学术兼职:南京大学理论物理中心主任;《南大学报(理科)》主编;《Commu. Theor. Phy.》编委
2011.1-2015.12 高温超导材料的物理研究 973计划 参与
2009.1-2013.12 低维石墨电子关联作用和输运性质研究 973子课题 参与
2006.1-2010.12 非常规超导体物理及其机制 973子课题 参与
2006.1-2008.12 强关联电子系物性的理论研究 国家自然科学基金 主持
2004.1-2006.12 铜(锰)氧化物强关联电子系统中的异常物理现象 国家自然科学基金 主持
2001.1-2003.12 低维小尺寸量子自旋系统的研究 国家自然科学基金 主持
1999.1-2001.12 低维无序及介观系统电子输运和局域性质的研究 国家自然科学基金 主持
1. Redistributing Chern Numbers of Landau Subbands: Tight-Binding Electrons under Staggered Modulated Magnetic Fields Yi-Fei Wang and Chang-De Gong PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 98, 096802 (2007)
2. Tuning kinetic magnetism of strongly correlated electrons via a staggered flux Wang, YF; Gong, CD; Wang, ZD PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 100, 037202 (2008)
3. Fermi-surface evolution and pseudogap symmetry in n-type cuprate superconductors Zhou, Y; Lin, HQ; Gong, CD PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77, 092510 (2008)
4. Quasiparticle resonance states around a magnetic impurity in a two-dimensional f-wave superconductor Zuo, XJ; An, J; Gong, CD PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77, 144512 (2008)
5. A note on Haldane's conjecture Pan, LH; Gong, CD JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 20, 215232 (2008)
6. Modulations of orders around a magnetic impurity in a d-wave superconductor Zuo, XJ; An, J; Gong, CD PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77, 212508 (2008)
7. Four-step evolution of spin Hall conductance: Tight-binding electrons with Rashba coupling in a magnetic field Wang YF, Zhao Y, Gong CD PHYSICAL REVIEW B 78, 045301 (2008)
8. Tuning the patterns of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state by magnetic impurities in d-wave superconductors Zuo, XJ; Gong, CD EPL 86, 47004 (2009)
9. Phase separation between different pairing symmetries in trapped fermionic superfluids An, J; Gong, CD PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 063607 (2009)
10. Induced chiral Dirac fermions in graphene by a periodically modulated magnetic field Xu, L; An, J; Gong, CD PHYSICAL REVIEW B 81, 125424 (2010)
11. Patterns induced by magnetic impurities in d-wave superconductors Zuo, XJ; Gong, CD; Zhou, Y PHYSICS LETTERS A 374, 3220 (2010)
12. Tunable striped-patterns by lattice anisotropy and magnetic impurities in d-wave superconductors Zuo, XJ; Zhou, Y; Gong, CD PHYSICS LETTERS A 374, 3789 (2010)
13. Topological-Fermi-liquid to quantum-Hall-liquid transitions: p-band and d-band fermions in an external magnetic field Wang, YF; Gong, CD PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 113304 (2010)
14. Two-step evolution of doping dependent antiferromagnetism and charge imbalance in multilayered cuprates Zhou, Y; Lin, HQ; Gong, CD PHYSICS LETTERS A 374, 4065 (2010)
15. Interface edge states and quantum Hall effect in graphene under a modulated magnetic field PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155421 (2010)
16. Magnetic-flux tuning of spin chirality in Mott insulators with ring exchanges Wang, YF; Gong, CD PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 132406 (2010)
1.“超导临界温度理论”, 全国科学大会奖;1978年;国家自然科学四等奖,1982年
3.《热力学与统计物理学》,国家教委“高等学校优秀教材奖” 一等奖;1986年,唯一作者
4.“光与物质相互作用”; 国家教委科技进步二等奖;1991年;排名1
5.“低维系统中的相变与元激发”; 国家教委科技进步二等奖;1993年;排名1
7.“凝聚态物理学高层次人才培养研究与实践”; 国家级教学成果一等奖;1997年; 排名2
9.“介观环的持续电流及其电子输运性质”; 广东省重大科技研究成果;1998年,排名3