

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-14

姓名: 李凯 性别: 男
学历: 研究生 学位: 博士(硕导)
职称: 教授 出生年份: 1977
博导类型: 博导专业: —— 博导学院: ——
硕导类型: 学术型 硕导专业: 中医药信息学 硕导学院: 医学技术学院
Email: kaili@fudan.edu.cn 联系电话:
研究方向: 【2021年调剂政策有变,考生以可在系统中填报我校“中医药信息学”专业调剂为准,本专业授医学硕士学位,有调剂需求请邮件联系:kaili@fudan.edu.cn】。考生入校后主要从事李凯教授主持的浙江省重点研发计划现代中医诊疗设备研发-中医脑病居家个性化智能康复诊治一体化设备包研发及配套中医智能诊疗软件平台研发(600万),编程基础优秀者可参照科研助理职位,按月发放科研助理工资。李凯(浙江中医药大学“十大”研究生心目中的好导师获得者),博士、教授、高级工程师、中医师承针灸专业、浙江省之江青年****、复旦大学医疗健康大数据管理方向博士后。 现任浙江中医药大学中医药大数据与智慧健康研究中心主任、 浙江中医药大学健康管理研究所副所长,医学技术学院数据科学与大数据技术专业负责人。2016年起担任《智慧健康》副主编;兼任浙江省中医药学会互联网分会副会长、世界中医药联合会互联网健康产业分会常务理事、中国中医药信息学会人工智能分会常务理事、中国计算机学会CCF Digital《技术动态》编委。我项目团队主要从事医工结合交叉学科研究。方向一:中医药大数据与人工智能(重大疾病及典型疾病中医症型智能诊断、大数据病例库构建)、方向二:中医智能诊断及四诊客观化(基于Open CV、深度学习的中医症候处理、多模态中医健康数据分析)、方向三:中医智能健康诊疗装备(穿戴式经络腧穴经皮电刺激AI棋子、穿戴式中医脑病智能康复单元、智能红外治疗仪、智能望声诊仪)
工作单位: 浙江中医药大学中医药大数据与智慧健康研究中心

2、Study on the Model of Quantification of Syndromes and Identification of Syndrome Types Classification of Hypertension Based on Facial Color Spectral Decomposition Technology, International Journal of Robotics and Automation,Xiaoyu Ma,kai Li,SCI检索期刊,International Journal of Robotics and Automation,2020-05,浙江中医药大学,,,208-216

3、Improving Public Health Multidimensional Services through the Use of Smart Cloud Model,kai Li,Meng Qun,EI检索期刊,International Journal of Smart Home ,2015-09,浙江中医药大学,,,205-218

4、Intelligent Knowledge Service System Based on Depression Monitoring of College Students,Huina Yu,Kai Li,EI检索期刊,International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning,2019-06,浙江中医药大学,,,71-84

5、A novel public information system for mobile geriatric medical services,Kai Li,Yang Hua,EI检索期刊,Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle,2019-06,浙江中医药大学,,,197-202

6、An Information System of Clinical Pathway Management Based on the Integration Between Knowledge Management and Learning Organization,Jiali Liu,Kai Li,EI检索期刊,Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information,2019-10,浙江中医药大学,,,473-480

7、A Knowledge Management System for the Variation in Regional Clinical Pathways of Traditional Chinese Medicine Based on Smart Cloud Services,Xiaoying Hu,Kai Li,EI检索期刊,Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle,2019-12,浙江中医药大学,,,

8、基于智慧医疗的“感知云服务”技术创新与模式探索 ,李凯,,国家级,智慧健康,2016-05,浙江中医药大学,,,23-27

9、浙江省老年移动医疗多维服务体系构建研究,安燕,李凯,JST期刊,中国卫生信息管理,2015-12-18 00:10,浙江中医药大学,,,573-579









9、中医药古籍文献资源库及知识服务平台,寿勤泽,浙江中医药大学,国家财政部, 国家级,2017-05,2020-10,43,0








17、流程管理与变异智能计算共同导向的临床路径全过程管理研究——基于知识-学习理论,李凯,浙江中医药大学,浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题一般课题 ,省级,2016-01,2017-05,3,0

18、 浙江省老年移动医疗产业公共服务平台研究,李凯,浙江中医药大学,浙江省民政政策理论研究规划课题一般项目,省级,2015-06,2016-03,0.5,0




■ 首届浙江中医药大学“十大”研究生心目中的好导师获得者■ 李凯,博士、教授、高级工程师(计算机序列)、 ■ 中医师承针灸专业、中医药信息学(学术型)、中医药卫生事业管理专业(学术型)硕士生导师、■浙江省之江青年****、复旦大学医疗健康大数据管理方向博士后。■ 现任浙江中医药大学中医药大数据与智慧健康研究中心主任、■ 浙江中医药大学健康管理研究所副所长,■ 2016年起担任《智慧健康》副主编;■ 兼任浙江省中医药学会互联网分会副会长、世界中医药联合会互联网健康产业分会常务理事、中国中医药信息学会人工智能分会常务理事、中国医药新闻信息协会精准健康管理分会常委、中国计算机学会CCF Digital《技术动态》编委。■ 近3年研究重点主要集中在“中医智能关键技术装备”新兴交叉学科领域,其所带领的中医智能诊疗装备团队在国内颇具影响力,■ 2019年受邀为第650次香山会议“中医未病状态评测”特邀报告专家,■ 2019年作为负责人成功申请创办了浙江中医药大学数据科学与大数据技术专业。■ 目前主要从事中医智能与大数据分析领域工作,在中医智能关键技术装备领域研究处于全国前列(所研究的中医居家智能装备2018年国家重点研发计划、2019年国家重点研发计划均通过首轮评审)。(一)现任职情况:■ 1、浙江中医药大学中医药大数据与智慧健康研究中心主任;■ 2、浙江中医药大学健康管理研究所副所长;■ 3、浙江中医药大学数据科学与大数据技术专业负责人;■ 4、浙江中医药大学“十三五”特色专业计算机科学与技术专业负责人;■ 5、浙江中医药大学中医智能诊断与大数据分析联合实验室主任。(二)主要研究方向:■(1)中医智能诊疗装备■(2)基于感知增强技术的中医生物信息全息采集;■(3)中医人机混合增强智能诊断与知识智能计算;■(4)中医药大数据挖掘与分析;(三)主要学术兼职:■ 1、《智慧健康》副主编、编委会副主任;■ 2、浙江省中医药学会互联网分会副会长;■ 3、世界中医药联合会互联网健康产业分会常务理事;■ 4、中国中医药信息学会人工智能分会常务理事;5、中国医药新闻信息协会精准健康管理分会常委、专家委员会专家;6、中国计算机学会CCF Digital《技术动态》编委、专家库成员;7、浙江省科技评审专家库专家;8、中国老年医学学会院校教育分会委员会委员;9、中国电子商务协会智慧城市委员会理事;10、工信部数字与智慧医疗产业首届专家组成员(2014、2015、2016)。11、教育部学位中心学位论文评审专家■12、International Journal of Robotics and Automation审稿人(三)科研教学情况:入选浙江省人才项目1项,主持、参与国家及省部级课题11项,出版专著1本,发表论文20余篇,获省级科研成果1项。主持中西医大数据与智慧健康校企大型科研合作项目3项,已签订横向项目经费总额826.5万元。近三年教学科研经费1200余万元。2016年凭借中医临床路径优化与智能计算医工融合研究入选浙江省之江青年****;■ 2019年获浙江中医药大学中医学优势特色学科标志性成果(高级别科技项目)资助(90万)。【Academic Resume of Kai Li 】(1) Personal Profile Kai Li, Ph.D., associate professor , senior computer engineer, master supervisor, Zhejiang Province zhijiang young scholar, postdoctoral researchers of Fudan university, doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, major of acupuncture and moxibustion. At present hold the the director of TCM big data and smart health research center in Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, deputy director of the institute of health management. Concurrently, the deputy editor of Smart Healthcare, editorial board of Health Research, vice president of Internet branch of Zhejiang Province Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, executive director of the Internet health industry branch of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, standing director of the artificial intelligence branch of China Association of Chinese Medicine Information, member of standing committee and expert committee of precision health management branch of China News of Drug Information Association, editorial board member and editorial board member of CCF Digital. (2) Main Research Directions 1. Chinese medicine intelligent health equipment 2. Objective intelligent calculation of syndrome and pathogenesis 3. Big data analysis of traditional Chinese medicine 4. Human-machine hybrid enhanced intelligent diagnosis and knowledge intelligent calculation (3) Major Social Academic Part-time Jobs 1. Deputy editor and deputy director of the editorial committee of Smart Healthcare 2. Editorial board of Health Research 3. Vice President of Internet branch of Zhejiang Province Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine 4. Executive director of the Internet health industry branch of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies 5. Standing director of the artificial intelligence branch of China Association of Chinese Medicine Information 6. Member of standing committee and expert committee of precision health management branch of China News of Drug Information Association 7. Editorial board member and editorial board member of CCF Digital 8. Expert of Zhejiang science and technology evaluation expert database 9. Member of college education sub-committee of Chinese Geriatrics Society 10. Member of smart city committee of China Electronic Commerce Association 11. Member of the first expert group of Digital and Smart Healthcare Industry of Ministry of industry (2014, 2015, 2016) 12. Dissertation evaluation expert of degree center of ministry of education (4) Presiding over and Participating in Scientific Research Projects 1. Longitudinal Research Projects 1) Landmark achievements of the dominant and characteristic disciplines of traditional Chinese medicine in Zhejiang Chinese medical university, with grants of 900000 Yuan (High-level science and technology projects) 2) Study on the integration process model of knowledge management and learning organization guided by clinical path process management(LY16G030009), Zhejiang province natural science foundation general project, in 2016/01-2018/12, with grants of 60000 Yuan(presiding over) 3) Study on whole-process management of clinical pathway guided by process management and mutation intelligent computing—— based on the knowledgelearning theory ( 16ZJQN049YB ) , general subject of Zhejiang province philosophy and social science planning (for Zhijiang young scholar), in 2016/012017/05, with grants of 30000 Yuan (presiding over) 4) Research on public service platform of elderly mobile medical industry in Zhejiang province(ZMYB201546) , the general project of Zhejiang province civil policy theory research planning topic in 2015/06-2016/03, with grants of 5000 Yuan (presiding over) 5) Research on the prevention and control mechanism of medical insurance moral hazard under the background of big data: based on the empirical study of Zhejiang province(LY19G030007), Zhejiang province natural science foundation general project, in 2019/01-2021/12 (participating in) 6) Research on doctor-patient communication governance based on intelligent medical platform: investigate and survey from Hangzhou (18YJC630100), Zhejiang provincial ministry of education humanities and social sciences youth fund project, in 2018/07-2021/12 (participating in) 7) Establishment and empirical study of the measurement model of patient safety culture in TCM medical institutions(18YJC630064), Zhejiang Provincial Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Youth Fund Project, in 2018/07-2020/12 (participating in) 8) Traditional Chinese medicine ancient books resource library and knowledge service platform(), Ministry of Finance, in 2017/05-2020/10 9) Research on the construction of public service platform for the elderly mobile medical industry in Zhejiang province(2016C25G**), Science Technology Department of Zhejiang province, in 2016/11-2018/12, with grants of 80000 Yuan (participating in) 10) Study on the influence of yin-yang movement monthly rhythm on female fertility (LY17H270010), Zhejiang province natural science foundation general project, in 2017/01-2019/12, with grants of 80000 Yuan (participating in) 11) Research on mobile medical industry under the background of aging: snalysis based on dynamic SCP(ZMZC**), Zhejiang province civil policy theory research project self-financing course, in 2015/07-2016/05 (participating in) 12) Research on medical and health big data framework system and application development(12yjzh211), statistical information center committee of national health and family planning commission, in 2015/01-2014/12, with grants of 320000 Yuan (participating in) 13) Distributed traffic network flow control(12yjzh211), project of humanities and social science foundation of the ministry of education in 2012/01-2014/12 with grants of 70000 Yuan (participating in) 2. Horizontal Scientific Research Projects 1) TCM brain, intelligent health big data service platform project, horizontal project of school-enterprise cooperation, in 2020/03-2023/03, with grants of ** Yuan (presiding over) 2) Health big data collection of residents about traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine and ubiquitous intelligent health service platform(2017-HT151), horizontal project of school-enterprise cooperation, in 2017/05-2020/05, with grants of ** Yuan (presiding over) 3) Cooperation agreement for Co-built laboratory of Smart medicine and health big data analysis(2016-HT-437), horizontal project of school-enterprise cooperation in 2016/12-2021/12, with grants of ** Yuan (presiding over) 4) TCM "preventive treatment of disease " residents’ health big data and intelligent iot service platform project (**), horizontal project of school-enterprise cooperation in 2016/06-2018/06, with grants of 365000 Yuan (presiding over) (5) Publications of Representative Monographs and Papers 1) Kai Li, Hua Yang, Yunlong Zhang, Ying Xin, Zhehan Yang, Yan Zhu, Qun Meng. Improving Public Health Multidimensional Services Through the use of Smart Cloud Model, International Journal of Smart Home, 9(8), 2015, 205-218. 2) KaiLi,GuihongZhang,NanLi,HuaYang.A novel public information system for m obile geriatric medical services, Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, 33(3), 2019, 197-202. 3) Huina Yu, Guihong Zhang, Jiali Liu, Kai Li*. Intelligent Knowledge Service System Based on Depression Monitoring of College Students, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 14(12), 2019, 71-84. 4) Jiali Liu, Kai Li*. An Information System of Clinical Pathway Management Based on the Integration Between Knowledge Management and Learning Organization, Ingenierie des Systemes d'Information, 24(5), 2019, 473-480. 5) Xiaoying Hu, Jiali Liu, Shuwu Li, Kai Li*. A Knowledge Management System for the Variation in Regional Clinical Pathways of Traditional Chinese Medicine Based on Smart Cloud Services, Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, 33(6), 2019, 403-413. 6) Study on K-L Integration Process Model of Business Process-oriented KnowledgeIntensive Enterprises, China ocean university press, academic monograph in 2016 7) Analysis of the Dynamic Construction of Learning Organization, the theory edition of Guangming Ribao in 2012/10 8) Technological Innovation and Mode Exploration of "Perceived Cloud Service" Based on Smart Healthcare, Smart Healthcare, in 2015/01 9) Life Quality and its Influencing Factors of Chinese Undergraduate Students Majoring in Health Management, Smart Healthcare, in 2016/10 10) Strategic Analysis of Intelligent and Informationized Hospital, Chinese Journal of Health Information & Management, in 2015/01 11) Research on the Establishment of Multi-dimensional Service System of Mobile Medicine for the aged in Zhejiang Province, Chinese Journal of Health Information & Management, Corresponding author, in 2015 12) Research on Knowledge Human Factor Engineering Model Based on Organizational Learning, the fourth academic seminar on management in China, in 2011 (speech paper) (6) Talent Projects 1) Zhijiang young social science scholar in zhejiang province in 2016 (7) Scientific Research Awards 1) Research achievements of Liaoning province, Hospital Laboratory Report SMS Transmission System, in 2003, Department of Science & Technology of Liaoning Province


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    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-14
  • 浙江中医药大学导师教师师资介绍简介-李明晖
    基本信息姓名:李明晖性别:女学历:研究生学位:硕士(硕导)职称:主任医师出生年份:1974博导类型:博导专业:——博导学院:——硕导类型:专业型硕导专业:全科医学(西医硕导学院:第二临床医学院Email:lmhhx@163.com联系电话:**研究方向:工作单位:绍兴市人民医院发表论文科研项目科研成 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-14
  • 浙江中医药大学导师教师师资介绍简介-李萌
    基本信息姓名:李萌性别:女学历:研究生学位:博士(硕导)职称:副主任技师出生年份:1982-05博导类型:博导专业:——博导学院:——硕导类型:专业型硕导专业:临床检验诊断学硕导学院:第二临床医学院Email:lmbcwan@163.com联系电话:研究方向:疾病诊断早期标志物筛查及鉴定工作单位:浙 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-14