XP. 2003. Elevated growth redundancy and size inequality in spring wheat populations mulched . J. of Agricultural Science 140:193-204.
\rHui-Min Yang, Xiao-Yan Zhang, Gen-Xuan Wang*, Yan Li, Xiao-Ping Wei. 2003. Cytosolic calcium oscillation may induce stomatal oscillation in Vicia faba. Plant Scinece, 165: 1117-1122
\rXiao-Yun Pan, Gen-Xuan Wang*, Hui-Min Yang, Xiao-Ping Wei,2003 Effect of water deficits on within-plot variability in growth and grain yield of spring wheat in northwest China. Field Crops research 80:195-205.
\rXiao-Yun Pan, G-X Wang*, J-K Chen, X-P Wei, 2003. Low temperature induced oxidative stress in almond leaves and it use in selection of cold hardiness cultivars. Journal of Agricultural Science,140: 193-204
\rMing Li, Gen-Xuan Wang*, and Jiou-Sheng Lin,2003, Application of external calcium in improving the PEG induced water stress tolerance in liquorice cells. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica. vol. 44:275-284
\rJianXiong Liao,GenXuan Wang*, 2002. Effects of elevated CO2 and drought on chemical composition and decomposition of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum), Funct. Plant Biol. 29:1-7
\rJiu-Sheng Lin, Gen-Xuan Wang.2002,Doubled CO2 could improve the drought tolerance better in sensitive cultivars than in tolerant one in spring wheat, Plant Science, 163( 3): 627-637
\rChang-Ming Zhao, Gen-Xuan Wang*, 2002,Effects of Photoprotection in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus(Maxim.)cheng f. Leaves to Drought Stress*,Acta Botanica Cinica. 44(11): 1309-1313.
\rWang Gen-Xuan*, Zhang J, Liao JX, Wang JL, 2001. Hydropassive evidence and effective factors in stomatal oscillations of Glycyrrhiza inflata under desert conditions. Plant Science, 160(5): 1007-1013
\r\r\r \r \r \r 申请(专利)号
\r \r \r 主分类号
\r \r \r 名称
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\r \r \r CN0.X
\r \r \r A01N43\/16(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 基于寡聚半乳糖醛酸的植物抗蒸腾抑制剂
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\r \r \r CN5.8
\r \r \r A01N63\/02(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 基于气孔感应小球藻闭合的免疫蒸腾抑制剂的制备方法
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\r \r \r CN1.4
\r \r \r A01N63\/04(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 一种复合型抗蒸腾剂及其制备方法和应用
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\r \r \r A01G31\/00
\r \r \r 一种用于植物生态栽培的营养基及其制备方法
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\r \r \r B01D36\/02(2006.01)
\r \r \r 潜流-平流交替式净水装置
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\r \r \r CN7.3
\r \r \r C12N1\/00(2006.01)
\r \r \r 处理印染废水的微生物菌群的制备方法
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\r \r \r CN0.3
\r \r \r C12N1\/16(2006.01)
\r \r \r 基于酿酒酵母菌的植物抗蒸腾剂的制备方法
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\r \r \r CN9.4
\r \r \r C12N1\/20(2006.01)
\r \r \r 一种基于大肠杆菌的植物抗蒸腾剂的制备方法
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\r \r \r CN0.3
\r \r \r A01G25\/16(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 植物叶片膨压感应节水灌溉自动控制方法
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\r \r \r CN6.0
\r \r \r C02F1\/32(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 一种磁助-光解复合水净化装置及应用
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\r \r \r CN8.8
\r \r \r A01G1\/00(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 一种干旱和半干旱地区条带绿化法
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\r \r \r CN2.8
\r \r \r A01N63\/02(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 一种奶基气孔免疫抗蒸腾剂及其制备方法
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\r \r \r CN2.3
\r \r \r A01K67\/033(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 一种菌藻溞生态采收方法
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\r \r \r CN5.4
\r \r \r A01G25\/16(2006.01)I
\r \r \r 一种感应节水灌溉自动控制装置
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\r \r\r
\r 《生态场论》(1993);
\r 《作物干旱生理生态方法与进展》(1997)

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