

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-11

已以第一作者(含共一)或通讯作者身份在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed(2篇)、J. Phys. Chem. Lett.(2篇)、 ACS Appl. Mater. InterfacesJ. Mater. Chem. CElectrochim. ActaElectrochem. Commun.等国际期刊上发表论文10篇
个人主页: http://mypage.zjnu.edu.cn/yahaowang/zh_CN/index.htm
2015.06 – 2019.09 厦门大学 博士 导师:李剑锋教授
2018.09 – 2019.03 American University交流
2012.09 – 2015.06 浙江师范大学 硕士 导师:周小顺研究员
2008.09 – 2012.06 安徽师范大学 材料化学 / 学士
1. 浙江省自然科学基金,探索项目, LQ21B030010, Pt-Ru纳米催化剂上CO及甲醇电氧化过程的原位拉曼光谱研究, 2021-01至2023-12, 10万元, 在研, 主持

21. Li X. M.#;Wang, Y. H.#(共一); Seng J.-.;Zheng, J. F.; Cao R.; Shao, Y.;Chen, J. Z.*; Li J. -F.; Zhou, X. S.*;Mao B. W.z-PiezoPulse-ModulatedSTMBreakJunction:TowardSingle-mleculeRectifierswithDissimilarMetalElectrodes.ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces2021, 13, 7, 8656–8663.
20.Wang, Y. H.; Yan, F.; Li, D. F.; Xi, Y. F.; Cao, R.; Zheng, J. F.; Shao, Y.; Jin, S.; Chen, J. Z.; Zhou, X. S., Enhanced Gating Performance of Single-Molecule Conductance by Heterocyclic Molecules.J Phys Chem Lett2021, 758-763.
19.Tao, C.-P.; Jiang, C.-C.;Wang, Y.-H.*; Zheng, J.-F.; Shao, Y.; Zhou, X.-S.*, Single-Molecule Sensing of Interfacial Acid–Base Chemistry.J. Phys. Chem. Lett.2020, 10023-10028.
18.Wang, Y.-H.; Huang, H.; Yu, Z.; Zheng, J.-F.; Shao, Y.; Zhou, X.-S.*; Chen, J.-Z.*; Li, J.-F.*, Modulating electron transport through single-molecule junctions by heteroatom substitution.J. Mater. Chem.C2020, 8 (20), 6826-6831.
17. Zhang, F.; Wu, X. H.; Zhou, Y. F.; Wang, Y.-H.; Zhou, X. S.*; Shao, Y.; Li, J. F.; Jin, S.*; Zheng, J. F.* Improving gating efficiency of electron transport through redox-active molecular junctions with conjugated chain.ChemElectroChem2020, 7, 1337-1341.
16.Wang, Y.-H.; Le, J.-B, ; Li, W.-Q.; Liang, M.-M.; Zhang, H.;Cheng, J.; Tian, Z.-Q.;Li, J.-F., In situ Spectroscopic Insight into the Origin of the Enhanced Performance of Bimetallic Nanocatalysts towards the Oxygen Reduction Reaction (ORR).Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2019,58(45), 16062-16066 (VIP paper).
15.Wang, Y.-H.; Liang, M.-M.;Zhang, Y.-J.; Chen, S.; Radjenovic, P.; Zhang, H.; Yang, Z.-L.; Zhou, X.-S.; Tian, Z.-Q.; Li, J.-F., Probing Interfacial Electronic and Catalytic Properties on Well-Defined Surfaces by Using InSitu Raman Spectroscopy.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2018,57(35), 11257-11261 (VIP paper).
14.Liang, M.-M.;Wang, Y.-H.(共一); Shao, R.; Yang, W.-M.; Zhang, H.; Yang, Z.-L.; Li, J.-F.; Tian, Z.-Q., In situ electrochemical surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy study of CO electrooxidation on PtFe nanocatalysts.Electrochem. Commun. 2017, 81, 38-42.
13.Zhang, H.;Zhang, X.-G.;Wei, J.;Wang, C.;Chen, S.;Sun, H.-L.;Wang, Y.-H.;Chen, B.-H.;Yang, Z.-L.;Wu, D.-Y.;Li, J.-F.; Tian, Z.-Q., Revealing the Role of Interfacial Properties on Catalytic Behaviors by in Situ Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2017,139(30), 10339-10346.
12. Wen, B. Y.;Jin, X.;Li, Y.;Wang, Y.-H.;Li, C. Y.;Liang, M. M.;Panneerselvam, R.;Xu, Q. C.;Wu, D. Y.;Yang, Z. L.;Li, J. F.; Tian, Z. Q., Shell-isolated nanoparticle-enhanced Raman spectroscopy study of the adsorption behaviour of DNA bases on Au(111) electrode surfaces.Analyst2016,141(12), 3731-3736.
11. Wen, B. Y.;Yi, J.;Wang, Y.-H.;Madasamy, K.;Zhang, H.;Kathiresan, M.;Li, J. F.; Tian, Z. Q., In-situ monitoring of redox processes of viologen at Au(hkl) single-crystal electrodes using electrochemical shell-isolated nanoparticle-enhanced Raman spectroscopy.Electrochem. Commun.2016,72, 131-134.
10. Chen, Z. B.; Hong, Z. W.;Li, D. F.;Wang, Y.-H.; Zheng, J. F.; Shao, Y.; Zhou, X. S., The Conductance of Pyridine-Based Molecules Measured in Ambient Air and Electrolyte Solution: Effect of Surrounding.Int. J. Electrochem. Sc.2015,10(4), 2931-2938.
9. Han, D.;Hong, Z. W.;Li, D. F.;Zheng, J. F.;Wang, Y.-H.; Zhou, X. S., Single-Molecule Junction Conductance of Terephthalic Acid Contacting Ag and Cu Electrodes Measured by an Electrochemical Method.Acta. Phys.-Chim. Sin.2015,31(1), 105-110.
8. Hong, Z. W.;Chen, F.;Wang, Y.-H.;Mao, J. C.;Li, D. F.;Tang, Y. A.;Shao, Y.;Niu, Z. J.; Zhou, X. S., The binding sites of carboxylic acid group contacting to Cu electrode.Electrochem. Commun.2015,59, 48-51.
7. Li, D. F.;Mao, J. C.;Chen, D. L.;Chen, F.;Hong, Z. W.; Zhou, X. Y.;Wang, Y.-H.;Zhou, X. S.;Niu, Z. J.; Maisonhaute, E., Single-molecule conductance with nitrile and amino contacts with Ag or Cu electrodes.Electrochi. Acta.2015,174, 340-344.
6. Chen, L.;Wang, Y.-H.;He, B. R.;Nie, H.;Hu, R. R.;Huang, F.;Qin, A. J.;Zhou, X. S.;Zhao, Z. J.; Tang, B. Z., Multichannel Conductance of Folded Single-Molecule Wires Aided by Through-Space Conjugation.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2015,54(14), 4231-4235.
5.Wang, Y.-H.; Hong, Z. W.; Sun, Y. Y.; Li, D. F.; Han, D.; Zheng, J. F.; Niu, Z. J.; Zhou, X. S., Tunneling Decay Constant of Alkanedicarboxylic Acids: Different Dependence on the Metal Electrodes between Air and Electrochemistry.J. Phys. Chem. C.2014,118(32), 18756-18761.
4.Wang, Y.-H.; Li, D. F.; Hong, Z. W.; Liang, J. H.; Han, D.; Zheng, J. F.; Niu, Z. J.; Mao, B. W.; Zhou, X. S., Conductance of alkyl-based molecules with one, two and three chains measured by electrochemical STM break junction.Electrochem. Commun.2014,45, 83-86.
3.Wang, Y.-H.; Zhou, X. Y.; Sun, Y. Y.; Han, D.; Zheng, J. F.; Niu, Z. J.; Zhou, X. S., Conductance measurement of carboxylic acids binding to palladium nanoclusters by electrochemical jump-to-contact STM break junction.Electrochi. Acta.2014,123, 205-210.
2. Zhou, X. Y.;Wang, Y.-H.;Qi, H. M.;Zheng, J. F.;Niu, Z. J.; Zhou, X. S., Single-molecule conductance of dipyridines binding to Ag electrodes measured by electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy break junction.Nanoscale Res. Lett.2014, 9:77.
1. Peng, Z. L.; Sun, Y. Y.;Zhou, X. Y.;Wang, Y.-H.;Han, D.;Niu, Z. J.; Zhou, X. S., The Influence of Conjugated Bond on Single Molecule Conductance of Carboxylic Acids Measured by Electrochemical Jump-To-Contact Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Break Junction.Int. J. Electrochem. Sc.2013,8(5), 6544-6552.

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