

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-05

1959年生,籍贯:杭州,浙江大学交通工程研究所桥梁工程学科教授,浙江省公路水利建设行业协会 会长,茅以升科技教育基金会古桥研究委员会副主任,中国土木工程学会桥梁与结构工程学会理事,国际桥梁养护、安全与管理协会(IABMAS) 委员,国际土木工程全寿命协会(IALCCE) 委员,中国仪器仪表学会设备结构健康监测与预警分会理事,中国振动工程学会结构抗振控制与健康监测专业委员会常务委员,高等学校交通运输与工程(道路、桥梁、隧道与交通工程)教材建设委员会委员在国内外一级学报及SCI、EI检索刊物及杂志上发表论文80多篇,专题国际会议论文20多篇,其他核心刊物及会议论文100多篇,作为主要负责人承担国家及省部级、厅项目10多项,获省部级科学技术二等奖、三等奖各1项。编写著作4部。
\rProf. Xiang has been engaged in teaching and related scientific research works of bridge engineering. He is a specialist in SHM of bridge engineering and expert in the field of Life Cycle Bridge Design and Construction. The main research interests include whole life design analysis theory, health monitoring and maintenance management and risk control of bridges, and the inspection, evaluation and reinforcement of bridges, submerged floating tunnel, etc. He had published more than 200 academic papers in important domestic and international academic journals, including Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE,Chinese Journal of highway and Transport, China Civil Engineering Journal, Journal of Zhejiang University, etc.,of which are more than 80 papers indexed in EI or SCI. There are 4 published books such as 《Cracking mechanism and control of concrete box girder bridge》,《Movable formwork design, construction and maintenance technical guidelines of bridges》, 《The numerical methods and procedures for analyzing the bridge structure 》 in the bridge engineering field, etc. He was responsibility for or participate many national and local scientific researches and international cooperation projects in the transportation engineering field, such as "Nanjing second Yangtze river bridge –full-scale model space analysis and test research of tower of stayed-cable bridge with main span 628 m ". In 2000, He was awarded the science and technology progress prize of Zhejiang Province by Zhejiang Province Government. He received 2nd science prize by China highway Society in the transportation industry in 2009 for the movable formwork design, manufacturing and construction key technology research of prestressed concrete girders with spans 62.5 m . The 5 invention patents and 8 new type patents are awarded by the Chinese Patent Office
\r1995年~2015,浙江大学建筑工程学院 任教;任道桥研究室副主任、浙江大学交通工程研究所副所长、所长等工作,副教授、教授、博士生导师。茅以升科技教育基金会浙江大学古桥研究中心主任
\r2014- ,浙江省公路水利建设行业协会 会长

he Research Area and Interests in recent years\r1.Life cycle design analysis theory, health monitoring and maintenance management and risk control of Bridges Structures \r2.Submerged Floating Tunnel structures, Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) technology. \r3.Test ,evaluation and strengthening of the bridge bearing load capacity, optimization decision research \r4.Steel-concrete combination bridge structures \r5.Protection and monitoring research of the historical bridges\r1.桥梁全寿命设计分析理论、健康监测、养护管理与风险控制研究(研究特色——基于材料劣化的空间非线性分析理论,有线和无线的结构健康监测及诊断评估管理一体化,复杂桥梁结构极限承载力分析评估系统、风险控制及应用)\r2.桥梁承载力检测评价与加固、优化决策研究\r3.新型智能结构与悬浮隧道结构的研究\r4.移动模架及钢-混组合结构桥梁研究\r5.古桥的保护与监测研究\r具有丰富的桥梁分析、设计、检测、加固改造、施工控制、健康监测及试验研究研究经历。
2009-09-11 18:07:35

1959年生,籍贯:杭州,浙江大学交通工程研究所桥梁工程学科教授,浙江省公路水利建设行业协会 会长,茅以升科技教育基金会古桥研究委员会副主任,中国土木工程学会桥梁与结构工程学会理事,国际桥梁养护、安全与管理协会(IABMAS) 委员,国际土木工程全寿命协会(IALCCE) 委员,中国仪器仪表学会设备结构健康监测与预警分会理事,中国振动工程学会结构抗振控制与健康监测专业委员会常务委员,高等学校交通运输与工程(道路、桥梁、隧道与交通工程)教材建设委员会委员在国内外一级学报及SCI、EI检索刊物及杂志上发表论文80多篇,专题国际会议论文20多篇,其他核心刊物及会议论文100多篇,作为主要负责人承担国家及省部级、厅项目10多项,获省部级科学技术二等奖、三等奖各1项。编写著作4部。
\rProf. Xiang has been engaged in teaching and related scientific research works of bridge engineering. He is a specialist in SHM of bridge engineering and expert in the field of Life Cycle Bridge Design and Construction. The main research interests include whole life design analysis theory, health monitoring and maintenance management and risk control of bridges, and the inspection, evaluation and reinforcement of bridges, submerged floating tunnel, etc. He had published more than 200 academic papers in important domestic and international academic journals, including Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE,Chinese Journal of highway and Transport, China Civil Engineering Journal, Journal of Zhejiang University, etc.,of which are more than 80 papers indexed in EI or SCI. There are 4 published books such as 《Cracking mechanism and control of concrete box girder bridge》,《Movable formwork design, construction and maintenance technical guidelines of bridges》, 《The numerical methods and procedures for analyzing the bridge structure 》 in the bridge engineering field, etc. He was responsibility for or participate many national and local scientific researches and international cooperation projects in the transportation engineering field, such as "Nanjing second Yangtze river bridge –full-scale model space analysis and test research of tower of stayed-cable bridge with main span 628 m ". In 2000, He was awarded the science and technology progress prize of Zhejiang Province by Zhejiang Province Government. He received 2nd science prize by China highway Society in the transportation industry in 2009 for the movable formwork design, manufacturing and construction key technology research of prestressed concrete girders with spans 62.5 m . The 5 invention patents and 8 new type patents are awarded by the Chinese Patent Office
\r1995年~2015,浙江大学建筑工程学院 任教;任道桥研究室副主任、浙江大学交通工程研究所副所长、所长等工作,副教授、教授、博士生导师。茅以升科技教育基金会浙江大学古桥研究中心主任
\r2014- ,浙江省公路水利建设行业协会 会长


2021-01-25 05:02:06
1959年生,籍贯:杭州,浙江大学交通工程研究所桥梁工程学科教授,浙江省公路水利建设行业协会 会长,茅以升科技教育基金会古桥研究委员会副主任,中国土木工程学会桥梁与结构工程学会理事,国际桥梁养护、安全与管理协会(IABMAS) 委员,国际土木工程全寿命协会(IALCCE) 委员,中国仪器仪表学会设备结构健康监测与预警分会理事,中国振动工程学会结构抗振控制与健康监测专业委员会常务委员,高等学校交通运输与工程(道路、桥梁、隧道与交通工程)教材建设委员会委员在国内外一级学报及SCI、EI检索刊物及杂志上发表论文80多篇,专题国际会议论文20多篇,其他核心刊物及会议论文100多篇,作为主要负责人承担国家及省部级、厅项目10多项,获省部级科学技术二等奖、三等奖各1项。编写著作4部。
\rProf. Xiang has been engaged in teaching and related scientific research works of bridge engineering. He is a specialist in SHM of bridge engineering and expert in the field of Life Cycle Bridge Design and Construction. The main research interests include whole life design analysis theory, health monitoring and maintenance management and risk control of bridges, and the inspection, evaluation and reinforcement of bridges, submerged floating tunnel, etc. He had published more than 200 academic papers in important domestic and international academic journals, including Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE,Chinese Journal of highway and Transport, China Civil Engineering Journal, Journal of Zhejiang University, etc.,of which are more than 80 papers indexed in EI or SCI. There are 4 published books such as 《Cracking mechanism and control of concrete box girder bridge》,《Movable formwork design, construction and maintenance technical guidelines of bridges》, 《The numerical methods and procedures for analyzing the bridge structure 》 in the bridge engineering field, etc. He was responsibility for or participate many national and local scientific researches and international cooperation projects in the transportation engineering field, such as 'Nanjing second Yangtze river bridge –full-scale model space analysis and test research of tower of stayed-cable bridge with main span 628 m '. In 2000, He was awarded the science and technology progress prize of Zhejiang Province by Zhejiang Province Government. He received 2nd science prize by China highway Society in the transportation industry in 2009 for the movable formwork design, manufacturing and construction key technology research of prestressed concrete girders with spans 62.5 m . The 5 invention patents and 8 new type patents are awarded by the Chinese Patent Office
\r1995年~2015,浙江大学建筑工程学院 任教;任道桥研究室副主任、浙江大学交通工程研究所副所长、所长等工作,副教授、教授、博士生导师。茅以升科技教育基金会浙江大学古桥研究中心主任
\r2014- ,浙江省公路水利建设行业协会 会长

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