倪健,男,1968年7月出生。华东师范大学生态学博士,中国科学院植物研究所博士后,中国科学院“****”入选者。曾任中国科学院植物研究所和地球化学研究所研究员,德国马普生物地球化学研究所、魏格纳极地与海洋研究所和波茨坦气候影响研究所高级科学家(Senior Scientist)。现为浙江师范大学化学与生命科学学院杰出教授,中国古生物学会孢粉学分会理事,中国植物学会植物生态学专业委员会委员。担任Global Change Biology、Journal of Plant Ecology、植物生态学报、应用生态学报、干旱区地理、地球与环境等杂志编委,为62份国际杂志和17份国内杂志审稿人。
访问****: 1997年8月-1998年5月,瑞典隆德大学植物生态学系(Department of Plant Ecology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden);
访问****/博士后: 2000年2月-2003年1月,德国马普生物地球化学研究所(Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany);
Senior Scientist:2003年2月-2008年1月,德国马普生物地球化学研究所(Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany);
Research Scientist:2008年2月-2011年4月,德国魏格纳极地与海洋研究所(Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Potsdam, Germany);
Research Scientist:2011年5月-2011年10月,德国波兹坦大学生物化学与生物研究所(Institute of Biochemistry and Biology, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany);
Research Scientist(兼职):2011年11月-2014年10月,德国魏格纳极地与海洋研究所(Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Potsdam, Germany);德国波兹坦大学生物化学与生物研究所(Institute of Biochemistry and Biology, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany);
Research Scientist(兼职):2014年10月-2015年7月,德国波兹坦气候影响研究所(Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany)。
3、估算森林生物量的普适性相对生长方程(国家自然科学基金面上项目, **, 课题, 2019.01-2022.12)
2002年-2016年,《植物生态学报》(Acta Phytoecologica Sinica)编辑委员会委员
2006年-2016年,《干旱区地理》(Arid Land Geography)编辑委员会委员
2006年-2009年,《干旱区研究》(Arid Land Research)编辑委员会委员
2008年-2010年,“Journal of Plant Ecology” Associate Editor
2008年-2010年,“Global Change Biology” Editorial Advisory Board
2008年-2015年,“The Open Geography Journal”Editorial AdvisoryBoard Member (2016年停刊)
2011年-2020年,“Advances in Environmental Protection”Editorial Board Member
2013年-2017年,《地球与环境》(Earth and Environments)编辑委员会委员
2016年-2020年,《应用生态学报》(Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology)编辑委员会委员
2016年-2019年,“The Open Ecology Journal”Editorial Advisory Board Member
Liu LB, Ni J*. 2021. Variations of the biodiversity and carbon functions of karst forests in two morphologically different sites in southwestern China. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 67(1-2): 9-16.
Liu LB, Wu YN, Zhong QL, Xu X, Yang Y, Guo YM, Xu HY, Ni J*. 2021. Tree species influences soil microbial community diversity but not biomass in a karst forest in southwestern China. Journal of Plant Ecology 14(2): 280-290.
Han WJ, Wang GM, Liu JL, Ni J*. 2021. Delineating the effects of vegetation type, season, and soil properties on soil microbial community composition in subtropical forests. Applied Soil Ecology 158: 103813.
Li K, Zhang Y, Liao MN, Ni J* and Chen YF*. 2020. Late-Holocene vegetation change reveals the living environment of ancient people and the creation background of Huashan cliff paintings in Guangxi, southwestern China. The Holocene 30(9): 1296-1309.
Liao MN, Herzschuh U, Wang YB, Liu XQ, Ni J, Li K. 2020. Lake diatom response to climate change and sedimentary events on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau during the last millennium. Quaternary Science Reviews 241: 106409.
Geissler K, Fiedler S, Ni J, Herzschuh U, Jeltsch F. 2019. Combined effects of grazing and climate warming drive shrub dominance on the Tibetan Plateau. The Rangeland Journal 41(5): 425-439.
Han WJ, Cao JY, Liu JL, Jiang J, Ni J*. 2019. Impacts of nitrogen deposition on terrestrial plant diversity: a meta-analysis in China. Journal of Plant Ecology 12(6): 1025-1033.
Li, K., Liao, M.N., Ni, J., Liu, X.Q. and Wang, Y.B. 2019. Treeline composition and biodiversity change on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau during the past millennium, inferred from a high-resolution alpine pollen record. Quaternary Science Reviews206: 44-55.
Guo, C.Z., Wu, Y.Y., Ni, J.(corresponding author) and Guo, Y.M. 2019. Forest carbon storage in GuizhouProvince based on field measurement dataset. Acta Geochimica38(1): 8-21.
Liu, L.B., Ni, J.(corresponding author), Zhong, Q.L., Hu, G. and Zhang, Z.H. 2018. High mortality and low net change in live woody biomass of karst evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest in southwestern
Guo, Y.M., Ni, J.(corresponding author), Liu, L.B., Wu, Y.Y., Guo, C.Z., Xu, X. and Zhong, Q.L. 2018. Estimating aboveground biomass using Pléiades satellite image in a karst watershed of GuizhouProvince, Southwestern China. Journal of Mountain Science15(5): 1020-1034.
Wang, H., Harrison, S.P., Prentice, I.C., Yang, Y.Z., Togashi, H.F., Wang, M., Zhou, S.X., Bai, F. and Ni, J.2018. The
Cao, X.Y., Tian, F., Telford, R.J., Ni, J., Xu, Q.H., Chen, F.H., Liu, X.Q., Stebich, M., Zhao, Y. and Herzschuh, U. 2017. Impacts of the spatial extent of pollen-climate calibration-set on the absolute values, range and trends of reconstructed Holocene precipitation. Quaternary Science Reviews178: 37-53.
Li, K., Liu, X.Q., Wang, Y.B., Herzschuh, U., Ni, J., Liao, M.N. and Xiao, X.Y. 2017. Late Holocene vegetation and climate change on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau: Implications for the Indian Summer Monsoon and links to the Indian Ocean Dipole. Quaternary Science Reviews177: 235-245.
Ni, J., Xu, H.Y. and Liu, L.B. 2017. Low net primary productivity of dominant tree species in a karst forest, southwestern
Dallmeyer, A., Claussen, M., Ni, J., Cao, X.Y., Wang, Y.B., Fischer, N., Pfeiffer, M., Jin, L., Khon, V., Wagner, S., Haberkorn, K. and Herzschuh, U. 2017. Biome changes in Asia since the mid-Holocene – an analysis of different transient Earth system model simulations. Climate of the Past13(2): 107-134.
谭斌, 徐德宇, 张芸, 孔昭辰, 倪健*. 2021. 样地尺度现代植被与表土花粉的定量关系. 应用生态学报 32(2): 441-452.
袁泉, 曹嘉瑜, 刘建峰, 徐德宇, 樊海东, 谭斌, 徐丹妮, 刘立斌, 叶铎, 倪健*. 2021. 生长型分类方案不同导致森林生态系统植物功能性状的统计偏差. 生态学报 41(3): 1106-1115.
杨勇, 许鑫, 徐玥, 倪健*. 2020. 黔北优势植物对槽谷型喀斯特生境的适应策略: 基于功能性状与生态化学计量相关联的证据. 地球与环境 48(4): 413-423.
曹嘉瑜, 刘建峰, 袁泉, 徐德宇, 樊海东, 陈海燕, 谭斌, 刘立斌, 叶铎, 倪健*. 2020. 森林与灌丛的灌木性状揭示不同的生长策略. 植物生态学报44(7): 715-729.(优秀文章)
刘立斌, 周运超, 程安云, 王世杰, 蔡先立, 倪健*. 2020. 利用皆伐法估算黔中喀斯特森林的地上生物量. 生态学报40(13): 4455-4461.
刘立斌, 许海洋, 倪健*, 郭银明,梁辉, 芦晓明, 张慧, 梁尔源. 2020. 基于树木年轮定量重建过去50年贵州典型森林优势树种的地上生物量与生产力变化. 生态学报40(10): 3441-3451.
刘立斌, 钟巧连, 倪健*. 2019. 贵州高原型喀斯特次生林C、N、P生态化学计量特征与储量. 生态学报39(22): 8606-8614.
廖梦娜, 谭斌, 倪健*, 李凯. 2019. 立地尺度植被重建模型MARCO POLO 的应用分析—以柴达木盆地为例. 生态学报 39(21): 8027-8037.
樊海东, 陈海燕, 吴雁南, 刘建峰, 徐德宇, 曹嘉瑜, 袁泉, 谭斌, 刘晓彤, 徐佳, 王国敏, 韩文娟, 刘立斌*, 倪健*. 2019. 金华北山南坡主要植被类型的群落特征. 植物生态学报43(10): 921-928.
王国敏, 曹嘉瑜, 倪健*. 2019. 山地土壤微生物地理分布格局及其驱动机制. 地球与环境 47(4): 565-574.
徐佳, 樊海东, 倪健*. 2019. 1950-2015年中国植物物候变化的集成分析. 亚热带资源与环境学报 14(2): 1-11.
刘晓彤, 袁泉, 倪健*. 2019. 中国植物分布模拟研究现状. 植物生态学报43(4): 273-283.
李凯, 谭斌, 廖梦娜, 倪健(通讯作者). 2018. 末次盛冰期以来云南异龙湖的环境演变—来自地球化学沉积记录的证据. 生态学报38(24): 8973-8982.
刘立斌, 钟巧连, 倪健(通讯作者). 2018. 基于生物量回归方程估算黔中喀斯特常绿落叶阔叶混交林木本植物的根系生物量. 生态学报38(24): 8726-8732.
高思涵, 葛珏希, 周李奕, 朱宝琳, 葛星宇, 李凯(通讯作者), 倪健(通讯作者). 2018. 测定森林树木叶面积的最适叶片数是多少?植物生态学报42(9): 917-925.
钟巧连, 刘立斌, 许鑫, 杨勇, 郭银明, 许海洋, 蔡先立, 倪健(通讯作者). 2018. 黔中喀斯特木本植物功能性状变异及其适应策略. 植物生态学报42(5): 562-572.
许海洋, 刘立斌, 郭银明, 梁辉, 倪健(通讯作者). 2018. 我国西南地区喀斯特森林树木年轮对气候变化的响应. 地球与环境46(1): 23-32.
王世杰, 刘再华, 倪健, 闫俊华, 刘秀明. 2017. 中国南方喀斯特地区碳循环研究进展. 地球与环境45(1): 2-9.
胡刚, 张忠华, 程安云, 刘立斌, 吴洋洋, 倪健(通讯作者). 2017. 黔中天龙山喀斯特次生林林分空间结构的量化与分析. 地球与环境45(1): 25-31.
李梦德, 刘立斌, 倪健(通讯作者). 2017. 喀斯特常绿与落叶阔叶混交林过去50年来的碳循环模拟. 地球与环境45(1): 96-105.
倪健, 王世杰, 刘立斌, 蔡先立, 程安云, 彭韬, 黎廷宇, 胡刚, 张忠华, 周运超, 郭柯, 刘长成, 白晓永, 刘秀明, 罗维均, 张林, 吴洋洋, 李梦德, 郭纯子, 许海洋, 钟巧连, 郭银明, 杨华妹, 许鑫, 杨勇. 2017. 普定喀斯特生态系统观测研究站的生物样地建设与监测工作. 地球与环境45(1): 106-113.
倪健. 2017. 全球变化研究中的生物气候指标. 第四纪研究37(3): 431-441.
Liu, L.B., Yang, H.M., Xu, Y., Guo, Y.M. and Ni, J.(corresponding author). 2016. Forest biomass and net primary productivity in southwestern China: A meta-analysis focusing on environmental driving factors. Forests7: 173. (p 1-16)
Liu, L.B., Wu, Y.Y., Hu, G., Zhang, Z.H., Cheng, A.Y., Wang, S.J. and Ni, J.(corresponding author). 2016. Biomass of karst evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest in central Guizhou province, southwestern China: A comprehensive inventory of a 2 ha plot. Silva Fennica 50(3): article id 1492. 16 p.
Meng, T.T., Wang, H., Harrison, S.P., Prentice, I.C., Ni, J.and Wang, G.H. 2015. Responses of leaf traits to climatic gradients: adaptive variation versus compositional shifts. Biogeosciences12(18): 5339-5352.
Ni, J., Luo, D.H., Xia, J., Zhang, Z.H. and Hu, G. 2015. Vegetation in karst terrain of southwestern China allocates more biomass to roots. Solid Earth6(3): 799-810.
Cao, X.Y., Herzschuh, U., Ni, J., Zhao, Y. and B?hmer, T.2015. Spatial and temporal distributions of major tree taxa in eastern continental Asia during the last 22,000 yr. The Holocene25(1): 79-91.
Cao, X.Y., Herzschuh, U., Telford, R.J. and Ni, J.2014. A modern pollen-climate dataset from China and Mongolia: Assessing its potential for climate reconstruction.Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology211: 87-96.
Ni, J., Cao, X.Y., Jeltsch, F. and Herzschuh, U. 2014. Biome distribution over the last 22,000 yr in China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology409: 33-47.
Wang, H., Prentice, I.C. and Ni, J.2013. Data-based modelling and environmental sensitivity of vegetation in China. Biogeosciences10(9): 5817-5830.
Ni, J.2013. Carbon storage in Chinese terrestrial ecosystems: approaching a more accurate estimate. Climatic Change119(3-4): 905-917.
Cao, X.Y., Ni, J. (corresponding author), Herzschuh, U. (corresponding author), Wang, Y.B. and Zhao, Y. 2013. A late Quaternary pollen dataset from eastern continental Asia for vegetation and climate reconstructions: set up and evaluation. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology194: 21-37.
Zhang, Z.H., Hu, G., Zhu, J.D. andNi, J. (corresponding author).2013. Aggregated spatial distributions of species in a subtropical karst forest, southwestern China. Journal of Plant Ecology6(2): 131-140.
Zhang, Z.H., Hu, G. andNi, J. (corresponding author).2013. Effects of topographical and edaphic factors on the distribution of plant communities in two subtropical karst forests, southwestern China. Journal of Mountain Science10(1): 95-104.
Wang, H., Prentice, I.C. and Ni, J.2012. Primary production in forests and grasslands of China: contrasting environmental responses of light- and water-use efficiency models. Biogeosciences 9(11): 4689-4705.
Zhang, Z.H., Hu, G., Zhu, J.D. and Ni, J. (corresponding author).2012. Stand structure, woody species richness and composition of subtropical karst forests in Maolan, south-west China. Journal of Tropical Forest Science24(4): 498-506.
Ni, J.and Herzschuh, U. 2011. Simulating biome distribution on the Tibetan Plateau using a modified global vegetation model. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research43(3): 429-441.
Wang, H., Ni, J.and Prentice, I.C. 2011. Sensitivity of potential natural vegetation in China to projected changes in temperature, precipitation and atmospheric CO2. Regional Environmental Change11(3): 715-727.
Herzschuh, U., Ni, J., Birks, H.J.B. and B?hner, J. 2011. Driving forces of mid-Holocene vegetation shifts on the upper Tibetan Plateau, with emphasis on changes in atmospheric CO2concentrations. Quaternary Science Reviews30(15-16): 1907-1917.
Meng, M., Ni, J.and Zong, M.J. 2011. Impacts of changes in climate variability on regional vegetation in China: NDVI-based analysis from 1982 to 2000. Ecological Research26(2): 421-428.
Prentice, I.C., Meng, T.T., Wang, H., Harrison, S.P., Ni, J.and Wang, G.H. 2011. Evidence of a universal scaling relationship for leaf CO2drawdown along an aridity gradient. New Phytologist190(1): 169-180.
Ni, J.2011. Impacts of climate change on Chinese ecosystems: key vulnerable regions and potential thresholds. Regional Environmental Change11(suppl. 1): S49-S64.
Chen, Y., Ni, J. (corresponding author)and Herzschuh, U. 2010. Quantifying modern biomes based on surface pollen data in China. Global and Planetary Change74(3-4): 114-131.
Zhang, Z.H., Hu, G., Zhu, J.D., Luo, D.H. and Ni, J. (corresponding author). 2010. Spatial patterns and interspecific associations of dominant tree species in two old-growth karst forests, SW China. Ecological Research25(6): 1151-1160.
Zhang, Y., Kong, Z.C., Wang, G.H. and Ni, J. (corresponding author). 2010. Anthropogenic and climatic impacts on surface pollen assemblages along a precipitation gradient in north-eastern China. Global Ecology and Biogeography19(5): 621-631.
Ni, J., Yu, G., Harrison, S.P. and Prentice, I.C. 2010. Palaeovegetation in China during the late Quaternary: Biome reconstructions based on a global scheme of plant functional types. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology289(1-4): 44-61.
Harrison, S.P., Prentice, I.C., Barboni, D., Kohfeld, K., Ni, J.and Sutra, J.-P. 2010. Ecophysiological and bioclimatic foundations for a global plant functional classification. Journal of Vegetation Science21(2): 300-317.
Herzschuh, U., Birks, H.J.B., Ni, J., Zhao, Y., Liu, H.Y. Liu, X.Q. and Grosse, G. 2010. Holocene land-cover changes on the Tibetan Plateau. The Holocene20(1): 91-104.
Ashiq, M.W., Zhao, C.Y., Ni, J.and Akhtar, M. 2010. GIS based high-resolution spatial interpolation of precipitation in mountain-plain areas of Upper Pakistan for regional climate change impact studies. Theoretical and Applied Climatology99(3-4): 239-253.
Meng, T.T., Ni, J. (corresponding author)and Harrison, S.P. 2009. Plant morphometric traits and climate gradients in northern China: a meta-analysis using quadrat and flora data. Annals of Botany104(6): 1217-1229.
Zhang, Y., Kong, Z.C., Yan, S., Yang Z.J. and Ni, J (corresponding author). 2009. “Medieval Warm Period” on the northern slope of central Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang, NW China. Geophysical Research Letters 36: L11702,doi:10.1029/2009GL037375.(Editors’ Highlight)
Zhang, Y., Kong, Z.C., Ni, J., Yan, S. and Yang, Z.J. 2008. Pollen record and environmental evolution of Caotanhu wetland in Xinjiang since 4550 cal. a BP. Chinese Science Bulletin53(7): 1049-1061.
Zhang, Y., Kong, Z.C., Ni, J., Yan, S. and Yang, Z.J. 2007. Late Holocene palaeoenvironment change in central Tianshan of Xinjiang, northwest China. Grana46(3): 197–213.
Ni, J., Wang, G.H., Bai, Y.F. and Li, X.Z. 2007. Scale-dependent relationships between plant diversity and above-ground biomass in temperate grasslands, south-eastern Mongolia. Journal of Arid Environments68(1): 132-142.
Zhang, Y., Kong, Z.C., Yan, S., Yang, Z.J. and Ni, J.2006. Fluctuation of Piceatimberline and paleo-environment on the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains during the Late Holocene.Chinese Science Bulletin51(14): 1747-1756.
Ni, J., Harrison, S.P., Prentice, I.C., Kutzbach, J.E. and Sitch, S. 2006. Impact of climate variability on present and Holocene vegetation: A model-based study. Ecological Modelling191(3-4): 469-486.
Wang, G.H. and Ni, J.2005. Responses of plant functional types to an environmental gradient on the Northeast China Transect. Ecological Research20(5): 563-572.
Wang, Q., Ni, J.and Tenhunen, J. 2005. Application of a geographically-weighted regression analysis to estimate net primary production of Chinese forest ecosystems. Global Ecology and Biogeography14(4): 379-393.
Wang, G.H. and Ni, J.2005. Plant traits and environmental conditions along the Northeast China Transect. Ekologia-Bratislava24(2): 170-185.
Ni, J. 2004. Forage yield-based carbon storage in grasslands of China. Climatic Change67(2-3): 237-246.
Ni, J. 2004. Forest productivity of the Altay and Tianshan Mountains in the dryland, northwesternChina. Forest Ecology and Management202(1-3): 13-22.
Ni, J. 2004. Estimating grassland net primary productivity from field biomass measurements in temperate northern China. Plant Ecology174(2): 217-234.
Zhang, Y., Kong, Z.C., Yang, Z.J., Yan, S. and Ni, J. 2004. Vegetation changesand environmentalevolutionin the Urumqi River Head,central Tianshan Mountainssince 3.6 ka B.P.: a case studyof Daxigou profile. Acta Botanica Sinica46(6): 655-667.
Yu, G., Ke, X.K., Xue, B. and Ni, J. 2004. The relationships between the surface arboreal pollen and the plants of the vegetation in China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology129(4): 187-198.
Ni, J.and Wang G.H. 2004. Northeast China Transect (NECT): Ten-year synthesis and future challenges. Acta Botanica Sinica46(4): 379-391.
Ni, J. 2003. Plant functional types and climate along a precipitation gradient in temperate grasslands, north-east China and south-east Mongolia. Journal of Arid Environments53(4): 501-516.
Ni, J. 2003. Net primary productivity in forests of China: Scaling-up of national inventory data and comparison with model predictions. Forest Ecology and Management176(1-3): 485-495.
Ni, J. and Ding, S.Y. 2002. Modeling the large-scale distribution of plant diversity: A possibility inferred from climate and productivity. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica(植物生态学报) 26(5): 568-574.
Ni, J. 2002. Effects of climate change on carbon storage in boreal forests of China: A local perspective. Climatic Change55(1-2): 61-75.
Ni, J. 2002. Carbon storage in grasslands of China. Journal of Arid Environments50(2): 205-218.
Ni, J.2001. A biome classification of China based on plant functional types and the BIOME3 model.Folia Geobotanica36(2): 113-129.
Ni, J., Zhang, X.S. and Scurlock, J.M.O. 2001. Synthesis and analysis of biomass and net primary productivity in Chinese forests.Annals of Forest Science58(4): 351-384.
Ni, J.2001. Carbon storage in terrestrial ecosystems of China: Estimates at different spatial resolutions and their responses to climate change. Climatic Change49(3): 339-358.
Yu, G., Chen, X., Ni, J., Cheddadi, R., Guiot, J., Han, H., Harrison, S.P., Huang, C., Ke, M., Kong, Z., Li, S., Li, W., Liew, P., Liu, G., Liu, J., Liu, Q., Liu, K.-B., Prentice, I. C., Qui, W.,Ren, G., Song, C., Sugita, S., Sun, X.,Tang, L., Van Campo, E., Xia, Y., Xu, Q., Yan, S., Yang, X., Zhao, J. and Zheng, Z. 2000. Palaeovegetation of China: a pollen data-based synthesis for the mid-Holocene and last glacial maximum. Journal of Biogeography27(3): 635-664.
Ni, J., Sykes, M.T., Prentice, I.C. and Cramer, W. 2000. Modeling the vegetation of China using the process-based equilibrium terrestrial biosphere model BIOME3. Global Ecology and Biogeography9(6): 463-479.
Ni, J. and Zhang, X.S. 2000. Climate variability, ecological gradient and the Northeast China Transect (NECT). Journal of Arid Environments46(3): 313-325.
Ni, J. 2000. A simulation of biomes on the Tibetan Plateau and their responses to global climate change. Mountain Research and Development20(1): 80-89.
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